Novel Name : Can We Become a Family?

Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

Vivian ran back to her room. Her heart was pounding and her breathing became rough. Navia suddenly seemed like a terrible monster who came to ruin her.
That’s outrageous!
Vivian, stomping her feet, shouted at the maids who couldn’t stop the ridiculous situation.
“Get out!”
“Everyone get out! Right now!”
As such a disturbance was taking place in Vivian’s bedroom, Charlotte looked absurdly at the spot where she ran out.
‘I knew that Lady Vivian’s maids were lazy, but I can’t believe you just watched them move things without helping…’
Charlotte sighed and frowned inwardly.
It was because the employees were glancing alternately at Vivian’s room and Navia.
‘The staff management for a boutique that only deals with high nobles is a mess.’
Charlotte glanced at Navia.
‘Is it okay to leave it like that?’
Navia stared at the spot where Vivian was for a moment. She felt everyone staring at her. She tilted her head.
“Huh? Did something happen?”
Silver hair fluttered as Navia tilted her head.
Because of her repeated regressions, Navia had a unique atmosphere that no one could imitate.
When the dreamy and mysterious aura of being shrouded in fog was exuded, the Ansier employees were slightly amazed.
Charlotte gave a small cough and scolded coldly.
“What are you doing in front of the Lady right now? You’re not thinking about being rude, are you?”
“N-no. Apologies.”
They hurriedly arranged the boxes neatly on top of a large table. When the employees finished their work, they stood side by side and bowed sharply.
“We will leave now, Princess.”
When the employees left, Charlotte asked, “Will it be okay to leave Lady Vivian alone? I’m sure bad things will come out.”
‘They’ll say that the daughter of a lowly aristocrat was given too much.’
As Vivian’s heart was hurt, Navia would be a terrible step sister. Actually, it wouldn’t have been a problem if Nikan had prepared Vivian’s together.
Navia spoke calmly, “It’s okay. Also, I was the one who told you to keep the story about Ansier a secret.”
Charlottes eyes sparkled when Navia said that.
Is she planning something again with this?
Her heart began to pound with strange expectations.
Navia looked at the boxes, lost in her thoughts.
‘Stepfather is an arrogant man.’
A firm belief that everything is in his palm, that everything is within his control.
It was Nikan’s deep-rooted idea and source of confidence. And it had to be left alone.
‘That way, not only Wood and Vivian, but also the servants’ complaints will grow rapidly. Then, they’ll doubt the chief’s judgement.’
Nikan was convinced that his decision to adopt Navia as his foster daughter was right. That’s why the friction would grow bigger, causing cracks in the community.
“One, two…”
Charlotte counted the boxes. Vivian usually received more than 30 boxes as presents.
’15 boxes, however…’
Ansier Boutique is still exclusive to the great nobles. A gift from such a place meant that she is to be treated properly as a Princess.
“Open them up quickly, Miss.”
Charlotte spoke excitedly.
Navia knew better than anyone that Nikan’s gift had no effect on his property. To think that this was a present.
‘You expect me to shed tears of joy if you throw anything expensive to me.’
Navia started opening the boxes one by one dully. A velvet dress with with luxurious ribbons, a cape with accessories attached everywhere, and cute winter boots.
Like a product from Ansier Boutique, it was extravagant and dainty with delicate workmanship.
“Look at this, Miss. Everything is the best of the best!”
Charlotte happily brought over the new clothes to Navia but shut her mouth slightly flustered.
Navia looked in the mirror and laughed at herself.
“I look like like a kid who stole Vivian’s stuff.”
All the gifts Nikan gave were suitable for Vivian.
The colorful, cute clothes and accessories that would go well for a child with pink hair and green eyes were childish and excessive for Navia.
She looked like a senseless and foolish low-born who only had her face, imitating a noble lady.
Charlotte, flustered, swept things back into the box.
Among them was a hairpin made of iron with only one pearl, that was clearly put in from what Lyndon had said.
‘Rather, this hairpin looks the best.’
Charlotte suppressed her disappointment and left the hairpin for Navia. She spoke in a bright voice on purpose.
“Really, Miss. There was orange marmalade in the kitchen today, would you like to try it with scones? I can bring them in quietly today so there isn’t a repeat of yesterday.”
Navia was going to say that it was okay, but when she realized that Charlotte was trying to make her feel better, she nodded. . Charlotte hurried to the kitchen hoping that Navia would feel better. It would take a little time to heat up the scones.
Charlotte went out and Navia looked at the boxes in front of her, lost in thought. Now, there were two days left before she escaped from Agnes.
Navia had a reason to set the showdown five days after her contract with Edward.
Because of the Empress’ invitation.
When Vivian’s disease was cured, Nikan would accept the invitation to change the target of the engagement. When Nikan was away, Navia was going to make Wood drag her out of the mansion, then run away to Eseled.
Navia recalled the head of the Eseled.
Duke Lark Eseled was, in many ways, a very unusual man. He was a very mysterious man who’d never come out of his mansion. He didn’t even respond to the Emperor’s call.
There was a lot of gossip surrounding him.
He’s a very talented wizard, but he never went out because he’s ugly, no, he’s very beautiful, but he’s suffering from madness.
He’s not a person but a monster, etc.
‘What’s his reason of staying in? The most possible likely rumor is that he’s sick.’
Even though the Eseled Duchy had fallen to the point of being called a garbage camp, no one could touch him.
It was because the current Duke magically dyed the mansion black at the age of eight.
Outside, each ostentatious behavior was disputed.
The most dominant public opinion was that the Duke was trying to show off his power by pressuring his surroundings.
That rumor quickly withered.
Even if he was a great wizard, he never came out. Far from getting married, he wasn’t engaged, so he had no heir.
‘Then, in the eight life, an abnormality occurred.’
It was the eight life, the one when Navia survived until she was 22 years old for the first time.
Empress Estelle, who died from poison and was resurrected, the second Prince, Creed, suddenly appeared with Duke Eseled backing him.
At that time, the appearance of Prince Creed was very shocking.
Although he was a man of great beauty with black hair that resembled Empress Estelle’s, it was because he was able to use various magic attributes even though he wasn’t a copycat wizard.
‘Or was it actually because of his looks?’
Navia had nothing to do with him, who excited the hearts of ladies who were of marriageable age.
Ah, there was one time.
‘Was it at the Royal Ball?’
It was when Navia’s engagement with Prince Ares was broken and a humiliating rumor spread throughout the social world that her body was ‘lacking’ so she couldn’t bear a successor.
At that time, there were several people who took advantage of Navia’s miserable situation as an opportunity.
On that day, persistent rude people made her dress dirty with drinks, making her look terrible. . Even when she ran to the terrace where no one could see, there were people who followed her.
“Get lost.”
Indifferent blue eyes. An indecipherable cold expression. And an overwhelming atmosphere.
That was when Navia saw Creed up close.
Creed looked at Navia with an indifferent gaze that drove out the bullies.
“Are you Princess Navia Agnes?”
“…I greet Your Highness, Prince Creed.”
“Leave it. I’m not a prince because I’m entrusted with Duke Eseled.”
With rumors that he had a blunt personality and didn’t mix well with people, he tried to leave without talking to Navia anymore.
“These clothes, you take it.”
He took off his jacket casually and left the terrace.
Navia couldn’t wear those clothes.
It was because she didn’t know what kind of scandals could form. But she took something from those clothes.
…the first favor she ever received in her life.
‘Anyway, Prince Creed said he entered Eseled before he was eight years old.’
Creed was a year younger than her. So he’ll probably be at Eseled in a year.
Navia remembered what the Empress said in resentment.
“I should have sent my men to Eseled’s successor earlier. That monster bastard who’s difficult to kill just had to be entrusted in Eseled…!”
‘When Prince Creed appeared, Duke Eesled still didn’t show up.’
She didn’t know exactly when the second prince would appear in Eseled, but when the time comes, she intends to hand over the position to the original owner.
‘And then I’ll leave.’
Children of noble families can be independent by marriage. Therefore, Navia was determined to find a marriage partner in her favor and become completely independent.
Until then, she had to survive.
Step, step, step, step!
Urgent footsteps were heard outside. Navia opened the door slightly.
“Bring the Master! Lady Vivian has fainted!”
Navia, who heard a loud cry, closed the door again.
Vivian’s collapse was probably due to Navia receiving gifts.
It was a good situation for Philippa and others who didn’t want Navia to bite. But she wasn’t nervous at all.
‘A crisis can be turned into an opportunity.’
Navia picked up a box.
The door opened.
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