Novel Name : Spirit Hunters of Maoshan Sect

Chapter 192

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Chapter 192: Chapter 192 Trying His Da
Chapter 192 Trying His Daoist Craft

Everything looked the same in the apartment after a few days except it seemed to be saturated with--
Yin Qi?
“I feel cold,” Xiao Ma hugged himself once he entered the apartment . He looked around and saw that the windows were tightly sealed .
“It is because of Yin Qi,” Ye Shaoyang said .
“Yin Qi?” Xiao Ma paused for a while and suddenly understood, “Is it like what you said before: a building will slowly accumulate Yin Qi when deserted for a long period?”
Ye Shaoyang sneered, “We only left the apartment for a few days . It is impossible to accumulate so much Yin Qi in that time . This apartment is haunted!”
His answer shocked Xiao Ma . He looked around nervously and asked, “Where is the ghost? Madam Chee or He Ji?”
Ye Shaoyang rolled his eyes, “You overthink . It is just a common spirit that passed by the apartment . ”
“How on earth would a common spirit dare to enter our apartment?”
“It is because we were not home for the past few days . ” Ye Shaoyang advanced into the apartment and checked around as he spoke with a dissatisfied tone, “I want to see what foolish spirit dared to build its home here . ”
Xiao Ma pulled him aside and smiled mysteriously, “Little Ye, I will handle the spirit . It is a good opportunity to strengthen my courage . ”
“Are you sure?” Ye Shaoyang doubtfully frowned at Xiao Ma .
“Of course! Didn’t I say I wanted to be a Daoist? Do you think I can defeat the spirit with the Hellfire Talisman Paper?”
Ye Shaoyang did not answer him . He quickly set up a simple clover-shaped formation of copper coins in front of the bedroom and hid their vitality with a magic seal . The spirit could not see nor listen to what they said .
“The Hellfire Talisman Paper is not the right technique to capture a spirit . I will teach you a simple hand seal that can subdue a low-ranked spirit or demon . Observe . ”
Ye Shaoyang extended his right hand and connected the middle finger and the thumb .
“Breathe in before making the hand seal and imagine that Qi enters your body, flows to your arm, and accumulates in your spell finger . ”
Xiao Ma made a hand seal similar to Ye Shaoyang and asked, "What is a spell finger?"
"It is the finger which casts the spell . Your right middle finger is the spell finger for this particular hand seal . "
The hand seal was simple . Xiao Ma mastered it after practicing it a few times .
Ye Shaoyang sprayed Qixing grass juice into Xiao Ma's eyes and said, "The spirit is in the toilet now . Go!"
Xiao Ma turned around when he approached the bedroom and spoke to Ye Shaoyang in an awkward voice, “I won’t be in danger, right?”
“This spirit has little cultivation . Frightening people is the only skill it has . Just don’t be afraid of it . ”
Xiao Ma instantly replied, “Ah, easy! All the spirits I’ve met have never frightened me . ”
Ye Shaoyang’s mouth twitched . He did not tell Xiao Ma that spirits could display various terrifying faces regardless of their cultivation . Spirits with little cultivation liked to terrify people the most because they only had a few methods of attack .
Ye Shaoyang picked up the copper coins and walked toward the toilet in the bedroom .
They heard water splashing sounded from the toilet . Xiao Ma grabbed the handle, paused, turned around and looked at Ye Shaoyang timidly, “Little Ye, you must save me if I can not handle it . ”
“Don’t worry . Just do it . ” Ye Shaoyang pouted at Xiao Ma hinting him to go inside while he waited outside, crossed his arms, and waited for the coming show .
Xiao Ma took a deep breath and opened the toilet door .
There was nothing behind the door .
Xiao Ma stared blankly for a while . He checked carefully . There was no place to hide in the toilet, but he did not find the spirit .
When he was about to ask Ye Shaoyang, he heard the sound of water splashing again . He was stunned: the spirit was in the toilet bowl!
The lavatory cover was closed . Xiao Ma was confused . The toilet bowl was too small to hide an adult size spirit . Suddenly, his heart trembled .
Don’t tell me it is another infant spirit? He thought as the terrifying appearance of the Six-Eyed Child appeared in his mind .
“Hey, are you going to do it?” Ye Shaoyang was out of patience .
Xiao Ma clenched his jaws and opened the cover .
There was a hairy lump in it . He looked carefully and his heart palpitated . It was a head!
The head gradually turned and revealed a pale face . Instead of eyeballs, the sockets were filled with greenish fluid that flowed down its cheeks and into its open mouth .
It licked the fluid and let out mischievous laughter, “Hey! Hey! Hey!”
Xiao Ma gulped audibly . His face was pale as he leaned against the wall motionless .
” Hey! Hey! Hey!”
The head laughed spookily and rose . A pair of bloody hands extended from below the head . The hands gripped the toilet seat and lifted its body slowly out of the toilet bowl .
It dragged its scrawny body and crawled toward Xiao Ma .
“What are you waiting for? It is just a common spirit!” Ye Shaoyang shouted .
Xiao Ma recovered from his shock . Thinking Ye Shaoyang would help him out if he failed, he raised his hands and made the hand seal but, he went blank .
Was it the middle finger or ring finger?
Before he could ask, he felt something cold around his ankles . He looked down; the bloody hands were grasping his ankles .
“O' mighty Heaven and Earth, with the power of Yin Yang, destroy!” He recited the incantation and smacked the spirit’s forehead with his hand seal . The spirit shuddered, and white smoke came out of its forehead as it moaned in pain . Suddenly, it sprung toward Xiao Ma and choked him .
‘Crack!’ It clutched Xiao Ma’s neck harder . As Ye Shaoyang moved to help, it threw Xiao Ma aside and flew out of the toilet toward Ye Shaoyang . It contorted its face trying to frighten him away .
Ye Shaoyang did not bother and stroked his right middle finger at it . The spirit paused for a while and realized that he was a sorcerer . It rushed toward Ye Shaoyang with a grunt .
Ye Shaoyang did not change his stance . His middle finger struck through its Spirit Qi and hit its forehead . With another move, he clutched its neck and looked at Xiao Ma, “Are you okay?”
Xiao Ma squatted on the ground and coughed . A moment later, he walked out of the toilet and shouted resentfully at Ye Shaoyang, “You said it was a piece of cake, and I could finish it with a hand seal . ”
“Your fearfulness caused an inconsistent level of Yang Qi in you and reduced the power of the hand seal . ”
Ye Shaoyang carried the spirit to the living room and slammed it on the ground . Looking at the prostrated spirit cringing on the ground, he said, “You’re very daring to build your nest here!”
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