Novel Name : My Future Wife Is Androphobic

Chapter 39 - Zeri's boyfriend

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Chapter 39 - Zeri's boyfriend

Zeri had just left their house early morning when her phone vibrated. It was Saturday and she was heading to the café for her work.
Looking at the screen of her phone, Zeri creased her brows because the caller's number was unfamiliar. She hesitated but eventually, she received the call.
She didn't speak, she was waiting for the caller to speak, thinking that she would just hung up if it was a spam.
However, the instant she heard the voice of the person on the other side of the phone, she was surprised. 'Where did he get my number?'
"Squirrel, I'm on my way to pick you pick up." The young man said and Zeri's eyes slowly widened as she finally remembered the words Android said that night.
"Hey, are you listening?" he spoke again and Zeri could only utter an "Mm."
"I'll be there in ten minutes."
Before Zeri could even reply, the call already ended, leaving Zeri biting her lips as she stood there. She had forgotten about the date Android had told her. He was absent in school for days so she hadn't spoken nor seen him since that night he sent her home so she thought that he was not really serious about it. She was also quite confused.
But her biggest problem now was her job. She had to go to work and she didn't file any leave so she can't possibly go on a date with him now. She was still new to this job so she definitely didn't want to risk it.
After thinking deeply, Zeri decided to call Kira to negotiate with him as she continued walking on the roadside. But the Android was not answering, until suddenly, an ostentatious red convertible screeched into halt meters away from her.
Zeri ignored it but a while later, she heard someone's voice, forcing her to stop walking and raise her head towards the source of the voice.
She saw Kira inside the flashy car, frowning at her.
"Where do you think you're going?" he asked, hastily climbing out of his car. When he reached her, Kira's eyes travelled from her head down to her toe and he could only press his lips in a hard line.
Zeri was wearing a plain black hoody, paired with a tattered blue jeans and a black sneaker while Kira was… well, he looked like a lost runway model.
"You…" Kira didn't know where to begin. Just by seeing her clothes, he could only think that she was trying to escape. His gaze on her turned a lot colder as he raised his hand and pinched her cheeks. "Are you trying to escape? Huh?" he was obviously pissed.
"No, I… I'm sorry. I thought you were not serious about it since I didn't hear anything from you for days so I didn't file a leave today." Zeri quickly explained and gladly, upon hearing her, the dark and heavy atmosphere surrounding Kira immediately started dissipating.
"Huh? Leave?" he asked, confused. "Don't tell me you have a work today."
"I have. I'm working full day on Saturdays."
". . ."
Kira's lips parted slightly. He looked like he was having a hard time believing what she just said. 'W-what? She's working part time every night on weekdays and have work on Saturdays too?! Did she even have any time to rest?'
The look in Kira's eyes abruptly changed from pissed to worried. He didn't understand why she, a high school student like him had to work this hard. He knew that she's orphan but this was still shocking for him.
"You… do you even have time to rest?" he asked, creasing his brows as he let go of her cheeks.
"Sundays." She replied and Kira secretly heaved a sigh of relief. He really didn't know what to even say if she said that she was working on Sundays too.
Kira stood there, scratching the back of his head. His absence in school wasn't intentional because they had a trip abroad but he purposely didn't contact her about the date until now. Even though he expected that this Squirrel would never react like those girls he dated before, he was expecting her to atleast already dressed up, waiting for him by the door. And yet, she actually thought he's not serious about it?! This squirrel…
"I'm…" Zeri had just started to speak again when Kira suddenly gripped a fistful of her jacket in one hand. And then, without a word, he towed her towards his car, pulling her by her jacket.
"Hey, wait…"
"Get in," was all he responded, ignoring her. When Zeri didn't move, Kira opened the passenger's door and then, before Zeri could speak or do anything, without any warning, he suddenly carried her and put her on the passenger's seat.
He didn't give her time to protest as he quickly fastened her seat belt. And then, he got in the driver's side and drove.
"What are you doing?" Zeri asked with a complicated expression on her face. But Kira didn't answer. "Uhm, can't you postpone the date tomorrow? I..." Zeri paused. She could see that they were heading towards the café's direction so she turned to Kira and look at him with another confused look.
In no time, they reached the café and Kira parked in front.
Still silent, he was the first to climb out of the car. The moment Zeri just stepped out of the car, they heard gasps from behind.
"OMG! Ze, is that you?!" a lady in her early 30s was the one who spoke. She was the kind owner of the café. It seemed like she too had just arrived since it's still early and the café was not opened yet.
Her eyes were leaping from Zeri to the red convertible and to the gorgeous, prince-like young man and back again. She obviously looked awed.
"My my, our dear Ze, where did you abduct this prince?" the lady playfully said, causing Zeri to innocently blink at her when all of the sudden, Kira approached the lady.
"I'm Kira, I'm Zeri's boyfriend." He introduced himself and the lady could only gasp again. Kira knew that this woman was the owner of this café since he had checked the café's owner and employees that night he found out that Zeri was working there.
And the reason why he came here was actually to speak with this woman.
"Oh my gosh, you're her boyfriend?! Oh my," she gasped again as her gaze darted from the boyish girl to the prince-like young man before her. "Ahem…. Anyway, I'm her employer, just call me Miss Mai." The woman replied and after shaking hand with her, Kira moved beside Zeri and put his arm around her shoulder.
"Uhm, Miss Mai, I came here to ask you for a favor." Kira started, his voice switched into something sugary, a sound nobody could ever ignore, except of course to this one and only Squirrel right beside him.
"Favor? What is it? Just say it." The lady was smiling brightly as she said it and Kira sensed that this person was somehow easy to talk with. Therefore, he asked to speak with her, and ehen she nodded, they moved fee steps away, leaving Zeri standing there looking at them.
When the two were done talking, Mai was grinning wide as she approached Zeri. She held her hand and cheerfully spoke. "Dear, don't worry about anything and just go enjoy the day with your boyfriend." She said and Zeri was surprised.
The woman pressed her palms and looked at her with meaningful gazes as she continued, not giving Zeri the chance to respond. "We will talk about this this Monday so go now. See ya on Monday." She added and then she walked away and entered the café with a big smile.
The puzzled Zeri turned and look at Kira but the young man was already sitting on the driver's seat.
"Get in, or do you want me to carry you again?" he said, smirking at her and Zeri could only do as he said despite the confusion flashing across her eyes.
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