Novel Name : Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee Chapter 181

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Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee Book 2

Chapter 181 – Flynn Is Indeed Evil

“Dad!” Maddox shuddered at the sight of his father, who was glaring at him before he turned to look at
his wounded son on the ground. As Lord Vasquez rushed over to Flynn with Varisha and Sofia, my
mom and Akin came into our view.

Akin was looking at him, shockingly, worried for us as his father had found out about us now.

“Call off the meetings!” Lord Vasquez yelled at Akin, who nodded and bolted back into the mansion to
ask everyone to leave.

Title of the document

Varisha was helping her son get up when Lord Vasquez turned to Helel.

“Don’t you see your brother needs help?” He yelled at him, very angry.

When Helel didn’t move a muscle, Lord Vasquez got up from beside Flynn and reached Helel.

“I’m commanding you to help your brother,” Lord Vasquez muttered, standing face to face with Helel.
He already knew the brothers had done it together, so he wanted Helel to carry the mess he created.

“NO!” Helel stubbornly shook his head, making his father grunt and get angry at him.

“You are saying no to me?” Lord Vasquez closed his eyes to take a deep breath before he grunted at
Helel, “Tell me who is asking you to misbehave with me.” The way Lord Vasquez asked him that
question and then turned to me, I felt like he was implying something.

“Nobody is telling me nothing. Do you want to know why we even hit him?” Helel stubbornly yelled back
at his father despite the deadly warnings his father was darting at him through his eyes.

“When I arrived, I found him a*s*saulting Beatrice. He was pushing her and-,” Helel didn’t finish
because anger once again took over him. He bit his tongue into silence while my mother looked my
way and ran in my direction to check on me. “Are you okay?” she asked me in a whisper, wrapping her
arms around me to make sure I knew she had me.

Sofia was nervously playing with her fingers and watching her sons get scolded.

Varisha lifted Flynn up from the ground and wrapped his arm around her own shoulder to give him

“That’s n—ot true.” Flynn sputtered, but then his knees started looking weak, and he fell to the ground
again. Lord Vasquez seemed to have received the shock of his life.

“They hit me because…” Flynn spoke with difficulty, still on his knees.

“Because she got jealous of my relationship with Mariah.” Flynn’s words left me stunned. I felt an icy
breeze run down my spine when he accused me of something so ridiculous.

“He is lying,” I shouted, making Lord Vasquez turn to me and warn me with his finger not to say a word.

“Everybody has left,” Akin arrived and announced, quickly passing a glance to everyone.

“Carry him to the living room,” Lord Vasquez said. He didn’t want to give a wait before Flynn recovers. I
could tell Flynn wanted to transition quickly to recover, but that was no longer an option, as Lord
Vasquez had too many questions in his mind that he needed answers for.

Akin, who still had no clue what was going on, stepped ahead and helped Flynn stand up.

We started making our way to the mansion. But I knew deep down in my heart that I was screwed. It
would go against me today.

All the things Flynn was yammering about, including Lord Vasquez accusing

Maddox of treason, were making me tremble in my skin.

Once we all had gathered in the living room, Lord Vasquez locked the mansion doors to have a good
conversation with us.

I feared for Maddox.

Varisha was already helping Flynn with his wounds, as she, too, figured it would take some time before
he was allowed to leave and transform.

“Flynn! I will start with you.” Lord Vasquez called him for attention.

“They have told me their version of the story. They said you were a*s*saulting Beatrice. Is it true?” Lord
Vasquez was eerily calm, but it was the calm that comes before the storm.

”1 was trying to get her phone,” Flynn surprisingly said the truth.

My mom was standing beside me, nervously chewing on her nails and watching everything unfold.

“Why?” Lord Vasquez asked.

“She had secretly recorded me with my girlfriend,” Flynn, who had not introduced Mariah as his
girlfriend, lied. He had no other option but to call her his girlfriend now.

“She was jealous of us because she thought we were getting back together.” Flynn was so clever that
he was playing with words and situations.

I shook my head at Lord Vasquez, denying the accusations.

“Why would she record you and your girlfriend if she is jealous of you two?” Lord Vasquez asked. With
his every question, my heart would pound faster and harder.

“Because she wanted something to blackmail me with. She told me she would leak it and ruin Mariah’s
reputation if I didn’t sleep with her—again. As soon as Flynn said that, my mother turned to me.

“He is lying!” I grunted, muttering helplessly.

“That’s a lie. He blackmailed me into sleeping with him.” I couldn’t take it anymore. Already Zane and
Maddox were passing me quizzical stares while Lord Vasquez had eyed my mother to take off my bag
and give him my phone.

“What would I blackmail you with?” Flynn asked, making deeper eye contact with me.

“Ther—,” I paused, gulping as I didn’t know what to say.

How do I tell him it was the video where Maddox and I didn’t only talk about our relationship, but
Maddox also confessed to helping a weredragon?

I didn’t even have a video to prove I was being blackmailed, but Flynn, on the other hand, had shown
the pictures from my phone to Lord Vasquez. “They are young and—,” my mother interrupted, as she
knew it would go far if it didn’t just stop here.

But it was already over for us.

“Somebody has committed a crime here.” Lord Vasquez was no longer interested in this topic. He had
already declared Flynn innocent and me guilty when he gave a head nod to Flynn after seeing the

I was wrong in thinking it would be easy to fool Flynn.

“Maddox! You are a traitor, and you know what punishment we give to traitors, right?’ His father closed
his eyes as he prepared to outcast his son.

Sharing Beatrice A Luna to her Stepbrothers
by Alexis Dee
Read Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers by Alexis Dee by Alexis Dee. Genre: Chinese
novels. Read the full novel online for free here at

Sharing Beatrice A Luna To Her Stepbrothers By Alexis Dee novel full chapter story on Genres: Alpha,Billionaire…

Beatrice Mintz has feelings for Flynn Winchester, but on the first day Beatrice arrives at school she
is bullied by Flynn and made fun of in front of her classmates.

When Beatrice told her mother what happened and felt embarrassed going to school. Her mother
took Beatrice to her new stepfather’s mansion and met her new handsome stepbrothers, which
changed her life Beatrice,….

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