Novel Name : The Carrero Effect - Falling for the Boss (Billionaire CEO)

Chapter 259

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“Then tell yourself that she loves you. Remind yourself of why you’re asking her.” I croon softly, aware
Jake’s messing with the damn coffee machine, making it look complicated as hell to work, a frowning
and confused look glazing over his face. I think it’s more impatience than anything.

“I want her … every day, every night … I want to be able to call her and be like hey, babe, I’ll see you at
home.” Daniel sighs heavily. “Fuck, I sound as soft as Jake right now.” At least he’s calmed down now,
and he hasn’t noticed that his attack is over; talking about Leila is calming him without him even
realizing it.

“Yep you kinda do, he’s a sucker for love too.” I smile at Jake’s wide strong back and flutter my lashes
as he glances over at me; all manly attempts at nonchalance disappearing.

“Should I be concerned about you two on the phone?” Jake glares at me with his I’m starting to get
jealous tone. I stick my tongue out at him.

“Tell Jake he’s an asshole for turning me into this fucking mess with all his talks of the one and happy
ever afters.” Daniel growls down the phone at the same time as Jake growls at the phone in my hand.

Men don’t talk soppy to one another? Right then, Jake.

I sigh with exasperation at being caught between two pig headed males.

“Jake you’ve ruined Daniel’s life by pointing out he loves Leila,” I say drolly, eye rolling again. Daniel is
a drama queen.

“Stop dicking about, man the fuck-up and just propose, Danny. It’s obviously heading that way.” Jake
says loudly for Daniel’s benefit and there’s a sharp inhale of breath and sudden silence on the other
end of the cell.

“I think you just caused him to have a cardiac arrest, Jake” I look at him deadpan hearing the smallest
whimpering of hesitation from Daniel. “Oh, never mind. I hear signs of life.” I smile wickedly, and Jake
continues to glower my way. He’s still not in control of that little green-eyed monster growing inside of
him, but he’s obviously trying to rationalize how stupid he’s being.

“You think that’s what she expects so soon?” The fear in Hunter’s voice is back with a vengeance and
my heart melts.

“Honestly … No. Leila knows you better than anyone and I think she won’t expect that for a very long
time. Stop over thinking this.” I smirk at my reflection in the steel refrigerator door, at the irony of my

When did I stop doing that?

I glance back at Jake and catch the same smirk aimed at me as he thinks the same thing.

Yeah, okay, smart ass.

“No, no … You’re right. Leila’s fucking amazing and supportive and … Fuck. Fuck. She won’t want that
yet; I don’t want that. Emma, I want that. Why wouldn’t she want that with me?” The confused turn
around in Daniel’s tone has me almost giggling.

Oh God, Daniel is either having some sort of mental breakdown or he’s truly head over heels for that
girl and has no control over his own emotions.

I catch his heavy breathing coming back.

“Daniel, just breathe and stop, you’re driving yourself a little crazy. It’s too soon and Leila probably does
want that in time. Right now, you’re just trying to show the girl she can trust you and have a future with

you.” I remind him. “She doesn’t need anything like this yet, just you to keep proving you love her, and
she can trust you.” I sound like Sylvana, imparting soft wisdom in hushed tones.

“Trust her, she knows what she’s talking about.” Jake cuts in, he’s had enough of his best friend
monopolizing me and swipes the cell from me, propping it on his ear with his shoulder. He manhandles
me onto the countertop in a very dominant way, walking me backward toward it with a slight thud.

“Hunter, man up and stop being a pussy. Ask Leila to move in and just get off the fucking phone.” Jake
isn’t exactly friendly, but he has a tone of warmth in there somewhere. He yanks open my robe and
runs a hand down my abdomen; obviously given up trying to be patient.

“Go find your girlfriend and fuck her, trust me. I’m sure even you can handle asking her while having
sex to take your mind off the fact that you’re an emotional cripple.” I grimace at the way Jake handles
Hunter, but I can’t really be mad since his hand is expertly moving in places that have me writhing
already. I have a weakness inside me for him that he knows all too well and I’m instantly submissive
putty in his hands; no arguments from me.

Oh God.

I squirm against his delicious hand between my thighs and watch the change in his transparent green
eyes, glazing over to dark and hazy, his pupils dilating. Excitement rushes up over my body at his lack
of patience and control.

“…currently trying to seduce my fiancée and get you off the goddamn phone … Good plan let me know
how you get on … Just, not anytime soon,” Jake smarts in a lust-filled angry tone and hangs up. He
goes to continue his advances up my thighs but stops, realizing something, he tosses his phone into
the hall with a crashing thud as it breaks into pieces, echoing around the house.

I guess phone shopping will be on the list tomorrow.

“Jake?!” I giggle, but my breath is halted out of me with a sharp tug of my body to his and my robe falls
open fully. I go limp with desire and can’t do anything except gape at his mouth as it moves closer.

“Any other asshole interrupts this, I’ll rip heads off.” He growls and moves in with the look of a killer
animal devouring its prey.

“Mathews is nearby, and I’ll only be gone until tomorrow baby, and you know Mamma will come check
on you if you don’t show face.” I’m getting the paternal type lecture from Jake as he gets ready to go to
Manhattan. He’s looking sophisticated in a flawlessly tailored dark suit and, for once, a tie; one of his
clients is sharing his flight to get business out of the way, quickly, mid-air.

“I’m sure I can look after myself for a night. I did actually handle some independence before I had you,
you know.” I smile sarcastically as he frowns at me.

“Workmen finish up this afternoon, a day early, so by tonight you’ll be chaos free.” He continues,
ignoring my jibe. He’s on a roll in bossy commander business mode, and I revert to PA Emma to listen
patiently while he gets it all out of his brain. I remember one of the first things Margo told me about
Jake when I to work for him; she told me he likes information to be repeated back to him, tasks relayed
vocally in order of importance. It’s nice to think that even on a sub-conscious level I’m at the top of his

“Good. I plan on a lovely bubble bath, annoyingly soppy movie and an early night in that luxurious bed
of ours.” I lean up and kiss his cheek.

“That sounds a lot better than having to go back to work,” he grumbles boyishly.

“Jealous?” I utter sweetly, leaning in to kiss him goodbye on the mouth this time, always aching to have
that intimacy with him.

“No, just wishing I was part of your evenings plans, baby. I can’t even Skype call this time because I
want to get through everything to get back home tomorrow morning. I’m going to miss you, a lot.” He
runs a hand down my jaw and ruffles my hair before the obligatory kiss on the forehead and leaves.

My goodbye waves are rudely interrupted by the chaos of noise starting for the day in the house,
somewhere behind me. I sigh inwardly as the screeching sounds of a power drill and instant
hammering over my head start echoing around the emptiness.

One more day of workmen and chaos and noise, just one more day. You can cope with that.

We’ve been here a few days and spent most of it locked in either our room, the lounge: another
perfectly decorated room, or next door. We have avoided most of the hired staff renovating and tried
our best to escape from Monica when she tries to repeatedly show Jake around the developments. She
just doesn’t seem to take no for an answer, and certainly doesn’t seem to be phased by his pregnant
fiancée hanging

on his arm every time they enter the house. I’ve told

Jake repeatedly and much to his amusement that I think she’s one of those older women cougars that
you hear about, preying on young hot rich men.

I need to grin and bear it for today and then they’ll be gone, dragging all their tools and mess and
chaos with them out of my way. I want to finally start adding some homely touches to our castle. I wrap
my arms around my shoulders and hug myself, unable to stop an internal squeal of happiness.

I wander through the rooms toward the kitchen in my robe and catch two men walking from the library
to the dining area: carrying boxes. I sigh in agitation and avoid eye contact, instinctively pulling my robe
tighter around my body; for comfort, more than anything else. At least, for the most part, they keep out
of my way. One of them seems to have an eye for me though but it’s nothing I can’t handle. I’ve only

noticed it the past day or so, and since they’re leaving today, I can deal with a couple more hours of
this crap; if anything, just to prove to Jake that I can.

My nausea is running high at the stress of moving into the house and all the upheaval. The constant
drilling and banging and heavy sounds drowning out any peace for me means I can’t sleep through the
day because of it, so I doubt my little tadpole can. This tidbit brings my annoyance at the workmen
boiling up inside me. It tilts my brain off focus with fierce protectiveness. I can’t seem to settle here yet
because of it all, that’s why I’ll be glad when they leave.

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