Novel Name : A Beauty With Multiple Masks

Chapter 385

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An Ambush

“There's no progress,” Samuel replied truthfully. Calvin threw his son a look of utter disdain.

“You might've inherited my looks, but it looks like your EQ is not as good as mine.” Samuel said curtly,
“Should I record the first half of your sentence and send it to Mom?”

“Don't you dare!” Calvin huffed and glared at Samuel.

“You're the one having problems with your marriage, and you're trying to make me suffer with you?”

“No.I want you to live happily.” Calvin found Samuel's words insincere.

“You should check on Kate.It’s a rare opportunity for you to meet her.Don't miss it,” the former urged.

Truth was, he could not bear to see his son’s long face. Thankfully, Samuel took his advice and left.
Calvinsnorted quietly while watching him leave. Meanwhile, Kathleen and Tyson arrived at the
underground warehouse. Sure enough, many things were stored there.

“Mrs.Macari, these tables and chairs are extras from Macari Group's renovation a few months ago.”
Tyson was used to addressing Kathleen that way, which took her by surprise. Noticing the look on her
face, Tyson grew flustered and covered his mouth.

“Ms.Johnson, I’m so sorry.I’m too used to it.” Kathleen studied him in silence.

“Do you refer to me as that when you're talking to the others?” Tyson smiled sheepishly.

“I'll change it.”

“Has Samuel ever corrected you?” Kathleen asked in puzzlement.

“Of course not.Mr.Macari told us he'll never let anyone take over your position.He makes us
acknowledge you as the only female boss.In fact, he'll execute anyone who dares to pull strings for
other women.” Kathleen found the news amusing.

“Does he see himself as a king? Execute? Seriously?” Tyson scratched his head in confusion.

“In a way, this is Mr.Macari’s territory.” Kathleen’s eyes glinted.

“Indeed, it's his territory.”

“What are you two talking about?” Samuel elegantly sauntered over.

“Nothing.” Kathleen shook her head.

“Mr.Macari, I’ll get someone to help Ms.Johnson carry these things.” Tyson took his cue to leave.
Gesturing to the checklist in her hand, Kathleen said, “I’ve made a rough calculation.These things
aren’t cheap, Samuel.I think it's best that I pay you back.”

“It's fine,” Samuel said coolly.

“I won't accept it even if you pay me, so don’t bother.” Kathleen pursed her rosy lips.

“But the total of all these is more expensive than the rent.I'll feel guilty for not paying.” Samuel said in a
heavy tone, “Kathleen, you have to understand this—we have children together.This is something that'll
keep us indebted to each other forever.Besides, no one uses these when they’re kept here.You'll be
doing me a huge favor clearing my warehouse by taking and using them.”

Kathleen was speechless. I’ve never heard of anyone using this method to clear their warehouse.

“Let me treat you to dinner, then.” Kathleen still felt bad about it.

“Okay,” Samuel agreed instantly. Seeing his reaction, Kathleen asked, “Don't you have any social
events at night?” Samuel shook his head.

“I never attend them.” More precisely, he rarely attended one ever since Kathleen faked her death. Of
course, his attendance for the recent ones when she returned was an exception.

After all, he attended them because of her. If not for her, he would not be the slightest bit interested in

“What if there's a social event you must go to?” Kathleen asked curiously.

“The Macari family has another mascot,” explained Samuel.

“A mascot?” Kathleen asked.

“Who's that?”

“My father,” answered Samuel. Calvin? It was at that moment Kathleen finally remembered Calvin was
the chairman of Macari Group. Well,he's truly the mascot of the company. Smiling faintly, she said,
“The role of the mascot suits him.”

Her smile made Samuel lift the corners of his thin lips.

“He'll represent me for the events, so I basically don't have to do anything.” Kathleen nodded in

“Since it’s a thank-you meal, what would you like to eat?”she asked. Samuel's obsidian eyes looked
even darker.

“You can decide.”

“All right.” Kathleen frowned.

“Why is Tyson not coming back? Why don't we head upstairs? This underground warehouse is a little
chilly.” Samuel removed his coat and draped it over her.

He wrapped his slender and elegant fingers around hers and led her to the elevator. They had to take
the elevator to go up. Kathleen could not help but blush atSamuel's actions. The man was tall and built.

As he stood in front of her, he emanated a calm and mysterious aura, which made one feel fearful yet
relieved at the same time. Gusts of wind blew at them. Kathleen instinctively tightened her grip around
Samuel's hand, nervously looking around the area.

Feeling her grip tighten, Samuel lowered his gaze and smiled subtly. She's still so cowardly. Suddenly,
a series of hurried footsteps approached them. When Kathleen turned around to look in the direction of
the sound, she saw a dark shadow charging at them with a steel blade. Samuel pushed Kathleen away
and used his massive hand to grab the ambusher's hand.

With that, the two of them launched into a fight. The moment Kathleen regained her balance, she
hurriedly fumbled through the suit pocket. As expected, Samuel's phone was in it.

She took out the phone and turned on the screen, only to discover it required a password to unlock.
Kathleen tried her birth date, which unexpectedly worked. Casting a nervous glance at Samuel, she
hurriedly dialed Tyson's number. “Tyson, hurry down here.We’re in danger!” she urged.

“Mrs.Macari, we're at the elevator, but it's broken,” Tyson explained.

“The door to the third underground floor is locked from the inside.”

“Break the door! Hurry!” Kathleen urgedonce more.

“Got it! We're going there now!” With that, Kathleen put down the phone and looked at Samuel. Their
ambusher was a man. His figure was about the same as Samuel's.

On top of that, the man seemed to be more powerful than Samuel. If it was not for Samuel’s poor
health, that man would not stand a chance against him. Though Samuel seemed to be having a tough
time, it was not an easy fight for his opponent either.

“Kate, run!” he shouted.

Kathleen snapped out of her thoughts and realized the man was charging at her with the blade in his
hands, staring at her with a murderous gaze. Is this man trying to kill me? Samuel grabbed the man's
shoulder from behind.

In response, the latter turned around and slashed his blade in front of Samuel. Thankfully, Samuel
turned away just in time and successfully avoided the blade.

Spotting Samuel's arm that was on his shoulder, the opponent brought down his blade on Samuel's
wrist. Samuel looked at Kathleen grimly.

“Run! Quickly!” Kathleen gritted her teeth.

“No!” If I run, he’ll be facing the ambusher alone.

No way.I can't do that! To their surprise, the man sneered, “No one’s getting away!”

With that, he turned to face Samuel and swung his blade at the latter. Samuel frowned at the sight.
Meanwhile, Kathleen had been thinking of ways to help Samuel. Sadly, she could not find an
appropriate tool to assist her.

There was no way she could go into the fight just like that.

Not only would she be of no help to Samuel, but she could also get injured. “Who sent you?”Kathleen
questioned the man.

“What’s your motive? Spit it out.Why are you doing this?” Samuel grabbed the man's arms with hostility
written all over his face.

“She’s talking to you, man.Why aren't you answering?” The man hissed, “Don't you dare think of
distracting me to buy time!”

With that, he suddenly exerted more force and slashed the blade at Samuel.

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