Novel Name : The Transfer

Chapter 82 - Uncovered

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I rolled over slowly and softly sighed through my mouth. I felt hands clutch at my bare skin as an
uneasy feeling settled in my mind. I opened my eyes, glancing around the room. I was still in my
normal room.

The shine from the sun setting came through the gaps in the curtains, lighting up the room. I could see
the pile of clothes on the floor; my shirt and Liam's boxers. I smiled warmly as I felt Liam's body
pressed against mine.

He stirred in his sleep and I felt uneasy again. I felt a little sick to my stomach, and I knew that it wasn't
me. It was Liam. He was having a nightmare.

I rolled over and propped myself up on my elbow as I looked at him. His face was screwed up, almost
as if he was in pain. Sweat beaded along his forehead and his face was pale.

My beast whined. I reached out to him and cupped his cheek gently. Liam stirred some more in his
sleep, an inaudible mumble escaped his lips.

I brushed my thumb over his cheek bone worriedly. What was he dreaming about?

"Liam," I whispered softly. He stirred.

"Liam, baby," I whispered again as I propped myself up a little more. He squeezed his eyes shut tighter,
his whole body going tense as he struggled.

I frowned at him as he tugged my hand from his face and dug his claws into my skin.

I winced. What the hell was he dreaming about?

"Don't leave. Please don't go," he mumbled out, the distress showing on his face. He looked calm
enough to not be woken, but if his grip got any tighter on my wrist, we'd have a problem.

"Hey, hey, shh," I hushed him, trying to be calm. He stirred some more, his grip on my wrist tightening.
He looked like he was in physical pain this time, and he winced.

"Come back to me. I'm sorry," he said through a shaky voice. I tried to pry myself from his grip as blood
began to run down my arm.

"Liam, wake up," I said, nudging him with my leg. My stirred and adjusted himself a little. He turned
towards me, clutching his bare chest. His claws were out on that hand too. He was struggling. I had to
wake him up.

"Liam, you have to wake up. It's just a nightmare," I said to him, shaking him gently. He opened his
mouth to sleep talk again, but his eyes shot open.

He looked around the room, panicked. I tried to reach out to him, but his grip on my wrist was still tight.
His eyes shot down to my arm, and he gasped out as he released me quickly.

"Hey, it's okay," I hushed him softly as I cupped his cheek again. He stared at me intensely, and the
glanced to my bloody arm. His eyes softened as he sat up.

Liam looked down at me and grabbed my arm. He studied my bloody wrist intensely before he brought
it to his lips.

He licked away the blood and licked the wound. I felt my skin buzz from his saliva healing the cuts in
my skin and the bond waking up. It took away the pain quickly.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered out as he licked his lips of my blood. He rubbed my wrist softly, staring
down at me with a look in his eyes that I didn't like.


"You were having a nightmare. It's not your fault," I told him softly. Liam shook his head at me and
sighed out.

"I didn't mean to hurt you," Liam said, kissing my knuckles. I shrugged at him and smiled gently. I didn't
care that he'd hurt me, I was just glad he was okay.

"It's fine. It'll heal, right?" I chuckled a little at him. A smirk appeared on Liam's lips as his eyes glanced
down at my bare breasts. My skin glowed in the sunlight. I felt great.

He got up and grabbed clothes. He pulled them on before moving to my chest of drawers with all my
clothes. He grabbed my undergarments and helped me easily slip into them before helping me dress
into clothes.

"I'd love to stay in here forever with you, but people would come looking eventually," Liam told me as
he went to reach for the door. I giggled and took his hand as he pulled me out the door.

We walked down the hallway to find that the house was empty. I smelt Bodie and Gwendoline's scents,
and figured they'd left early.

They'd either gone on a run or gone to find breakfast. Or, they'd grown tired of Liam and I's constant
moaning and left the house.

"You should've told me that you were hiding out here. I would've come sooner, and I wouldn't have told
anyone," Liam told me as I tossed my hair up into a messy bun. We left the house, hand in hand. I
clutched at him tightly, leaning against him as we walked.

"People would've figured out where I was if you'd just told them you were coming here for no random
reason," I told him. Liam smirked as he looked out ahead of him.

"I told Henry that a family friend died. I made the others stay out in a cabin just outside our border and
then came here on my own. I didn't tell them I was coming to see you. Pretty sure Lila figured it out
though," Liam explained to me. I rolled my eyes.

"How are they all?" I asked him. I missed my family, and all my other friends. I hadn't seen them in so

Liam sighed and shrugged. "Good. But they're tense. They seem like they're waiting for something to

I bit my bottom lip as we walked slowly Mason and Hallie's house. They had told me the morning
before that they were having yet another family breakfast there. I assumed they all expected for me to
show up with Liam.

"Are you sure you don't want to go back to the cabin?" I asked him as I looked up at him. My beast
grew desperate for him again, my lower abdomen throbbing and I felt needy for him. Again.

Liam smiled down at me as he winked.

"Everyone will know what we're doing anyway!" I exclaimed as I looked up at him with desperate eyes.
He smirked at me and winked. It was exactly what he wanted.

"They all know what we've been doing since the moment Wesley and Jason returned to the house after
they brought you outside to see me," Liam told me. I bit my bottom lip anxiously. Suddenly, I was
embarrassed to face everyone.

"Come on, sugar. It'll be okay," Liam told me. He took my hand and pulled me forwards. I walked along
on shaky legs.

When we got to Mason and Hallie's house, I checked to make sure that my clothes looked okay. Liam
just chuckled at this as he pushed open the door.

"Ali! Liam! You're here! Daddy was saying you two were coming," Trixie appeared in my sight. She
beamed at the two of us and hugged me. She hugged Liam and then pulled away.

"You two smell funny," she giggled at us. I raised my eyebrows at her and looked to Liam. He was
smirking like a damn idiot.

She turned around and ran away. I heard her shouting that Liam and I had arrived, and I shuddered.
Everyone surely knew what Liam and I had been up to.

Liam snaked his arm around my waist as we walked down the hallway. I plastered a giant grin onto my
face as I greeted everyone.

"Morning kids. Just on time. Breakfast is ready," Mason greeted from the kitchen. He flashed Liam and
I wide smiled and I flushed.

Gwendoline stride over to me and grinned. She engulfed me in a tight hug, Liam's arm slipping from my

"Congratulations," she whispered to me. She pulled away and then turned to Liam.

"Liam, this is Gwendoline. She's Lauri's younger sister," I introduced the two. Gwendoline grinned at
Liam, whilst Liam smiled back and nodded respectfully at her.

Gwendoline turned her head and moved her hand. I followed her gaze to see she was motioning for
Bodie to come over. He rose from his seat.

Liam's mind went crazy as he recognised Bodie immediately. Questions bounced around his mind as
Bodie approached us.

"Bodie! You're alive!" Liam gasped out in shock. The two hugged, and then they pulled away. Bodie
awkwardly laughed and scratched the back of his head as Gwendoline stood beside him. He put an
arm around her waist.

"Well, yeah. It's kind of a long story," Bodie said, sneaking a glance at me. I winced. I didn't know what
Liam would think of Bodie told him that Henry faked his own son's death.

"I've got time," Liam said hurriedly. He looked at me and opened his mind to me.

I was pulled as he showed me memories of Brodie's funeral and the day they'd found out that he had
been killed. Liam was devastated.

"Well, basically, Henry faked my death," Bodie said, shrugging. Bodie refused to call Henry his Dad or
his father. I didn't blame him.

Liam's head went crazy. He had a million different unanswered questions and his whole head was
spinning. The bond dragged me back to him as I grabbed his hand and intertwined our fingers.

"What?" Liam mumbled out. He looked from Bodie and then down to me. He didn't understand it was
because he didn't know the full story.

"Liam, there's a lot behind it. How about we sit down to eat first before I tell you everything?" I
suggested softly. I squeezed his hand to try and assure him that things were alright.

"But I—"

"Liam, boy, she's right. Come sit down, catch up with your friend, and then we'll explain," Nicolas piped
up. I looked up and watched his uncle approach is. He patted Bodie on the back.

We all nodded, and Liam blinked, still confused. But he moved with me when I tugged him to the table
to sit down.



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