Novel Name : The Grandmaster Strategist

Volume 6, Chapter 45: Hoping to Meet Once

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Volume 6, Chapter 45: Hoping to Meet Once1
When the princess heard Zhe was on his deathbed, she asked the emperor permission to go south to visit him. The Yong emperor permitted it, and she brought along the Princess of Zhaohua and the Duke of An to Xuzhou to care for him.When Zhe had almost recovered from his illness, an imperial censor submitted a remonstration, saying that, as Zhe was in the field overseeing the military, the princess could not leave the capital. The Yong emperor left the document in the palace ignored. Soon after, due to the empress dowager becoming slightly indisposed, she ordered by imperial decree the princess to return to the capital.—Southern Chu Dynastic Records, Biography of Jiang Suiyun
It was the fourth month, late spring. The time for flowers and plants to bloom was drawing near, and green trees formed a carpet. It was the perfect season in the mortal realm. However, the post road from Zhongli to Shouchun was gloomy and deserted. Bleached bones and scattered corpses could often be seen by the road. Every parrotbill in the trees in the woods wailed.
All of a sudden, the thundering of horse hooves came from the distance, and the birds were startled into flight. It was two armies fighting in the wilderness. One side carried the banner of the Flying Cavalry of Southern Chu, while the other was the black-robed, black-armored cavalry of Great Yong. Both armies were strangling each other, the combat raging like a wildfire. Upon close inspection, the Yong army had the upper hand.
In the second month of the eleventh year of Great Yong’s Longsheng era, Great Yong again unleashed a fierce offensive, this time advancing several columns of armies together. Qin Yong attacked Ba Prefecture; Zhangsun Ji attacked Jiangling; Jing Chi attacked Zhongli; Pei Yun attacked Sizhou; the ravages of war extended across the country, renewed.
Meanwhile, Southern Chu lost its leading military figure, Lu Can, with each battlefield essentially operating independently. The other places could be done without, but Huaixi was the most in imminent danger. Shi Guan was dead, and the newly appointed commander, Cai Qun, was of mediocre skill. All he knew was to defend Shouchun to the death, and he feared the Flying Cavalry that had been under Lu Can’s personal command. He often ordered them to engage the Yong army’s main force.
Although the Flying Cavalry was an elite unit, they did not even reach ten thousand horsemen. And they had lost their commanders, Lu Yun and Shi Yujin. Against Great Yong’s heavy cavalry that had wreaked havoc through the northern territories, it was even more difficult to score a victory. In just two months, they had lost over half their combat strength. In the middle third of the third month, Zhongli fell, and the Flying Cavalry obeyed orders to hinder the Yong army from advancing. They took even heavier casualties.
The unit of horsemen fighting the Flying Cavalry was no ordinary cavalry unit either. This cavalry unit was the personal army of the Prince of Jia, Li Lin. The Yong emperor personally allowed them to wear black armor. On this occasion of the Yong army attacking Huaixi, Li Lin was the general of the advance guard of the Yong army.
In fact, in the eighth year of Longsheng, when Li Xian was overseeing the military, Li Xian vetoed him with a stare. As Li Xian put it then, “Has our Great Yong run out of men to allow you, a whelp, to fight in battle?”
The high-ranking officers in the military all wore expressions of agreement, making Li Lin depressed. He could only curse and disagree in his head, Weren’t Imperial Uncle and Princely Father both just past ten years old when they went into battle?
In the spring of this year, the fifteen-year-old Li Lin was finally permitted by the Prince of Qi to lead forces into battle. And his paternal imperial uncle, Li Zhi, authorized his personal army to wear black armor, showing that he was in the emperor’s good graces. Li Lin may have been going into battle for the first time, but he had many years of experience in the army. In just a few engagements, Jing Chi was reassured enough to make him the advance guard. Unfortunately, Lu Yun was no longer in Zhongli, and even the young general purported to be even better than Lu Yun in the Huaixi army, Shi Yujin, was nowhere to be found. Unable to determine who was strongest, Li Lin wrang his hands incessantly.
Urging the formation forward without haste, Li Lin’s force pursued the Flying Cavalry, slaughtering the riders of the Flying Cavalry who fell behind. Each of the Flying Cavalry’s multiple counterattacks was repelled, and the commander of the Flying Cavalry sensed things were going badly, so he stopped and formed up, preparing to face battle.
When the Yong unit saw the situation, they extended their flanks, hinting at an attempt to encircle the Chu force. After arraying for battle, Li Lin hoisted his lance, spurred his horse out of the formation, and laughed loudly, “This Prince always heard the Flying Cavalry were skilled in battle and fleet of foot. Now, I see that fame truly falls short of the truth. Best lay down your arms and surrender. By virtue of your General Lu, Lu Yun, this Prince will treat you all well.”
Seeing such arrogance from the black-clothed young general, all ranks of the Flying Cavalry were filled with righteous indignation. However, they were a lone unit putting up a brave fight, and the enemy force was veteran heavy cavalry. Although the young general’s words were brash, he had perfect command of the battle and was in his element. They all became ready to give their lives.
The acting commander was about to fall out of formation to respond when an icy yet pleasant voice suddenly floated through the wind. “Who is saying the Flying Cavalry doesn’t live up to their reputation? Let me, Shi Yujin, teach you a thing or two.”
Hearing the voice, the Flying Cavalry nearly all froze. If the Yong cavalry attacked now, they would have caught them off guard, but the commander of the Yong unit was stunned as well. He never even thought to order an attack.
The soldiers and officers of the Flying Cavalry were silent for many inhalations, then began cheering loudly. The formation parted in two like the receding tide, and a young general atop a white horse and wielding a silver lance calmly propelled his horse through the formation. Formidable and handsome, bursting with majesty, he looked around nineteen years old, but his imposing gravitas and latent killing intent made it clear he was skilled in combat and a veteran general.
Following him was a gorgeous girl around twelve wearing hemp clothes and riding a chestnut horse. An infant was swaddled in the bosom of the girl, high up on the steed. Although it wore normal clothing, to the point it even cut a bit of a sorry figure, the baby was calm, its bright eyes limpid, its smile sweet. It looked just like a fine young lady out on a spring trip. These personages who appeared like a lovely young couple appearing on the battlefield couldn’t but flabbergast people.
The young general’s icy eyes coldly scanned over Li Lin. He said, “You’re the one who’s talking big and has the audacity to demand the Flying Cavalry surrender?”
Li Lin gazed at the young general with burning eyes full of admiration. He thought, No wonder this man’s reputation is greater than Lu Yun’s. As expected, he’s an elite of Southern Chu. Getting a competitive spirit, he raised his lance and went forward, asking, “Is sire Young General Shi, Shi Yujin? If Young General thinks this Prince was wrong, dare he duel this Prince?”
The challenge given, the bodyguards with Li Lin all burst into an uproar. Most were warriors Li Lin personally picked and promoted. They were staunchly loyal to the Prince of Jia. Moreover, they’d received strict orders from the crown prince and the Prince of Qi to not let the Prince of Jia take risks even if they had to die.
Shi Yujin was a famous young, valiant general in the Southern Chu army. He had killed a Yong general in single combat, and over the years, his prestige grew more illustrious in Huaixi. If something happened to the Prince of Jia, they couldn’t atone even if they died. And unfortunately, it was Li Lin who issued the challenge. Even if they wanted to stop the duel, they didn’t have an excuse, so they didn’t wait for Shi Yujin to accept. Several gallant bodyguards were spurring their horses into a gallop, shouting, “If you wish to cross swords with His Imperial Highness, you must get past us first!”
Li Lin stared wide-eyed as his bodyguards charged forward, so angry he saw red, but he didn’t reprimand them, lest he lower the morale of his own side. He saw Shi Yujin roar with laughter and pick up the silver spear on the front of the saddle to meet them.
The troops of the Flying Cavalry all screamed in encouragement, not thinking Shi Yujin was in any danger fighting against heavy odds.
The moment the warhorses of both sides clashed, the silver spear was moving rapid as a spinning pear blossom, like swirling snow. In less than ten blows, he beat back the Yong bodyguards, and two of them had been speared, making it hard for them to keep fighting. Although they were elite warriors, Shi Yujin’s polished skill with the silver spear made them appear flat-footed.
The troops of the Flying Cavalry cheered at the sight. Li Lin furrowed his brow and was about to go forward when he heard the silvery laughter of a young lady reach his ear. Surprised, he turned his attention away to see the young lady in hemp robes who’d come with Shi Yujin cheering loudly, gazing with a face filled with admiration at Shi Yujin making a show of force between the two formations. Li Lin had only noticed Shi Yujin. He didn’t so much as glance at the young lady. However, his mind went blank, and the only presence in his vision was the fairy figure of the young lady beautiful beyond compare in the human world.
Right at this moment, the baby in the young lady’s bosom started wailing. The young lady patted the infant’s swaddling with familiarity and said in a crisp tone, “Bao’er is hungry. Please beat them back faster.”
Shi Yujin furrowed her brow, then said in a stern voice, “Leave a few people behind to protect Mei’er. Gentlemen, follow me.” With that, she raised her spear and charged.
Behind her, the horsemen of the Flying Cavalry shouted as they followed. At the beginning, the formation was somewhat disorderly, but within a hundred paces,2 they became one, thousands drawing together in formation, their galloping thunderous.
Seeing the enemy force’s morale stratospheric, Li Lin returned from his out-of-body experience. He roared to vent his anger, then raised his lance and led his unit into battle. For some reason, he was infuriated to the extreme. The two young generals of supreme repute in the Southern Chu Huaixi Army had fascinated him for a long time. Lu Yun was an old acquaintance of his, and Shi Yujin was Shi Guan’s son. Moreover, Lu Yun had married Shi Guan’s daughter, the two men becoming brothers-in-law.
And in the ninth month of last year, Shi Yujin had protected Lu Can’s daughter, Lu Mei, when fleeing from Shouchun, events everyone knew about. In this line of thinking, the young lady was certain to be Lu Mei, and the two of them were both relatives and grateful and loyal to each other, and they would likely marry each other. But when he thought of this, he grew furious. As for the infant in Lu Mei’s bosom, it was probably irrelevant. Li Lin had automatically cast it out of mind.
Right as the two units were about to clash, the Flying Cavalry sharply wheeled left. While Li Lin was startled, the Flying Cavalry charged into the right flank of the Yong cavalry. Shi Yujin led the charge, throwing the Yong cavalry into disarray.
Li Lin had just barely been in battle, so he was no match for Shi Yujin. In addition, Shi Yujin had lost some impulsiveness to gain some calm today. Plunging left and dashing right, she gained the upper hand in not a moment.
Li Lin made a prompt decision, ordering a retreat and personally fighting a rearguard action as they withdrew in the direction of Zhongli. Although the Flying Cavalry won victory, they were weak in strength, so Shi Yujin didn’t lead a pursuit. After the Yong cavalry retreated, the Flying Cavalry’s troops crowded around Shi Yujin and cheered jubilantly, celebrating the return of their esteemed young general to the army as well as leading them to victory against the advance guard of the Yong army. She erased the humiliation of multiple defeats in a row.
Yet Shi Yujin had a tense look in her eyes. She spurred her horse over to meet Lu Mei and took the infant from her hands. She only relaxed after examining it. Lu Mei grumbled, “Sister-in-law, Benefactor said for you to take care of your health. It would be best if you didn’t fight in battle for a year, but you refused to listen. If you get sick again, what then?”
Shi Yujin smiled in embarrassment. “Yes, I know I’m wrong. I won’t do it again.”
At this time, the generals of the Flying Cavalry approached. “Young General, why not stay in the army instead of leaving? We might as well help you seize back command of the Huaixi Army to avoid suffering the hopeless stupidity of Cai Qun, that scoundrel.”
“Yujin is now a wanted criminal of the court. How can I lead troops to battle again?” Shi Yujin said sadly. “This time, I was merely passing by. I was just about to take Mei’er to southern Fujian. Presumably, I won’t have another chance to fight side by side with you gentlemen.”
Everyone hung their heads in dismay at the words, but they knew Shi Yujin spoke reasonably. If she truly led troops again, she would be starting an insurrection against the court. However, if things continued like this for the Flying Cavalry, they would be doomed. They also utterly despised the Southern Chu court for wrongfully executing Lu Can. One among them suggested, “Instead of being sent to our deaths here for nothing, why don’t we escort Young General to southern Fujian?”
Many people seconded the suggestion. Even Shi Yujin thought the road to southern Fujian would be thick with hardship and peril. If she had the protection of some highly skillful bodyguards, it would be much better. She remembered that the Flying Cavalry was Lu Can’s personal unit, so they were definitely being supplanted and suffering nowadays. Instead of leaving them to die in Huaixi, it would be better to have them desert and be unrestrained and far-ranging from now on. Shi Yujin had a fiery temper and had hated the Southern Chu court to the bone for a long time, and she had no desire to safeguard the state, so she said, “Those who wish to go should follow me. We’ll move south in batches to not alarm the confidants of that treacherous prime minister. If you do not wish to go, go to Huaidong to seek shelter with Adjunct Yang. Do not get sent to your deaths here.”
Right after the remaining four thousand troops of the Flying Cavalry conferred, around two thousand five hundred men who still worried about the desperate situation of Huainan decided to turn to Huaidong, refusing to be commanded by Cai Qun any longer. One thousand-odd men were disconsolate and agreed to scatter south to southern Fujian to serve the Lu family.
Shi Yujin’s trail was hardly concealed, so it had long since alarmed the divisions of the Huaixi Army. However, everyone still cared about the grace of Lu Can and Shi Guan. Shi Yujin was a former comrade of theirs as well, so they secretly supported her. Some of Shi Guan’s old bodyguards and confidants were no longer interested in the war and also deserted, following Shi Yujin to southern Fujian.
By the time Cai Qun became aware of this, about twenty to thirty percent of the Huaixi Army’s crack troops had left. Shi Yujin’s action did not consider the big picture. However, with her temper, it was extremely fortunate she didn’t revolt to seek revenge. But the strength of the Huaixi Army plunged, and as Cai Qun was of mediocre ability, the Yong military cut through Huaixi like a hot knife through butter, completely unopposed.
In less than a year, Huaixi fell into the Yong military’s hands. This situation wasn’t one Lu Can could have predicted before his death. If Shi Guan had not died, the situation in Huaixi categorically wouldn’t have devolved to this point. Even if Shi Yujin had deserted, this many people wouldn’t have followed her off.
Li Lin didn’t know what happened afterwards as he returned to Zhongli with his head hanging in dismay. He was beyond spiteful. To his surprise, the moment he reached the walls, he saw the gate open, and a black-clothed young man with retinue following came out to welcome him. Li Lin laughed when he saw him, “Elder brother Huo, why have you come?” Jumping off his horse, he sprinted over to greet him. The young man also dashed out of the crowd, and the two men grasped each other’s forearms and gazed at one another, both overjoyed.
Li Lin gave his deputy generals his generalship duties to handle, while he dragged Huo Cong into the city. While walking, he asked, “Wasn’t elder brother Huo with Older Imperial Brother supervising Chuzhou? Why have you come to Zhongli to see me? How was Older Imperial Brother willing to let you, a capable assistant, leave?”
“I’m simply organizing some documents in the company of His Imperial Highness, the Crown Prince,” Huo Cong replied with a smile. “How can one call me a capable assistant? Today, His Imperial Highness, the Crown Prince, heard Your Imperial Highness was leading troops into battle and was uneasy. He ordered me to escort a shipment of provisions and fodder to Zhongli and see how you are in passing. He also bid you take care and to not treat your life with little regard.”
Smiling, Li Lin replied, “Older Imperial Brother always thinks I haven’t grown up yet. Express my thanks to Older Imperial Brother for me. By the way, how is Roulan? The chaos and tumult of war is raging here. Don’t let her go wherever she wants. If an accident occurs, I’m afraid my older imperial brother will die of heartache.”
Huo Cong’s eyes flashed. In the tenth month of last year, Princess Changle had taken Roulan and Shen’er to Xuzhou to inquire upon Jiang Zhe’s illness. At the beginning, Roulan had obediently stayed in Xuzhou, but as Jiang Zhe’s health improved, Roulan couldn’t stay in the city anymore. She often found an excuse to run off to Chuzhou to see the crown prince, Li Jun. Everyone was fully aware of this and knew the Princess of Zhaohua would marry into the imperial family sooner or later as the crown princess. Only Li Lin alone held fast, never willing to relent, refusing to recognize the love between Li Jun and Roulan. His voice being completely free of jealously was hard to come by. Could something have changed?
With this train of thought, Huo Cong purposely questioned Li Lin on the recent battles. Li Lin was candid, and as such, events were cajoled from him in short order. Because he knew Huo Cong was well-informed, he asked, “Elder brother Huo, have you heard about young Miss Lu’s circumstances? Has she been betrothed?”
Huo Cong was nearly convulsing with laughter on the inside. He knew Li Lin had misunderstood Shi Yujin and Lu Mei’s relationship. It wasn’t his fault, though, as the Southern Chu court had always been used to burying their heads in the sand. Unintentionally, they treated Shi Yujin and Shi Xiu as two different people. In the eyes of the Yong military, the foremost concern was Shi Yujin’s skill in battle, no matter male or female. They wouldn’t deliberately spread this fact. And although Li Lin was respected, he was just a standard general. Since he never once thought about it that way, nobody told him Shi Yujin’s true identity.
But even though this was the case, Huo Cong wasn’t optimistic about Li Lin’s idea. Even if Southern Chu were subjugated, the Lu family wouldn’t be willing to surrender. At best, they would show no interest and hide among the populace. They absolutely wouldn’t have thoughts of climbing the social ladder. If Li Lin wanted to court Lu Mei, it’d be harder than climbing to the Heavens. However, as he thought about it, it was better than Li Lin always being devoted to Roulan. He held back a smile and said, “Your Imperial Highness, you probably don’t know that Young General Shi, Shi Yujin, is the first wife of Young General Lu, Lu Yun. That infant was Young General Shi’s son born two months ago. His milk name is Bao’er, as he hasn’t been given a personal name yet. However, as Young General Shi is a martial general, she gave that child to young Miss Lu to look after.”
Li Lin was elated. He had no thoughts of humiliation from being defeated by a woman, thinking only that Lu Mei and Shi Yujin weren’t lovers, so he had a chance. He also didn’t care to ask Huo Cong how he learned of these details, simply tugging him along and stammering, “Elder brother Huo, can you think of something for me? I, I really wish to marry Lu Mei.”
Huo Cong ominously looked Li Lin up and down for a moment, seeing Li Lin get scared. After a long time, Huo Cong said with a smile, “I will think of some way for you to do it. However, I’m afraid it will be difficult to the extreme. You’re a stately Great Yong prince of the second rank, while young Miss Lu Mei is a descendant of the Southern Chu Grand General. A grudge for being invaded and hatred for family being destroyed are in the way. If you don’t have the courage to burn your bridges, I fear you won’t have any hope.”
“Don’t worry, elder brother Huo. If Imperial Uncle and Princely Father intervene, I’ll relinquish this title at worst. If people of the Lu family refuse, I’d be willing to die before them to beg for their understanding,” replied Li Lin quickly.
With a solemn face, Huo Cong asked, “Do you sincerely wish to marry young Miss Lu?”
Li Lin swore by the Heavens and the sun as his witnesses, “If Li Lin has a change of heart, let him die by the blade and bones vanish.”
Huo Cong thought, If this succeeds, not only will it allay the conflict between Li Lin and His Imperial Highness, the Crown Prince, it will also guarantee the Lu family’s future peace and safety. Not even His Imperial Majesty and the Prince of Qi will oppose it. Just, if he wishes to gain the Lu family’s agreement for betrothal, I’m afraid it’ll be extremely difficult. After thinking for a long while, Huo Cong said resolutely, “Don’t worry, Your Imperial Highness, I will certainly think of a way to help you with this matter. However, you must think things through. I fear that without eight to ten years of painstaking effort, you shouldn’t think of succeeding.”
“With earnestness and sincerity, everything is achievable.3 This prince absolutely won’t quit,” Li Lin declared. However, he thought to himself, With such a long timeframe, I have to pay attention to someone trying to beat me to the punch. When I return, I’ll request of my Princely Father to think of something. Also, although elder brother Huo agreed, it’s still not enough. I need to ask Uncle as well. At present, Li Lin couldn’t imagine how extraordinarily onerous his path of courtship would be.
Footnotes:Likely a reference to a poem by Song Dynasty poet Zhao Changqing entitled “Ten Years of Respect” set to the ci “Song of Divination” that describes the poet’s wish to get into contact with a wise figure he respects.About 123 meters (around 135 yards)精诚所至,金石为开, jingchengsuozhi, jinshiweikai – lit. with absolute sincerity, metal and rocks can be split open; fig. with the right will, anything is possible; faith can move mountains
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