Novel Name : Big Life

Chapter 215: Laugh, Why Don’t You (3)

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Chapter 215: Laugh, Why Don’t You (3)

The media showcase for HyperSoda was located at Hyeum Art Hall, which was located in the basement of a building in central Gangnam. Countless reporters and fans filled the hall as the screen played the girl group’s newly released music video after the media press conference.
“The music video is done really well,” the department head mumbled as they stood at the back of the hallway. Beside them was the girl group’s manager, who nodded in response with a smile.
Soon, it would be three in the afternoon, and the girls would perform their new song live for the first time, after which would mark the end of the showcase's part 1.
“Isn’t today a great day to hold a showcase?”
“Yeah, it doesn't overlap with the other groups as well.” The showcase was an extremely important event as it marked the first release of the album and the new song of a group. And HyperSoda had also been putting tremendous effort into preparing for today. If other high-profile groups had held their media showcase on the same day, HyperSoda’s debut would naturally be buried. It would be worse if their showcase timings clashed, as they would be pushed out of the competition by the reporters from the pop culture department and entertainment department.
“I’m feeling relieved now.”
“No, not yet. Don’t feel relieved until the entire showcase is over.”
As the music video finished playing, the first performance began. All five members of the group, including Han Yu-Na, stood on stage. The strong dance beats playing from the speakers was their debut track.
“Han Yu-Na is a great dancer.”
“I think so too. All five of them dance the same moves, but only Han Yu-Na stands out. She’s a natural.”
“Thankfully, the response from I Live Alone was good. It’s also the top contributor to HyperSoda’s recognition. We should thank Writer Ha Jae-Gun sometime, hmm?”
“Yes, I was planning to give him a call later after the showcase ends. We’re truly indebted to him.”
Just as the department head and manager were enjoying their conversation, Chae Bo-Ra entered the hall by cutting through the security guards at the entrance. Her light makeup and straight hair emphasized her innocent look.
“Hello, department head.”
“…Why are you here?” The department head frowned lightly and looked around their surroundings.
Chae Bo-Ra did not give a hoot about their reaction and giggled, then said, “I’m close with Han Yu-Na unni, so of course I’m here to give her support. We’re from the same agency, after all.”
“I’m not asking about that. Didn’t the CEO say that you’re grounded aside from work calls?”
“Grounded? Am I supposed to stay home around the clock? I need to get cast somehow.”
“Forget it.” The department head clicked their tongue and left Chae Bo-Ra.
Chae Bo-Ra took over the now-empty spot and looked toward the stage. She turned to the manager beside her and asked, “There’s nothing lined up after the showcase ends, right?”
“Ah, um… yes. At least there’s nothing until tomorrow morning…” The manager trailed off, scratching the back of his head. Chae Bo-Ra was the last person anyone wanted to deal with in the agency. He was well aware of her true character, which was unlike her angelic persona seen on TV.
“But… Why do you ask?” the manager asked, afraid and curious at the same time.
Chae Bo-Ra turned to save him with a smirk and replied, “I want to treat Han Yu-Na unni to a meal. I’ll be at the lounge for a while and will come back later.”
The manager gritted his teeth as he watched Chae Bo-Ra walk away, as he had recently guessed that Chae Bo-Ra had been bullying Han Yu-Na. Whenever Han Yu-Na was called out by Chae Bo-Ra, she would always return looking downcast. There was once when she returned and locked herself in the bathroom of their dormitory, sobbing for an entire hour.
The manager was worried sick for her; anyone could see that she was the kindest and sincerest person in the group. He had asked her for the reason on several counts, but he could not get an answer from her. He figured that she might be fearful of Chae Bo-Ra’s retaliation, as Chae Bo-Ra was similar to a walking time bomb.
It was impossible to know just what kind of scheme she was cooking.
‘You can stand up confidently now instead of avoiding it, Han Yu-Na,’ the manager thought as he watched Han Yu-Na light up the stage with vibrant dance moves.
Many would remember Han Yu-Na after this showcase; the manager firmly believed in it, and it wasn't a baseless belief. After all, he had gone through so many tough times with Han Yu-Na.
“Chae Bo-Ra…?” Han Yu-Na was about to drink from a bottle of water when her blood drained from her face. She had just ended the second part of the media showcase, including the fan meeting.
Her manager whispered, “She said she’ll be at the lounge, so leave through the car park. You don’t want to see her now anyway.”
“No, oppa.” Han Yu-Na shook her head, making up her mind. She had made her debut proudly under the group name HyperSoda. She would also finally be able to return all the money she had borrowed from Chae Bo-Ra by next week.
“Since she’s come all the way here, I’ll meet her briefly before leaving.”
“Just what’s going on? Why are you being manipulated by her?”
“There’s nothing before, and there’s definitely nothing in the future,” Han Yu-Na reassured her manager and grabbed both his hands. “Thank you for today, oppa. Please go back to the dorm first with the girls. I won’t stay out late.”
“You’re going to be fine, right?”
“Of course. We’re from the same agency anyway.” After reassuring her manager, Han Yu-Na headed to the lounge. Before she could reach halfway down the hallway, the door to the lounge opened and out came Chae Bo-Ra.
“Oh, you’re here early.”
“I came immediately after the showcase.”
Both Chae Bo-Ra and Han Yu-Na stood a meter apart from each other. Unlike Han Yu-Na, who stood stiffly like a statue, Chae Bo-Ra had a nonchalant smile on her face.
“Looks like the showcase ended on a good note. Congratulations, unni.”
“Thank you.”
“You must be very busy recently, hmm?”
“Yes, kind of.” Han Yu-Na replied curtly.
Chae Bo-Ra frowned slightly and scoffed. “So busy that you couldn’t even give me a call?”
“Yeah, I was that busy,” Han Yu-Na replied firmly. However, Han Yu-Na had, in fact, broken out into a cold sweat. She might not have shown it on her face, but fear was building up in her once more.
“I can return all the money I borrowed from you next week,” Han Yu-Na gulped and answered.
Chae Bo-Ra’s eyes narrowed, and she glared at Han Yu-Na
Han Yu-Na felt strength draining from one leg, but she remained unfazed her; she couldn’t afford to lose this fight in this stare-down. She no longer wanted to be dominated by Chae Bo-Ra.
“Let’s talk.” Chae Bo-Ra’s icy tone echoed through the hallway. “I’m here to buy you a meal, but I think you might get indigestion instead, so why don’t we go to the cafe next door?”
The two ladies took a corner table in the cozy cafe next door. Chae Bo-Ra bought herself a glass of freshly squeezed fruit juice and took a sip from it, then started without hesitation, “I’ll be straightforward. Please help me, unni.”
“Help you? For what…”
“For what? How could you say that when you know what situation I’ve been in recently? I’m forced to a dead end these days. Content Producer Bae, Producer Oh, Producer Ahn… Everyone who has worked with Ha Jae-Gun or is working with him now has cut all ties with me.”
Chae Bo-Ra looked around briefly, and then she leaned forward to Han Yu-Na. “Please mention me on I Live Alone.”
“We’re from the same agency and are close, right? So just bring me up in passing naturally during the show, say that Chae Bo-Ra is a kind and nice friend and that you’re grateful to her for taking care of you during your trainee days.”
This was the second-best plan Chae Bo-Ra could come up with. She would love to appear on the show herself, even for at least thirty seconds, to pull herself out of this crisis. However, she couldn’t hope for that at all. It wasn’t a matter of conscience but a rational judgment that the ideal situation was impossible to attain.
Even the simple task of cutting a square of tofu would require one to lay down a cutting board and hold a knife in hand. Her first step would be using Han Yu-Na to gain an opening for herself. At least, she would have to create a positive image for herself on I Live Alone, where Ha Jae-Gun was the main guest. This was what Chae Bo-Ra was planning.
“Hmm? Unni, you can do that for me, right?”
“The team is going to edit it out even if I do say that.”
“That’s why… I’m asking you to say it in a way that it won’t get edited out.” Chae Bo-Ra reached out to grab Han Yu-Na’s hand.
‘...!’ At that moment, Han Yu-Na felt shock travel all over her body and flinched.
“Suggest to resolve it if he has any misunderstanding. If you show how much you’re caring for me, he might not reject you. It’s also just a single variety show he’s doing in passing for him as a writer, no?”
Han Yu-Na looked down without a sound. As Chae Bo-Ra let go of her hands a few moments later, Han Yu-Na shook her head, “I’m sorry, I can’t do it.”
“You can’t help me…? Why?”
“You don’t know him well. He won’t agree to this. That’s why I can’t.”
Chae Bo-Ra abandoned her tender attitude and cast a deathly glare at Han Yu-Na.
“You’ve grown a lot in the time I haven’t seen you, huh?” she spat coldly.
“Don’t say that.” Han Yu-Na maintained eye contact with Chae Bo-Ra despite her shaking slightly. “I’m older than you, I’m not in the position to hear that from you. Are you done? Is there anything else you want to say? I’m busy.”
Chae Bo-Ra turned away and scoffed. When did Han Yu-Na grow so much when she used to be a timid girl after getting slapped once? If they weren’t at a cafe, Chae Bo-Ra would have flipped the table on her.
“Well, there’s no helping if that’s what you said.” Chae Bo-Ra mumbled, seemingly accepting the situation.
However, Han Yu-Na wasn’t letting her guard down. There was no way this girl with gleaming eyes and the heart of a snake would let it go so easily.
“Then you shouldn’t appear on the show either.”
“Are you deaf? I said you shouldn’t go on the show. And don’t appear in any programs related to Ha Jae-Gun or Park Do-Joon.”
“Wow…! Who do you think you are?” Han Yu-Na stood up noisily, speechless at Chae Bo-Ra’s words. She was about to turn around to leave when Chae Bo-Ra’s next words rang in her ears.
“Should I spill about Seong-Je?”
“...?!” Han Yu-Na stood frozen, horrified at the name she just heard. Seong-Je was the name of her ex-boyfriend whom she had dated during her trainee days. Of course, he had transferred to another agency and was currently preparing for his debut as a solo singer.
“I have a few photos, too.”
“Photos…?” Han Yu-Na stammered. Just what photos was Chae Bo-Ra referring to? And if Chae Bo-Ra really had those photos in her possession, how did she even get her hands on them?
“You guys look quite chummy, and you even went to a villa together? I saw both of you hugging and kissing; you guys looked really happy.”
“Are you… threatening me?”
“Yes, I am.”
“And do you think… I have nothing on you? Wow, I’m speechless. How pure are you to be threatening me?”
“I’m not sure what you’re talking about. Why don’t you bring some of that evidence to make me understand what you’re getting at?”
Han Yu-Na covered her face with one hand while Chae Bo-Ra smiled with her chin resting on her hands. It was her M.O to grab hold of her opponent’s weakness to keep them in check.
“Oh, my, isn’t that Chae Bo-Ra and Han Yu-Na?”
“But the air around them looks strange.”
Han Yu-Na stood there, agonized, amid the surrounding murmurs. It didn’t take long for her to come to a decision by following her heart instead of her mind.
“Do whatever you want,” Han Yu-Na answered.
“...!” Chae Bo-Ra’s eyes widened in surprise.
“I said do whatever you want. Photos? Of us hugging and kissing and looking happy? Of course, we were dating back then and liked each other, so isn’t that a given?”
“Unni, aren’t you forcing yourself?”
“I’m not sure how you got our photos, but do whatever you want.” Han Yu-Na downed the rest of her coffee and continued. “And I don’t want to see Mr. Ha Jae-Gun getting hurt over a brat like you. I truly respect him, and he’s a great person. I don’t want to betray the trust he had given me either.”
Han Yu-Na didn't give Chae Bo-Ra a chance to answer. She turned around and left immediately.. As soon as she stepped out of the cafe, a cold wind swept past her. It was a timely wind, and she prayed that the freezing wind would freeze her tears before they rolled down her cheeks.
“Thank you for always writing such great articles, Reporter Hyun,” Ha Jae-Gun said after their interview.
Sitting across from him was Hyun Sung-Beom from Weekly Trends. Hyun Sung-Beom smiled and shook his head. “You don’t have to thank me. I’m the one who’s blessed to have so many articles to write on, thanks to you, Mr. Ha.”
The two of them had been maintaining a great relationship ever since their first meeting at the airport. Hyun Sung-Beom was far from an average writer. Ha Jae-Gun liked the man but was also worried if Hyun Sung-Beom would ever succeed in his career.
“I’m starving after talking for so long; what would you like to have?”
“No, you should be busy with your writing, so I shouldn’t impose on you any further. I should get going now.”
Ha Jae-Gun then stood up to send Hyun Sung-Beom out with Rika in his arms. As they crossed midway across the garden, the doorbell rang.
“Who is it?”
Ha Jae-Gun walked ahead of Hyun Sung-Beom and opened the door, his face turning instantly into a state of shock. It was the section chief of the general affairs department he had met at the library during his recent lecture.
“Haha, hello, Mr. Ha Jae-Gun.”
“Mr. Yang was disappointed after that day. Anyway, you know that there’s going to be a neighborhood walking competition, right? He's hoping that you'll participate in the event.”
“No, I have no intentions of participating.” Ha Jae-Gun rejected flatly, knowing full well of what was coming. He found their unsolicited visit to be quite rude.
“Please participate; there are already huge reactions to your participation on social media.”
“Social media?”
“We announced that we would be inviting you to the competition, and everyone was excited about it. If you don’t participate, the residents will be extremely disappointed. Why don’t you take a look at our district’s social media page?”
Ha Jae-Gun was rendered speechless. They went ahead without asking his opinion or permission; it was as if his participation was already a done deal.
“Please leave.”
“Mr. Ha…”
“I have nothing more to say. Would you like me to reject outright right now?”
“No, no… Um, I will then… wait for your call.” The section chief bowed and turned around to leave.
Hyun Sung-Beom grinned. “He’s talking about the head of the district office, Yang Beom-Shik, right?”
“Do you know him?”
“I haven’t met him personally, but I know this is about his election campaign. He wants to show off his connection with you and get closer to you as well. I can guarantee you Mr. Yang will visit you personally the next time.”
With a slightly worried look, he continued, “But please be careful, Mr. Ha. If you get misled into the political arena, you might unintentionally get pulled into their fights. There are countless people targeting you.”
“Don’t worry, I’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.” At the same time, Ha Jae-Gun recalled his father’s advice: politics, region, religion. These were the three things his father had advised him to stay out of.
“Actually, I received help from them.”
“They’ve become my subject for my novel.”
Just then, a taxi was driving in. Having an inkling as to who would be alighting, Ha Jae-Gun said his goodbyes to Hyun Sung-Beom. “Reporter Hyun, please be safe on the way back.”
“Thank you, Mr. Ha. Please rest well; I will be waiting to hear from you again.”
Hyun Sung-Beom walked past the taxi that was driving in and disappeared down the street. Ha Jae-Gun stood by the roadside with Rika still in his arms. The taxi slowed down and stopped where Ha Jae-Gun stood.
“Hello, Mr. Ha.” Han Yu-Na greeted him. She looked flustered as she opened the car door.
“Why are you out here?”
“Unfortunately, I’m not here to welcome you. I just sent another visitor off. Please come in.” Ha Jae-Gun led Han Yu-Na across his garden, feeling puzzled.
He had received a message from her earlier when he was having an interview with Hyun Sung-Beom, asking for permission to meet him as there was something she had to tell him.
‘She doesn’t look good, I wonder what happened?’ Even after they stepped into the living room, Han Yu-Na was standing in a daze. Ha Jae-Gun wanted to make some coffee but decided against it and pointed at the sofa.
“Please take a seat. Do you want some coffee?”
“I’m sorry, Mr. Ha…”
“Huh? Why are you apologizing out of the blue?”
“I don’t think I can go on I Live Alone.” Han Yu-Na bowed deeply as if asking for forgiveness. She was grateful to him and the people at the agency for helping her out. Ha Jae-Gun had also been treating her with respect even when she was just a nobody, which was exactly why she didn’t want to disappoint him.
“I’m really sorry… I’m really grateful for everything you have done for me, and I know I should be doing my best in return for the favor, but… I’m sorry, Mr. Ha. I really am…”
“I’m not sure what happened, but please take a seat first. Let’s have a talk over some coffee.” Ha Jae-Gun headed to the kitchen to make some coffee.
Han Yu-Na plopped down on the sofa, and Rika looked at Han Yu-Na with shining eyes.
“Rika…?” Han Yu-Na murmured in surprise as she watched Rika approach her with elegant steps. Rika was acting differently compared to when they first met. With shining eyes, Rika pressed Han Yu-Na’s thigh with her tiny paw.
“Have you decided to accept me?” Han Yu-Na carefully reached out. She stroked the cat for a while, and Rika even allowed Han Yu-Na to hug her. Han Yu-Na put her face closer to Rika, and Rika licked her nose with her scratchy tongue.
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