Novel Name : A promise: That changed my life

Chapter 41: Flashback

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"What?! What the heck are you saying?!" I yelled in disbelief.

She sighed, uncomfortably, "That's why I wanted to meet Karan, he's the only one who can take care of
Esha after me, "

I shook my head, exclaiming, "Why? What do you mean? I am not getting you, "

She exhales a breath, speaking, "I will explain everything from start, "


Anjali's pov

I couldn't contain my happiness, I kept laughing and smiling in disbelief, after four years of our love,
Karan finally confessed his feelings for me not only that he even proposed to me in front of the entire
college that too on Valentine's day.

'Anjali, I don't know how I manage to keep my feelings to myself all these years, I should have to ask
you the same day, I met you but with you, it's never too late,' Karan said, shyly, taking my hand in his
as I was feeling the heat rising in my cheeks.

'Karan, what is going on?'

He sits on his left knees, taking a small velvet box from the back pocket of his jeans, 'Will you become
my Mrs. Suryavanshi?' He asks, happily, showing the ring as everyone started to cheer, stopping all
their work to see us.

I chuckled in happiness. I wasn't able to find perfect words to describe this perfect moment so I just
nodded, covering my face to hide my blush.

'Say yes!', 'Say yes, Anjali, Say yes!' They told me excitedly.

I heard his laughter reached in my ears, 'Yes, Yes, Yes, Yes,' I yelled, he slowly takes my hands again
in his, pushing the diamond ring in my ring finger.

I immediately jumped in his arms and without failing he caught me, spinning me around before
brushing his lips on mine deeply.

'I can't wait to make you mine officially' He says, matching my gazes.

'So do I, '

'I already thought of names for our children, ' Karan said.

'Ohh, what?'

'Veer, If its boy, and Eshani, if it's girl, '

'Is it some particular reason behind these names?'

He nodded, kissing my knuckles, 'Yes, my mom likes them, that's why, '

I smiled, 'These are pretty names, I like it, '

'Just like you, ' I blushed hard.

Remembering those moments again, I pressed my face into the pillow, hiding my super red cheeks, It's
so hard to believe. After that, we spent the whole day just in each other's arms, kissing, talking and…..I
can't even continue!

'Yay!' I squealed in happiness before it got ruined by my dad's voice.

"Anjali, come down, dear, your mother and I need to talk to you, "

I shrugged, he got the perfect time to ruin my private moment, "Coming in two minutes," I replied, not
wanting him to come up anyway.

I ran towards the living room, finding my parents' serious expression, they were discussing something
but stopped realizing my presence.

"What is it?" I questioned, already sensing the storm.

"Anjali, after your final semesters, we are going to Italy, "He trailed off.

My face lifted in a huge smile, "Are you serious, Dad?! Italy is my dream place! I always wanted to visit
there, " I squealed, thinking he is taking me there on vacation, my happiness has reached the sky

"We are not going there for vacation, dear, " Mom said, I shake my head in confusion.


"We have fixed your marriage to my business partner, Nicolo's son, Marcello, " I almost fell on the floor
and tears were threatening to fall on my cheeks, Mom quickly came to my side giving me support to
stand up.

"What, why?" My voice came out as a whisper because of the lump in my throat. I took the support of
mom's arms, standing up on my feet.

"Dear, we are sorry but Nicolo told me that his son Marcello saw you at our last year's business party
and since then he has been crazy in love with you since then and wants to marry you at any cost, "

Dad explained, sighing.

"But why?! I don't wanna marry him! I don't even like him!" I yelled my heart out.

"I know, but he promised us to give half of the business share in exchange for this marriage, " He says.

I chuckled in disgust, "In exchange, of me, " I corrected him, shaking my head, "You're selling your
daughter for some wealth!"

"Anjali!" My mom scolded me, "Where are the manners?!"

"No, it's fine, Meeta, she is just angry, " He told her, smiling before he turned towards me, "Anjali, my
dear, you are free to think anything you want, and it's not only about the business, I've heard that they
belong from the mafia family, they can vanish our existence in a matter of seconds,"

"So what?! Dad, I am not scared of them!" I exclaimed, angrily.

"You are not in your right mind, but mark my words, you are only going to marry Marcello whether you
like it or not! That's it!" He shouted at me, making me flinch as he furiously went to his room.

"Anjali, listen up, they will kill all of us if we refuse this marriage proposal, don't be mean, so you better
do as your dad says, " with that, she left me, crying in the living room.

I ran to my room, locking myself as I cried my heart out until I passed out, next morning when I woke
up, feeling weak as my head was aching badly and my eyes were sore, And the whole weekend I didn't
talk to my parents nor did I eat anything properly. But till now, I was very confirmed that how serious my
parents are about this stupid marriage and a few days later, I gave up when my parents refused to
listen to me.

My only problem was how I told this to Karan?! How will he react? Will he hate me? Probably, what
else can I expect? He will be heartbroken just like me for sure.

The next day when I went to college, I ignored Karan the whole day like he doesn't exist for me
anymore until he forcefully grabbed my wrist, preventing me from going away from him. I could easily
sense the anger looming in his eyes.

"Anjali, what is going on? Why are you ignoring me? You are not even replying to my calls, " He spoke,
controlling his anger.

"Leave me, Karan, I don't wanna talk to you, " I uttered.

He raised his brow, "What's wrong, Anjali? Why are you behaving like this?"

"Nothing is wrong, Karan, it's just that we can't be together anymore, it's over," I said, giving him his
ring back.

He looked confused yet annoyed, "There is something you are hiding from me, Anjali! This relationship
cannot be over until I know the proper reasons, " He stated, exhaling a sharp breath.

"I am hiding nothing, Karan! I want to focus on my life! My career! And you are becoming my
distraction, " I replied, making my voice sound angry as I could.

He sighed in relief as he smiled, "That's all? Huh? You scared the shit out of me, Anjali, it's fine, I won't
bother you as long as you want so you can totally dedicate your time to your career, I am okay with it, "

I am feeling so guilty, he is being too nice to me and here I am acting like a rude bitch.

"You are not understanding, Karan, " I knew I have to do something to get rid of him and I am forever
gonna regret and be sorry for what next I was about to do, "I never loved you, Karan! I hate you! You
are just like other guys who first promise girls and later leaves them with fake hopes! And I am not

going to fall into your so-called love trap! I can't waste my entire life on you! I am breaking our

He looks hurt and this was the first time I ever saw his eyes getting wet by tears, "Anjali, please say
this is some kind of a joke because I can't take it, I can assure you I am not like those fuck boys, I love
you so much, " He trails, I can feel the lump in his voice which was making hard for him to speak.

"No, this is not a joke! I hate you! I just hate you, forget if anything was between us ever!" With that, I
slapped him hard as I shoved my hand away from his grip and ran away from there. I heard his voice
calling my name but I ignored it.

For a couple of days, I avoided going to college because I can't face Karan, he still called me several
times and even visited my house but every time my mom lied to him, saying I am not at home or some
other excuse.

Until one day, my dad told me that we are leaving for Italy, he didn't even let me stay in the Us a day
more to finish my examinations.

I've already given up, so I didn't bother to argue with dad to at least let me finish my studies, he soon
made me marry Marcello right after we landed in Italy not giving me a single day to prepare myself for
this. At the start, I found that Marcello wasn't a bad but the slightly rude guy that I managed, and within
a month of our marriage, I got pregnant. Everyone was happy and everything was going nice, I was
slowly moving on into my new life as my angel daughter also came into this world and I named her
Esha as Karan wanted.

After a few years, Marcello forced me to try for a baby boy since Esha was his first child so he didn't kill
her and loved her as he should. We tried for a boy many times but nothing happened and in the end,
the only option was left for him to get ourselves checked by a doctor. My report was fine, I wasn't

having any problems consuming, it was Marcello, the doctor said that he can never become a dad, his
sperm count is less. It didn't take long for me to guess that Esha is Karan's daughter.

And the day Marcello knew this, he assumed that I was having affairs outside, he began to torture me
to death, he not only threatened me about killing Esha in return for my lover's name, he almost even
killed her when my dad stopped him, begging, saying it must be a misunderstanding but Marcello didn't
listen to him and he put my parents on gunpoint and managed to force me to tell the name, and I can't
drag Karan as well in the mess I created so I gave him a fake name to save Karan, as soon as he got
the name, he blown my parents head in front of me even though, I yelled, begged and did everything
he wanted.

He locked me in the room along with Esha where I cried my heart as he went to find the fake name guy
to kill him, he didn't send me food for days, it was a maid Julia who becomes my good friend there, she
saved our life not only by giving us food and water secretly but when the right time came she informed
me that Marcello is going to a trip and won't return for weeks, and this is my time to run away from
there to save Esha's life, after all, she was the only reason left for me to stay alive.

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