Novel Name : Let's Get Married

Chapter 378: He Is Here

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When she wakes up the second day, Lily goes to the bedroom to look at the kid. Luckily, the child’s
mood is as the same as usual, there isn’t any big difference. Only then is she more relieved.

Abby is aware of her current situation and she takes the day off. She goes out early to buy breakfasts
for them. She has never done this before but now she is making soy milk for them.

Lily is very touched and thanks Abby but Abby stares widely at her, “What are you saying? Quickly sit
down and eat.”

The three of them has a simple breakfast of dumplings, fritters, and soy milk. Abby asks Adair where
he wants to go for fun in J City. The mood is pleasant and they are laughing happily. Unfortunately, this
didn’t last for long and a phone call interrupts.

It is an unknown number. Lily looks at the unfamiliar numbers and hesitates before accepting the call,

“Hello, good day, may I ask if you are Lily?” The caller is a lady whose voice is sharp. One can tell that
she is young and very polite.

“It’s me, who’s that speaking?”

“I’m the Principal of Monty International Kindergarten, Molly Hanson. I see that you intend to have your
child attend this kindergarten. Our school has two intakes each year and if you want to attend now, it
will have to be in a mixed class, that’s why…”

“Wait a minute.” Lily interrupts her flawless speech, she feels dazed by her series of statements, “I
didn’t inquire about your school, where did you obtain my contact number?”

The principal is surprised when she hears Lily’s reply. She seems to be verifying something and
continues, “This is your number, I’m not mistaken. The person who left you number was a senior

gentleman with the last name Gabbot.”

Last name Gabbot.

Lily grasps her cell phone and blood rushes to her head. She stiffens up and turned down the caller,
“My child doesn’t need to go to your school, and I don’t plan to. Bye.”

After finishing, she hangs up the call but she still feels troubled.

Yesterday it was a paternity test, today it’s kindergarten. The Senior Gabbot, Rex’s grandfather, really
doesn’t respect her as a mother of the child.

Who gave him this idea that he can do what he wants with her child?

Lily is so angry that her face flushes in red. Coincidentally, Rex calls and she takes the phone to the
kitchen. She answers and before the caller can say anything, she yells, “Just now the Kindergarten
called about admission details, it’s yourgrandfather who registered. What does your family take us for?
Something that you can shove around?”

Rex wanted to simply ask if she had taken her breakfast but those words were shafted back into his

“My grandfather contacted the kindergarten?”

“Go and ask him, I don’t want to say anymore. Rex, this time I’m back to have a good discussion with
you but now it appears that there isn’t any need. You Gabbot family repeatedly crossed my bottom line
and dignity. No one could endure these and I no longer want to endure!”

“Lily dear…”

“Don’t call me that.” Lily purses her lips and said cruelly, “It’s nauseating.”

Rex stands by the table and stared at the phone indicating that the call had ended. Her last words
continues to resonate in his ears.

He was not surprised that Lily would say these with what happened yesterday plus today’s actions by
his grnadfather. If it had happened to him, he would’ve been even more worked up.

When did his personal matters become something that others can interfere with?

These five years he was indifferent about many matters but that was because Lily wasn’t around. Now
that she is back, they are now used to making decisions for him?

Rex’s eyes become very deep and furious. It seems like a storm is brewing and the waves are rolling
within him.

If it’s not for his grandfather’s age, he doesn’t know what he will lash out. But now he can’t do anything
about it.

Rex searches for Pehry’s number and dials, the phone rings twice before being answered. The voice
says, “Rex?”

“Pehry, I need you to help me out on something.” Rex is no stranger to the affairs of the world but this
time he is anxious.

He never seeks someone’s help unless he absolutely needs it. This time when he asks, Pehry is
definitely willing to help, “Rex, just say what you need.”

“After hanging up, find someone who can monitor the calls of my grandfather, mother, and the home

“Mr. and Mrs. Gabbot?” Pehry is stunned and doesn’t understand, “Rex, are you sure you didn’t make a

“No, they’ve been making things difficult for Lily recently.”

I see…

Pehry understands and agrees, “Sure, no problem. I’ll have them notify you when there are any


Night has fallen when Ryan arrives at J City. He sits in the aircraft for over ten hours and he is tired.
When he walks out of the airport, the sky is already a sheet of black.

He didn’t sleep a wink during his flight. This is the first time he came to this part of the country in five
years. This country doesn’t welcome a capitalist such as he. His every move can cause a stir and that’s
why he came secretly.

The driver has been waiting and Ryan tells him the address given by Lily.

An hour later the car stops at the condominium and before the driver opens his door, he is already out
of the car.

He reaches the lift and his anxiety to see the mother and son builds up.

On the way over, his head was full of the images of Lily being bullied. He was so anxious that he
almost erupted from within and he can only calm down when he sees her.

“Ding.” The lift arrives at the chosen level.

He straightens his collar and strides towards the door and presses the doorbell.

One, two, five seconds…

“Clunk”, and the door opens with a stranger’s face.

Abby looks at the man dressed in black. He is well-groomed and dashing. His chisel and masculine
looks takes her breath away and she couldn’t help but to swallow her saliva and asks, “You… you must
be Ryan, Mr. Ryan, right?”

Ryan looks at her with his cold and piercing gaze and says seductively, “Abby?”

It is the first time that Abby is so nervous at being called. She steps aside and stammers, “Please,
please come in.”

Ryan walks in without taking out his shoes. He then sees Lily and Adair in the living room. With just a
few long strides and he is by their side. He inspects them from head to toe and everything that he
wanted to say came out in three words, “How are you?”

One, two, five seconds...
“Clunk”, and the door opens with a stranger's face.

Abby looks at the man dressed in black. He is well-groomed and dashing. His chisel and masculine
looks takes her breath away and she couldn't help but to swallow her saliva and asks, “You... you must
be Ryan, Mr. Ryan, right?”

Ryan looks at her with his cold and piercing gaze and says seductively, “Abby?”

It is the first time that Abby is so nervous at being called. She steps aside and stammers, “Please,
please come in.”

Ryan walks in without taking out his shoes. He then sees Lily and Adair in the living room. With just a
few long strides and he is by their side. He inspects them from head to toe and everything that he
wanted to say came out in three words, “How are you?”

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