Novel Name : Werewolf Committee

Chapter 16: Ch 15

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Adrian stood there gaping. His mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. His little army didn't
seem so brave now and fear was evident in their postures.

Before any of them could peep a word, the brown wolves reappeared and one of them walked up to
Adrian and they looked at one another having a silent conversation.

"No ones in the building?" He whispered furiously. His whole plan was ruined and it was quite amusing
to watch from this end.

"I told you already. They fled," I said with a yawn. My mind drifted off to the tunnel and I was thankful for
the perks of this place.

"Duncan," Tate said and Adrian's head snapped to his. Tate refused to call him anything else from what
he knew.

"All this is just a waste of time. If you turn down now, I'll let you live," Tate said calmly even though his
eyes were blazing in silent fury.

"Please brother," Tom begged, "-this isn't you," he said and stepped slightly forward.

Adrian didn't say anything and looked at the both of them. I thought he'd consider Tate's proposal,
however his head snapped to ours and his eyes narrowed.

"And what? If not have me killed? Have me banned from this land? Have me living on the streets? A
rogue life?" He chuckled darkly.

"Please," he scoffed. "I'll take my chances."

"Suit yourself," Colin said in a sing song voice, grinning as he leaned on a near by tree.

The warrior wolves from behind us began to growl in sync. Their tones matched each others fury.

The brown wolves also began to growl. Their growls were out of sync and they barked while snapping
their jaws.

Us who stayed in human form, stood still and and glared at one another. It didn't take long until the
wolves charged at each other and began to attack, biting at each other.

Colin from beside us rolled up his sleeves.

"I'm going in."

Leaping into the air, he suddenly transformed into a dark grey wolf. He made a beeline towards Rufus
who shrunk back in fear, but shifted nether less.

Tom shifted straight after and he ran towards the brown wolves, tackling several to the ground. The
science teacher had already been taken care of, as a warrior wolf stood above him growling. As
everyone growled and bit at each other, Tate and I stood in our same spots.

"Be careful alright?" He whispered gently, not taking his eyes of Adrian.

"I will. And you too," I replied back. Giving me a small nod Tate shifted into his dark navy looking wolf
and ran towards an already shifted Adrian. I spent a few seconds admiring his wolf's beauty and I
couldn't help but compare it to my grey, stale blue looking one.

Hearing a rather human growl, my gaze snapped to the fire Elemental, Ryan.

Everyone was in wolf form rolling around fighting, while the two of stood facing one another.

His eyes turned into slits and he glared at me. I however gave him a small smile which made him

"Aw come on, that's no way to act to a fellow friend!" I said with a fake smile tilting my head.

"I mean, we are both Elementals and here we are," I say motioning to the hectic battle going on around
us, "-using it against each other," I said in mock disappointment shaking my head.

He didn't answer me but he was furious. He shot out his hand a ball of flame flew towards me. I quickly
lifted up my hand and shot it with water that flew out of my palm.

"Straight to action I see," I mumbled.

He starting shooting fire at me in incredible speed. Each time he'd shoot one out, I'd just imagine him
going; Die! Die! Die!

I had to move my hands quickly and keep up with his speed. Each time the water would hit his fire, it
would make a satisfied sizzling sound that was music to my ears.

He stopped for just a second as if to regain energy. I took that as my chance and let out a strong wave
of water that rushed towards him and hit him in the chest making him stumble back and fall to the
ground with heavy impact.

I turned my head to see the warriors doing fine, but the brown wolves were playing dirty and going for
cheap shots. Lifting my hand up I lashed out towards a few of the brown wolves and the water hit their
bodies making them fly towards the trees, as they slammed against it and slid down to the floor,

Hearing cussing behind me, I swung around to see a ball of fire flying my way. I quickly tried to move
out of the way, but couldn't fully, and the fire flew past my arm burning it.

Hissing I turned around to face the Elemental and my temper blazed to a hundred.

He was next to Adrian who was in his wolf form rolling on the floor with Tate as they fought to get on
top and bite the others neck.

Ryan, shot out fire trying to get Tate and tried to not get Adrian which made his shots of fire disappear
in the air when it hit nothing.

"Little shit."

Running over to them in lightening speed I ran into Ryan and through my weight on him making him fall
onto the floor underneath me.

I threw a solid punch to his face and he sneered in anger trying to push me off.

Yeah that's right. Without fire your just a weak little boy.

After another swing to his face I was pushed of and I fell to the side. Looking up I saw Rufus who had
blood smeared on his face as he gave Ryan time to stand up. I opened my palm towards Ryan and
water hit his body like a large spike, that made him jolt and groan unable to move.

Buying myself some time I stood up a little dizzy from the quick movement.

"You little.." Rufus charged at me and before he could reach me, two hands grabbed his head and
snapped it as the body fell to the floor, limp.

I looked at Colin with wide eyes as he dusted of his hands.

"Had my fun with him," he said with a dark grin with a shrug.

Wow. He really was insane.

Looking around I saw quite a lot of blood and the brown wolves were all on the floor dead.

The sight made me feel a little sick and I looked away.

"We need to take care of this one," said a whisper near my ear. I glanced at Tom and he nodded
towards the fire Elemental.

By take care of, he meant kill.

Tom ran over to a standing up Ryan and grabbed his neck to snap but Ryan grabbed Tom's wrists and
Tom screamed in pain as Ryan used his hands to burn Tom's wrist.

Ryan wouldn't let go and Tom hissed kicking Ryan's legs making him buckle and let go.

I shot my palm and the water hit Tom gently and drenched him but he sighed in relief as his wrists pain

As Ryan was about to strike back at Tom, a figure tackled him to the ground.

I noticed it was Tate who was back into his human form. I had to stop my self from ogling at his bare
chest and the fact that he was exposed besides his shorts.

Tate growled dangerously and Ryan's hands were buried underneath him leaving him helpless as he
was squashed to the floor. Tom quickly took a hold of his neck ready to snap.

"No!" Adrian yelled in his human form as he watched in horror. His Elemental was about to die and
without him he didn't stand a chance.

Adrian charged at his brother and before he could harm Tom, I growled and motioned by hand towards
him with a flick of the wrist. His body went crashing away as water seemed to be held by gravity as it hit
him like a huge pole.

Tom being distracted, his grip on Ryan loosened and Ryan had managed to get a hand free. Instead of
going for Tate which was holding him down, he aimed at Tom and shot him in the torso making Tom
shout in pain.

"Tom!" I yelled and ran over to him.

Tate growled in anger and he roared making Ryan freeze. Tate grabbed Ryan's neck and snapped it,
letting out a loud crack.

"Oh God are you okay!" I said panicking as I put my hands over his injury.

"Clearly not," Colin said as he appeared next to me. Sending him a glare I motioned my palm to Tom's
torso and the water hit his injury a little to hard making him hiss as I gave him an apologetic smile.

Tate ran over to us and kneeled down, "We'll get you to first aid soon as we're done," he said patting
Tom's shoulder who gave him a nod.

Tate looked at me and gave me a weak smile. He then sniffed the air slightly and his gaze fell on my

Immediately he growled and gripped my forearm making me winch.

"You sit here and don't do anything else," Tate said looking at my arm his eyes black.

I rolled my eyes at him.

Tom is here, in pain, withering on the floor and he frets over my arm?

I see no logic.

Before I can tell Tate it's fine, a huge weight slammed into me from behind making me gasp as I fell
forward. I was turned and large hands were wrapped around my neck.

"Duncan! Don't you touch her!" Tate growled and I gasped for breath. A second later Tate threw Adrian
off of me in inhuman speed.

Colin marched over to Adrian and kicked him in the gut make him groan.

"Elina," Tate growled and appeared in front of me. He caressed my cheek and and looked at my neck.
Growling he turned around and stomped over to Adrian. He put his palms on either side of Adrian's
neck and Colin held his arms from behind.

"Wait!" He screamed making Tate tighten his grip.

"Uh-Thomas! Help me! Please brother!" Adrian yelled in desperation and Tom groaned as he sat in a
sitting position.

Tate froze and looked at Tom. Looking at him as if asking for permission to end Adrian's life.

"Did you really just say that?" I said shocked, "-after what you did? And to your own brother?" I said
with an outraged laugh.

How dare he ask for help after all this? Does he have no shame?

"Please, brother, I never mean't for you to get hurt," Adrian said gritting his teeth. The whole role looked
fake and I hoped no one fell for it.

"Sorry brother," Tom said softly, "-I looked up to you. But your evil Duncan. How you thought to do this-
I have no idea.." Tom said still looking at his brother in disbelief.

"I-I'm sorry," Tom said weakly. He gave Tate a nod.

"No! Plea-" Crack.

Tate dropped Adrian's body to the floor.

We all looked at the ground silently. No one dared to make a noise.

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