Novel Name : Wolf President Hooks Up

Chapter 529: Seek Help

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Ellie froze on the spot. She watched as the car drove away with her eyes wide opened.

She then looked around; it was surrounded by trees, breezy and eerie. She was scared and began
running toward the car while screaming, "Kayden, I'm sorry, please stop the car… don't leave me
here… please… stop the car please…"

She screamed at the top of her lungs but the car didn't stop. After running at her top speed until her
legs trembled, she finally stopped while patting her chest, breathing rapidly and gasping for air.

She stood by the road hoping to grab a taxi, but Italy was different from China, there was no taxi
available at this hour. She thought about calling one, but she didn't know what numbers to call and
didn't know her exact location.

Even to walk she didn't know which way she should be heading to and how far. Ellie gritted her teeth,
she hated Kayden to the core, and she had never seen such a mean guy. He slept with her in the
afternoon and left her here in a quiet and unfamiliar place like this now, what a jerk!

Someone approached and hugged her from behind out of a sudden.

"Ahhhhh… Who's behind! Ghost…" she overreacted and screamed.

A strong scent of alcohol filled the air, it was a pair of hairy arms on her body, and the hairy arms gave
her goosebumps. Ellie couldn't care less and took a big bite on that arm. The man behind screamed in
pain while cursing in Italian.

Ellie immediately moved and kept a distance, she then saw a drunken foreigner.

"Damn you! How dare you put your hands on me? Aren't you afraid of Kayden… Shit! Why am I
mentioning him? That mean and heartless guy, I should just forget about him." Ellie scolded, raised her
middle finger at the foreigner, and sneered, "Pervert, I'll break your ball with just one kick!"

The foreigner covered his injured arm and walked toward Ellie while cursing.

"What do you want? Don't come near me! I'll beat you to death, ahhhh, don't come near me!!" Her
arrogant face just now turned into a frightened kitty and kept backing off.

The foreigner staggered toward Ellie, she could finally see his face under the dimmed light, 'Oh shit! It's

His face was as red as an apple, no it was even redder than that, his shirt was disgusting as if he had
just crawled out from a shit hole, that hair… was like never been washed in a thousand years. She felt
like she could see worms wriggling in his hair. And he stunk badly…

Ellie was frightened to death at that moment.

"Don't come near me! Stop right there! I'll bite you to death!" Ellie screamed in terror while kept backing
off. No joke, she was a fighter since young but she had only fought females up until now, a male
opponent could easily defeat her, moreover, he was a foreigner who was tripled her size.

The foreigner kept cursing in Italian and approached Ellie, disregarded her warning.

Ellie gave him a kick in the bells when he approached and then ran away at lightning speed.

She was running for her life as she didn't want to be harmed by him. She was still young, in her finest
age; she didn't want to die here.

"Ahhhh… help, somebody help me!"

She didn't care which way she was heading to, she just ran like a headless chicken.

"figliodiputtana! Vaffanculo!..."(You bitch! Fuck!)

She could still hear the foreigner cursing from behind and he seemed to be approaching. Ellie got even
more anxious, she kicked her high heels off and began running barefoot.

She kept running without looking back until she was soaked in sweats and out of breaths. She then
finally stopped and rest leaning against a tree.

She felt like her heart was beating out of her chest. She couldn't take it anymore, even if she survived
the horror, she would die of exhaustion.

There was still fear in her whenever she thought of that foreigner.

'Oh dear, I'd rather kill myself than to be raped by that disgusting man.'

Ellie stood by the road, trembling. She looked blankly at the unfamiliar street, 'Where am I?'

It was surrounded by trees, there was no one around, not even a ghost… oh no, one must not mention
ghosts in such a place.

"Oh my god, what should I do now? Will I die here? Is there anyone around?" The proud and arrogant
Ellie was nothing but a frightened little lost girl now. She cried covering her face.

She was even afraid to cry too loud in this dark place because her own crying sounded like a ghost to

After walking for a few hundred meters, she was exhausted and scared. Her feet were full of blisters
due to prolonged friction on concrete surfaces, they were bleeding and covered in sand, it was horrible
to look at.

Tears kept rolling down from her cheeks, she cursed while walking, "Bastard Kayden, it's all your fault,
how could you leave me alone here? If something happens to me, if I die, I will surely come back as a

ghost to avenge myself. Oh, shit… ahhh. What should I do now? What should I do? Phone, yes, I
should call the police for help…"

Ellie reached for her mobile, it was already midnight, 'Gosh, are there still any police officers on duty at
this hour? And what is the emergency number for the police in Italy? 999? That's for the States…'

She continued crying, 'What should I do?'

She browsed through her contact lists while crying, while she was devastated and wanted to call
Elaine, Nico's number appeared before her eyes. She pressed call immediately as if she had found her

However, du… It was engaged!

"Damn! Who is he talking to at this hour?" Ellie complained and redialed.

Damn it! Still engaged!

She didn't give up, she called again. She must connect to him.

"Damn Nico, my battery is about to die, answer the damn call!" Ellie cursed while stomping her feet.

'Answer the call, if not, I'll curse that you'll have erectile dysfunction your entire life!'

Finally, her call was answered after only rang once.

"Hey babe, where are you? Let me go fetch you."

Nico sounded anxious like he already knew her situation.

Ellie didn't think much and burst out in tears, "I don't know where am I… it's dark, even ghost… no,
there's no one else apart from me, how would I know where am I?"

"Calm down babe, try looking around for building or try walking forward to see if there's anyone around
or any symbolic sign or building."

"How could I calm down, you have no idea what I've been through just now, I bumped into a perverted
foreigner, I'm too afraid that I ran barefoot. And I don't read Italian, how can I read the road sign? I don't
know this place, how should I describe it? I'm soaked wet all over, I'm freezing to death, call the police
at once, they will know my location."

"Eh…" Nico on the other end hesitated, Kayden said not to make a big deal out of this just now, he
wouldn't want to get the police involved. After a pause, he said, "There's nothing the police can do at
this hour. Do you have a GPS setting on your mobile? Maybe I can search and locate you…"

"I don't know, and how should I set my location?" Ellie asked, pouting.

Nico was speechless, he didn't know how to teach her now and she might not get it even if he
explained, so he gave up. "Forget about that, I'll look for you on the way, just tell me if there's any
symbolic building around you, or something attractive… if you can't read, just snap a picture and send
it to me…"

"Oh okay, let me see…" Ellie looked around while walking forward. She finally saw a building, took a
picture, and sent it to Nico.

"Have a look where is this, Nico. Come fetch me right away, I'm freezing to death…"

Nico interrupted her, "I've seen the picture. Let me search and keep in touch via texts, save your

"Okay, come at once."

"Alright, don't make any call, stay still and wait for my call…"

"Okay, okay."

Nico hung up after that.

"Wonder if Nico can find me. But he's such a nice guy compared to someone, they are like angels and

Ellie cursed and despised Kayden once again recalling how he kicked her out of the car just now. "Do
you really think I can't survive without you? There's Nico! He's much better than you!" She persuaded
herself by repeating the last sentence a few times.

However, the bitter feeling in her heart remained, it made her sad and felt like being dumped, no, not
dumped, it was more like being despised.

I've had enough of your nonsense, ridiculous actions, and the way you threw yourself onto handsome-
looking men… Kayden's words kept repeating beside her ears, it even got clearer and louder each

"I'm not that bad, what did he mean by throwing myself onto others…" Ellie mumbled. She turned sour
and inhaled a breath, suppressing her desire to cry.

'Whatever, the most important thing is getting out of here, Nico said he'll come for me, he will find me,
let's just wait for him here.'

Ellie was a lot calmer now and realized the pain on her feet. She quickly looked for a rock and sat on it,
disregarded whether it was clean or dirty.

Then she found that her clothes had dried up by the wind after running for a distance. Her gown was
tight-fitting, it was not thick. Though it had dried up, it still gave her an uncomfortable feeling. She felt
sticky, all she wanted now was a nice warm bath and sleeping on a huge soft bed.

She became sleepy and began nodding off sitting on the rock with her head rested on her hands, she
fell asleep slowly…

Nico on the other hand… was enjoying his drink with his best pal Yahk when Kayden called. He knew
something must have had happened when he saw the incoming call.

It was indeed something related to Ellie after he answered.

He didn't want to get involved, but Kayden had his photos and future in his hands, he had to be

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