Novel Name : Avenger's coming back

Chapter 159 Agree To Take Over

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"Eric, don't talk nonsense." Jade's face darkened. "You have to prove it."

Hearing her words, a sly and charming smile appeared on Eric's face. He said, "Aunt, just as you wish."

After saying that, he turned to look at Lily. "Girl, you hold mother and go back to rest first."

"How about you?" Lily asked subconsciously. She looked at him with worried eyes. Although she knew
him well, she was still afraid that he would do something out of line in such a situation.

"I have something to deal with." After saying that, he walked a few steps closer to Lily and put the
suitcase in front of her. "Also take the luggage back."

As soon as he finished speaking, he bent over to hold her face and imprinted a kiss on the corner of
her lips. This kiss did not consider anyone else present.

He pushed her away with only a gentle kiss, his eyes sparkling with something Lily couldn't understand.
"You don't have to go back today. Take care of mom for me, and I'll be back soon."

"Eric," When he turned around and was about to leave, Lily reached out and grabbed his hand. She
looked at him worriedly and asked, "Can you tell me what you are going to do? Going out like this not
only makes me worried, but also your mother."

"Don't worry. I won't do anything out of line." Eric patted her on the hand and whispered in her ear, "I'm
going to find my brother."

"Yes." Hearing his words, Lily felt relieved and nodded. She let go of his hand and watched him leave.

Eric left in a hurry. Before he left, he turned his head and looked at jade. His eyes were sharp and he
smiled coldly.

Jade couldn't help shivering when she saw him acting like this. She had never seen Eric like this. The
look in his eyes and the way he looked like were out of his age.

"Auntie, let me help you go home." Lily withdrew her sight, with one hand holding Angela's arm and the
other holding the suitcase.

"Yes." Angela nodded. She didn't want to stay here, she was annoyed to see Jade.

"Lily..." After walking a few steps, Angela turned her head to look at Lily who was holding her arm.
"Who is the brother that Eric said?"

Lily was stunned, and stopped for a second. Then, she looked up and met with her gaze, saying, "Aunt,
I don't want to lie to you, nor do I want to hide anything from you. But it's not appropriate for me to tell
you that. I'll ask Eric to tell you in person when he comes back."

When she heard this, Angela frowned unconsciously, but she did not ask again. She knew that Lily did
not say it for her own reason.

Seeing that Angela did not ask more questions, Lily glanced at her from the corner of her eye and
pressed her lips. The reason why she said so was that she took into account the relationship between
Angela and Noble.

After all, she had divorced with Sun family before, and now Richard made such a mess. She certainly
didn't want her parents to know, after all, it was something related to the face.

But if she didn't know that Eric had connections with the Sun family, Lily thought it was not a good idea
to do so. She would know it sooner or later.

After thinking it over, Lily finally decided to let Eric decide whether to tell her or not.

When Eric arrived at Noble's house, he just got up and went out of the bathroom after washing himself.
He wore a pure white bathrobe, with water dripping from his hair.

"You've figured it out?" Noble looked at Eric sitting opposite and asked.

Eric looked into his eyes and frowned. He did not respond to him at once. Instead, he looked at him for
a long time before he nodded and said, "Yes."

"You've figured it out?" Asked Noble in a serious tone. He reached for a cigarette from the coffee table,
and then lit it. After taking a deep breath, he slowly blew out the smoke, and it lingered around the two

"Yes." Eric nodded firmly and said, "Yes, I have."

"Now that you have made up your mind, you can't go back on your word." Said Noble in a calm tone,
but the smile in his eyes betrayed his mood at the moment.

He was quite satisfied with Eric's decision at this moment, and he was also very happy!

"I know." Eric replied, "You and Ellison are quite right. I was too naive in the past. I thought living a
normal life would be the happiest thing for me as long as I didn't fight for anything. But that's not the
truth. I won't attack, but someone attacked me. Now I feel so incompetent."

"Haha." Noble laughed, not mocking at all. "This is the life of a so-called rich family. As long as you are
in this family, even if you are a fool and don't have any ability to fight, there will still be people trying to
plot against you, because your existence is a threat."

Eric licked his lips and didn't say anything. The Gu family was not a real big family, but Sun family was.
But Sun family couldn't find someone to take over the family business.

"Eric, thank you for having thought things through at such a crucial moment." Taking another draw on
his cigarette, Noble then stubbed out his half smoked cigarette in the ashtray. His handsome face was
full of smile and he said, "You have saved me once. Thank you very much."

Hearing that, Eric frowned, but soon he understood what he meant. He asked with a smile, "Is grandpa
forced you to marry again?"

"Yes." "Grandfather has given me an ultimatum. If I couldn't persuade to you take over his career after
new year. I will marry Dora… Hump."

Then he shook his head and continued, "She can't even be a tenth of Lily."

"Don't use Lily." "In my eyes, she doesn't deserve to lift her shoes."

Noble smiled and said, "You have only seen her for once and made such a conclusion. It is conceivable
that if I really marry such a woman, I would rather directly give me a cut."

"Then you should thank me for saving you." Said Eric with a smile.

It was because of his grandfather's illness that he went back to G City, and he happened to see her and
her father going to visit grandfather. As a result, she always haunted Noble in a pretentious manner. It's
really offensive.

"Now tell me why you've suddenly figured it out." Noble brought the topic back to the point, "I still
remember that you said to Grandpa that you wouldn't accept his career before your mother's
relationship with him was eased. Now you suddenly come over and tell me that you have figured it out.
Is it because aunt is willing to bow her head and go back to see Grandpa?"

"No, it's not." When it came to his mother, Eric's face immediately grew gloomy, but he didn't know how
to tell this to Noble. After all, it was disgraceful to say it out. In addition, his mother and grandfather had

a bad relationship, so it was hard to say it out.

Seeing him like this, Noble asked, "Is it hard to say?"

Eric looked up at him, his face darkened, and he nodded.

"Tell me. What can't we talk about?"

After thinking for a while, Eric said, "My father has a child outside. He is fifteen years old."

"Is that true?" Noble's eyes widened, his face full of surprise.

"Yes." Eric frowned and answered in a gloomy tone. He stretched out his hand to take the cigarette on
the tea table, but was pulled away by Noble. "Why do you smoke at such a young age?"


"You can't." After saying that, Noble threw the cigarette into the garbage can in a parabolic way.
"Smoking is not good for your health."

"Aren't you going to smoke too?" Eric refuted subconsciously.

When Noble heard these words, the smile on her face immediately disappeared, and the atmosphere
became depressed.

Eric realized that he had said something wrong. He knew exactly why he smoked. Apparently his words
reminded him of the past which he had buried deeply in his heart.

"I'm sorry."

"Nothing." His voice was a little low, and his eyes became vague. "Because she likes it, so I do."

Eric knew whom he referred to, but that person would never appear, so he chose the way she liked to

"You're different. You're still young and Lily won't allow you." Said Noble lightly again.

"Yes." Eric answered slightly and shifted the topic with his voice. "Please tell grandfather that I agree to
take over the matter. I can't leave for the time being. Lily is taking care of my mother, while other people
in Gu family are trying every means to kick her when she is down."

"I'll tell him." Noble nodded and said, "Eric, since you have decided to take over grandfather's business,
you'd better make it clear to aunt. Otherwise, not only the relationship between her and grandfather will
be worse, but also the relationship between you mother and you will be affected."

"I know. I'll talk to Mom about it."

"Okay," said Noble. He didn't say more about it since Eric had straightened it out. What he meant was
clear enough.

The Gu family had already made such a mess. Although the bastard outside was not a big threat to
him, there must be someone using this opportunity to defeat him and his father.

The most important thing was that Eric didn't have enough power to fight against them at present. He
wanted to become strong as fast as he could, and the fastest way was to take over the business of Sun

But it's a good thing. It not only could exercise Eric, but also stimulate his potential ability. What's more,
maybe it can make the relationship between aunt and grandpa soften.

"It's new year's day. You'd better spare some time for it." Said Noble.

"What's up?" Eric asked confusedly.

"Let's go back to the grandfather's home. Since you have decided to take over the company, we have
to go back in person."

"Got it." Eric replied, frowning.

The new year's day came. He hoped the Gu family would be peaceful.

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