Novel Name : Demon Hunter (Teramachi Akeho)

Chapter 32

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Chapter 32

About one month have passed since the festival at Derufoi .
Comparing it to one month before, the coldness of the winter got harsher by one level . The same applied to the Myuuz castle . The mountains of Myuuz were completely covered in snow . Having her face buried in her muffler, Riku was sitting down on the castle walls . Looking at the sky, it was possible to see many stars shining . Each of them were sharply shining as if they were crystals*1 Riku looked at the night sky for some time .
Riku preferred the sky of the afternoon over the night´s . Every time she looked at the sky filled with stars, she would get solitary and uncomfortable . She preferred the blue sky that had no clouds .
But she didn´t dislike looking at the stars sometimes . Sometimes, she wouldn´t feel like training, but also wouldn´t feel like sleeping . On those days, she would gaze at the stars just like she was right now .
At some point of the time she had been looking at the stars, she suddenly felt a presence behind her . She heard the metallic sound of when a person would move with an armor .
“What´s your business?”
While still looking at the sky, Riku asked .
Demons that would come talk to her were only a few . She thought it could have possibly been Vrusto or Roppu, but it probably wasn´t the case . If it was Vrusto, he would probably conceal the sound of his footsteps in order to give Riku a surprise, and if it was Roppu, the footsteps would be smoother . If it was one of her subordinates, then that person would have had introduced himself a bit sooner . She didn´t know who it was but she didn´t feel hostility . It would be fine even if she didn´t turn her head .
Still in the same position, she waited for the answer .
“You were here- de gozaru! I was looking for you-de gozaru!”
In answer, the person spoke in a voice full of liveliness that broke the mood .
Turning back, she saw that standing there was a girl with a bright smile .
In her outward appearance, she was about Riku´s same age or a bit older . With her appearances put in order and her hair was well arranged*2 . Her The most notable part of her appearance was her chest . Comparing to the thin Riku, it was possible to know hers was big even wearing an armor .
…It would be hindering when swinging a sword, Riku thought .
Even so, it was a demon Riku didn´t know about . There is no way she would forget about a demon that had such characteristic way of speaking and appearance . After Riku inquired her that, the girl happily saluted .
“I´ve been transferred to lieutenant commander Barusak´s battalion . I´m the second lieutenant Asty Gortoberuk-de gozaru! I came to give my greetings to lieutenant commander Riku Barusak . Please, take care of me from now on . ”
Asty readily bowed her head . At the gaps of her hair, it was possible to see two horns . Riku slightly raised her eyebrows .
“Ah, excuse me . I´m lieutenant general Rudogar Gortoberuk´s grandchild . I´m truly thankful for you to have delivered my birthday present despite being busy . ”
“I was simply doing my job . ”
Riku said as if there weren´t any problems to that .
Riku intended to end the conversation with that, but Asty didn´t show any signs that she would be leaving soon .
“Then, is there anything else?”
“Anything else, you say?”
Like a little bird, Asty inclined her head, and after a while, she put her hands together with a clap sound . (Tl/N:It´s probably that hand sign people at anime do often when they get the idea of something . A clenched hand above an opened one with the clenched one hitting the opened one from above . Whatever it is, I have no idea how I am supposed to describe that in english D:)
“I know-de gozaru! I still didn´t congratulate lieutenant commandant Barusak for the promotion-de gozaru! I´ve heard about your achievements at Derufoi-de gozaru! The ability you have for fighting fifty soldiers to protect Charlotte-sama and even being able to find and kill the traitor is without doubt a role model of the Demon Lord army-de gozaru . ”
While showing an absorbed expression, she was speaking .
Riku was hearing all that with a face of someone that didn´t really have anything to say . None of what she said was wrong . The reasons for her promotion from captain to lieutenant commander was none other than those, but being told she was the role model of the Demon Lord army felt a bit wrong . While sighing, Riku stood up .
“I don´t need any congratulating gifts . Instead, just do your best on your job,”
“Un-understood- de gozaru!!”
Asty´s eyes were sparkly . Although she was under a weather that was so cold one wouldn´t want to do without a coat, it was becoming very hot .
Riku headed inside the castle . Doing that, Asty followed after her and started talking .
“And then, I´ve been hearing from grampa… Uhh, from honored grandfather, I´ve been hearing about lieutenant commander Barusak-de gozaru! I´ve heard that you were a newcomer of great promise and even saved my honored grandfather´s life-de gozaru na? Is there any way I can thank you for that…?”
“…I don´t really need any thanks . Protecting the superior is the subordinate´s duty, isn´t it?”
“Of course-de gozaru! But strong people that actually puts this in practice is uncommon-de gozaru . Ah, that´s right-de gozaru! Come to think about it, that…”
“Don´t trouble lieutenant commander Barusak, Asty . ”
Coming from above at the staircase, Gortoberuk´s voice resounded . Riku lowered her head, and so did Asty, falling a bit behind at the timing .
“I´m very much sorry, honored grandfather-de gozaru…”
“…Really… Asty, you still speak this way . You won´t find a husband . ”
Gortoberuk gave a tired smile . His attitude full of ambition that he had at the time Riku had just come to the castle wasn´t felt anymore . These days, he had been having a tired face quite often . It was as if a shinigami or something like that ate up his vitality…
“I- I´m not worried about that-de gozaru . It´s my dream to become a soldier that won´t shame the name of Gortoberuk-de gozaru . ”
“I see, I see . ”
With his remaining left hand, Gortoberuk patted Asty´s head . And then, after giving a good look at Riku, he said .
“Lieutenant commander Barusak, please take care of my grandchild . Initially, I would be assign with my staff officer or my second in command to you, but…”
But the two of them weren´t here anymore . Both of them died at the Myuuz castle battle .
Although he had many subordinates, the reason for the time he would be walking alone increased despite that probably had to do with how he had lost his trusted retainers .
Raising her head, Riku gave a salute .
“Understood, your Excellency lieutenant general Gortoberuk . ”
“Umu, now then… Actually, I have something to talk to lieutenant commander concerning your next task . ”
From his pocket, Gortoberuk took out a map . Receiving the map, Riku became even more silent . What was written in there was the town of [Karkata] and the route to get there .
“This is?”
“Umu, the city of Karkata is actually a small town we captured from the humans a few hundred years ago, and even now both humans and demons live there . I would like to entrust you this city for some time . ”
“Entrust this town to me?”
Riku opened her eyes wide .
Although she was promoted, she was still at the level of a lieutenant commander . It wasn´t too much, and was definitely not enough for entrusting the management of a city .
“The ones governing the town itself will still be my subordinates . What I would like to entrust you is the security of the town . ”
Gortoberuk knew what Riku was thinking about . Quietly, he continued his talk .
“Actually, although this is a small town, it is a fortress town . Normally, there is no problems about its defenses . However, it seems that the spiritualist armies will be aiming for this town next . ”
“I see . You mean that if it is left like it is now, it will definitely fall, right?”
Gortoberuk nodded at Riku´s question .
“I don´t know why they are aiming for Karkata this time but… I will be relying on you, lieutenant commander Barusak . ”
“Yes, then, tomorrow at morning, I will be departing . ”
Giving a bow, Riku immediately headed to the lodging house her subordinates are staying at .
She didn´t have interest on the enemy´s intention . She would simply protect Karkata from the spiritualist´s hands as she was ordered to .
It was a fight to improve her strength and was ultimately so that she could be beside Leivein . Therefore, she will annihilate all the enemies .
All she saw right now was the war that is going to happen in front of her eyes .
And Riku Barusak didn´t know .
The fact that the one commanding the invading troops was Rook Barusak .
She didn´t know yet .
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