Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today?

Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today?


: Jimo Yao

Lastest : Chapter 40.1 - ALIC Chapter 40.1

Views : 11241


Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today? Lastest Chapters

Did The Affectionate Love Interest Collapse Today? description

Within almost every melodramatic novel, there’s an affectionate male supporting role who is infatuated with the shou protagonist. To be there when the shou is being attacked by the gong, to offer love when the gong abandons the shou protagonist, fighting for justice when the gong betrays the shou.As a catalyst between the romantic love of the shou and gong, he dedicates his light and heat to his identity as a spare tire without any complaint or regret.Lin Ziran’s task is to play the part of the affectionate male partner in different worlds. However, after he went there, he discovered that the way that each world’s plot opens doesn’t seem to be right at all....

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Author: Jimo Yao

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