Novel Name : Battle Royale of the Sinners

Chapter 1

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Chapter 1
Chapter 1
The sky was covered by tens of thousands black clouds . The sound of cries, death throes, rain storm, and occasionally the sound of thunder were mixing together .
"Follow the child of heaven!"
"Follow the prince!"
"The Han is dead!"
"Long live Yellow Turbans!"
Below the sky lied the battlefield, a young man wearing a yellow headband and a full set of leather armor was charging into the Imperial army formation . Behind his back, a formation of militias, wearing similar yellow head bands and bandanas, were also charging into the opposite files of formation .
"Zhang Tong is isolated . Surround him!"
"Stop the Yellow Turbans!"
"That monster Zhang Tong is in front . Kill him!"
"Protect the general!"
The yellow headband young man in the front of his troops was Zhang Tong . He was swinging his blade and danced into enemy soldiers dense formation, killing over dozen men in his path . However, he was isolated from his troops . He did not make any mistake in troops commanding or fell into any trap . He purposely dove into the enemy ranks .
"Zou Jing, you coward . How long are you going to keep hiding!?"
Zou Jing, a general of the imperial force, who was being protected by his personal guards, was hiding timidly behind his guards back and was looking around for a chance to get away from this place as fast as he could . His demeanor was nowhere of that of a dignified leader of a battalion .
"Retreat! Sound the retreat!"
Zou Jing shouted as if it were his last word in his life . He crossed with Zhang Tong in the past and witnessed Zhang Tong's "magic" . That "magic" still traumatized him even in his sleep . Seeing Zhang Tong within 100 meters in front of him caused his legs to go limb and all his strength escaped him .
"Brother, we need to help the general . Let's hurry . "
"Understood, I'll be going then . "
"Hah! Second brother is trying to gain more credits . I won't lose to you . I'm going too!"
Three men on the horses, were leading a battalion of a thousand militia footmen in the front . Seeing that Zou Jing Battalion was in disarray and the Yellow Turbans Army were at advantage . They decided to rush in and help . Their troops were form for the purpose of eliminating the Yellow Turbans Army in the first place so there was no reason not to help .
The tall man in front spared no time and rushed in between Zou Jing and Zhang Tong .
"Brat . You go no further . "
A tall red face man with the blue dragon halberd, was charging forward and was making a bee-line toward Zhang Tong . A savage scruffy beard man and a scholarly looking man on a full set of iron armor were following behind .
'Damn it . Those three hypocrites really appear here . I thought they were in other platoon . The novel version said they would appear later to help Zou Jing but it seems they were in the same platoon from the start . '
Zhang Tong recognized the people that were coming after him . They were the important historical figures in the East Han and Three Kingdoms eras . The person in front were none other than Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Liu Bei .
'I only have one bullet left . Unless I can get close to Zou Jing and kill him with my blade, I can't afford to use it on them . '
Zhang Tong clenched onto his 9mm Glock pistol in his left hand . His right hand was still holding a bloodstained blade . He was saving his last bullet for the emergency . But now he was facing his dilemma .
'I should have save some bullets . I was too immature . '
Zhang Tong relied in his pistol too much in the past . Most of his bullets were wasted on ordinary soldiers before this battle .
'Should I change trend of the history here and now for my benefits in the long run, or should I focus on the mission at hand . '
He glanced at his mission status in the corner of his eyes .
**Main Mission**
Mission Clear Condition: Kill Zou Jing .
Mission Fail Condition: You die, Zou Jing escape, or time limit exceeded .
Mission Clear Reward: 10,000 years of lifespan . Bonus experiences for all your active skills .
Mission Failure: Your location will be shown on the system map to other players for 1 year .
Time Limit Remaining: 1 hour 39 minutes
System Note: Bowsette is bae .
'No, I have to finish the mission or I'm dead . The punishment for failure is too harsh . '
Zhang Tong dreaded the other players . They were all otherworlders just like him and all of them had at least one unique cheat in their arsenal . Therefore, revealing his location on the HUD map were tantamount to a suicide .
'I wanted to kill you three idiots so bad . But it seems you are fated to live on a little longer . '
Zhang Tong looked in front of him, locating Zou Jing and his personal guards .
'Roughly 40-50 meters between the target and me . I can do it . '
"Time Stop!"
Zhang Tong shouted . The atmosphere around him suddenly paused and the world became greyscale . The rain drops and mud-water-splash on the ground paused in mid-air . Guan Yu and his horse that were charging at him stopped in mid-motion . The chaotic ambience screams became silent . Only Zhang Tong retained his movement, the yellow clothes on him were the only color remained in the world and so his consciousness .
**Skill Status**
[Time Stop] LV . 2
- Stop time and space flow in your current universe for 10 seconds .
Skill Cost: 10 years of the host lifespan .
Skill Restriction: Can only be used once per day . Skill resets at midnight .
System Note: Try activating this skill by shouting "The W*rld", you will be surprised!
[Firearms Creation] LV . 1
- Create any firearm or bullet of your choice .
- Currently only handguns and handgun bullets can be created
Skill Cost:
1 year of the host lifespan per a handgun bullet
50 years of the host lifespan per a new handgun of your choice
Skill Restriction: Can only create one handgun a day or one bullet a day . Skill resets at midnight .
System Note: Try curving the bullet . It looks cool when you can do it . What? You can't? SHAME!
Zhang Tong ignored the paused motion of the charging Guan Yu and sprinted toward Zou Jing . Although full sprinting 50 meters in 10 seconds was easy for any healthy adults . However, in this battlefield, the ground were muddy and unleveled, and there were many enemies and obstacles blocking Zhang Tong's path . So he had to put every ouch stamina he had remain in this sprint .
[Time remaining 3 seconds…]
[Time remaining 2 seconds…]
'Just a little more'
Zhang Tong managed to bypass all soldiers along the way and stood directly in front of Zou Jing . He hurriedly swung his blade, loping off Zou Jing's head in midair . Then he used the remaining seconds to run off a distance from the troops . He needed that distance to protect himself from the immediate revenge and made an impact on psychological of the remaining troops .
[Time is up . The flow will be resumed . Good luck you mofo . ]
The world regained colors and motions . The chaotic shouts continued as if it were never paused . However, Zou Jing troops discovered that Zhang Tong suddenly disappeared from his previous spot .
"How the hell!?"
"It's that magic again!"
The soldiers were confused for the moment before another commotion broke out in another location .
"Lord Zou Jing!"
Zou Jing's head that were loped into the air resumed its motion and dropped itself on the ground . Zhang Tong also reappeared in the distance with his bloodstained blade .
Even Guan Yu and co . were shocked . Their eyes were opened wide as if they were about to pop out of its socket . Zou Jing's soldiers were worse . Some of them had clashed with the Yellow Turbans under Zhang Tong's lead once before and they had witnessed the same magic happened . Their face lost all of their blood and despair were showing in their eyes .
[Mission Accomplished . You are rewarded 1,000 years of lifespan and 50 skill experience points for each of your active skills . ]
[Time Stop has increased to LV . 3]
[Firearms Creation has increased to LV . 2]
[The next mission will be issued after all players completed their missions . Please stay tuned . *Wink* *Wink*]
'Still obnoxious as ever . This goddamn system . '
Zhang Tong cursed in his mind . There were no happiness shown on his face after he completed his mission . They were more like a torture to him but entertainment for the higher up above the skies . He knew that the next mission would always be harder than the previous one . After all, this were not the first mission he completed .
'It would be best if the next one won't involve other players . For now, I have to solve the major issue at hand . '
Zhang Tong glanced at Guan Yu, Zhang Fei and Liu Bei, who were keeping distance on vigilant .
Guan Yu felt chill running though his spine . He had never witnessed something this supernatural before . And now one of the supernatural thing appeared in front of him as his opponent . The bravery he had shown just now disappeared from his mind like smoke . He had heard the rumor that Zhang Jiao was a sorcerer, and now his son just shown his "magic" in front of him .
"Didn't you lots want a piece of me? Where is your bravery now? Oh right, there were old saying that only brave men can become soldier, but I'm seeing no soldier . Hell, I doubt there were even men in front of me . "
Guan Yu and Liu Bei frowned . They didn't exactly understand what Zhang Tong were talking about . But they sensed that they were indirectly cursed somehow .
"Bah! You think you are a god with that parlor trick . A child of heaven? Kaak! Ptui! Your father is just a delusional scholar! He was so delusional that your mother abandoned you for a new man in hell!"
Zhang Tong frowned . He knew he wouldn't be able to provoke the three brothers into a fight easily after showing his "magic" . So he had attempted to buy time and tried to rouse Zhang Fei into a one on one fight . He got cursed back and it pained him . He wanted to tear Zhang Fei into shred but Zhang Tong had to calm down .
Zhang Tong desperately needed time to catch up his breath . He also needed his troops to catch up to him . Once his troops came close, so he could announce that Zou Jing was dead, and could bluff Zou Jing's remaining troops into surrender or retreat . But if he were to announce it now, he would definitely get himself killed by the revenge of the remnant soldiers . Zhang Tong was still isolated within Zou Jing Army after all .
'I need one more magic to seal the coffin . It has to be flashy . The impact should be so severe to the point that they can get scared shitless . If I could lure one of them over and finish it with a bang…'
'I hope the Glock can still work in this heavy rain, or I'll be doomed . '
Zhang Tong had another risky plan in his mind . He breathed deeply and started speaking .
"My father, Zhang Jiao, may be a bit silly in the head, but he fought the corruption for his people! For that, I'm proud of him . My mother left the world with a smile on her face . She died giving me life, so I'm proud of her and grateful to her . But you … you … and you"
Zhang Tong slowly pointed at Zhang Fei, then Guan Yu and Liu Bei . Then he slowly shout at them word by word .
"When the people were suffering from famine and disease, you became bandit, tormenting us . "
"When the commoners bled from the corrupted official and high taxed, you were still a bandit, bleeding us further . "
"When we, the commoners, the victims, fought back, you sided with those corrupted officials . "
"When we were branded traitor, you guys were celebrating in the peach garden . "
"Your parents must be proud of you as well . They raised you so well that one of you became a bandit, another one of you was a psychopath murderer and the biggest one of you became so delusional to the point that you thought of yourself as the old emperor's descendant even though you were just a straw shoes seller!"
Liu Bei and Guan Yu's face turned ugly . Although they were annoyed from Zhang Tong sarcasm, but they held themselves back . They were still afraid of the "magic" . If Zhang Tong were to blink again, who knew which head would fly .
They didn't know anything about the story behind the Yellow Turbans . All they had heard were all from the officials, that the rebellion was plundering villages and rob innocent people . It made them think back about the hidden story behind the rebellion and which information was more believable .
"I want your life!"
Zhang Fei shouted angrily and charged directly at Zhang Tong .
"Yide, NO!!"
"Brother wait!!"
'Gotcha . '
A smile appears on Zhang Tong's face as he raised the pistol, aimed at Zhang Fei, and pulled the trigger .

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