Novel Name : Undefeated God of War

Chapter 436 – Draco Comes

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Chapter 436 – Draco Comes
Translated by: Berrrybunz
Edited by: TN and DeAndreR
“All these people are so difficult to handle.” Tang Tian pouted, his expression was somewhat annoyed: “They know they will die, but are still trying so hard, they truly are powerful.”
The other two had tired looks on their faces, but still had the energy to nod and agree.
They had met with countless stops, all the weaker martial artists poured towards them like the tide, completely ignoring their lives. The three of them continued to kill their way forward, enduring until they reached the palace.
Looking at the light pillar pouring into the sky from Ursa Major Palace, the three of them surfaced a respectful look.
“A hero worthy to be respected.” Crane looked at the light pillar, mumbling: “For his constellation, for their future, he sacrificed himself, and us, we are about to break his final sacrifice, it truly messes with the heart.”
Ling Xu shook his head, and said: “For Ursa Major Constellation, he could ignore everything else and give up everything, that is truly being a hero. As his enemy, we can only use all of our strength with everything we got, only by ignoring everything, can we match up to this victory! A hero to die for battle, will only regret, but not remorse.”
The three of them were solemn, it was the respect for Yan Yong Lie.
“Let me.” Tang Tian said, the Ursa Major Constellation star power in his body was the thickest, and he felt the most intimate with the constellation. Out of the three, only he could judge the combustion of the constellation.
Tang Tian extended his palm out and touched the light pillar, it was as though he was touching fire, the intense flames caused him to want to step back. But he resisted the urge, no matter the cost, he firmly used his hand and reached into the light pillar.
The star power in his body suddenly resonated outwards.
He felt that he was in a sea of fire, the feeling was extremely familiar, as though he could look into the depths of the palace, inside the sea of fire, was the continuous combustion of the martial spirit.
The martial spirit was releasing astonishing fighting intent, the fighting intent so intense that it caused the surrounding flames to warp.
“You lost.” Tang Tian spoke loudly to the martial spirit being enveloped in flames: “I admire your will to fight, but, everything is over! Blood should not flow for a meaningless fight, Ursa Major Constellation should not be destroyed like this.”
The warped figure wrapped by the flames suddenly stood still. Even more berserk fighting intent burst forth.
“I do not know how to convince you to stop your combustion. If you do not give up, I will fight with you.” Tang Tian said the words slowly: “I will not let Ursa Major Constellation be destroyed, Bing and the rest will do it better than you, although maybe the Ursa Major Constellation will not be the one you have always been protecting.”
The star power in Tang Tian’s body started to revolve.
The dense and rich golden star power transformed into a golden vortex, and crazily absorbed the star power around him.
The blazing current flowed into Tang Tian’s body.
Tang Tian’s body released a jolt and a ‘weng’ sound, the clothes on his body were turned to ashes, and the light pillar turned sluggish.
Tang Tian kept calm, the combustion of star power felt like a wild beast that lost control. Tang Tian’s train of thought was simple, to absorb the star power into his body, use the star power inside his body to tame it and transform it. The saint treasure of Ursa Major Constellation was not in his hands. The only good thing was inside his body, he had ⅓ of the star power of the constellation.
But… it is so painful….
He felt the sea of fire previously, but now, he felt as if his body was a flaming furnace. And he had to harden his skin, and work hard to transform the combusting star power.
Ling Xu and Crane stood guard by his side, the two of them preventing anyone who wanted to attack Tang Tian.
Tang Tian was enveloped in the violent flaming star power, entering the light pillar, he was constantly trembling as though he could collapse at any moment.
“This fellow is truly a freak.” Ling Xu could not hold back any longer and spoke: “he can actually hold on and not explode!”
“Yes, Crazy Tang’s background is not simple.” Crane nodded his head: “I just cannot think of any blood meridians that are able to hold ⅓ of Ursa Major Constellation’s star power. Sadly, Crazy Tang’s mother died a long time ago, if not, it would not be so hassling.”
Saying until there, his heart could not help but feel emotional. He thought of himself, the early passing of his father, the deep scar that was left in him, his childhood years were trapped deep inside the loneliness and darkness.
And, he still had his mother…..
Crane was unable to think of the life Tang Tian went through after his mother passed away.
Crane spoke gently: “For him to be like this now, he must have went through a lot.”
Ling Xu’s lips curled, exposing a disapproving smile: “If not? Complain to the heavens and wreck the earth? Cry and wail everyday At least you guys have parents, I do not even know who my parents are, but I do not wish to know.”
Crane was stunned.
Ling Xu’s gaze was far wide, his proud face was calm without any changes: “When teacher died, I was 11 years old. I was extremely unhappy, and after that it became despair and discouragement. I wished to seek revenge for teacher, but I knew I could not do it. My talent is so so, my body condition is extremely bad, I could not even make teacher satisfied, but my enemy, was someone constantly hailed as a genius by teacher. When your heart is full of hatred, but you know, even if you train for a 100 years, you cannot defeat your enemy. And you know, even your teacher did not wish for you to seek revenge, because he knows you are not worthy of your enemy. Him not wanting you to throw away your life. That despair, is more terrifying than hurt and sorrow.”
“I told myself, I have to leave this place, leave so that I will not be unhappy. And I left, it was sudden, and I did not know where to go, so I went forward. I walked and walked, who knows how far and long I walked, and I did not even know where I was. When I was hungry, I killed star spirit beasts, when I was thirsty, I would look for water sources. I killed many thieves, until Clan Elder Gu met me, and thought I was a feral man.”
“Zombie, do you know? That was what I was.” Ling Xu’s mouth twitched, he wanted to smile, but it was uglier than a cry: “Actually Clan Elder was good to me, and gave me whatever I wanted. If not for me meeting Crazy Tang, if i did not know the matters about Gu Xue which were so ugly, I would still be a zombie.”
Crane looked blankly at Ling Xu.
“But you are right, Crazy Tang is truly very powerful. If not for him, I would not have realized everything by myself.” Ling Xu forcefully clenched his fist: “Ha, but I finally understood! All the despair, was not set by fate, it is something that you tell yourself! If you tell yourself your talent is normal and forever unable to catch up to others, you tell yourself, you are pitiful and sad. Ha, then you will die, you will dig your own grave. I don’t want that!”
“My heart is filled with hatred, I want revenge! Even if I am stupid like a pig, I will crawl and crawl to the guilty man! If I am destined to die, then I want to die by that man’s spear! No matter what, I definitely will not dig my own grave!”
Crane was stunned by Ling Xu’s sinister and fierce look.
Ling Xu regained his composure, turned his face, and then muttered to himself: “I think that is what bravery is. I actually learned that from the crazy young man, and for the past few years, I have been living a dog’s life.”
Crane was stunned completely, not knowing what to say.
Ling Xu touched his eyebrows, his face somewhat brash: “Eh? Is that not powerful? You have gone through baptism hearing mywords right!”
Crane was speechless.
Ling Xu then said in an annoyed matter: “Whatever you want to say just say it, can you not be so overly careful? It’s annoying.”
“Then… I will really say it?” Crane asked with suspicion.
“That….this despair….Little Xu Xu…how bad is your talent really?” Crane asked with sympathy.
Ling Xu’s face suddenly became enraged, he turned around stiffly. Crane could see the bulging vein in Ling Xu’s forehead, and immediately reminded: “Hey hey hey, you made me say it…”
“Asshole! You’re dead!” Ling Xu erupted.
Suddenly, the two of them stopped.
“Someone wishes to take advantage of us? Tai Sui knows everything, he truly doesn’t want to live.” Ling Xu frowned, and laughed evilly.
(TN: Tai Sui is a belief in chinese culture, involving Chinese New Year where a god, one of the 12 zodiacs, would be the protector for the year)
“Let’s go take a look.” Crane suggested.
The two of them moved, jumping up to the top of the palace, looking for the highest ground and gazed far out.
On the flat surface was a group of troops meandering forward, even though they were far away, but the rumbling sounds could roughly be heard.
“Such a big battle formation!” Ling Xu mocked, his killing intent surging.
“Interesting.” Crane exposed a gentle smile.
In the distance, the big group of troops was an army formed from vibrating mountain lizards. The Vibrating Mountain Lizards was an exotic animal belonging only to Draco Constellation, it was a type of earth affinity lizard with huge bodies, over 6m tall and body span of over 21m long, it was like a mobile mountain. They had powerful strength, but their enormous body was cumbersome. The vibrating mountain lizards were docile, but were extremely brave in battles. On its forehead, was a short and hard horn, where high level vibrating mountain lizards could easily knock against a mountain.
Draco Constellation’s Vibrating Mountain Army, which was famous.
The frontmost Vibrating Mountain Lizard was much bigger than the rest, on its back was a pavilion, where hidden behind the curtain, traditional chinese music could be heard.
Long Zhu peered through the curtains, and looked at the light pillar shooting straight into the sky from the distant Ursa Major Palace, and exclaimed: “Yan Yong Lie is a tyrant of the generation, but never did I expect for him to fall at such a situation. In the blink of an eye, Ursa Major Constellation is about to fall, it really is saddening.”
Long Zhu sat on the ground barefooted, his clothes were spacious, his black hair draped over his shoulders, with a beauty beside him gently swaying a fan.
“That’s right, happiness is found in prosperity, and death found in neglect.” In front of him, a middle aged man sighed endlessly: “There are no undefeatable dynasties under the heavens. All of the dynasty as strong as Scorpio, have all blown to ashes. Such a pity, for Ursa Major Constellation.”
Long Zhu took up a wine cup and finished it in a gulp, speaking with slight intoxications: “Yan Yong Lie is a hero, but the most pitiful thing is, to be unable to cross blows with Tu Qing. the Grizzly Bear army is hailed as The strongest army of the Polar Domains, to be unable to experience it, it truly is a pity.”
“Once we take down Ursa Major Constellation, why would you worry about having no opponents, Da Long? Da Long can slaughter anyone, that is more like it!” The middle aged man laughed.
“Hahahaha.” Long Zhu laughed out loud: “That is well said, let me punish myself with another cup!”
He stood in front of the wine cup, and finished it in a gulp and laughed: “After this war, we will go and enjoy and drink to our fills!”
“Good!” The middle aged man stood up.
The wind blew onto the curtain, and the light pillar in the distance suddenly trembled, causing Long Zhu’s face to darken immediately, his laughter pausing.
“Never did I expect that there are people so quick footed to go ahead first, interesting, interesting!”
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