Novel Name : Sword Spirit

Chapter 141: I Like You

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Chapter 141: I Like You
In a flash, three days went by.
During these three days, Lu Xuan only managed to find the time to return to the sword faction once and greet Lin Xin Yi. After staying in the Enchantment Hall for so long, it had caused the rest of them to worry. During the rest of the time, he had only been staying in the Enchantment Hall.
In three days time, Lu Xuan continued practicing the astral rune without pause. The astral rune was a high level rune. Its complexity was far greater than the Wild Explosion rune, and the astral rune that Lu Xuan had changed with the Ancient Enchantment Runes was even more so.
But even so, with the memories firmly intact inside his mind, after spending three days, Lu Xuan finally succeeded drawing his first astral rune scroll.
This level of divine speed made Chen Xiao Han, who had been staying by his side the entire time, have her shock reach levels that could no longer increase. She had spent a whole few months time before she had felt familiar with the rune. In the end, with the added help of Lu Xuan, she managed to succeed for the first time. And now, Lu Xuan in three days time, had caught up to the progress over these months, and even passed her. His efficiency was dozens of times better than hers!
In this regard, Chen Xiao Han only had one thing to say when evaluating Lu Xuan, demonic.
However, the strength that Lu Xuan had shown off had completely subdued her. Although normally she would still constantly bicker and quarrel with Lu Xuan, but in terms of enchanting, she no longer dared to look down on Lu Xuan.
Also, in these short three days, she had also profited greatly. Without speaking of other things, just her watching Lu Xuan every time he drew, she would understand how the runes were used a bit better. Also, each time Lu Xuan stopped drawing, he would tell her some ingenious theory.
Back when she had first heard it, she had thought that Lu Xuan was an amazing genius. She simply couldn’t imagine that these runes could originally be used in this manner. Similar runes used in different location had different results. It seemed to overturn her conceptions.
At the start she had her doubts, but as she did as Lu Xuan said, after personally verifying it, she immediately no longer had any more doubts. She waited for the day she mastered the theory that Lu Xuan spoke of. The astral rune that she previously couldn’t ever succeed on now had reached a 20% success rate. It was even higher compared to some of the senior high level enchanters of the Enchantment Hall. Of course, this was also due to her solid basic foundations.
Chen Xiao Han didn’t know why Lu Xuan knew so much about how to use runes. She could only attribute these things to that “martial path master” who had taught Lu Xuan enchanting skills early on.
After Lu Xuan spent another day’s time, he had completely familiarized himself with the astral rune. When not using the Ancient Enchantment skills, his success rate could reach about 25%, which was a bit higher than Chen Xiao Han’s. If he could unreservedly use the ancient enchantment techniques, then his success rate would surpass 30%.
However, having grasped the astral rune didn’t mean that he had completely grasped high level enchanting runes. Although Lu Xuan was very interested in spirit runes, he also knew that that a foundation had to be built well. The path of cultivation required going steady steps, otherwise if the foundation was unstable, in the future, the distance traveled would not be far.
Thus he still restrained those feelings and chose another few high level enchantment runes to practice. Chen Xiao Han naturally didn’t oppose this. Ever since she had learned quite a few good things beside Lu Xuan, she no longer wanted to even leave Lu Xuan’s side for fifteen minutes, sticking next to him the entire day.
Not only that, she even served Lu Xuan well. If she wanted tea, she brought tea, if water, sent water. For three meals a day, no matter what time Lu Xuan wanted to eat, she would definitely find things for him to eat. It could be said that she was meticulously taking care of Lu Xuan.
Seeing that Chen Xiao Han was really acting as a servant, Lu Xuan began to feel a bit embarrassed. He had originally bet with Chen Xiao Han to tease her. He hadn’t imagined that Hallmaster’s treasured daughter would change to a servant at a moment’s notice.
However, Chen Xiao Han delighted in it. Lu Xuan couldn’t do anything about it. He could only teach her some things with care and energy. However, the things that he taught her were largely the theory from the ancient enchantment technique. Some core things, he didn’t dare to reveal. At that time, not only would it bring trouble to Chen Xiao Han, even he himself would most likely get involved.
But even these bits of theory were enough to make Chen Xiao Han feel as if she had been enlightened. The Ancient Enchantment Technique focused on having free rein, without being bound by any restrictions and fetters. This was very different from the education she received when she was young. At the start she was a bit unaccustomed to it, but after she slowly understood it, it helped her master the ways that Lu Xuan described for methods on using runes. Her enchantment skills improved leaps and bounds.
Sometimes even Lu Xuan had to sigh. It turned out this young lass was the real genius. If he had given away all of the Ancient Enchantment techniques to her, then perhaps in just a few years, Chen Xiao Han would have caught up to her father’s ability level or even further.
But then he put those thoughts to the side. Although Lu Xuan had good feelings for Chen Xiao Han, and often enjoyed teasing her, the secret of the sword crystal was too big. Currently he couldn’t even fully figure out what the sword crystal actually was and didn’t dare to do anything that might bring it to light.
Time went by quickly during cultivation. From the time Lu Xuan finished the astral rune, another twenty days passed.
In these twenty days, Lu Xuan never stopped practicing high level enchantment runes. Including the astral rune, the number of high level enchantment runes that he had mastered was already ten kinds!
Various high level foundation runes seemed to be at his fingertips, and could be drawn skillfully. The enchantment aspect knowledge from before were merely memories in his mind. After going through this month of digestion, it had completely become his. To him, this time of less than a month, on the aspect of understanding the rune dao, had already caused earthshaking changes. Specifically speaking, he had already reached large success in enchantment skills!
Enchantment skills large success. Next up, Lu Xuan could finally open the door of mysterious and powerful spirit runes that he had been longing for.
Standing in front of his desk, Lu Xuan’s two hands continuously waved. Rune after rune landed onto a blank scroll. His movements were incomparably smooth, completing everything in a single breath.
His hands moved faster and faster. The runes on the scroll became more and more complicated. If someone who didn’t understand enchantment techniques looked at it, they would feel very dizzy.
What Lu Xuan was drawing now was a high level enchantment that contained the most runes and also most complicated. The was his last attempt. If he could succeed this time, he was preparing to end this round of practicing that had lasted nearly a month and begin to cultivate spirit runes in order to become a one star spirit runemaster before his fight with Lin Tian.
With a soft shout, Lu Xuan’s two hands seemed to become a blur as five thin and small rune structures flew out at the same time, accurately landing onto the scroll. Then the after the last five runes landed, the entire scroll flashed with light. Success!
A trace of happiness flashed across his face. He was finally able to end the boring basic practices and begin cultivating spirit runes.
He immediately couldn’t help but turn his head, intending to tell Chen Xiao Han the good news, but when he turned his head, he saw that Chen Xiao Han was currently lying on the bed sleeping.
Recently during this time, the two of them had been constantly staying together everyday. Chen Xiao Han had become more and more intimate with Lu Xuan. At the start, if she became tired, she would return to her room to rest. Later on she began to be to lazy to make that run and simply slept here at Lu Xuan’s without a hint of shyness.
A sleeping beauty on his bed without any shyness towards him, any person would inevitably have some thoughts. Fortunately, although Lu Xuan wasn’t a perfect angel, he could still be considered as a gentleman. He had never taken advantage of Chen Xiao Han sleeping and performed any sort of offence.
Usually when she slept, Lu Xuan was continuously drawing scrolls. If he became tired, he would sit on the floor and circulate Tai Yi Yuan Return Tactic to recover. Because of that, Chen Xiao Han became even more relaxed and completely didn’t regard Lu Xuan as an outsider.
Watching Chen Xiao Han sleeping with interest, Lu Xuan was in a great mood and couldn’t help but have thoughts about teasing her. The two of them frequently joked around anyway. He immediately took out a clean enchantment brush and walked over to the bed and stooped down a bit, glancing over the young lady in front of him.
On her white touched with red rosy cheeks there hung a slight smile, perhaps dreaming of some nice dream. The pair of beautiful eyes had long since already been closed, only leaving long eyelashes that slightly trembled. It was incredibly enticing. The sleeping Chen Xiao Han’s breathing was very uniform. In close proximity, Lu Xuan could even feel the air from her breath. Carefully feeling it, it seemed to even have a faint sweetness to it, causing people to unconsciously have a desire to gently take a bite rise within them.
But very quickly, Lu Xuan’s heart shivered with fear and hurriedly put those kinds of offensive thoughts out of his head. He wasn’t a villain that took advantage of people.
Seemingly having thought of something, Lu Xuan chuckled. Without a sound, he raised the brush in his hand. The tip of the enchantment brush was a small pinch of very fine hairs. Brushing it on people would cause them to itch. Just as he was preparing to rub it on Chen Xiao Han’s earlobe, the sleeping Chen Xiao Han suddenly spoke, softly saying: “Lu Xuan.”
Chen Xiao Han’s voice immediately gave Lu Xuan a surprise, and he hurriedly stopped his hands movements, assuming that this young lass had awoken. However, taking a second look, he discovered that Chen Xiao Han’s eyes were still tightly closed. She had been sleep talking.
Breathing a sigh of relief, Lu Xuan prepared to continue his evil, but Chen Xiao Han’s next line of sleep talk shocked him to stillness.
He heard Chen Xiao Han who was still speaking softly utter three words quite clearly: “I like you.”
As soon as Chen Xiao Han said this, Lu Xuan’s heart immediately began to jump up and down. What kind of joke was this. If these two sentences were linked together, then wouldn’t it be, Lu Xuan, I like you?!
For a time, Lu Xuan was startled in the same place. He forgot to lower the hand that had been raised in order to perform evil with the brush. His mind was in chaos. Wasn’t this joke going a bit too far? Did this lass actually like him?
The truth came too suddenly. He simply wasn’t prepared. In this time, he frequently teased and made fun of Chen Xiao Han and the two often bickered. Lu Xuan felt as if her not hating him was already pretty good. He had never imagined that she would like him.
Just as Lu Xuan was dazed, the sleeping Chen Xiao Han seemed to suddenly move a bit. He hurriedly prepared to raise himself, but he discovered that his position was indecent, and that he had to make sure that she wouldn’t misunderstand.
But once again Chen Xiao Han’s actions were outside of Lu Xuan’s expectations. Chen Xiao Han’s hands suddenly stretched out and instantly wrapped themselves around the neck of Lu Xuan who was trying to climb out of the bed. Caught off guard, Lu Xuan was directly pulled down by her. He barely had time to struggle when a pair of soft lips came up. A waft of sweet air suddenly surged into Lu Xuan’s nose. His eyes immediately enlarged!
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