Novel Name : The Cheat Seed

Chapter 55: [Duel With A God - 2]

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"I am the Flame Emperor..."


Naraga glared at him, his veins bulging out in a terrifying manner.

Marcus carefully examined the man in front of him. Even though he had called him weak, he knew
deep inside Naraga wasn't. He was a God in literal terms, that too a Lower God about to be promoted
to a Higher one. He had his advantage of his own.

The Fire Attack at the beginning was too large in scale for Marcus. Power didn't matter to Marcus but
the size of the attack troubled him.

He urgently needed to find a solution for the Fire wall attack of Naraga. Absorbing the Fire ball attack of
the God in front of him was nothing for him but the other did cause him trouble.

Marcus took a Defensive stance. Both his palms pushed out in the direction of Naraga and his legs
were crossed.

The Raging God blasted the land behind him as he bolted towards Marcus. Naraga's steps created
craters under him as his diamond carved feet left the ground.

Marcus was still in his defensive position. He was mumbling something. His eyes had dogged
determination in them. His words ringed inside his ears as he focused on the Rushing God.

"Gimme that punch"

He inhaled.


"Gimme that punch"

His (Marcus's) lips slowly parted and closed a dozen times as he repeated the same thing again and
again. Naraga was closing the distance quickly.

With a jump from the destroyed curb, Naraga zeroed the distance between him and Marcus within a
matter of seconds.

Marcus's eyes darted around, His eyes caught sight of the woods behind and the open space which
was spread in front of it. The Current space he had wasn't enough.

Naraga heaved his fist down at Marcus. Marcus shifted his palms directly to an angle which bisected
the punch by 90 degrees and pushed both of his palms into the Burning hand. With a gentle tap
Naraga's fist was sent flying into the ground beside him.


The pavement beside Marcus blew away and a large crater took its place. He could almost see the
Earth's core slightly from there. With a gasp, He shifted his right leg and connected it straight to the
bend Naraga's nose.


Naraga's head snapped back in disbelief. Marcus turned and followed his left leg into a tornado galactic
kick which bombed into Naraga's chest.

The Pavement exploded around them and stones flew around. Naraga's chest dented in as he spat
blood out.

Naraga's body flew back to the open space behind him and landed with a thud before dragging on the

Marcus walked towards the Fallen God with his hands in his pockets. He whistled.

"That's it?"

Marcus spat.

Naraga slowly stood up, the dent on his chest repaired itself. A Dull crack sounded as his ribs relocated

Marcus narrowed his eyes at him, sweat rolled down his cheeks.

Naraga's eyes were different, His eyebrows were up in flames as well his eye lids. He had a small
candle fire inside his eyes instead of his pupils.

"It's... Over ..For You....."

Naraga whispered as smoke left his nose.

He placed his fingers together and formed a circle.

"Solar Expungement"

Marcus's heartbeat raised and his neck hair stood up. His Almighty sense was screaming inside him.
Marcus's eyes soon widened when it met the ground. Little pools of Lava started emerging out from the

It was Naraga's DOMAIN!!!.

Marcus in his reflex jumped with all his might, The Leg muscles screamed at him and came under his
control as he rocketed into the night sky.

Marcus looked at the ground below, his eyes narrowed yet again. It was surrounded by Lava and
according to Marcus's calculation, it spread over 1 acre of land around Naraga. The woods had already
caught fire and were falling apart inside the Lava pool. The Lava still kept on expanding.

Marcus reached his jump's peak and was slowly starting to fall. The Circle around Naraga almsot
looked like the sun. The Domain name made a lot sense.

Marcus changed into his Capri during his fall. The Jeans he wore was already half up in flames. But he
only wore his Capri, his torso was still naked.

Their was no other way for him. Marcus had to land inside Naraga's domain.

His bare feet went up in flames as soon as he landed in the liquid lava. He bit his teeth in pain. Even
his Durability was nothing in front of the Lava pool.

For some reason even his Elemental Absorption skill wasn't working inside Naraga's domain. Naraga
saw Marcus cringe in pain and laughed devilishly.

"Puny Human, Who'd you call weak??"

Naraga continued to laugh as he increased the heat.

Marcus writhed in pain as he jumped around with his legs in flame. His Almighty Regen was a life
saver. It healed his burns almost instantly but was slowly losing its power as the Lava intensified.

"What you are standing on is Lava which is 1000 times mre hotter than the sun and it'llkeep on
increasing until you die..KEKEKEKEK"

Marcus's eyes tingled in pain as his vision started getting blurry. He was sweating all over.

His energy was being absorbed by the Domain slowly. His hands felt heavy. His legs were slowly going
still. Was he tiring himself?, Was he going to die to just a Lower God??.

With the last bit of his strength, Marcus pulled out his Zeus Lightning bolt as his speed fell.



Thunder erupted and Lightning bolts danced throughout the air as it found way to Naraga. Naraga who
was levitating in the air saw the lightning bolts and cowered back.

Two of them hit him, One on his leg and one on his chest. He fell back into the lava, a bolt dug into his
chest. The Domain seemed to lose its power.

Marcus thought he had done it, He balanced himself on the Lightning bolt which was digged into the



He was breathing hard. This was the first time after the Dungeons he was this tired. He felt his Hands
slump to his sides. His feet felt burning again.

Marcus's eyes widened and it shot a quick glance at Naraga. The Bolt!. It was In his hands now as he
cradled it sarcastically.

"This won't be enough...."

After a Pause, he looked at Marcus.


Naraga laughed yet again, heaving the bolt and throwing it at Marcus in a single movement.

Marcus tried to pull his hand up in defense but it didn't budge. His veins around his neck and his
forehead popped up as he forced his slumped hands to move.


He thought.

His Heart raced when he realized the lightning bolt was only 5 meters away from him. Dodging was
already out of question, Forget dodging, he wasn't even able to move from his place.

Marcus's shoulders slumped and he closed his eyes. Was he gonna die?. Was it really 'Over' for












His eyes opened to an arm holding the Bolt right in front of his forehead.

"Uff, Close Call Man"

Marcus's eyes darted to the Man holding the lightning bolt. His face seemed to glow bright, There was
something about the Man that made Marcus feel safe around him. Maybe it was because of his

The Man was literally smiling at Marcus, his teeth shining bright. He was quite young, Marcus assumed
he might be around his age.

He had shoulder length Golden hair, A breeze whooshed some hair on to his face and covered his right
eye. He set it back with his other hand and crooked it in his ear.

He was still smiling when Marcus's eyes darted over to Naraga. The Look he had on his face made
Marcus wonder. Naraga's jaw was loose, he was staring in fear at the unknown man.

He was mumbling something, but Marcus couldn't hear it. But his forehead twisted into a frown when
Marcus saw Naraga bending on his knees. His head was hanging low. His Domain diminished and the
Lava disappeared completely.

With a loud voice Naraga cried.

"I AM SORRY...."

The Man in front of him grinned as Marcus's eyes widened at Naraga's words.



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