Novel Name : Contract Marriage

Chapter 7

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Chapter 7
The next day, Han Yang found himself within HeLian Qing’s embrace. He could feel the larger man’s expired breath against his nape, the warm exhalation slightly tickled as it struck his skin, making his body stiffen while a rosy tint stained his ears.
Too close……
This kind of distance was too scary—too dangerous. Translated by -[iana]-, read at :anameescans [DOT] wordpress [DOT] com
Still rigid, Han Yang waited for about a minute to make sure HeLian Qing had not yet awakened. Carefully, he took the encircling arm from his waist, then stealthily snuck off the bed.
Next, for a while, he closely observed the man who still laid resting on the bed. Certain that said man had not been roused by his movements, a relieved sigh left his lips before he exited the bedroom to wash up. Absent-minded, he closed the door behind him and thus that man laying on the bed, opened his eyes.
HeLian Qing propped himself up, leaning against the headboard as he sat on the bed, waiting for Han Yang to finish washing his face then return. He was curious as to what sort of reaction the smaller man would have after last night’s incident, whether it would be the same dead-fish-face the boy wore the day before and if so, then……
He would just try coaxing him.
Kids are just so difficult to please.
Scoffing, then raking his fingers through his hair, HeLian Qing reached for his phone beside him, opening up a webpage to browse through the news.
For about five minutes he sat there, waiting, yet Han Yang still had not returned. No longer interested in reading the news, he got off the bed in search of the younger man.
However in that house, apart from him, there was no sign of the other person at all. There were drops of water sprinkled on top of the sink, proving Han Yang had indeed just used it, but it seemed like he had already left.
Could he have worn his pajamas to class? Or…… He thought at once. It looked as if he suddenly recalled something so he headed towards the guest room. Just as he had expected, he saw Han Yang’s small suitcase sitting in there on the floor.
Since it was, that on the very day the small suitcase’s owner moved in, HeLian Qing had also left for his business trip only to return just the day before yesterday. He simply did not take heed of where the boy’s thing’s were placed, or if the youth had spent those past two weeks sleeping in the guest bedroom.
Contemplating the matter made his face darken. It was his belief he and that boy were together, therefore the master bedroom rightly belonged to both of them. He just assumed the younger man would return to their room to change his clothes, and had never considered such an idea was all simply his own wishful thinking. During those two weeks, Han Yang had kept his stuff just as they were when he first arrived, neatly packed within his suitcase, as if at any moment he was ready to leave.
With his gaze fixed on the grey suitcase beside his feet, HeLian Qing’s lips pursed together just a little, with the look on his face not faring any better.
At that exact moment, riding on a bus, Han Yang sneezed, rubbing the goosebumps on his arms as he felt his back burst out in a chill.
Could it be HeLian Qing?
……This feels like a bad omen. Han Yang quietly thought. Translated by -[iana]-, read at :anameescans [DOT] wordpress [DOT] com
When he returned to the apartment later that day, contrary to his expectations, HeLian Qing had said nothing. The man had even gone to bed earlier than him.
From then on, the interactions between the two maintained such a state of unease. At daytime it was tolerable, as one man went to work, while the other went to class, greatly reducing their chances of meeting one another. The crux of the matter therefore, was at nighttime.
What surprised Han Yang was HeLian Qing return for dinner—every single night. Despite the unspoken agreement between them to preserve the silence during their meals, what few conversations they did have were quite pitiful.
Han Yang soon found himself wondering whether the other man was truly upset, but due to the man’s consistent return each day for supper, it did not seem as if he was, which made Han Yang quite confused.
Things continued in such a manner until the Friday that followed, when Han Yang had gone out to dinner with his former roommates.
Even though Han Yang possessed the type of personality that was relatively indifferent, the time he had spent living in the dormitory with his roommates was actually pretty good. Being as studious as he was, whenever there was an upcoming exam he had helped out his fellow bunkmates a lot, therefore none of them would have wished to part with him. Additionally, because of his childhood spent growing up in a village, he was well-accustomed to doing household chores and so most of the time, he took the lead in maintaining the dorm’s cleanliness. A good student, a fondness towards cleaning, and innate charm, it was only natural that after witnessing him do so much the others became a bit embarrassed and thus joined him in doing the chores too. After two years in that college, their room’s hygiene became the ideal model of a boy’s dorm room.
When he moved out of the dorm, everyone was unprepared for it, they did not even have enough time to all meet up properly. So the aforementioned Friday was the most convenient, as they all had free time to get together for a decent meal.
During his afternoon class Han Yang took out his phone, his eyes stuck on the screen as he was lost in his thoughts, trying to figure out how he would tell HeLian Qing he could not return for dinner. Considering how awkward the current situation between them was, he had no clue how to even begin explaining if he called the man, so he simply sent him a message instead.
The group decided to have their dinner at a hot-pot restaurant. The eatery was located right beside the school, its ambiance as well as its food were both pretty good, since he had visited that place before several times with everyone when he lived in the dormitory.
It was certain a few of the larger guys would eat a lot of meat as everyone placed their orders, Han Yang on the other hand, was preoccupied with staring at his phone. One of his roommates who sat beside him used his elbow to nudge him then asked, “What’s wrong? Is everything alright?”
“Huh?” Han Yang replied, “I’m fine, you guys can just order.”
“Hey, you should eat more meat, just look at those little chicken legs of yours, they’re smaller than that guy’s arm.” Shezhang jested as he handed Han Yang a menu.
[T/n: 舍长: shè zhǎng: dorm leader/elder.]
“That’s right, don’t say your big bros never took care of you.”
“Come on hurry up, order whatever you want to eat.”
Translated by -[iana]-, read at :anameescans [DOT] wordpress [DOT] com
With everyone encouraging him to order, Han Yang accepted their wishes, ordering himself a couple dishes.
After completing his order, he once again, turned his attention towards his phone. He noticed from since he sent HeLian Qing the message until now, more than four hours had passed, and he had still not received a reply.
He’s probably still mad. Han Yang thought. To HeLian Qing, perhaps he looked like someone who did not appreciate favours. Considering how well off the HeLian family were, and how many people wanted to but could not climb up the social ladder, yet here he was, unable to tell chalk from cheese [1], what kind of person would not get angry!
While he ate, Han Yang—once again—could not help but think about HeLian Qing.
Not only was that man ill-tempered, he was also quite picky with his food. Today without him there to prepare his meals, he did not know what that picky one would end up eating.
“A-Yang, what’re you thinking about? Is it your order?” Shezhang, seeing him a bit dazed, asked.
Realising once more his mind was wondering, Han Yang promptly responded, “I’m alright, I was just thinking about something, that’s all.”
“Oh!” Han Yang’s buddy to the left of him instantly became interested, “Normally we don’t see you like this, and today we got to see it twice? If I had to guess, it’s definitely not about studying. You study so well that you don’t have to worry about it.”
“Is it possible that…… it’s about a love interest?” Shezhang asked.
[T/n: 对象: duì xiàng: means partner/boyfriend/girlfriend. It’s not gender specific.]
“This is great!” A guy slapped the table, “You should find the time to to take that girl of yours out for a meal, alright!”
“Absolutely, sister-in-law must definitely be a dazzling beauty, who’s soft and gentle!”[2]
“Come, come on everyone! In celebration of our A-Yang’s passions being ignited [3], let’s have a toast.”
“Hurry, fill them up!”
“Raise your glasses!”
Han Yang wanted to clarify, but no one gave him a chance as they all began conversing [4] while the wine was poured, raising their glasses to toast.
When all their glasses clinked, within Han Yang’s mind an image of HeLian Qing’s face flashed before his eyes. A dazzling beauty, he wouldn’t go to such an extent to describe him, but that man was definitely handsome. As far as being soft and gentle though, that was just impossible, that man’s mouth could poison a corpse.
And as for falling in love……
With HeLian Qing? Impossible!
Han Yang trembled all of a sudden just by having his mind filled with the possibility of HeLian Qing’s venomous lips declaring anything close to those words. It’s was more likely for him to say “Falling in love? You? Are you soft in the head [5]?” or something similar.
Thinking of it like that, Han Yang suddenly felt a bit ridiculous and that stifling feeling he had since he arrived suddenly dissapated.
Well, no matter what happens next, first I’ll eat then say what needs to be said later.
HeLian Qing was utterly unaware of Han Yang’s plans. For the entire day he had chaired a meeting and as soon everything was completed he had already hurriedly left work.
Him leaving work in such a flash showed how much he wanted to get back home to eat the meal his wife prepared. Thinking about that place, he took out his house keys cheerfully.
On his way up to their flat, he could not help but wonder what sort of dish Han Yang would be making that night. Although they had both spent the last week not saying much to each other, when they ate together however, it felt quite good. Even though Han Yang’s culinary skills could not be compared to his family’s chef, generally speaking, the boy’s dishes did leave one very satisfied overall.
HeLian Qing darted into the apartment, but he did not see Han Yang in the kitchen as he usually was.
The younger man’s timing was very accurate, so normally at this time he would already be preparing to cook, HeLian Qing always returned just as he was about to serve the meal. However at this moment the living room was vacant, the kitchen was completely clean, and the countertop did not have any dishes, neither fruits, nor even a drop of water.
HeLian Qing then remembered, when he came, he did not see that boy’s shoes by the doorway either. He then went into the bedroom, where he saw there was also no one there.
Han Yang did not return and on his phone there were not any missed calls or messages.
For a while, the expression on HeLian Qing’s face was indecipherable. After hastily getting off work, hurrying back to have a meal, his mood abruptly deflated like a balloon. Soon after, within his throat the anger fermented, and at any given moment would probably erupt.
His finger paused over Han Yang’s name on the screen, hovering there for a while, before immediately sliding open—
A name was dialed. After agreeing to meet at that place, he walked out the door.
[1] 不识好歹: bù shí hǎo dǎi: (idiom) not knowing chalk from cheese/not knowing what’s good for you/ungrateful.
[2] 貌美如花|温柔似水: mào měi rú huā|wēn róu sì shuǐ: lit. beautiful like a flower|gentle like a stream(river). (Both idioms)
[3] 桃花盛开: táo huā shèng kāi: lit. peach blossom in full bloom. Being in love, finally discovering love/passion is how I’m interpreting this.
[4] 你一言我一语: ni yi yan, wo yi wu: (idiom) everyone joining in on a conversation.
[5] 脑子被门夹: nǎizi bèi mén jiā: lit. brains get squeezed between a door. Translated as: being soft in the head. Meaning: being stupid.
t/n: I think someone’s in trouble (o_o”
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