Novel Name : New Times, New Hell

Chapter 36 - Modern Ghost Summoning Technology

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Chapter 36 - Modern Ghost Summoning Technology

Daoist priest Jin had originally been proud and confident; he had even already prepared himself for Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que’s pitiful crying and begging.
But things didn’t seem to be developing how he thought they would……
It was okay that those two weren’t scared at all, but how could they be whispering to each other like nobody else was present!
Daoist priest Jin’s breath got stuck in his chest. It couldn’t go up or down, so he almost choked to death. He thought about it and realized that these two youths probably only recognized the magic seal, but didn’t know the power the seal held, just like the Chen family’s daughter. She had been in possession of a treasure, but had only treated it like a normal amulet.
This was the supposed ‘unknowledgeable people don’t know fear’. It was the exact phrase needed to describe such hotheaded youth.
Because of the Chen family’s retaliation, Liu Ningan’s life hadn’t been going so well lately. He was on the verge of going bankrupt in terms of business, so already hated the people the Chen family had hired since long ago. Now that he knew it was these two youth, though he was surprised, he still felt unwavering hatred in his heart.
Just like Daoist priest Jin, he greatly anticipated seeing them kneeling on the floor and crying. But he didn’t expect for them to deviate from the script. Thus, he immediately became furious, scoffing, “The younger generation these days are truly arrogant to an extreme, not crying until you see the coffin. Daoist priest Jin, you should let them realize what it means for there to be people outside of people and a sky outside of a sky.”
His thoughts matched Daoist priest Jin’s perfectly. Thus, the other smiled at Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que smugly. He held the copper bell in one hand and strolled a few steps closer to them before stopping. He said, “Seeing as you’re young, you probably haven’t witnessed anything truly magnificent. Today I will do a favor for you and show you the power of the magical seal belonging to the Ghost King of Luofeng Mountain. You won’t have passed through the mortal realm in vain……”
He held the copper bell up high and rhythmically shook it in a few circles. The bell very clearly made “ding ding ding ding” noises, echoing loudly and piercing into the listeners’ hearts. At the same time, Daoist priest Jin’s other hand picked up a brush from the incense table and started writing the invitation on a piece of yellow paper with cinnabar.
Yu Zhengdu couldn’t help glancing at Shang Que. He said very understandingly, “I think what you said before was absolutely right. These Daoists need to complete so many steps to cast a spell. In that time, I could’ve beat him up twice.”
Shang Que expressed his agreement. “They should get beaten up for falling behind the times.”
As they spoke, a cold gust of wind suddenly blew into the room. The spirit-inviting banners started flapping again.
Liu Ningan’s expression was filled with unadulterated joy. He cackled at Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que. “You two don’t have Yin Yang Eyes, right. What a pity; otherwise, you might’ve been able to see the rare scene of an Underworld army.”
Previously, Daoist priest Jin had practiced borrowing the power of the ghosts of Luofeng Mountain once while he was watching. Liu Ningan had personally seen him summon hundreds of Underworld spirits and line them up into a squadron. They had all been under his control.
That scene had been something even Liu Ningan, who had witnessed plenty in his life, had never seen before. In all of Fu City, who would dare to make enemies with him, someone who could control hundreds of ghosts? It was the equivalent of having an Underworld army.
The more Liu Ningan thought about it, the smugger he became. His voice was a bit hoarse as he said, “You two. If you kneel now and beg for mercy, I can consider letting you off easy and allowing you to keep your spirits intact after death……”
The yellow paper on the incense table flapped in the wind. Daoist priest Jin had already finished writing the invitation. He bent his knees and knelt on the ground, paying his respects. He shouted, “Disciple is a Daoist from Mang Mountain, named Jin Heguan. I sincerely pay my respects to our Lord, the Ghost King of Luofeng Mountain. I beg the Great King to lend the power of the ghosts to disciple. Disciple will surely serve the Great King faithfully. I am at the Great King’s service——”
Liu Ningan’s eyes were wide as he reflexively took a step back in preparation for the crowd of ghosts about to arrive. At the same time, he didn’t forget to look at Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que, a cruel smile on his face. “Hope you’re mentally prepared so you don’t piss yourselves……”
Yu Zhengdu: “……”
Yu Zhengdu silently glanced at Shang Que. “Great King, what do you think?”
The Great King crossed his arms over his chest and stated expressionlessly, “Not bad.”
As soon as he finished speaking, the cold wind came to an abrupt stop. The banners naturally stopped waving, and the talismans also stopped moving.
It was as if a balloon about to burst had suddenly been poked open and the air stuck inside had rapidly escaped.
The entire room was silent, as if nothing had ever happened.
Daoist priest Jin: “……?”
Liu Ningan: “……?”
Daoist priest Jin raised his head in a daze. He discovered that no ghosts had appeared in the room. His bewilderment could be clearly seen in his eyes.
Liu Ningan was extremely confused too. He hurriedly asked, “Daoist priest, what’s wrong? Where are the Underworld soldiers?”
Daoist priest Jin had no idea either. He thought to himself, could it be that my spell failed? But he had clearly very strictly followed each step; there was no way he could’ve made a mistake. Sweat started appearing on his forehead. He shook the copper bell again and shouted, “Please, our Lord, Ghost King of Luofeng Mountain. Gift your disciple with the power of the ghosts. A little is enough——a little is enough——”
His voice almost cracked with how loud he was yelling, but still nothing changed in the room.
Their surroundings were completely silent. Forget a hundred ghosts, not even an Underworld spirit that he could normally summon when opening the altar appeared.
There were only Yu Zhengdu and Shang Que’s unimpressed faces.
Daoist priest Jin: “……”
The scene could be considered very awkward.
Liu Ningan had prepared for so long to receive the Underworld soldiers, so refused to accept this turnout. He kept asking, “Daoist priest, where are the ghosts? Where are they?”
Daoist priest Jin felt a slight panic rise in his chest, but maintained his calm countenance nonetheless. He swept a hand over his forehead. “Our Lord the Ghost King is probably napping right now, so hasn’t heard my request. When the Ghost King awakens, he will naturally lend me the power of the ghosts……”
Liu Ningan: “……”
Honestly speaking, if he hadn’t personally witnessed Daoist priest Jin borrow a group of ghosts before, he would be wondering if he had hired a scammer.
Daoist priest Jin lost face but refused to lose his aura. He imposingly lifted his head and roared, “You two, if you’re brave, don’t run away. Just wait a few minutes more. I’ll definitely be able to invite some ghosts to deal with you.”
Yu Zhengdu: “……”
Shang Que had only patiently waited to see if he could come up with anything new after realizing that Daoist priest Jin was planning on using his own power. But after all this time, the other was still using the same methods as the mortal Daoists of the past. Because of this, he lost his patience and coldly stated, “There’s no need to wait.”
Before Daoist priest Jin could react, he saw Shang Que glance at Yu Zhengdu and say, “You show him what the right way to summon ghosts is.”
Yu Zhengdu solemnly nodded, then pulled out his phone and opened WeChat. He left a voice message, saying, “Kang Jin, Boss and I are preparing to have a group fight with a demon priest right now. Hurry and bring the brothers over. Call a few extra ones as soon as possible. I’ll send you a location.”
Daoist priest Jin, Liu Ningan: “……????”
Shang Que’s face was also filled with disbelief, but Yu Zhengdu didn’t realize at all. He put his hands on his hips and proudly stated, “Hrmph. Let the demon priest experience the ghost summoning technology of the age of the Internet.”
Shang Que slowly sighed, then expressionlessly stated, “I meant for you to summon a ghost with the heart seal……”
Yu Zhengdu went ah, then turned to look at Boss. “You should’ve told me that earlier……” It’s not like he didn’t know how the two of them were never on the same wavelength!
Shang Que: “……”
Yu Zhengdu had been the one who had taken the initiative to learn the heart seal back then, and had even successfully borrowed a ghost. How come his thought process was so strange at times like these?
Daoist priest Jin watched as the two youths chatted for a while, then pull out a phone to call someone on WeChat. He immediately felt like he had been lied to. His face was dark as he said, “You guys really don’t know anything.”
Liu Ningan’s face was twisted too. “You think this is a group fight on the streets? Even calling people over. Be wary; perhaps none of you will survive to return……”
Yu Zhengdu waved his hands. “No, not people. I was calling ghosts just now.”
Liu Ningan became enraged, “You dare to joke with me——”
He lost control of his temper, holding up the scalpel in his hand and charging forward.
Upon seeing this, Daoist Jin hurriedly shouted, “Boss Liu, how come you’re personally acting? The ghosts I’ve invited will be here soon……”
Liu Ningan’s temperament didn’t allow for him to wait. The fat on his face was shaking, “They’ll have to die either way. It doesn’t matter who kills them.”
Though he was large and heavy now, he had worked his way up from the bottom when he was young. In a real fight, he was strong and used unjust tactics. The knife smoothly stabbed directly towards Yu Zhengdu’s abdomen.
“Go die——” Liu Ningan’s face was twisted, a bloodthirsty smile tugging at his lips.
“Ao——Boss save me——” Yu Zhengdu hadn’t expected for Liu Ningan to be so crazy, so allowed him to get too close in a moment of unpreparation. He immediately became so scared he jumped in place and reflexively hid behind Shang Que.
“I’m here.” Shang Que held a hand out to gently steady him, then pulled him onto his other side. “Don’t be scared.”
“Then you can die first.” Liu Ningan switched directions, charging towards Shang Que instead.
The knife moved swiftly, burying itself in Shang Que’s waist instantly. Liu Ningan laughed uproariously. “Those who get in my way will die——”
Before he could finish, he saw the knife pass through Shang Que’s waist……and then come back out.
Liu Ningan stared at the scalpel that had clearly been stabbed into Shang Que’s waist. A series of question marks appeared over his head.
“What, what’s going on?” Liu Ningan asked, confusion evident in his eyes.
“What!” Yu Zhengdu’s head popped out from behind Shang Que’s shoulder. He hrmph’d. “You act like you’ve never seen a ghost!”
Liu Ningan: “……?!!!!!”
Only to hear the knife fall out of Liu Ningan’s hand with a “keng” as he trembled. The fat on his face couldn’t stop shaking. “You, you……You’re a ghost?”
“Yeah,” Shang Que replied lightly. Yu Zhengdu added, “Does he not look it because he’s too handsome?”
Shang Que couldn’t help glancing at him…… He said I look handsome!
Liu Ningan: “……” This wasn’t a question of how handsome he was, okay!
But he didn’t get the chance to share his opinion. Shang Que slightly pointed in a direction and he felt his body fly up and get thrown.
Only to hear a “peng” as Liu Ningan crashed onto the offering table like a cannonball. The table collapsed, causing raw meat and fresh blood to cover his entire body and face. He precariously held a hand out amidst the flesh and blood, saying, “Daoist priest Jin……Save, save me——”
But Daoist priest Jin’s expression was that of shock too. He wasn’t scared of ghosts, because he had tamed an innumerous amount of ghosts in the past few years. What really surprised him was the fact that from the time these two had entered the hidden room until now, he hadn’t realized one of them was a creature from the Underworld at all.
This could only mean one thing……This ghost’s cultivation level was far higher than his own. It was the only thing that could explain how he managed to hide his aura from being observed.
Daoist priest Jin felt terror rise in his heart, but since things were already this way, he had no other choice. He could only continue faking confidence and raise the copper bell in his hand. He roared, “Excellent timing, evil ghost. Today I will do the work of the Heavens……”
Before he could finish speaking, a chilly gust of wind suddenly started blowing through their surroundings. An uproar could be heard from outside the hidden room. Shortly after, dozens of Underworld spirits filed in through the doors, charging forward.
At this, Daoist priest Jin felt exuberant. He cackled in his heart, but also chuckled out loud. “Our Lord the Ghost King has awakened and lent me his power. The Underworld spirits I’ve borrowed have finally arrived!”
Liu Ningan had previously been quite anxious, but upon seeing this, he became ecstatic. He immediately pushed himself up and laughed, “The Heavens are really on my side. Daoist priest, hurry and order these spirits to subdue that evil ghost.”
Daoist priest Jin nodded and was just about to shake his bell when he saw all the ghosts that had just arrived crowd around the two youths. The one in the very front even walked over to give Yu Zhengdu a shoulder massage. As he squeezed, he asked, “Yu ge, which blind person dared to cause you trouble? Watch us eat him!”
Another one rolled up his sleeves and said, “We were scared that there weren’t enough ghosts at the company, so I called for some outside help too. We’ve never lost a group fight.”
Daoist priest Jin: “……???”
Liu Ningan: “……???”
Yu Zhengdu glanced at Kang Jin and said, “You guys took your sweet time.”
Kang Jin shrugged innocently. “If you wanted us to be fast, you should’ve summoned us with the heart seal. But you called us through WeChat, so we could only drive over.”
A coworker popped his head out from behind and added, “Yeah. It was a good thing you burned us a few cars previously, otherwise we would’ve had to take the bus over. That would’ve been even slower.”
Yu Zhengdu: “……” Could these ghosts not be so non-intimidating when speaking!
Liu Ningan was already completely lost. He pointed at Yu Zhengdu with a trembling finger, “You guys……you guys……”
He quaked in placed for a long time, unable to say a complete phrase in the end.
Daoist priest Jin was also shocked out of his mind, but he had ultimately seen more ghosts in his lifetime, so managed to maintain a calm image. He asked, “These are the ghosts you summoned?”
Yu Zhengdu: “Yeah.”
Daoist priest Jin felt the blood boiling in his chest. “Through the phone?”
Yu Zhengdu: “Yeah.”
Daoist priest Jin: “Pu——” A mouthful of old blood got spat out.
He had worked so hard to learn the ways of the Dao for so many years, always strictly following the steps for each spell-casting ceremony. He had once been extremely pleased with his talent. In the entire Huaxia area, how many Daoists were better than him?
He had never imagined……the Daoist ways he had practiced with such pride would be defeated so easily in the face of modern technology.
Daoist priest Jin trembled as he held up the copper bell. He made his last struggle, “So what if you can summon ghosts? Can these spirits defeat the Ghost King of Luofeng Mountain? Wait as I cast a spell and ask to borrow the power of Luofeng Mountain……”
Before he could finish speaking, he saw all the ghosts Yu Zhengdu had called over stare at him like he was stupid.
Kang Jin turned to ask Yu Zhengdu, face full of confusion, “What does this demon priest mean? He wants to borrow Boss’s power?”
Yu Zhengdu: “……” Ey, it was a long story.
Daoist priest Jin had originally thought something was off. Now that he heard their conversation, he finally realized what it was. He looked at Shang Que in disbelief. “You-you-you, could it be, you are……”
Yu Zhengdu tsk’d. His tone was mocking, “When you needed to borrow power you called him ‘our Lord the Ghost King’, but now that you’ve met him in person, you don’t even recognize him. What a fake master-disciple relationship.”
Shang Que hurriedly shook his hands. “He’s no disciple of mine.”
The author has something to say:
Demon priest: (putong) Is my kneeling posture accurate?
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