Novel Name : Shadow Slave

Chapter 41

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Sunny was sprawled in the mud, looking at the sky. He didn’t even have to catch his breath since the
whole fight took less than ten seconds from start to finish. No one was dead, wounded or even
bruised… well, with the exception of the scavenger. It was completely out of his expectations.

He glanced at the monster’s corpse to make sure that it was actually dead, then summoned the runes
and took a look at the number of Shadow Fragments in his possession.

[Shadow Fragments: 16/1000].

It was actually true. The mighty awakened beast perished just like that. And, although Nephis did most
of the work, he was the one to deal the killing blow.

‘Why can’t it always be so easy?’

Sunny got back on his feet and dismissed the Azure Blade. Then, he remembered the words Master
Jet had once told him: “No one can survive in the Dream Realm alone.”

Back then, he noted her advice, but didn’t really believe it. After all, he had always strived to be self-
sufficient, not allowing himself to depend on anyone. In Sunny’s mind, this was the true meaning of

However, now he was beginning to suspect that this logic was flawed. Indeed, having someone to
share your burdens meant the difference between heaven and hell here in the Dream Realm. If he was
alone, fighting against a single scavenger might have been the end of him.

Similarly, even though Nephis was far more skilled than Sunny, it would have been extremely hard for
her to defeat the armored monster alone, being that its weakest point was out of her reach.

But together, they had accomplished it with relative ease. The whole was greater than the sum of the
parts. In other words, there was strength in numbers that surpassed individual power. In that sense,

being able to depend on a group was not a sign of weakness, but, on the contrary, an important facet of
personal strength.

Lone wolves would always be at a disadvantage. That was another lesson to learn.

‘It’s not like I had much of a choice.’

He walked over to Nephis and checked if she was okay. Apart from slight damage to her makeshift
seaweed clothes, everything seemed to be alright. She glanced at Sunny.


He shook his head.

Nephis sighed. It seemed that she was a bit impatient to get herself a suit of armor of her own. If Sunny
was a gentleman, he would have suggested to loan her the Puppeteer’s Shroud for a while… but alas,
he wasn’t. That armor was extremely valuable and had cost him a lot.

Plus, unlike Changing Star, the picture of Sunny wearing nothing but a seaweed loincloth would have
been more disturbing than aesthetically pleasing. So, he said nothing.

Meanwhile, Nephis headed for the dead scavenger and said without turning her head:

“Bring Cassie.”

With a sigh, Sunny turned around and left the clearing.

Soon, he approached the place where the blind girl was waiting patiently for their return. Hearing his
footsteps, she flinched and raised her head:


‘How did she recognize me? Ah… must be the way I walk.’

“Yeah, it’s me. Everything is over. Come on, I’ll bring you to Nephis.”

Using the wooden staff, Cassie stood up and turned to him.

“Are… are you guys alright?”

Sunny smiled.

“Of course! We dispatched that critter in no time. Didn’t even get a scratch.”

Cassie smiled with visible relief.

“Good, that’s good. Oh, right, the rope…”

Sunny took the rope and guided the blind girl back to the clearing. On the way, he felt a bit weird. With
the delicate girl walking behind him, he couldn’t help but think of his little sister. As a toddler, she used
to follow him around too, as though they were glued together.

As the familiar pain stabbed him in the heart, Sunny gritted his teeth and tried to think about something
else. It was all in the past anyway.

Back in the clearing, Nephis was done breaking apart the scavenger’s carapace. The shimmering soul
shard was already in her hand. Without saying anything, she tossed it to Sunny.

He caught the crystal and looked at her with surprise.

“Why are you giving it to me?”

Nephis blinked and stayed quiet for a few seconds. Then she said as a matter of fact:

“I don’t have pockets.”


Still a bit bewildered, Sunny put the soul shard into his rucksack.

‘But why wouldn’t she just absorb it?’

He opened his mouth to ask the question, but she seemed to realize something and added:

“We’ll divide the spoils later.”

“Ah. Alright.”

Nephis, meanwhile, turned to Cassie and said after some deliberation:

“I was careful.”

Then, she smiled.


[Your shadow grows stronger.]

[Your shadow grows stronger.]

[Your shadow grows stronger.]

Sunny was feeling somewhere in-between of being ecstatic and peeved. Throughout the day, they
managed to kill three more scavengers, each time with not much risk to anyone except for Nephis. The
process was largely the same: after discovering the monster, he would hide in the shadows, while

Nephis would act as bait. Then, when the time was right, Sunny would stealthily approach and finish
the fight with a precise strike of the Azure Blade.

He was wondering if that was what being in the main hero’s party felt like. To anyone else, maybe with
the exception of Caster, dancing around a deadly awakened beast would have been a tall task, most
likely ending with the dancer’s death. Nephis, however, had managed to do it over and over again
seemingly without too much strain.

What’s more, her performance was based solely on skill, with no Aspect Ability involved. In that regard,
even Caster couldn’t have done better.

She was swift, calm and precise. Every move she made was calculated and perfectly timed. She
seemed to innately understand the flow and logic of combat, which gave her the ability to roughly
predict what actions the mindless beasts would perform in the next seconds. Then it was just the
question of physical prowess to evade and even manipulate them to a certain degree.

Sunny had always known that skill and experience were more important than raw power, but by
watching Nephis, he vividly understood just how vast the difference between them was. Even though
his divine Aspect allowed Sunny to exert more strength and speed than Changing Star, in an actual
fight, he would never stand a chance.

Of course, he was also an important part of every encounter. His role as the finisher was not trivial, and
not just anybody would have been able to accomplish four kills with four strikes. Even though Sunny
was not taught any elaborate techniques, he was still a somewhat experienced fighter. He had good
physical coordination, combat intuition, and — most importantly — a cool-headed mentality.

Not to mention the fact that they were only able to ambush the scavengers so effectively due to his
shadow scouting them out in advance.

All in all, it was an almost equal cooperation. Still, watching Nephis fight was nothing short of sobering.

Trying not to get too dejected, Sunny summoned the runes.

[Shadow Fragments: 22/1000].

‘Eight fragments today. Pretty excellent.’

Currently, they were waiting on the edge of the labyrinth path leading directly to the giant statue of the
headless knight. There was a group of scavengers between them and the statue, moving past without
any haste.

The sunset was near, but they still had time.

Slowly, minutes flowed by. At some point, Nephis gave the command to move.

Helping Cassie along, Sunny followed Changing Star and quickly traversed the open space between
the labyrinth and the statue. Now, they only had to get on top of it.

However, it wasn’t that easy. Scaling the two-hundred-meter tall monument would have been hard in
normal circumstances, but now, they also had to somehow pull Cassie up. Leaving her behind until
they were at the top would not have been safe.

In the end, Nephis and Sunny took turns pulling the rope every twenty meters or so. Cassie would hold
onto the rocks and wait until they climbed higher, and then the process would repeat. It was slow and
torturous, and by the end, Sunny’s muscles were sore and almost on fire.

But they managed to get to safety before the dark waters washed them away.

As the night began to descend, the three Sleepers sat in the center of the circular stone platform and
rested. As they did not bring any materials to make a fire and it was already too late, there was no way

to cook food. They ended up chewing on the strips of dried meat, passing the bottle of limitless water

After some time, Nephis gave Sunny a sign to take out the spoils of today’s journey. He took out the
four shimmering soul shards and put them on the ground.

Without any discussion, Changing Star moved two crystals in his direction and took two for herself.
Then, she gave one of hers to Cassia.

Sunny watched it in silence. By the time Nephis and Cassie had absorbed their soul shards, he still
didn’t make a move to take his. After a while, he took another crystal out of the rucksack and moved all
three to Nephis.

The silver-haired girl looked at him with surprise.

“Don’t you want… to grow stronger?”

Sunny grinned.

“Of course, I do. But these won’t do me much good right now. It’s no secret that you are the main
fighting force of our group.”

He sighed.

“The stronger you are, the better our chances of survival will get. Plus, it’s not a gift. It’s a trade.”

Nephis raised an eyebrow.

“A… trade? What do you want?”

Sunny deliberated for a few seconds before answering.

“It’s rather simple. I will give you these soul shards, and all other soul shards I earn on the way to that

Then, he looked her in the eyes and said:

“In return, you will teach me how to fight.”

Read Shadow Slave

Novel Shadow Slave has been updated Chapter 41 with many climactic developments What
makes this series so special is the names of the characters ^^. If you are a fan of the author
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Chapter 41 novel Shadow Slave

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