Novel Name : Man, what's wrong with you?

Chapter 69 She Is Deliberate (Part One)

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The wind rustled through the trees that lined the hospital premises. Sherry stood outside, her body
quivering in anger. Unable to restrain herself any longer, she turned and left, heading home.

In reality, Sherry couldn't quite place her finger on what exactly was wrong with him. All she knew was
that he was deeply injured.

She found it difficult to believe that he would go through the lengths of conspiring with a doctor just to
fool her. That would have just been too appalling to accept.

When she arrived home, she was still immersed in her own thoughts. She did her best to calm herself
down as she went about her errands. She poured out the soup from the thermos bottle and started
making another pot. Once she was done, she quickly packed it up and headed back to the hospital.

Jeremy was lying on the bed and reading a book when she arrived. The minute he heard her coming,
he immediately put away his book. He raised her head and carefully watched her face, waiting for any
reaction only to be disappointed. Her face was unfathomable.

"Why did you come so late?" Jeremy asked, frowning. Sherry glared at him. It took everything she had
to restrain her anger.

As her eyes fell on his arm that was in a plaster, she couldn't help but feel even more annoyed.

He looked fineā€”he wasn't even supposed to be in the hospital. He was completely healthy! She
scoffed to herself inwardly.

"I had to work overtime and there was traffic." The look on her face quickly shifted. She wasn't good at
lying and she wasn't able to hide her uneasiness as she made up excuses. When one observed
carefully, one would find out her lies.

'It's late already. Was there really traffic at this time?' His eyes rested on her curiously as she restlessly
shifted her weight on one foot to the other.

After a few seconds, Sherry cleared her throat in an attempt to ease the awkward atmosphere. She
opened the thermos bottle letting the aroma waft through the air. With that, Jeremy instantly grimaced.

Did she really make carrot soup? What was she trying to do? She knew how much he hated carrots but
she still made carrot soup for him. Of all the soups that she could make, did she really have to choose
this one? What on earth was she thinking? Was she that crazy? Or was she just being plain stupid?
Was she deliberately doing this?

"Come on, drink it!" Sherry said. She edged the thermos bottle towards him and cocked her head.
"Drink it," she ordered. She set the soup before him, seemingly enjoying herself. Jeremy shifted slightly
in his bed. Now she seemed to be a gentle wife taking care of her husband.

Raising an eyebrow, he said firmly, "Why don't you feed me?"

He waited for her to respond. Whatever she was trying to do, he was determined to find out what her
intention was. She wasn't acting like she normally did.

For a few moments, Sherry didn't say anything. Then suddenly, as if she'd just decided something, she
grabbed the spoon and started feeding him. "Fine, I'll feed you."

She sat on the edge of the bed as she fed him. The soup was steaming hot but she didn't even bother
to let it cool before shoving it in Jeremy's mouth. "Eat up!" she urged.

Jeremy was visibly shocked.

What happened to the soft and caring woman that he knew? Just a few days ago, she was being
gentle and obedient as he'd always known her to be. He began to wonder if he had done something

wrong. Or was she just completely changing?

He blew the soup himself to let it cool down a bit, watching her from the corner of his eye. Finally, he
held his breath as he took his first bite.

"Is it delicious?" she asked in a mocking tone. She was fully aware that he hated carrots.

"Yes, it's not bad," he said flatly, pursing his lips.

Sherry could tell that he was just trying to restrain himself. With that, she smirked. She was going to
see exactly how long he would last. His furrowed eyebrows and tense jaw revealed just exactly how
displeased he was.

Never letting the smirk on her face fade, she continued to feed him spoon after spoon. She enjoyed
watching him eat carrot soup despite his strong dislike for it.

Jeremy gazed at her, a mix of surprise and disgust on his face. She wasn't even trying to hide the fact
that she was enjoying this much to his annoyance.

"Come here, I'll give you a massage," Sherry said as soon as he had finished the soup.

"A massage?" he asked in disbelief.

"Are you being serious right now?" he repeated. He had to make sure that he had heard her right or
was his mind playing tricks on him?

Sherry didn't seem to be kidding as she put the bowl and spoon away. She said firmly, "Lie down."

Jeremy turned and lay on his stomach, turning his head to check what she was going to do.

Determined, she rolled her sleeves and removed the thick quilt from the bed.

Jeremy grew even more confused. Watching her roll her sleeves reminded him of a teacher disciplining
her student. He couldn't help but fear for what was going to happen next.

He was startled when she suddenly slapped him hard on the back, using all her strength to hit him.

Obviously, she wasn't going to give him a massage. She was going to hit him!

"Do you like how energetic I am about this?" Sherry quipped as she dug her fists into his back.

Jeremy's face turned sour as he groaned. "Not bad," he managed to say amidst the pain and
amusement at this new and improved Sherry.

No matter how hard she tried to hit him, Jeremy didn't mind. He was more excited about the fact that
she was touching him regardless of her intention.

Frowning, Sherry removed her shoes and swiftly situated herself directly on top of his back.

"Sherry?" he called. He couldn't believe it! She was actually sitting on his back. Jeremy wasn't sure
what she wanted at this point. He decided to turn around to face her but she pressed him down firmly
and squeezed his tight shoulders. "Stay still," she ordered.

She continued to massage his shoulders until she heard him breathing with pleasure.

With her new position, she found it much easier to exert all her strength. She took advantage of this by
rubbing him all over, making sure he was in pain.

"Hardworking men like you are more at risk of getting neck pains. You need a good massage. Lucky for
you, you have me!" Sherry said as she smacked her lips, digging into the muscles of his upper back
with one hand while the other focused on his neck.

"Are you enjoying this? Tell me if I'm going too hard," Sherry said, panting.

Jeremy was enjoying this way too much. He closed his eyes, relishing the moment. "I'm really enjoying
this, Sherry."

Sherry slowly concluded the massage, tired and exhausted. It annoyed her to see Jeremy so upbeat.
He was supposed to be in pain! He wasn't supposed to be happy! After all the energy she put in!

She quickly went to the bathroom to wash her hands. When she returned, she saw the nurse entering
the room. She couldn't help but notice the needle on the tray. "Are you going to inject him?" she

The nurse looked at her and nodded. "Yes, ma'am."

Sherry stole a glance at Jeremy from the corner of her eye.

What injection could Jeremy possibly need? He looked about as healthy as a horse! Even lying in a
hospital bed, he looked even healthier than she did. 'Is it a glucose injection then?' she wondered.

Sherry then offered, "Let me do it. I can do the injection." She took a step towards the nurse, a knowing
smile on her face.

Both Jerry and the nurse were taken with surprise.

She tried to ease the questioning look on their faces by saying, "Come on, I've done this before. Let me
do it!" Sherry widened her eyes, putting on an innocent look. She looked at the nurse to plead.

'How would she know how to do this?' Jeremy asked himself, stunned. He didn't know that she would
know how to do an injection.

"I'm sorry. I can't let you do it. It's not ethical," the nurse refused her request bluntly.

Sherry frowned upon the nurse's refusal. She turned away slowly, inching towards the wall.

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