Novel Name : Bye, My Irresistible Love

Chapter 532: Proposal

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Caroline’s POV:

Thanks to the power shift in the company’s management, the stock price of the Wilson Group
plummeted even further.

Besides, there was even a foreign company that wanted to take over the Wilson Group.

Even though Charles had made another investment in the company, the Wilson Group was still
suffering greatly from the after effects of the loss we suffered when Roger pulled out of the project on
the east bank.

In order to help the company regain its footing, I hired Diego Turner, a professional agent, to help me
manage the operations of the company.

I asked my assistant to explain our daily mode of operation to him, after which I brought him up to date
on the current situation of the Wilson Group.I had just left the company when I received a call from

"Caroline, Grandma will be discharged from the hospital today and she wants you to have dinner with
us at the Moore mansion tonight."

"Okay, I’ll be there," I murmured softly, a wave of relief sweeping through me.

Whilst I waited for Charles to follow up that information with another sentence, perhaps a greeting or
something, a beep alerted me to the fact that Charles had hung up on me.

Shocked, I stared at my phone as I tried to understand what just happened.

How could Charles treat me so coldly? Was it too much to expect him to greet me or ask how my day
went? Piqued, I called him back.

The phone rang a few times before he finally answered my call.

"Won’t you pick me up?" I asked sullenly.

"No.I have something to deal with in the company.I’ll ask Richard to pick you up."

There was a small pause but Charles continued before I could object.

"I might be a little late.Don’t wait up for me."

My lips thinned as my anger spiked.

"Don’t flatter yourself, okay?"

Fuming, I hung up on him and threw the phone in my bag angrily. All he had to do was show that he
was concerned about me with a few words, but instead, he was being so cold! A part of me realized
that my anger was going a bit overboard lately, but I couldn’t do much to control it.

The only conclusion I could reach was that my pregnancy was the cause of my unstable emotions.

Most days, I could be unreasonable about a lot of things, especially where Charles was concerned.

Even though I knew it was silly, I wanted reassurance that I was still the only one in his heart.I entered
the car and placed a call to Nina with the intent of complaining to her.

But the second she answered the phone, she spoke in a harried tone.

"Honey, I’m still busy, I’ll talk to you tomorrow."

Then she hung up on me.

Confused, I stashed my phone in the bag before making a detour to the mall where I got a gift for

Once I’d gotten the hill, I drove to the Moore mansion.

When I arrived, it was already dark. To my surprise, there was no light in the house.The only source of
light was the moon. My frown deepened the closer I got to the house.

At night!, the Moore Mansion was always brightly lit, every corner of the house visible.

But today, the house was Dich dark with no even landscape lights to light the front yard either
Someone could get injured walking around in the dark like this.

Maybe I should ask a servant to check on the light switch once I got inside The thought had barely
crossed my mind when I stepped loot over the front gate.

A string of lawn lights suddenly hl up around me 25 I’d niggered them somehow.

Startled, I froze in place and turned my head around in confusion There was a sudden burst of cheers
and applause from somewhere Again I twisted around and that was when I saw several bodies
emerging from the garden they had been hiding in their faces were wreathed in joy and merriment as
they laughed and capped One of those faces was a familiar one, and she was currently approaching
me with a camera in her hand.

"So, do you like your surprise?" Nina asked as she pointed the camera at me.

Blushing, I hid my face in my hands.

Something told me I knew the reason for this surprise.

My heart was beating wildly and I was both eager, excited and shy.

Slowly, I walked forward, an elated gasp escaping me each time I did.

This was because every time I took a step, neon lights lit upon either side of me.

It felt like I was walking on a path paved with light Pink petals gathered at my feet and they looked so
exquisite under the light.

I had only walked forward a few paces when a spotlight shone above me.

Again, I was frozen to the spot, but this time, I couldn’t help the feeling of anticipation that thrummed
through my veins.

Strings of bulbs that were reminiscent of stars lit up in front of me.

It was so bright that the whole yard was brightened as well.

Decorated with flowers, balloons, and other beautiful ornaments, the garden was decked in a romantic

The neon lights, however, drew my attention.

They were arranged to spell out a question.

‘Will You Marry Me?’

My heart rate was through the roof now, but I scanned the crowd anxiously, trying to locate the person
who wanted to ask me this question.

Finally, I saw his familiar figure in the distance.

Time stood still as I waited for him to make his way towards me.

He wore a black suit and a white shirt, looking elegant and dashing as he strolled towards me at a
methodical pace.

The bouquet of flowers he held was almost an afterthought in my mind, his face the only thing I could
concentrate For every step he took, my heart thumped just as loudly.

In the brightly lit garden, Charles looked handsome and so sexy that I had to cover my face as another
wave of embarrassment swept through me.

Happy tears rolled down my cheeks and my ears turned red.

I pushed my hands up higher, trying to cover my face and ears at once.

Charles gently pulled down my hand and teased me with a smile.

"I haven’t said anything yet.Why are you crying?"

"I’m not crying.These are tears of surprise.When you said you had something to deal with, were you
referring to this?"

"Yes, I wanted to give you a surprise."

He dropped his hand from my cheek in favor of grabbing my hand before taking a step back.Then he
knelt down on one knee in front of me.He raised a beautiful ring box and opened it.

When he spoke again, there was a trace of nervousness in his voice.

"Caroline, I want to marry you again.I want you to be my wise, the mother of my children.I will spoil you
and love you with all my heart.Are you still willing to marry me?"

Tears were clouding my vision, but I smiled through thein.

My joy knew no bounds as I stared at him, unable to believe this was truly happening.

This scene was straight out of a fairy tale.

It was so beautiful and mesmerizing that it felt like I was in the middle of a dream.

People around us shouted cheerfully, "Marry him! Marry him!"

The chorused words rose in volume.

Still holding the camera, Nina smiled mischievously and remarked, "Let him kneel a little longer before
you answer.

He should remember how hard he had to chase you before you agreed.

Only in this way can he cherish you more in the future"

Her words drew a round of applause and cheerful whistles.

Grandma nodded in agreement, a wide smile on her face.

The same look of agreement was echoed by Alice and Chloe, Looking affronted, but still smiling,
Charles turned to Grandma.

"Grandma, remember that I’m your grandson.You should be helping me."

Grandma snorted, her eyes full of disdain.

"If you were not my grandson, I wouldn’t want such a good girl like Caroline to marry you!"

The crowd burst into laughter again and Charles pressed his lips together, trying to maintain his
affronted air.

Smiling down at Charles, I couldn’t help the warmth that filled my heart.

Grandma was helping me and not her grandson.

Even Alice and Chloe were in support of me.

I was enormously glad to have such a loving family.

My tears overflowed as did my joy.

My smile was so wide and full that my cheeks ached from the force of it.

Lowering my eyes, I reached my palm out and cupped his cheek.

"Yes, I will marry you again."

As soon as the words left my lips, Charles put the ring on my finger and got to his feet fluidly.

Before I could realize his intentions, Charles had bent and lifted me off my feet and into his arms.

Just then, the balloons beside us got released and were left to float into the sky.

The fireworks were blooming in the sky above the whole villa, forming a heart shape in the night sky.

I snuggled up to Charles, my arms around his neck as I stared up at the fireworks in awe.I couldn’t help
but smile, my tears mixing with unspeakable happiness.

"Caroline is pregnant.Be careful!"

Grandma admonished nervously as she tapped Charles’ arm.Charles was stunned for a while.

Then he smiled and put me down.

"I’m sorry.I was too excited."

With a red face, I held his hand tighter and whispered, "I’m not that weak Bending slightly, Charles
kissed the ring on my finger.

When he straightened up again, his hands were around my waist as he held me in a loose embrace.

His black eyes were like the fireworks, absolutely bewitching.

I tugged at his shirt and stood on tiptoes.

"Won’t you kiss me?" I whispered.

A smile pulled at his lips as he raised his eyebrows at my words.

Charles used his fingers to raise my chin and kissed me slowly but deeply in front of everyone.

I saw flashes of light behind my closed lids.

Our audience were taking pictures of us.

He didn’t let me go until I was almost out of breath.

Immediately we separated, i buried my face in his chest and refused to raise my head even when
Charles tried to cajole me.

The tips of my ears were burning.

Without a doubt, every inch of my face must be very red right now.

"Caroline." I turned my head at the mention of my name and found Alice and Chloe behind us, both
women wearing identical expressions of uneasiness.

A small push of my hand on Charles’ chest and he got the hint.He let go of me and I turned around to
face them.

"Alice, Chloe, long time no see," I greeted pleasantly even as I fought not to frown.

"Caroline, we want to apologize to you.We misunderstood you and made you suffer so much.I’m really
sorry.I won’t interfere in your relationship with Charles anymore,"

Alice declared softly, her wide eyes portraying how apologetic she was "Caroline, I didn’t like you and I
wanted to kick you out of the Moore family.And I even believed Raina’s bullshit and hurt you because of
it.I’m so sorry!"

Chloe implored awkwardiy, her face pinched.

As the daughter of the Moore family, Chloe had lived her life as a spoilt princess.

Every single wish she ever had was granted at the snap of a finger and people around her fell over
themselves to please her.

Never had she been on a situation where she had to be humble and seek forgiveness. But this time,
she apologized to me sincerely. My frown disappeared and a smile blossomed on my face as I walked
towards them.

I held their hands and murmured, "Let bygones be bygones I have never truly blamed you."

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