Novel Name : Son-In-Law Madness

Chapter 808

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It had been some time since Donald came across someone who was his match.

He had underestimated Celeb's power level.

“I must admit, it's surprising to find another divine stage Novem Stella Warrior like myself,” Celeb
taunted, a hint of arrogance lacing his words. “But you see, I possess not only the power of a divine
stage Novem Stella Warrior but also extraordinary superpowers. If you are willing to submit to me,
forsake your weapon, and grovel at my feet, I might consider granting you a relatively merciful death.”

To him, Donald was already a dead man.

“It looks like you're pretty confident in yourself,” Donald remarked as he swung his sword with
precision. “Has no one told you that in a fight, the winner is not only determined by his level but also his
position? If you're willing to grovel at my feet, I might consider granting you a relatively merciful death.”

Celeb snorted icily. “Ha! Death is near, yet you're still so stubborn, huh? Take this!”

Raising his weapon, Celeb charged toward Donald again.

This time, the anchor emerged behind Celeb and flew toward Donald swiftly.

Reacting swiftly, Donald made a split-second decision to leap into the air, evading the direct and
forceful impact.

However, Celeb had anticipated his move.

The green clay formed two long spears, charging toward Donald in a swift manner.

As the green clay spears closed in on him, Donald reacted swiftly, using his sword to parry and deflect
both spears with precision. However, he had little time to celebrate his successful defense, for Celeb's
weapon swiftly followed.

Using his superpowers, Celeb employed a deceptive tactic that forced Donald into a defensive stance,
diverting his attention.

Seizing the opportunity, Celeb swiftly closed the distance, ready to deliver a fatal blow.

It seemed like a brilliant plan that initially put Donald in a precarious situation.

However, relying on the same trick twice proved to be a miscalculation on Celeb's part.

Obviously, Celeb underestimated Donald's capabilities. As he was about to stab Donald's body with his
knife, his expression abruptly shifted as he sensed an incoming force surging toward him from below.


Celeb, completely engrossed in his attempt to strike Donald, had no idea about the surprise that
Donald had in store for him.

A leopard made of water leaped into the air from the deck, slamming onto Celeb's belly rapidly.

Celeb could do nothing as he was sent flying, mere inches away from stabbing Donald.

I was this close to hurting Donald!

Celeb stiffened in the air with nowhere to leverage on.

In a split second, Celeb's attention was captured by the sight of Donald swinging his sword toward him
with tremendous force.

The impact of the attack was ten times stronger than before, creating a powerful surge that aimed
toward Celeb.

Reacting swiftly, Celeb's body erupted with a multitude of green clay, which swiftly coalesced into a
protective cocoon, enveloping him tightly in midair.

Nevertheless, Donald's attack had been executed with such immense force that Celeb stood no
chance of survival.

Like a sharp kitchen knife slicing effortlessly through an egg, the moment the protective cocoon formed,
Donald's sword sliced through it with ease, cleaving it into two halves.

Celeb, who was wrapped up in the cocoon, didn't get lucky.

He didn't even get to retaliate and ended up getting chopped into tiny pieces by the impact of the

No matter how powerful the reagent was, it could never regenerate Celeb's body which was nothing
but a pile of minced flesh.

After getting rid of Celeb, Donald quickly activated his force field to locate Hannah, making his way to
her quickly.

With the assistance of Donald's gun and her knowledge of the ship, Hannah cautiously retreated, step
by step.

Once the mutated crew members got shot, the water in their bodies would evaporate in the blink of an
eye, turning them into dried-up corpses.

As effective as the gun was in neutralizing the mutated crew members, Hannah realized that she
couldn't rely on it alone to fend off the overwhelming numbers.

In her search for a safe hiding spot, Hannah hastily opened a nearby door to a room, only to be met
with an aggressive crew member lunging toward her. She managed to eliminate the threat with a single
shot from her gun, but in the process, the weapon slipped from her grasp and dropped onto the ground.

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