Novel Name : My Pet Is a Holy Maiden

Chapter 120

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My Pet is a Holy Maiden Chapter 120

A New Dragon
“Huh? Who are you? You seem like a priest, but going out with a woman early in the morning……Are you really a priest?”
Suddenly heard was the voices protecting Mil-il. Turning around to the direction the voices came from, Mira realized there were two priests there.
From the priest uniforms and the holy stamp, she knew that the two who suddenly cut in were Savaiv priests.
But, what she had questioningly raised her eyebrows at was at the one of the two priests — the female priest was sticking to the male priest, almost like a prostitute snuggling against her customer.
Normally, as priests are clergymen, clinging to the other sex in front of people is unheard of. Even if they were priests of the god that guards marriage, the Savaiv god.
While narrowing her eyes doubtfully, Mira is cautious against the two-person group of priests coming closer.
“Hey, Tatsumi and Calse. I see you’re friendly as always.”
Though, as for Mil-il, she seems to be amazed and impressed.
Certainly, if priests were flirting in front of others, that could be made into a problem. But, when it comes to those two they’re okay to be called an “Exception”. Tatsumi’s and Calsedonia’s marriage, that much is already a famous existence in the city of Levantis.
“We’re okay so……More importantly, there’s no truth such as Mil-il could be parasitizing. No matter what anyone else says, I know Calse and Jardock very well.”
“What do you say? What is this priest who’s bringing around a woman showily saying? In the first place, what kind of demihuman are you, with black hair and black eyes? I’ve never seen that kind of person……”
Suddenly, the expression on Mira’s face collapses. And the completely pale color of her face slowly regains color.
The name of that color is shock.
Having her expressionless face turn completely around and stuck in shock, Mira points her finger at Tatsumi.
“A, A priest in the Savaiv temple with black hair and black eyes……n, no way……You’re……the rumored >……right?”
Mira’s widely opened eyes move between Tatsumi and Calsedonia next to him slowly.
“……Which means……you are……>……?”
The married couple of the > and > is already known by even beginner magic beast hunters. Suddenly, Mira had heard of the rumored well-famous couple.
Mira’s eyes then moved more, slowly toward Mil-il.
“N……No way……Your companions are……”
“Yes, they are the > Tatsumi Yamagata and the > Calsedonia Yamagata. And one more person, Jardock the shade. Those are my companions.”
When Mil-il told this proudly, Mira’s mouth dropped open.
“I’m very sorry!! This was completely me jumping to conclusions!!”
While apologizing to Mil-il, Mira bows deeply.
The place is the [Elf’s Resting Place], and the time is about four chimes — In Japan, it would be about noon.
“……That’s why I said that? I’m the weakest within my companions.”
“Th, That’s why I said it’s me jumping to conclusions. I didn’t know that that Mil-il’s companions would be > and >…….”
“Huh. Wouldn’t that be because you’re a bit bad at gathering information? If you looked into who Mil-il’s companions were, you would find out at once?”
“Uuuh……Putting it that way……Even though I had my circumstances, all I can say is sorry again……”
“Even though if you took the trial of the spotted mountain leopard then you would permeate through yourself, the importance of taking prior information……”
“……I’m ashamed……”
At Jardock’s jab, Mira makes herself even smaller. Jardock gently narrows his eyes at how Mira is.
Initially when Jardock met Mira at the [Elf’s Resting Place], she had been confused at the intense aura coming from his large body and that extreme difference between her.
But, when she noticed the kindness hidden in Jardock, Mira soon didn’t reserve herself.
On the other hand, Jardock figured out the cause of the trouble she caused Mil-il, and realized that she really hates female magic beast hunters who perform the act of “parasitism”.
As for Mira who wants to grow her power in the harsh world of magic beast hunters, parasitism — hunting together with magic beast hunters that are stronger than you, and usually getting prey that you can’t — is a detestable act, and running away easygoingly after parasitizing also is an inexcusable thing.
So when Mil-il made a statement judging parasitism, the blood seemingly unknowingly rose to Mira’s head.
Incidentally, most parasitizing magic beast hunters are women beast hunters who use various tricks to curry favour with males.
“To get better than the > and > and a shade as your companions, that must be pretty hard……”
The once famous name known even further than Levantis, the >.
The name that became renowned all at once after defeating a dragon solo, >.
And Jardock, although not as popular, is a shade, a race that excels in combat.
The only ones known as clearly above those three, even in this city, are leading magic beast hunters.
Mil-il has those people as companions. Right now, charged within Mira’s gaze looking at her is a certain feeling of yearning.
“Hey, I have to return to the temple soon……Calse, Jardock, can I leave the rest to you?”
“Yes, Danna-sama. Leave the rest to me, and do well on your afternoon businesses.”
“Yeah, it seems that she realized her misunderstanding, and there’s nothing more important than that.”
Looking at the time on his wristwatch, Tatsumi stands up from his seat.
For Tatsumi and Calsedonia, today there is work for them in the temple.
Because of that, they had pointed Mira and Mil-il to the [Elf’s Resting Place] in the morning, and had gone to the Savaiv Temple.
And, at the fourth bell’s resting period, the two had shown themselves like that at the [Elf’s Resting Place].
Different from Calsedonia who had the afternoon open, Tatsumi had soldier-priest training.
As Calsedonia bows, and Jardock and Mil-il wave their hands, Tatsumi returns to the Savaiv Temple.
If time drew close, he would have used > and >, but if he walks normally he’ll be fine.
Jardock, after seeing off Tatsumi leaving the bar, suddenly makes a serious expression and once again turns to Mira.
“Hey, Mira-chan. Just before, you had said that you had circumstances?”
Four serious pupils pierce straight through Mira.
“Now that you say it, she had said something about that earlier……Mira-san, if it would be okay, could you talk about those circumstances?”
While kindly smiling, Calsedonia asks Mira as if persuading.
Perhaps relieved by her smile, Mira slowly explains her situation.
“The thing is……An armed dinosaur was spotted near the settlement that someone I know lives in.”
“Armed Dinosaur……”
“That’s…….A pretty big game appeared then……”
Calsedonia and Jardock unknowingly mutter.
An armed dinosaur, covering its entire body in a hard carapace. An Ankylosaur.
Its strength is not at the same level as a dragon, but even a skilled magic beast hunter like Mira would be undoubtedly beaten.
“That acquaintance had……Taken care of me from a small age in various ways……They requested that I find a magic beast hunter that can hunt the Ankylosaur. If possible I would have wanted to go hunt it with the companions I teamed up with last time, but we wouldn’t have been able to even make a dent, and I flew away from my previous companions……”
“So, you’re then looking for well-skilled magic beast hunters?”
Mil-il nods to Jardock’s question.
“Ankylosaur……Weren’t they not that brutal, but they were omnivores and dinosaurs that would eat anything…..right?”
“Yes, it’s just as Mil-il says. Ankylosauruses will eat it, whether animal or plant, and can even be said to eat rocks.”
If one of those “Weird Eating” dinosaurs appeared near a settlement, then it wouldn’t be weird for the settlement to attack it.
From Mira’s discussion, it seems the Ankylosaur was spotted a bit away from the settlement, but this situation is not one where you can ever let your guard down.
In other words, it’s reasonable that Mira would be impatient trying to find new companions to recruit.
“Hey, Mira-chan. You’re making a fundamental mistake.”
Jardock’s soft voice. But Mira looks back at Jardock, blinking at his straightforward and unreserved words.
“To say it bluntly, your strength cannot defeat the Ankylosaur. So the thing you should be doing is not to find new companions, but to find someone to rely on.”
“That’s right. If I had said from the start ‘Will you help me’ instead of ‘Will you team up with me’ that would have been good.”
“And, being particular about the people you join up with……Is it really the time to be limiting them to female magic beast hunters?”
Mira seems sorry and despondent from the three looking at her in serious faces, saying so.
“I, I had called out once to the magic beast hunters I knew……But, as they all knew the Ankylosaur, nobody would nod to help……I thought that as it’s come to this, I have no options but to hunt it myself……A, And……I really……didn’t want to join forces with men anymore……”
Mira conveys in a small broken voice.
It seemed that the people she joined with so far treated her quite horribly.
“Well, to get enemies of girls back later perfectly……first we won’t treat them as imminent threats.”
For some reason during the “get the enemies” part Jardock made a grand smile.
Having seen the smile, Mira unconsciously suddenly trembles. But, realizing that the three in front of her are talking about “Women”, she looks at them in order.
“W, Will you……hunt the Ankylosaur with me……?”
“Yes, will you hunt the Ankylosaur with us?”
One of Jardocks’ four arms snaps closed.
That person looked around them restlessly.
The first time they had gone into a large city. Around them were unfamiliar buildings, unfamiliar food, unfamiliar goods, and people that wear unfamiliar clothes.
At first, the unusualness won over and they looked at their surroundings around them, but within time a wave of unease crept up in their chest.
In an unfamiliar location, that person’s destination got lost.
Within this city they have friends. It’s good that they relied on their friends to get here, but they didn’t think that there would be this many people living here. The settlement that they had known was around the level of under 100 people.
Could it be even possible to find just one person that you know in the middle of this many people?
Perhaps revealing the person’s state of mind, their long points of their ears hang.
“……Mira……where are you……?”
That person mutters with nobody hearing.
For now, just standing here won’t work. As it seems they’re being stared at for some reason from somewhere in their surroundings, moving first would be good.
The person who made this decision forced his anxiety into his heart and slowly stepped forward.
At that moment.
Just then, a boar chariot passed by the person.
The sound of the wheels rattling made the person shiver. He then looked at the magical beast pulling the cart with interest.
Oh, is that the …… oak ……? The domesticated magical beast that Mila mentioned earlier ……?
The person looked at the stern-looking magical beast towing the large car with trepidation.
The person shouted out involuntarily.
He had bright red hair and a pair of reddish-brown eyes that held a strong will. It was the first time I had ever seen such a thing. He was probably a demon hunter.
However, the reason the person spoke out was that he recognized the profile of the person controlling the reins.
His voice seemed to reach the ears of the man on the cart. He turned his head from the cart in the direction of the voice.
The eyes that reflected the figure of the person there widened slightly.
It’s not that I’m not a good person, but I’m not a good person.
I’m not sure what to make of it. Are you really Morganaik-sama ……? Oh, I never thought I’d see you here ……, this must be the guidance of Lord Dalagarbe.
The expression on the face of the person called Shera, which had been clouded with anxiety, suddenly brightened.
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