Novel Name : Starting from Zero

Book 4 - Chapter 21 – The Wild Hunt (Part 1)

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Book 4, Chapter 21
The Wild Hunt (Part 1)
We can finally get onto our quest! We wasted some time but I'm positive I can still make it if things go well.
My mercenaries are now scouting the path ahead in a cone formation, while my Phantom Knights watches us from behind. I really don't want any ambushes again.
Violet chatted with me while keeping a lookout for monsters.
"So where did you pop up all of a sudden?" She didn't get that answer yet. "Really, you scared me for good. I thought you were all monsters."
"We didn't 'pop up'. We were already there. It's just you can't see us."
"...You can all go invisible?"
That's...a legit explanation.
"No, not like that. You were after that ox right?"
"Yeah. But it lost me pretty fast. I came to you because I saw fires."
"Do you know what that ox can do?"
She doesn't. She knows the monster drops a treasure but never witnessed its skills.
"No, is it powerful?"
"Yes. That's why you couldn't notice us."
"What skill exactly?"
"Shrinking. It can turn any targets small. And it was terrible. Apart from the size our status were also reduced."
"How did you kill it then? And your ten...subordinates, weren't affected right?"
"I think the skill needs a long time to take effect. We were targeted from the moment we entered the grassland. We walked for an hour before we noticed it. And none of my companions were affected. So the ox can only shrink something it can see."
"You killed it with your companions? Then who are those ten guys?"
"My servants. I didn't summoned them at the beginning either."
Violet looked at me with a shocked face. "You serious? Those knights are you servants?"
"Yup. Why not?"
"Wait wait wait, you can have TEN servants? I can only take three!"
"Duh. I'm Tamer, I rely on companions and servants. How do I survive if a Tamer can't have some advantages?"
"That's still too many! Ten servants I say, Ten!" She refuses to accept the fact. "I'm jealous. If can bring such a big group with me then I'll find a bunch of handsome bodyguards! Ooohohohoho!"
"Stop, hey stop. I didn't think you can manage that laughing mode though."
This reminded me again that I should never judge a girl by the looks.
"Not gonna happen. I intentionally put more points on Charisma when I created my character. And that's only because I finished some really lucky quests before I can find such a party."
That two-month dungeon run...I don't want to experience that again.
"I saw a dragon flying above. I mean, an eastern one. And another winged one on the ground. Oh and a phoenix! Aren't they born from flames? Why is a phoenix burned black? "
She is...talktive.
"...The dragons are my companions. And the burned phoe-- I mean, ugh! You got me. The phoenix is an Inferno Phoenix. What you said must be ordinary flame phoenix."
"Those whole lot of creatures are all your companions?"
"Bingo. No prizes for you though!"
She gave me a side look. "You got lot of secrets on you. What else are you hiding? I'm sure that's not all."
I'm defeat! Women's sixth sense huh? It's a bless that Red Moon doesn't have such senses, or it would be a real hell.
"Enough questions, let's talk about you. Shura Violet, female Warrior, that's all I know." I don't feel like exposing anything further so let's change the topic.
"Me?" She said plainly. "Just a common player. You know, the most boring players you can find anywhere."
"Spill it. I told you enough about myself, how about a little returned favor?"
"Okay." It looks like she just made a big decision. "But really, I meant it. Human race, Swift Warrior, which is, a Warrior with a lot of Dexterity. Ordinary equipment. Well you see it, Crimson Armor set, the best outfit you can find in system shops. Expensive but not really special. Everyone can get one as long as they got enough money. Servants...none."
She suddenly gave me a mysterious look. "But I have a powerful companion!"
"A companion?" That's unexpected. She didn't use it in the previous fight. "What kind of companion, can I see it?"
"Alright. Come, Ashura!"
Poof! A smoke cloud blocked my view.
"Cough! Cough! Argk... What's this?? Lucky! Do something!"
Lucky used one of his wings to blow the smoke away. He used too much force and it felt like a storm.
The smoke cleared and revealed a...little...boy, in front of me.
It's a blonde boy with azure colored eyes, about the age of seven or eight. He's holding a strange-looking sword in one hand, which is longer than his own body. It's too big so he can only carry the blade on his shoulder.
"This is your companion??" I looked at the amazing little boy. The pair of tiny wings behind his back indicates that he's an angel.
All females in my mercenary team rushed to the boy and squeezed Violet and me away.
"He looks so cute!"
"What's your name little friend?"
"I love his hair! I want to see him when he grows up!"
"Can I hug him??"
"His skin looks too good! Ahh my nose-!"
However the boy is much annoyed by all the gabbling.
"Beat it flower girls!! Who do you think I am??"
...That could have sounded imposing, if not for his childish voice.
The squeaking girls kept touching and pinching him.
Violet pushed around the crowd without finding a chance to get in, so she can only yell: "Leave him! Don't get him mad!!"
She's too late though.
"WE ARE executors of divine scourge. LEAVE US NOW YOU FILTHY MORTAL WOMEN!"
He pointed his sword to the sky. "Divine scourge, combat mode!"
The boy became bigger. To be precise, he's GROWING bigger. The apple appeared on his neck, and a series of strong muscles and blood vines emerged on the white, slim arm. That miniature armor on his body is also growing with him!
It didn't take long. Now a super cool guy about 20-rish, wearing glimmering golden armor is standing before us. The only thing that didn't change is that sword he's been holding.
The ladies are scared silent.
Ashura spoke again, with a stronger, deeper voice this time. "You dare to challenge the divine executor. DO YOU SEEK PUNISHMENT??"
Violet finally managed to get into the crowd and grasped Ashura's raised right hand.
"Do-don't get angry! They are playing with you because you look too good!"
"Don't worry sis. These infidels will not hurt you when I'm here!"
Ok. He's big, and maybe powerful. But that brain stayed a kid.
Sigh. I'll have to solve their problem again.
I walked to the staring girls and gave each of them a big knock of the head. They looked back in anger. I ignored them.
"How can you harass our Ashura the godsend and lady Violet?? Now I have defeat you, obey my orders and serve as my soldiers!"
I secretly gave them a wink. "Now get out there and act like soldiers, like those males who are already able on their job!"
They went away and continued on our quest.
I turned to Ashura. "I have taken care of the enemies. The lady is now safe."
Ashura nodded to me, "Thanks for the assistance, human."
Then he turned back to his boy form.
To prevent those girls from coming back, I commented aloud: "Is Ashura's sword a mighty weapon, if I may?"
He spread his hands to Violet, asking to be picked up. Violet complied. Obviously that's a common practice between these two.
Then he talked to me while sitting on Violet's arm: "My sword is called the Divine Punisher. I can call punishment strikes from the heavens and burn anyone into ash!" Then he faced Violet. " face hurts!"
"Easy, easy boy. Oh poor Ashura. Here, a kiss will take your pain away."
She gave Ashura a peck on the cheek.
"Feeling better?"
"Better! Thank you sis!"
Well shoot. I really can't put this boy into the same figure I saw a moment ago.
"Um, Violet? So who exactly is your companion?" I don't think I know about this character.
"I'm not sure. He can transform. He stays an eight-year-old most of the time, and he gets mad if someone hurts me or himself. Then he turns into that Executor you saw. He's way more stronger like that. But apart from how he speaks, his intelligence doesn't change much."
"Is the new form stable?" To tell the truth, I'm becoming interested in this weird companion. "I mean, can he control that on free will?"
"I...don't know. He always does that when he's angry, and recovers when the fight is over. So I think he can at least choose when to get back."
"That's pretty good. So no time limits. It'll be a disaster if he turns back to a kid in the middle of fight."
"We found monster!" Someone yelled ahead. "Hey Ziri! Come here!"
"Finally, some business." I quickly went to my helpers. "What did you find?"
"Over there!"
I looked to where the Priest is pointing at. My mercenaries are attacking a lion with beautiful golden mane.
"It's strong! Fast and high attack power. You knights did most of the work to block its attacks."
"Alright. Keep it busy!"
I removed my gloves and began to cast [Capture]. The lion gave up on its targets and charged towards me.
"Stop it!!" I yelled in panic. It would be a problem if it reaches me.
A red shadow flashed in front of me. Violet moves so fast!
She stabbed her sword downward from above the air, forcing the lion to twist its course away to avoid the attack.
I kept using my skill. The skill hit the lion and failed for a second time, then the lion turned to my direction again.
Violet did a quick leg-sweep at the lion's body to draw its attention. But she didn't keep her balance well and landed on the ground on her back.
"Rosa! Restraint!"
If anyone's good at holding something in place it's Rosa.
He shot out several vines but the lion dodged them all!
"Phantom! Interfere!" I have backup plan!
The mind control worked better. The lion is still fast but it would now crash on plain ground now and then for no reason.
But the damn beast still ran towards me!
"[Dark Mist]!" Someone used a support spell. It got the opposite effect. The spell doesn't distinguish targets. Now nobody can see anything!
This created a perfect chance for the lion since it has a good nose.
"Ouch! Stop it! Why are you poking me??"
Someone is hurting their teammates!
"Where's the White Mage? Clear it up!"
She successfully got rid of the mist heart skipped a beat when I saw the Lion is only about 3 meters away from me. It's already going to attack but was distracted by the sudden light.
It didn't pause for long though. Now the terrible beast lunged at me.
"[Grapple Toss]!!"
A young man suddenly rushed beside me. Woah look at that! He charged at the lion bare handed.
He didn't actually toss the lion but still interrupted its attack by ramming it away.
They recovered their stance and are now staring at each other. This is not time for a fair fight. I signaled my mercenaries to get close.
I put my hand on the young man's shoulder. "Thanks for the assist. But, who are you?" I don't remember this man in my team.
"Oh hi! I'm [Timely Big Pot]! Hawk told me to come. We're classmates." (*)
We shook hands.
"Hawk's friend? Nice knowing you. Why did he send you though? We're not short on hands or something."
"He asked me to give you something!"
He took out...a giant bundle of rope from behind his back.
"You aren't going to capture it without this." He handed one end of the rope to me. "Let's tie up the big cat!"
"But we need to get close to it first." Violet came over. Those dirt and messy hair suggest that she had a rough landing back there.
Big Pot (*) just rolled up his sleeves. "We got enough folks here! It's just a lion. Now go! Human wave tactic!"
Then he threw the rope away and charged at the lion first.
He did manage to grab the lion. The tail, at least.
"Ahhhhhh-- Help!!"
It looked silly but is actually effective. The lion is obviously running slower with a human hanging on its tail.
Ok, here goes nothing.
"Let's do it! Keep it on the ground!"
All melee classes followed my order and ran towards the beast. The scene looks funny. A bunch of people is now trying to climb onto the lion like in those monster movies.
The weight of all these players is real. The lion may be a high level monster but it still fell on the ground with so many solid burdens. It struggled for a bit and finally gave up.
The girls used the rope to wrap it up like mummy. And is that a bow knot on its head?
Finally. It didn't look good but at least we did it!
So the first try-out succeeded. Big Pot is the first one into the mess so he got crushed under all that weight real bad. His clothes are a bit ragged, and some bruises are now on his otherwise brilliant face.
I asked people to go find other monsters while I spammed [Capture] on the helpless lion.
Later, many high level Breeders in [Zero] learned to use this approach to capture something as a defenseless target to grind their skills. Of course, this is another story.
The lion turned into egg after thirty tries or so.
"Now this is MONEY!" I carefully stroked the egg.
Then I contacted Hawk.
"Hey Hawk!"
"Something's wrong again??" He worries too much!
"No no no, I just got the first item to sell. Level 512, [Savannah Lion King]. Find buyers. I also recorded how we captured it, show it to them!"
"That's pretty fast. Good job man! I'm on it. Did my fellow give you the rope?"
"Big Pot?" I chuckled. "Funny dude. He tried to ride the lion using his own body. But it worked! I'm thinking about hiring a group of Orc Berserkers as my professional hunting team."
"Really? I see the video... Ahahaha! That's the man. He's always like that in the school. But he's a good guy. Everyone on the class likes him! I don't think you can keep using that crowd tactic. What if you find something bigger like Lucky?"
"I see. I'll think about it later. Going to find more monsters, you find a buyer asap!"
"Leave it to me!"
(*) This is a randomly typed name: "asdgf". It has a funny meaning in Chinese pinyin (completed by the initial letters): The timely big-pot. I'll use "Big Pot" as his nickname.
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