Novel Name : I Have A Divine Tree In My Heart

Chapter 174 - Tempted By Benefits

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Chapter 174: Tempted By Benefits

The principle of optical invisibility was not about reflecting or absorbing light. At this stage, the real way to achieve optical invisibility was to enable electromagnetic waves to bypass the covered object without any scattering, thereby realizing the so-called invisibility.
In the previous world, in order to achieve invisibility, humans studied metamaterials and negative refractive index media, which meant using the properties of materials to allow light to bypass the material without seeing the light reflected by the material and seeing directly whatever was behind the material, which was transparent.
However, for Lin Yao, this did not have to be that troublesome. After knowing the principle of optical invisibility, Lin Yao closed his eyes and sensed his light territory.
The Lord of Light was not so much a talent as it was a hypostasis, such as a nobleman, a knight, etc. This hypostasis would not consume Lin Yao’s energy and physical strength and would not increase Lin Yao’s strength either. Instead, it gave Lin Yao the right to manipulate the surrounding light.
At the same time, he could only manipulate the light if there was power of light around him. He was like a lord. He needed to have people under him to be considered complete.
Now, he commanded the surrounding light with the light hypostasis, controlling it to make it move around him.
After knowing the principle behind this, and with the help of the hypostasis of the Lord of Light, invisibility was much simpler than Lin Yao had thought.
Someone was shouting in the room 10 minutes later.
“Ah Yao, Ah Yao, where are you?”
Qin Xue had poured a cup of tea for Lin Yao and had been reading a book next to him. After a while, she’d looked up from her book and had been surprised to see that Lin Yao’s body was slowly disappearing into the air. This had given her a big shock, and she’d immediately shouted.
“What’s wrong?”
Her loud yells had attracted the attention of the two people outside the room. They rushed into the room but could not see Lin Yao either.
While they were panicking, Qin Xue suddenly let out a painful snort and clutched her forehead as if she had been attacked by something.
Upon shouting, Qin Ya suddenly felt something and immediately swept the knife behind her, delivering a blow. There was an inexplicable sound.
Then, a painful hum followed.
“What a powerful force.”
As soon as this sentence was finished, Lin Yao, who had disappeared, reappeared out of thin air.
Upon seeing Lin Yao appear quickly out of nothingness, Qin Ya first breathed a sigh of relief. However, she soon thought of something, and the smile on her face disappeared and turned into contempt.
“It took you so little time to master invisibility. I must say it is indeed your favorite ability, Lustful Mr. Lin.”
“Lustful?! What the hell?”
As he touched his hurting arms, Lin Yao could only sigh. Fortunately, Qin Ya was not a silver warlord with outstanding combat power, or it would have been really troublesome this time.
“You should know what I mean. Do you need me to say what you were about to do just now?”
“Wait, this was merely a joke. I didn’t mean to launch a sneak attack.”
“Who knows. And Mr. Lin, please restrain yourself in the future. I don’t want to go to the police station to bail a pervert who peeps at others. It would be such a disgrace.”
“That’s too much.”
“Not at all. Who knows what else you are going to do when you are invisible?”
Lin Yao, who had acquired the invisibility ability, was being criticized fiercely by Qin Ya. He knew the reason. Most people would want to test this ability out after acquiring it.
However, this world was unlike his previous life. Although being invisible was good, there were countermeasures to it.
Lin Yao’s invisibility could only conceal light, but not sound and smell. People who had powerful mental strength would be able to spot him. Qin Ya scolded him, as she was worried that he would cause trouble. This was meant to show Lin Yao that it would be difficult for someone who was invisible to defend himself and for others to believe him.
For example, Qin Ya was reprimanding Lin Yao. Forget about Yan Yu’er, who was next to him. Even the gentle and affectionate Qin Xue looked at Lin Yao with suspicion in her eyes. She even instinctively clutched her clothes tightly. That unconscious movement hurt Lin Yao a lot.
“All of you… forget it. I won’t lower myself to your level. I will continue to study and learn.”
Qin Xue burst into laughter at Lin Yao’s reaction. A smile appeared at the corner of Yan Yu’er’s mouth. Qin Ya was the only one who continued to work with an indifferent expression.
Lin Yao was serious. Since a lot of money had been spent to find someone to teach him, he would naturally not waste time.
After achieving optical invisibility, Lin Yao asked the physicist more questions, inquiring about the physics behind the attacking method of the power of light.
After asking a few questions, he managed to learn some new methods.
‘On a physics level, the best way to attack by using the power of light is with a laser beam. Since light is the world’s fastest force, it can hit the enemy as soon as the attack is launched. The characteristics of the beam of light are such that there is no way to dodge. The laser is used to penetrate and kill the enemy at high temperatures, and it has an explosive characteristic. Another dangerous attacking method is gamma rays. Such rays have a short electromagnetic wavelength, strong penetrating power, and high energy. They could easily cause DNA breaks in biological cells, thus resulting in cell mutations. They can also cause hematopoietic disorders, cancer, and other diseases. The radiation after a nuclear explosion comes from these rays.’
Gamma rays were very strong, but Lin Yao did not study them right away. This was because he was reminded that the biggest enemy of mankind at present was not the monsters with real flesh and blood, but the mysterious and unpredictable freaks. Therefore, instead of learning how to use the gamma rays, it would be better to find a way to increase the power of the laser beam.
However, Lin Yao was not satisfied with the final result.
‘Laser rays are something that can work miracles through great power. The greater the power, the stronger the power of the laser weapon. There is no way one can resort to trickery.’
He was disappointed by the results. Perhaps he had not checked the almanac when he had gone out today, but very soon, something frustrating happened again.
While Lin Yao was resting and studying in the presidential suite, several pieces of news topped the local forums. No. 1 High School had suffered many defeats in the previous matches, and many outsiders ranked in the top few places of the individual competition. Some netizens were furious at the results and were lamenting, saying that the instructors had not guided them well and the students were weak. They consumed a lot of resources but achieved nothing. They were a bunch of good-for-nothings.
The students from No. 1 High School were naturally angry about these remarks. Some of them ended up quarreling with the netizens, and Lin Yao was implicated in the process. Lin Yao had secured victory in the previous few battles and defeated his opponents easily. Therefore, others kept comparing him to No. 1 High School, highlighting that the people from No. 1 High School were good-for-nothings.
In the end, No. 1 High School could not take it anymore. The contestants from No. 1 High School who had real-name authentication even made arrogant remarks.
“Good-for-nothings? That’s ridiculous. He did not win the previous matches because he is worthy of us using powerful moves on him. When the cat’s away, the mice play. Just wait and see. Today, I will show you what it means to be powerful.”
“By the way, someone praised One Sword from No. 4 High School. Ha ha… He is just a clown who pleases the public with claptrap. You will see right away that rubbish is simply rubbish.”
Two consecutive threads were started on Weitui[1] and caused an uproar in Ninghai City. The first thread was still alright, as the contestant who made that remark was a warlord. Many people felt that he was powerful enough to make such comments. Some people even cheered on the arrogant warlord. This was a battle between the locals and the outsiders.
The situation of the second thread was different. Although the person in question, who was named Wu Sheng, was a warlord as well, he was ugly.
As the saying went, as long as one had good looks, others could ignore the mistakes one made. Compared to Lin Yao, he was very unpopular. He was scolded as soon as the thread that questioned Lin Yao was started. Countless people hurled criticism at him, and most of them were girls.
“Good-for-nothing. You can’t be compared to His Excellency One Sword.”
“Good-for-nothing. How dare you scold One Sword! Tell me your location and I will get my father to beat you to death.”
“Sure enough, the ugly always cause more trouble. Just admit that you are jealous of His Excellency One Sword.”
Given that he had taken the initiative to start an arrogant thread, one could tell that he liked to seek the limelight. How could he not respond when he was scolded by the netizens? Thus, he started to quarrel with the netizens by making a second post.
In reality, ordinary people might not be his opponents. However, one did not rely on real capabilities to win a fight on the Internet. Besides, there was no one on his side, while he was criticized by most of the netizens. He could not stand them, so he lashed out at them online.
Lin Yao was also left a little speechless by this situation. He had not expected this misfortune to befall him even though he had done nothing.
However, as soon as he voiced his thoughts, Qin Ya expressed her doubts.
“Unexpected misfortune? How could that be? You are blocking other people’s paths.”
Seeing that Lin Yao was clueless, Qin Ya said indifferently, “People would not be jealous of a mediocre person. Unless you remain a moderate martial artist, the more you advance, the more people will want to fight with you. This is what happened now. You are very famous. He is jealous, so he wants to make use of you to become famous too.”
“Why are there such bad people?”
Qin Xue was the only person in the room who was innocent enough to make such a comment.
“He is not a bad person. He merely wants to benefit from the situation. Fame can be exchanged for money.”
While several people were talking, Wu Sheng was harshly criticized by others. In the end, since he could not win the argument, he directed his anger at Lin Yao again.
“Let me make this clear: One Sword is just a piece of trash. Listen up, scoundrels. You’d better not let him enter the arena, or I will beat him to death.
“Stop this talk about the big bullying the small. He is a third-year student, and so am I. I am stronger than him because I work hard.
“By the way, the competition in the afternoon is an arena competition. I won’t bully him. I will fight against the five of them!
“Bullies, go ahead and be angry. Let me show you what a real man is like!”
It seemed that he was so angry that he was out of control, as he started several threads at once. Lin Yao’s face was devoid of any expression, there was nothing but coldness on it.
“I’m really underestimated by others.”
“Ah Yao, don’t be angry. It’s not been long since you awakened. We still have a long road ahead of us.
“You don’t have to pay attention to idiots. This guy is disliked by many students at school. He’s just a flattering villain.”
Qin Xue and Yan Yu’er comforted Lin Yao. Qin Xue’s consolation was sincere. As for Yan Yu’er, although she was still a little angry with Lin Yao, she was fuming mad when others belittled Lin Yao. She was even ready to get people to deal with Wu Sheng.
Compared to the two girls, who were still high school students, Qin Ya was not at all angry about the online remarks.
As soon as these comments were made on the Internet, she told people to check on these individuals. Soon, she had collected a lot of information on them. After reading through it, she immediately knew what was going on.
“I have good news and bad news for you. Which news do you want to hear first?”
“The bad news.”
“The team battle this afternoon between you and Wu Sheng is already an established fact. According to the news I got, he obtained the qualifications to fight you. After confirming the match, he immediately started these threads to create hype on the Internet.”
“Hey, aren’t the matches arranged randomly? How can you know your opponent in the morning?”
Almost no one was willing to answer this stupid question. How could they be arranged randomly? How could there be such a thing? No matter where the game was played, it was already considered fair that the winner was not decided beforehand.
“Don’t ask foolish questions. Think before asking.”
While Qin Ya reprimanded her cousin, Lin Yao, who had heard the bad news, lay on the sofa behind her casually with a relaxed expression and a smile on his face.
“Bad news? I have a chance to strike right after being provoked. Are you sure this is bad news?”
[1] A Chinese social media platform.
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