Novel Name : The Villain's Redemption

Chapter 162 General Mo

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Chapter 162 General Mo

Fang Yu stood in front of the now-closed portal. Her eyes were still glued at the empty space as her heart hammered against her chest.
She wasn't in love.
She wasn't angry.
But she wasn't happy either.
She thought she felt nothing. She wasn't even relieved that Mo Li would now stop following her around. So how could she explain this emotion?
In the end, Fang Yu sighed and sat on the cold ice bed. She roamed her eyes in the silent room. For some reason, she felt that it was too quiet and cold. It was as if the warmth inside the room disappeared along with Mo Li.
Probably because she had no one to talk to now, she consoled herself. Another sigh escaped her lips as she lay on the bed and stared at the ceiling made of ice. She was worried. That's right. She was only worried. Nothing more.
After a few minutes, Fang Yu closed her eyes and held her chest. It was heavy and… suffocating. In the end, Fang Yu opened her eyes and sat in the lotus position as she started cultivating. If she could advance in the immortal realm, then she would be able to follow him in the devil's dimension.
Fang Yu couldn't deny that she had been used to Mo Li's presence. Now that he left, the place that she was staying no longer feels like home. Because of that, she was starting to feel a little uncomfortable. That's right, she figured out the source of the heaviness in her chest. It was because she missed his presence— she missed him. Soon, a smile blossomed on her face. Mo Li was gone because he wanted to help her advance. She shouldn't waste her time thinking about unnecessary things and just concentrate on advancing.
Slowly, the lonely days passed. Fang Yu never wasted any of her time anymore. She dedicated all of her free time to cultivating and making potions for the diseases. Since her cultivation was quite high, Fang Yu can survive without sleeping or eating as long as she cultivated. Because of that, she doesn't need to go out and just asked the people from the potioneering guild to come and get the potions for her.
"Robot…. The male and female lead are destined to meet no matter what happened right?" Since Fang Yu had been alone for months now, she had been talking to the system like she was talking to a real person.
"And no matter the circumstances, the villain and the male lead would fight against each other?"
"Oh." She nodded and continued brewing some new potions. "You didn't tell me to make them meet. So, it means they are destined to meet sooner or later. It means that the power of destiny would do the rest." She muttered. Being alone for almost a year now, made Fang Yu talked to herself… sometimes.
Alright… maybe all the time. She couldn't really tell. After a few minutes of brewing, Fang Yu glanced at the empty bed. Just like what Mo Li said, this ice cave wouldn't melt even if he is no longer here. The only way that it would melt is if… he dies which is very impossible considering that—
Frowning, Fang Yu didn't continue her thoughts. Her hand slowly made its way into her chest— her aching chest. "Robot? What is happening?"
No answer.
"Robot… what the hell is happening!?" He panicked as the pain in her chest multiplied. Fang Yu flinched as she ran towards the bed. "What is happening? Why does it hurt?" Unknowingly, tears started to stream down her cheeks. She gulped as controlled her breathing. "Robot! Answer me! Why does it hurt— Ahhh" She clutched her chest as she closed her tear stricken eyes. "What is happening?" she whispered.
However, no matter how much she pleaded, the robot never uttered a single word. Fang Yu felt the color left her face. She bit her lips. What is this pain? "Robot if you— I might— " again, her thoughts seemed to stop. She looked at her hands and remembered the rings.
"Mo Li!" She uttered as she tried to stand up. But the pain was too much for her little body to handle. She staggered and fell on the side of the bed as she tried to open a portal. "Mo Li!" She couldn't help but call him out. Something must have happened. Something dangerous…
"No— No— No!" Shaking her head, she fought the feeling of darkness that was trying to overtook her senses. "No! Mo Li!" She called out and held her hand in front of her. She needed to open a portal. She needed to find him. Fang Yu trembled as she tried to concentrate and—
Fang Yu didn't have the time to think about the source of the explosion. She felt that it was somewhere outside, but that wasn't her priority right now. "Mo Li… please…." Again, she tried to open the portal but because of the current pain in her chest, Fang Yu was unable to use her space. "F*ck! Mo Li! Don't you dare die!" She couldn't help but yell. "Don't you dare— "
The second loud sound finally got her attention as the ice cave shook, causing some little debris to fell on the ground.
She started frowning. Holding her chest, Fang Yu looked at the entrance of the cave. This ice cave was created by Mo Li. Just like his previous caves, this place was protected with the best artifacts that Mo Li created. How could some normal person be breach this place? Mo Li never told her the specifics about this place, but she was certain that no humans could destroy the security of this place.
She looked at the cracks as the crease in between her brows deepened. However, instead of worrying about this cave, Fang Yu couldn't help but think about Mo Li. She couldn't seem to remove his face from her mind. "Mo Li," she uttered before wiping her tears.
The pain in her chest was still there, but it had somehow become manageable. Fang Yu then looked at the entrance of the ice cave. The cracks had now increased. She could feel people —or at least different abilities being thrown towards the artifacts guarding this place.
Logic dictates that she should leave this place and live. She knew that people who could break the artifacts are not just simple people. If she fought against one, she might have chances of winning. But if she fought against many… then… Fang Yu was not certain if she would be able to survive.
'Robot. Let me buy the invisibility'
[Invisibility for two minutes. Cost: 25 coins. Buy now?]
[Deducting coins. 25 coins deducted. Use now?]
'No.' Fang Yu uttered, determination flashed in her eyes.
This time, a huge hole appeared just in front of Fang Yu.
"Huh?" A man with red orbs stared at Fang Yu who was now calmly sitting on the bed. "Who are you?"
"And who are you?" Fang Yu uttered as she tried to hide the pain from her chest.
"Isn't this General Mo's cave?"
"General Mo?" Fang Yu frowned, surprised flashed in her eyes. "You mean… You mean the owner of this cave is still alive?" She asked, pretending not to know anything. The guy stared at her white clothes and at her small pretty face.
"Who are you?"
"I am called Yu, and I found this place a few months ago. When I realized that no one was here, I decided to stay so I could brew potions." She glanced at the now ruined cauldron and some ingredients on the floor.
"Oh?" the man lifted an eyebrow as she stood in the air. His equally red robe fluttered as he narrowed his eyes at Fang Yu. "You don't know who General Mo is?"
"I don't know any General Mo." Fear flashed in Fang Yu's eyes. "Why are you looking for this person? Maybe… Maybe you will find him in the next Kingdom?"
"Hah!" the man chuckled. "You think you can fool me? I can smell General Mo in this place."
"But— But I— " Fang Yu's face paled not from the intimidating gaze of the man but from the pain that once again started to wreak havoc inside her chest. "Ahhhh— " unable to stop herself, Fang Yu clutched her chest and spit a mouthful of blood.
Seeing Fang Yu like this, the man froze. "You— Where is he?"
"I don't know— what you're— you're talking about."
"Where is General Mo and why can I smell his scent around you!?" the man asked, ignoring Fang Yu's pale face. "Where the hell is he?"
"I don't know!" Fang Yu insisted and panicked when the man started to approach her. "Don't you dare get too close!"
"Then tell me where is General Mo!?"
"I don't— "
"If you keep on lying… he will die."
His words were enough to make her froze. She lifted her head and met the man's eyes. "What are you talking about?"
"Where is he?"
"No! You must give me an answer first!" Fang Yu uttered. "What are you talking about? What dying?" For the first time since Fang Yu came here, she felt afraid of losing something. The drumming in her chest, overpowered the pain as she asked the man again. "What the hell are you talking about?"
"The general is dying." The man clenched his jaws. "And he would die if I won't save him."
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