Novel Name : Mr Carlos Huo, She's Your Wife

Chapter 657 To Catch Bandits, Nab Their Ringleader First

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Wesley sneered. 'We can leave after we give you that thing? You think I was born yesterday? If I give it
to you, then we're dead meat.' "I'll say this one more time. Let her go, and I'll give you what you want,"
he said firmly. There were pieces of broken glass in the soles of Blair's feet, and she was still bleeding.
She needed to go to the hospital now.

Blair shook her head. 'Wesley is still hurt. There are more than ten bandits and they're all armed. He's
doomed if he stands and fights.' She wanted to say something, but had no strength to talk. Wesley
didn't look at her; he couldn't afford to let the bandits know he cared for her.

The masked man was chewing a betel nut in his mouth. "I can let her go. But how far do you think she'll
get on her own? How about this? If she can walk by herself, I'll let her go."

Wesley walked towards Blair, and this move alarmed the bandits. They all raised their guns, aiming at
him. Blair's heart raced wildly in her chest. "Watch out!" she tried to yell, but she could only manage a
weak croak.

Who knew if he heard what she said? Wesley didn't even pause and continued walking forward. He
squatted down before her and said in a voice that could only be heard by her, "Don't worry. They can't
hurt me. Are you all right?" While speaking, he tore a strip of cloth from his T-shirt and wrapped her

There were still pieces of broken glass in her feet, but this might stop them from bleeding. This was the
best he could do for right now. "I'll be quick. Just hold on," he said in a soft voice.

Blair gave him a sweet smile despite the pain. "Mmm hmm."

She looked like a weak girl, but she could be pretty strong because of him. Although her feet were
killing her, she clenched her teeth, determined not to cry.

After Wesley was done, he held one of her hands to check on it.

A pained groan escaped Blair's lips as the sharp pain shot through her arm. Wesley was heartbroken at
her groan, and when he found the pinpricks in her fingers, his rage flared.

His face was rigid and tense because of his anger. He swore to himself that whoever did this to her
would suffer the same fate.

The bandit leader lost his patience. "Give it up. I know you're hurt and unarmed. So stop wasting time
and give me what I want."

Ignoring him, Wesley scooped Blair up in his arms and walked towards the door. His leg was almost
recovered, but it still ached when he put weight on it. Despite this, he walked as steadily as he could
and focused through the pain—he didn't want the bandits to know it.

Every bandit in this house knew of Wesley's heroism. When he moved, they followed him, guns still
trained on him. They were afraid that he would just leave this place with Blair in his arms.

When he reached the door, a man shouted nervously, "Freeze, or I'll shoot!"

Wesley turned a deaf ear to the man's threat and kept walking. His course took him out of the house.

There was no one else outside. Wesley told the leader, "Take her to the hospital. I'll stay here as

"I don't think so," the leader said. Then the bandit took a step forward. "Give me that damn thing! Then
we'll take her to the hospital."

"If something happens to her, no one makes it out of here alive!" Wesley said through gritted teeth. His
voice was so cold that the expressions of the bandits changed to fear.

The leader turned to look at one of his men and ordered, "Get her to a hospital."

Before the man could respond, Wesley shook his head and said to the leader, "Nuh-uh. I asked you to
do it."

Although Wesley's face was a little pale because of his wounds, he was still the awe-inspiring crime-
buster. These bandits didn't dare look down on him or relax their guard just because he was not in his
peak form.

"Hahaha! I knew you were a hero, but I didn't know you were a comedian. You're in no position to make
demands, Colonel Li. Don't forget—we have you and your woman as hostages. You do what I say."

Wesley couldn't care less about what he said. "You take her to the hospital. Quit toying with me."

The leader clenched his teeth and wanted to curse. But Wesley continued, "Don't forget I have what
you want. Go ahead, kill me. But then, you'll never get your hands on what you went through all this
trouble to find."

"Why do you want me to take her? Why can't someone else do it? What are you planning?" the leader
asked warily.

"I don't trust you. What if I give you the thing and you order your man to kill her anyway? I'm not that

Wesley said. 'He has a point, ' the leader thought. He spat out the debris of the betel nut he'd been
chewing, walked over to Wesley and took Blair from his arms. The poor woman was already

Wesley just watched as the leader walked off with Blair in his arms. Ignoring the bandits pointing their
guns at him, he took a cigarette out from the pack in his pocket. Then he took out the lighter that Blair

had given him as a gift, lit the cigarette and took a drag. He was acting like everything was under

The bandits were pretty scared without their boss around. They clutched their guns tighter, watching as
Wesley smoked. They were afraid that this man would kill them all after he was done smoking.

A few minutes later, Wesley dropped his cigarette on the floor, and ground it out with his heel. He
watched as the leader walked back with Blair in his arms.

"Fuck you, Wesley Li!" the leader shouted angrily at the soldier. Then more people came into view.
They were Wesley's men. Several of them had their guns trained on the leader and followed close
behind him. The remainder walked closer, and red dots suddenly appeared on the thugs' foreheads.
The soldiers were using laser sights, and probably wouldn't miss at this range.

The truth was, Wesley had taken a contingent of soldiers along with him. They had been hidden all this
time, following at a safe distance and then taking positions around the house while they were inside.
When the leader approached where they were hiding, they sprang the trap.

As the saying went, "To catch bandits, nab their ringleader first."

Few soldiers were better at strategy and tactics than Wesley. These bandits certainly were no match
for him in that arena. Wesley was laid-back about the whole thing.

Some of the bandits around him were scared out of their wits. They threw down their guns, not wanting
to be filled with lead.

Two bandits, who were very bold, approached Wesley and pointed their guns at his head. One of them
said, "Not so fast. Let our boss go! Otherwise, you won't— Aargh!" Before he could finish speaking,

Wesley moved like a bolt of lightning and grabbed his rifle, slamming the butt in his face. He spun and
pointed his newly acquired firearm at the other. The bandit surrendered and dropped his weapon.

When the leader saw this, he threw Blair to the ground rudely, ignoring her wounded feet.

"Mmmph..." She was in so much pain that her tears streamed down her cheeks. She grabbed onto the
man's sleeve to steady herself.

The man took out a knife and yelled hysterically, "You got me, fine! But the bitch dies!" While speaking,
he stabbed at Blair's neck without mercy.

However, someone was fast enough to stop him. The person kicked his hand and sent the knife flying.
"Aargh!" the man cried.

Another person rushed over, jumped up, caught the knife and buried it in the man's arm.

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