Novel Name : Adorable Food Goddess

Chapter 393 - Miserable life

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Chapter 393: Miserable life

That night, the duke went to the ancestral hall alone and knelt there for a long time. And You issued the first order that all incense in the house should not be used again, nor should rouge gouache with strong fragrance. Anyone who dared to violate the order and collide with the second lady should be punished as a family law.
As a result, the people of the whole house threw all the things related to the word ” incense” ( ahem, names are not included ) into the box, and no one dared to complain.
In the second order, the second lady’s pregnancy should not be publicized. Whoever dared to talk out of it will be punished as a family law.
There was a folk saying that it is not appropriate to publicize it in the first three months of pregnancy, but to keep a low profile or something bad will happen easily. After three months, the fetus would stabilize then it can be told to relatives and friends.
You did not believe this before, now she would rather believe in its existence than in its absence, because the child play a really important role in her heart and it could not bear the slightest loss.
Ye Jiayao had returned to her room and tilted on her bed.
The room had long been open for ventilation. The incense tripod had been removed. All the incense – smoked clothes had been taken away. Qiao Xi, Xiangtao and others had also bathed in clean water, and they dared not to serve the second wife with any trace of fragrance.
Ye Jiayao tilted weakly, listening to outside Mother Sun admonishing the maids in the yard loudly, all kinds of precautions had been ordered to article 28, even implicitly mentioning that even a fart cannot be put in front of her.
Ye Jiayao was extremely speechless. For her own sake, the house was turning upside down. She didn’t want to make such a trouble and bring so much inconvenience to others, but she couldn’t help it. Who let her nose suddenly become a dog’s nose? The key was not to become a dog’s nose but to smell anything that will affect her stomach nerves and vomit.
This was still the beginning. She didn’t know how long this situation would last and when it would end.
Qiao Xi poured out a cup of warm water, and urged, ” the second lady, drink water!”
The stomach was already empty, but Ye Jiayao didn’t feel hungry, but her mouth was bitter. Ye Jiayao barely drank two drinks, which caused another vomiting.
Sadness in her heart, mother fuck, even to drink boiled water made her want to vomit. How could a person live like this!
Qiao Xi was worried, what could she do? The second lady couldn’t even drink water. Could she drink medicine later?
Xia Chunyu had already bathed for the third time in the clean room. Others just bathed once . He was the one would be especially close to Yaoyao. He must wash thoroughly, or else he could not even get up to bed.
At last, he got out and put on his clothes. Qiao Xi waited for him outside with a sad look on her face.
” Hier-son Lord, The second lady can’t eat anything. She even vomit when she drink water …”
Xia Chunyu frowned deeply, ” Did you ask?The second lady doesn’t want to eat anything?”
Qiao Xi murmured, ” How can we dare to ask? The handmaiden only asked one question, and the second lady vomited immediately, and the second lady asked the handmaiden to be kind enough not to mention eating.”
Xia Chunyu was worried. Although his mother and Dr. Jiang said that this was a normal reaction, how could she eat nothing?
” Does the medicine boil on?” Xia Chunyu asked.
” It’s going on, but the handmaiden thinks that the second lady can’t drink it,” said Qiao Xi sullenly.
Xia Chunyu gave a wave of his hand, ” You go down first and I’ll persuade her later.”
Xia Chunyu went into the bedroom and saw Ye Jiayao looked pale. He felt that she the whole people had been thinner in less than two hours from the moment got the reaction, and he could not help feeling distressed.
” Yaoyao, feel better?” Xia Chun Yu did not dare to get close to her, so he was afraid that he had any smell on his body and would rush her.
Ye Jiayao waved to him, now she urgently needs a warm embrace to comfort her.
Xia Chunyu stepped forward in three or two steps and consciously made himself a human-flesh cushion for her . Ye Jiayao rested her head on his chest and held his waist in her hand. ” Chunyu, it’s too hard. What should I do?”
Xia Chunyu caressed her back and softly comforted her, ” I’ve heard of it for a while and you should bear with it and think of something else to distract your attention.”
Ye Jiayao said sadly, ” What else can I think about? I am opening a restaurant and making a diet. Everything is related to eating. I feel like vomiting when I think about eating.”
Saying this she vomited again.
Xia Chunyu rubbed her back, but said, ” Then you think about the child, whether it is a boy or a girl?Will it be like you or me, the birth of the child should be in the first month, what do we have to prepare for the child … ”
When it came to children, Ye Jiayao’s heart became soft, and she unconsciously feel the belly, which was still very flat. At this time, the child should still be a hairball, but it had used such a fierce way to declare its existence.
It was really a magical feeling.
” However, I don’t think we need to prepare anything. Mother will arrange a proper post, and then Yide Princess and Old ancestor will also prepare it. You just need to keep your body healthy and become fat and white. As for me, I will be responsible for supervising you to keep your body healthy …”
” So, even you don’t want to eat any more, you have to eat a little, Although you will vomit all of them. If you don’t eat, our children will have to be hungry and will be as thin as a small monkey when it was born, and then you will feel guilty yourself.”
Ye Jiayao was silent. Yes, if she didn’t eat, the children would not eat either. If it resulted in stunting, it wouldn’t be good.
” The kitchen is cooking rice congee, let Qiao Xi get you a bowl? Just a little, ok?” Xia Chunyu patiently persuaded.
Ye Jiayao endured nausea and said piteously, ” Just a small bowl.”
” Do you want to have something else?”
” Can you not to mention anything else?”
” Well, you wait, I’ll take it in the flesh …”
At the end of the gruel, Ye Jiayao began to go back on her word, never thinking that she would one day be reduced to being unable to live with food. The greatest hobby in her life was food. Now food has become her most disgusting thing.
Xia Chunyu earnestly advised her. And it was not easy to coax her into eating two mouths, she vomited all the food. The food she ate was much less than she vomited.
It came to the same condition when she drank medicine.
Watching Ye Jiayao eating as if she was being tortured. Xia Chunyu couldn’t help touching her stomach and grudgingly gnash his teeth .
” You smelly boy, you’re not born yet and had messed with your mother and your father like this. When you come out, I must teach you a lesson …”
Ye Jiayao thus began her miserable life.
Every day she wrestled with the word, eat. She couldn’t eat, and only vomited then walk lightly. However, how could she not die of hunger?
The work of opening a western restaurant and sorting out recipes had been put on hold, and Madam Rong had also taken over the course of the training course. It was announced that she had gone to Yangzhou to avoid people coming to visit her.
She was not in the mood and energy to deal with the guests now. Plus, you couldn’t tell the guests that you should back to change clothes that without smoked incense and wash all the rouge and gouache on your face.
Simply saying she was not at home and it could save a lot of trouble.
But in this way, she couldn’t think about going out or anything, otherwise she woud be easy to be found.
You would come to visit at least once a day, and Mother Sun had become her Manager here. You also specially assigned two kitchen maids to come over and let the small kitchen open fire alone and cook whenever she wants to eat.
Chunyu stayed at home with her every day when he got off the work. He made her happy and tried to coax her into eating. This kind of treatment seemed to be even more exaggerated than the time Liuli was pregnant.
The day was too idle. Ye Jiayao asked the needlework room for some soft cotton cloth and let Mother Sun teach her how to make small clothes. Doing something can distract her attention, so as not to make her sick day and night.
The material was cut out and she only needs to sew it up with a needle and thread.
Making children’s clothes might seem simple, but they were more exquisite than adults’ clothes, using the softest silk thread with fine stitches, so that no thread could be exposed and hidden in the side seams, so as to prevent each of them from going to the children’s tender skin.
Compared with her cooking skills, Ye Jiayao’s needlework was almost one heaven and one earth.
Xia Chunyu looked at her hard work and uneven stitches and wondered, ” Yaoyao, how long did it take you to finish that wedding dress?”
He didn’t know Yaoyao was not good at needlework, he only thought she was keen on cooking and didn’t like to do such sewing work. So when she gave him a sachet last year, he had been happy for a long time.
Qiao Xi and Xiangtao knew it, but they wouldn’t say it, so Xia Chunyu was confused at this time.
Ye Jiayao carefully sewed one stitch at a time and casually said, ” One month?Two months?Or three months? I forget it. ”
Xia Chunyu startled, this also could be forget? A woman embroidered her wedding dress just once in her life, which should be remembered.
” I think your wedding dress is well embroidered.”
The words meant that, how couls she embroider so badly now?Look at this crooked stitch. It looked like a worm crawling. Could their children wear it?
Of course, he wouldn’t say anything about such worries. No one can see these clothes if they were wore inside.
Ye Jiayao nodded with mirth, of course, but she did not embroider it. It was the original owner’s embroider.
Xia Chunyu gave himself a reason, probably because she did not do it for a long time and her skill was rusty.
” Chunyu, you see, how do you think these small trousers made by me?” Ye Jiayao finished the last sew and showed it to Chunyu.
Chunyu turned it over and over, wondering, ” When would the child wearing this?”
Ye Jiayao said, ” Three or four months. At that time, the weather also turned warm. This tender yellow color must be very good-looking for the child’s skin.”
Xia Chunyu had a dry cough for two times and said with hesitation ” Children of three or four months should still wear open – backed pants!”
” That’s for sure, don’t you expect him to take off his pants and pee on his own!” Ye Jiayao said, this kind of common sense questions still needed to be asked?
Xia Chunyu pulled the two trouser legs apart and looked at Ye Jiayao speechless.
Er … Ye Jiayao was dumbfounded, Mother Sun told her that it would be enough to sew all the edges together. As a result, she accidentally sewed the crotch.
Suddenly blushed, mother fuck, she was very embarrassed.
Hurriedly snatched back the trousers and complained, ” It’s all you, and I’m distracted by your rambling here.”
Xia Chunyu said he was innocent. When he came in, she was sewing the crotch, okay?
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