Novel Name : The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess

Chapter 124 My Suprise

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These moments…

I will never be able to put them into words. The love that I feel for someone I have just met… is
unexplainable. I feel as if the heavens and the gods themselves have blessed me with everything.

Leo, Corrado, Marcel, Royce, Charlotte and now my mother. 4

I once thought I had no family, and then Leo stepped into my life, offering me safety and a home.

Corrado, a child whose smile became my entire world…

Marcel, a man I never knew I could love and have, and so much more than that. I was given him as my

Royce, my brother is brave enough to push to be a part of my life. Even before I knew who he was, the
way he looked at me shows me that he loves me and will always protect

Charlotte, my feisty little sister who is a queen with the confidence to make up for my lack thereof.

And my Mom, someone who has yearned for me, after being lied to and betrayed by her own mate,
has suffered for years. Her happiness is so strong I can feekit.

And now I know that it’s true; nothing compares to a mother’s embrace. No matter how old you get,
there will always be something so special about it. 1

When Charlotte and I finally move apart, I look at my family.

‘Marcel, please come inside.’ I say softly through the mind link.

‘Of course, Bellissima.” 2

My heart skips a beat at the sound of his rugged voice, and I’m not sure if this is the right way to break
the news I discovered to him in the morning, but I’m sure he’ll be ok with me doing so in front of my
newfound family. 3

He knocks lightly on the door before he pushes it open and steps inside. Mom wipes. her tears, trying
to compose herself, as she gets to her feet, taking mine and Charlotte’s hands and helps us up.

“Mom… Charlotte… I want you to meet my mate, Marcel Rossi.” I say softly.

I see that glimmer of uncertainty in Marcel’s eyes, almost as if hoping that he doesn’t shame me. It’s
rarely there, but right now it’s like he’s preparing for Mom to remark on his age.

I gently tug away from her and look at him, wanting to reassure him that he can never bring me shame.
I am proud to have him as my mate. To call him my own.

He closes the gap between us, and I place my hand on his chest, instantly his arms wrap around me,
and I kiss his chest, inhaling his scent.

He gives Mom a polite nod.

I look at her, and she’s observing us. She is examining him, but there’s no haughtiness or judgement in
her eyes and after a moment she smiles.

“It’s an honour to meet you Alpha Marcel Rossi,” she says politely as she holds a hand out to Marcel.

“Likewise, Luna Catherine,” he replies, one arm still around me as he takes her hand with the other and
gives it a light kiss on her knuckles.

“I’m Charlotte Sophia Arden. I hope you are prepared to have me at your house more often than not
because I want to get to know my sister.” Charlotte says, making us all laugh. 4

“Of course, you are welcome at any time,” Marcel says, giving her a smile and a kiss on the hand.

She smiles brightly as she spins around and gives Royce a hug.

“Well… I’m glad that went well,” Royce says lightly, trying to lift the emotional mood that has settled
over us.

I feel so overwhelmed, yet so happy.

Mom goes to his side, and he hugs her as she tries to hide her tears.

I know we don’t have much time, but there’s something I want to tell them.

“There’s something I wanted to share with you…” I begin, looking up at Marcel.

He kisses my forehead softly and I close my eyes, relishing in the sparks that course through me.

He looks so handsome tonight…

“What is it Vic-Winona?” Mom asks.

“You can call me Victoria if you like,” I say, smiling gently at her. She clutches a pendant she’s wearing
around her neck and I remember something Royce said about wearing a picture of me around her

Is that me?

“Are you certain?” she asks hesitantly.


“Thank you,” she replies.

I smile at her before I take a deep breath.

“I wanted to share that I’m pregnant,” I say, looking up at Marcel. “I found out this morning and…”

Mom gasps as Marcel’s heart thuds as he stares at me. I reach into my purse taking out two
envelopes. I pass the first to Marcel and then the second to Mom. Charlotte

hurries closer to Mom, as Mom begins to open it..

I look up at Marcel trying to read him as he deftly opens the envelope with one hand, his heart still
thundering. I’m a little scared because he hasn’t reacted…

He takes out the card that contains the image of my ultrasound this morning and his eyes widen as
Mom and Charlotte gasp. 2

“It’s a family thing.” Mom whispers as Marcel slowly looks away from the picture and at me.

“You’re pregnant with twins,” Charlotte murmurs in awe. 6

‘Say something.’ I whisper through the mind link to Marcel.

He looks down at the image once more before his eyes meet mine, and suddenly I’m engulfed by such
powerful emotions that I gasp.

Powerful emotions that rush through the bond.

Happiness, shock, nervousness, excitement, respect, concern and above all so much love.

“I love you Bellissima, more than I can ever express,” he whispers huskily, as he cups. the side of my
face and kisses me deeply.

‘I love you too…’ I manage to say through the link, as pleasure rushes through me.

He’s fighting his self-control, as he pulls away, kissing my cheeks, shoulders, neck, and forehead
before enveloping me in his arms once more.

‘You have made me the happiest man alive,’ he says through the link.

I’m in tears again as he holds me tightly, yet tenderly.

I know how Petra’s pregnancy with Leo was for them… he doesn’t remember much of it, and it was a
dark and painful time…

But I promise I will make this experience a good one.


For a moment I’m scared, but I know he’ll be ok, because he’s Leo and he is far more selfless than
many will ever know. 4

“A congratulation is in order,” Royce says when we both move apart. “I’m happy for the both of you.”

“Thank you, son,” Marcel says as Royce comes over to us and kisses my forehead.

“Son? Am I, not your… brother-in-law?” Royce asks jokingly, almost in a questioning tone. 2

Marcel chuckles as Mom nods her agreement.

“You are also my nieces’ mate too,” Marcel reminds him of making us all exchange looks. 1

“The Rossi family tree is complicated, it’s not the first time there have been siblings mated to two
generations,” I say smiling. Azura and Kiara are sisters, but mated to an uncle and nephew.”

“Oh yes… so these kids will be my nephews. or nieces and Skyla’s cousins… it is complicated.” Royce
muses. 2

I can see the love he has for Skyla from the look in his eyes.

Mom cups my cheeks, and smiles tenderly before she hugs me. “You came back into my life tonight
and you also gave me the news that I am going to become a grandmother, too. I couldn’t be happier.
Thank you.”

She then turns to Royce. “Now I want to meet my new daughter. Why isn’t she here?”

she asks him. 1

“A little patience, Mom. She’s on her way.” Royce says with a small smile.

Mom nods. “Perfect. Kenneth will be so happy…” she trails off, frowning as if suddenly thinking of
something and the atmosphere in the room becomes tense.

Although Marcel and Royce remain emotionless, I realise this is it… the hard part.

“Royce. Why is your father not here for this reunion? Why don’t they know you are alive? Tell me,”
Mom demands. 6

Royce frowns and he looks into her eyes, about to speak, when the door suddenly opens… 25

Moonlight Muse Author

I got super emotional reading this one too… hope you all enjoyed it!

About The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess -

The Temptation of Sin And The Lycan Princess is the best current series of the author Moonlight
Muse. With the below Chapter 124 My Suprise content will make us lost in the world of love and
hatred interchangeably, despite all the tricks to achieve the goal without any concern for the other
half, and then regret. late. Please read chapter Chapter 124 My Suprise and update the next
chapters of this series at

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