Novel Name : This Time, I Will Get My Divorce, Mr

Chapter 594

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The Best Way

“That’s right,” Toby said as his hand moved to massage his temple instead. “I can’t do anything to Titus
and his family too. What if I were to kill him, only for Sonia to find out about her birth one day? How
would she see me then? She may loath the thought of being the Gray couple’s daughter, but no one can
choose their parents. The day I kill her parents will be the day I destroy my relationship with her. She’ll
choose to leave me.”

So this was the true reason Toby had been putting up with the Grays.

If it wasn’t for his fear of losing Sonia, he would have brought the Grays to ruin himself a long time ago.
He would carry out his revenge on behalf of Sonia, and she would be able to get what she wanted
without dirtying her hands.

Alas, Sonia just had to be the Gray couple’s biological daughter.

Even if she refused to accept them as her parents, he would become a murderer who had killed her
blood relatives if he really were to have the couple murdered.

While she might not hate him for his actions, she definitely would start pushing him away.

The complexity of the situation made Rose rub her forehead as she felt a headache creeping up the
back of her head. “If that’s the case, neither you nor Sonia can do anything to the Grays then,” she

“She definitely can’t.” In a grave tone, he continued, “Furthermore, Sonia and I found something out on
our trip to Kosovo.”

Rose knew that her grandson was going to say something serious by the looks of it. “What is it?” she
asked as she stroked the cane she was holding in her hand.

“Henry Reed did not commit suicide because of what happened to Paradigm Co., nor was it because of
the disappearance of Jessica Reed and Sandra Brenner after they took the money. He was drugged.
Titus had the mother-and-daughter duo feed him a drug that weakened him mentally,” he said.

Rose was hit by one surprise after another, and she quickly asked, “Did something like that really

“It did.” Fatigue could be heard seeping through his replies. “Sonia’s hatred for the Gray Family only got
deeper after knowing this. She wants Titus to be sentenced to death as revenge for Henry’s murder. But
if she does succeed at doing so, she’ll never have another day where she’s at peace because she’d be
her own father’s murderer.”

After hearing that, Rose quietly pondered for a bit. “So what we have to do now is to hide Sonia’s birth
from her while stopping her from doing anything to Titus?”

“That’s right,” Toby said with his head raised.

“But how will Sonia ever repay and avenge the Reeds? As long as she doesn’t end her relationship with
the Reed and Gray Families, she’ll live a life of vengeance forever.” Rose, at the moment, was

With pursed lips, Toby uttered, “There’s only one way, and that is to wait for the day Titus dies.”

“And how long will that take?” Rose asked with a frown.

“We don’t have to wait for long,” he said as he gently shook his head. “A few more months at most. His
kidney failure is now at the critical stage, and he hasn’t found a compatible donor for a kidney transplant.
The chances of him dying from this are pretty high. And when the day does come, all Sonia has to do is
buy the ownership of the Triforce Enterprise that Titus cares about so much, and rename it to Paradigm
Co. This should be enough revenge on behalf of Henry and the rest of the Reeds.”

“So all we have to do within the next few months is to plan out what we intend to do to the Grays,
correct?” Rose needed to make sure that was a workable solution.

Toby hummed approvingly before saying, “That’s all we can do for now. The day Titus dies will be the
day the Gray Family falls into shambles. Even if Sonia were to find out about the truth, the most she’ll do
is shut herself away for a short while. Not the best outcome, but still, it’ll be better than getting stuck and
being immobile between the two families.”

“You have a point,” Rose said after contemplating. “Go ahead and do it your way, since you have it all
thought out.”

Toby wiped down the last teacup in his hand and put it back onto the tea tray. He then said, “I will,

She let out another grievous sigh as she thought about the absurdity of the whole situation. “Who would
have imagined that the life Sonia lives would be such a hard one?”

“It’s true that no one would have expected this.” Toby leaned back into the couch.

The Reeds and the Grays were already each other’s nemesis for 26 years. For Henry to bring up and
raise his rival’s child like one of his own was definitely as unbelievable as it was absurd.

Honestly speaking, Toby was thankful for the fact that Henry had taken Sonia away from the Grays. She
would not have become who she was today if she had been under the care of the Gray couple. She

probably would be another Tina.

Once that discussion was over, he poured himself a cup of tea before bringing up the reason he came to
Rose’s room. “Alright, Grandma. It’s pretty late now. Did you need me here for something?”

She turned to look at him as she said, “It’s nothing important. I only wanted to talk to you about the
company shares. Tyler’s coming of age is just around the corner. What are your plans for it?”

He gave it a thought and eventually said, “I will return him the five percent that Dad gave him, but only
after he reaches age. As for the rest of the business, I will discuss it with him further when he comes
back. Don’t worry. I won’t take advantage of my own younger brother.”

“Right, you know what to do,” she said after hearing his words. “Well then, you may go back to your
room. Your old lady here needs some rest too.”

Upon hearing that, Toby got up from the couch and said, “I’ll be out of your hair then.” He then looked
over at Mary and reminded, “Mary, please take good care of Grandma.”

Mary only smilingly replied, “Don’t worry about it, Young Master Toby.”

At the end of the conversation, he put down the cup he was using and finally left for his bedroom.

Coincidentally, his room was right across Sonia’s.

He stood in front of his door after reaching his room. Instead of making way into the room to rest, he
threw a few glances over at her door.

No traces of light could be seen peeking through the gaps between the door and the doorframe. She
must be asleep, he thought.

He had no intention of waking Sonia since she was already asleep, and so he opened his bedroom door
and made his way into his bedroom.

After a night of rest, Sonia was woken up by the ringing of her phone the next morning. Her delicate
brows first furrowed at the noise before her hand crawled out from underneath the covers and made its
way to the head of the bed.

After she felt the familiar feeling of her phone on her fingertips, she swiped at the screen based on her
muscle memory. She then moved the phone to her ear, and with sleep still evident in her lazy voice, she
murmured, “Who is this?”

The caller was quiet for a while, but a frivolous voice soon rang out from the speaker. “Sonia, are you still
in bed?”

Sonia forced one eye open when she heard the voice. “Zane?” she asked.

Teasingly, he said, “Bingo. I thought that you wouldn’t recognize my voice since you’re clearly not awake
now. I must be somewhat of an important person to you, for you to know it’s me.”

While listening to Zane, Sonia rubbed her forehead and lay on her back. She then stared at the ceiling
after managing to open both her eyes. “Enough. Stop messing around. Why did you call?”

“I bring good news.” Calling from his office, Zane, who was dressed in a suit, proudly crossed his pair of
long legs and said, “The investigators assigned by the government are heading our way. They are
currently doing their investigation in Norfolk, and they will arrive in Seafield soon.”

Her eyes shone when she heard the words she had been waiting for. “How long will it take for them to
reach Seafield and start investigating Triforce Enterprise?” she excitedly asked.

Despite it being a voice call, Zane put up one finger as though Sonia could see him. “About a month,” he

Sonia could only grab onto her phone tighter and exclaimed in excitement, “One month! This is great

After waiting for such a long time, she was finally only a month away from taking her revenge on Triforce
Enterprise and the Gray Family!

“Thanks for letting me know, Zane. This is, indeed, very good news!” she exclaimed.

Zane casually waved his hand and replied, “You don’t have to thank me. We both want the same thing.
The Grays are our enemies, so I, of course, have to let you know anything that could help us achieve our
goal. I also have some other good news for you.”

At that, she sat against the headboard and asked, “What’s the other news?” The sleep in her voice was
already replaced by anticipation.

His face and voice turned mysterious when he told her the other information he had. “The investigators
were in Fredburg some time ago. They had thoroughly checked Lindorff Co., and it was so corrupted that
their chairman was detained, and the company had to be closed down for further investigation. I’ve heard
that the government has the intention to put the company up for auction.”

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