Novel Name : Charming Lady Hard To Chase After Being Dumped

Chapter 297

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Nora waved. "It's fine.”

She looked again at the madman that had been held down .

As the skin on his face was all burned, one couldn't tell what he looked like or how old he was.

Judging from the wrinkles on his hands, however, the man was likely quite advanced in age and was at
least fifty years old.

As she walked toward the lower floor with the butler, she asked, "What is his background?"

The butler replied, "He's just a beggar.The ID card we found on him stated that he's from a small town
near the mountains.A huge fire burned down his home, so he came out to beg when he had no way
out...The old sir said that he definitely wouldn't have taken him in if he were mentally sound—after all,
he's physically able to make a living for himself—but since he is in this state, then it was alright."

Nora looked at the madman again while listening to the butler.

The man's hair was dirty, and he looked like he hadn't had a bath in a very long while.

Although his clothes were intact and didn't have any patches, they were also dirty and covered in dust
and dirt.

One could tell that the Smiths hadn't abused him.

It was just that he was mentally ill, so he was dirtier than ordinary people.

Perhaps because he sensed her disdain, the butler explained, "He has burns on his body, so his skin
has always been in poor condition.It's very uncomfortable for him if he takes a hot bath, so he runs off
and kicks up a fuss as soon as we give him a bath.As a result, we only give him a bath once a

month.It's also mainly because he usually lives in an empty small house in the yard, and doesn't meet
with anyone’’ Nora nodded.

The butler asked the security guards to take him away.

Even when they had walked a distance away, she could still hear the butler threatening him.

"If you run in there again, I'll kick you out! And I won't give you burgers anymore! You hear me?"

"Burgers’ Burgers! I wanna eat burgers"

The madman jumped around and followed the few of them.

Nora narrowed her eyes.

Then, she shook her head and paid no further attention to the matter.

She turned and walked into the living room.

Warren and Maureen were both on the sofa.

Their necks were craned as they looked at the door anxiously.

Obviously, they were also waiting for Brandon to return from school.

Although the boy was all brawn and no brains, he was born into a rather blissful family.

While Nora was thinking about it, Maureen saw her.

She waved at once and called out, "Nora! Let's go downstairs and have dinner together?"

Nora shook her head.

"I'm waiting for Cherry, we're going out for dinner.’ Maureen suddenly winked at her.

"With Mr.Hunt?"


After Nora answered her, Warren gave the crayfish and pasta plates in front of him a small push and

"Are the Smiths unable to feed you? Do you have to go out for meals every day? Or are the Smiths
giving you too little pocket money that you have to get Justin to treat you to meals? Are the Hunts'
meals better than the food at home?!"


She raised her eyebrows, but before she could speak, someone had smacked Warren on his head.

Maureen chastised him angrily, "Can't you speak properly?"

Warren rubbed his head and glared at Maureen.

"What are you doing?"

Maureen ignored him and looked at Nora instead.

"Don't mind him, Nora.He's in a panic and in a bad mood because a game developed by the company
has a major bug that can't be fixed, that's why he's talking as if he has just eaten a whole load of
gunpowder.Just ignore him.He actually does care about you.He bought the crayfish and pasta for you."


Warren looked as if he wanted to explode, though.

He said, "Who says I bought it for her? You're obviously the one who likes it, so why are you saying so

"...Okay, okay.I'm the one who likes it, okay?" said Maureen.

She sneered, "I wonder who it was that saw her eating crayfish so happily yesterday and traveled a
long way to buy the best crayfish in New York!"


She tilted her head to the side and thought about it.

She had indeed eaten crayfish and pasta the day before, but this didn't mean that she liked eating
them! Why was Warren behaving so strangely?! Warren snorted and continued to hold his laptop.

He stared at the programming code on the screen and muttered to himself, "It doesn't look like there's
a problem, so why is there a bug?"

Maureen said, "What would someone like you who only knows a little about programming know? You
might as well leave it to a professional to solve it!"

Warren snorted.

"Don't you think I've already done that? There are so many technicians in the company, but they still
haven't found it even after searching for a whole day and night! Our game has only just launched.If this
continues for one more day, all of our users are gonna disappear!"

Nora subconsciously glanced at his computer.

Warren, who caught her action, sneered, "What are you looking at? Can you even understand what this

The corners of Nora's lips spasmed and she answered earnestly, " understand what it is."

Warren was taken aback the moment she said that.

Maureen asked in surprise, "You can understand it?"

Nora nodded.

She was about to speak when Yvonne's voice reached them.

"Were you looking for me, Warren?"

At the sight of Yvonne, Warren instantly got up and walked over with the computer.

He said, "Yvonne, come and take a look at this for me.What's wrong with the game? None of the
technicians in the IT department can find the problem.If this goes on...the game is already live.We'll
lose all the players!"


When she looked over hesitantly, Maureen explained, "Yvonne is a software consultant in the
company.He always goes to her for help if there are problems that the technicians can't solve’’
Maureen curled her lips in disdain.

When she saw that Yvonne and Warren had moved to the side with the computer, she couldn't help but

"I feel so miserable, Nora"

‘‘Nora ???”

Nora raised her eyebrows.

She didn't feel that she was that familiar with Maureen yet.

However, the sight of her melancholic look made her too embarrassed to say that, so she chose not to
say anything, and took on the role of a listener instead.

Maureen heaved a sigh.

"Although my family, the Lights, isn't as rich and prosperous as the Smiths, we can still be said to be a
wealthy family.My parents have always pampered me, and never did they think about reaping benefits
through my marriage with the Smiths.Warren and I fell in love with each other.Joel, the current head of
the family, can be considered a fair and just man, so he didn't force Warren into a political marriage or
anything like that.When I tell you these things, I'm sure you'll think that I'm leading a very blissful life,

Nora wanted to say that she didn't hear anything that the woman should find blissful.

It seemed like the only thing that went smoothly was that she had freedom in her marriage? While she
was thinking about it, Maureen sighed and went on.

"But who would know what kind of life I've actually been leading in the Smiths…”

She turned to look at Yvonne, lowered her voice, and whispered, "Do you know? When Warren asked
Yvonne to be a consultant in his company, he had wanted to pay her a salary, but she refused it.After
all, she does have money.She also refused when I suggested letting her become a shareholder.It
sounds nice, and makes her look especially big-hearted, right?"

Nora nodded.

She wanted to say that since they were a family, Yvonne had done the right thing.

Maureen sighed.

"Yeah, after word of the incident spread, everyone talked about how kind and pure Ms.Smith was, how
caring she was toward her brother, and how much she was at peace with the world...but just take a
look at Warren there..."

Nora looked over accordingly and saw Warren standing, whereas Yvonne was seated.

Warren stood beside Yvonne like her lackey and pointed at the computer screen eagerly.

Whenever Yvonne said something, Warren would immediately nod repeatedly, just like a...very
obedient dog.

As soon as the thought formed in Nora's mind, Maureen spoke again.

She said, "Did you see that? She has Warren completely wrapped around her little finger.Sign! I have
quite a lot of savings from when I married into the family, and Warren also receives a lot of dividends
from the company every year.When we started the game company, we just wanted something to do so
that life wouldn't be that boring.”

After all, there are a lot of restrictions and constraints if you work in the Smith Corporation.

It isn't much of a problem if Warren just approaches the Smith Corporation's computer whizzes if he
has a problem with his software, right? If that still doesn't solve the problem, I’m even willing to pay a
lot to hire a super hacker.

But Warren keeps saying that it doesn't make sense to get an outsider to do it when there's his younger
sister at home.

"But once he asks for her help, our standard of living isn't allowed to surpass Yvonne's anymore.I like
caviar, so my family sent me a bit of Almas caviar, which is very precious and almost impossible to buy.

Warren said, ‘’This caviar is great.Let's give some to Yvonne’.If I refuse, it would make me look stingy;
but if I give it to her, half the amount is too little, so I'll have to give her two-thirds of it, no matter what..."

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