Novel Name : Bambi and the Duke

Chapter 270 Future holdings

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The little girl sat in the garden staring at the blue flower which had bloomed even after the treacherous rain that had poured down in the time of morning leaving the ground wet and slippery at some parts of the land. She looked at the blue rose which was beautiful as the night itself, it's magnificent color standing out from the rest of the other plants that surrounded it even at this hour of the day. It was the time of night where the guests had occupied the halls and some part of the ground mansion due to which she had come to see the beautiful rose. Slipping away from the crowd was none other but her friend, Levi who called her,
"Josie!" a little boy called her from behind making her turn and look over her shoulder to see the blonde-haired boy walking to where she was as a piece of food hanged from his mouth which was undoubtedly a loaf of bread, "What are you doing here instead of in there?"
"Looking at the rose," she pointed her hand as if her words would fall short and it needed more highlight.
"The rose," the little boy with blonde hair was none other than Duke Leonard and Lady Vivian's son, Levi who was at the age of seven, "Do you really believe that your grandmother is in there?"
"I don't know," Josephine was at the age of six, her wavy brown hair which was tied to two plates as it was only last evening did she have her hair stuck in the bushes while playing due to which they had to cut down some of the plants to free her hair, "Grandma, Isabelle?" she called looking at the roses, "She's never in the mood to talk to me," she spoke softly with a hint of sadness where her shoulders drooped.
"It's alright, I am sure she'll talk to you."
"Papa speaks to her often. He said a part of grandma lives in here which is why the roses are blue."
"Then it might be true," answered Levi looking a the rose to hear a couple of footsteps approach them, "They are here!" the boy exclaimed looking at the four children approach.
A young girl with black hair fringes walked towards them to say, "What are you both doing here instead of being inside?"
"Trinity!" Josephine screamed the name with utter happiness to run and hug the older girl. The girl named Trinity hugged the little girl back with a smile, "Congratulations on turning six."
"It's a shame that the birthday girl isn't inside with the guests," the boy next to her who was her older brother who wore glasses said, "We bought you a present," hearing the word present, like a cat's ears, she turned to look at the older boy. Without asking she looked at this hand which was empty. Wondering where it was she looked up to meet his eyes where the little girl had to crane her neck up.
"Where?" she questioned him.
"It will be given to you once you cut the cake. Happy birthday, Josie," he placed his hand on her head where she instantly closed, "Still a cat I see," he murmured for her to open her eyes in question.
"Eh?" she responded making everyone laugh.
When the time to cut the cake came, Josie stood with a knife with her father and mother standing on either side of her who were Lord Alexander and Lady Katherine. Once the cake was cut and fed, the little girl was swarmed by guests who one after another came to wish her. After a certain point when Lord Alexander and Lady Katherine were talking to one of the councilmen and his wife, they went to introduce their daughter formally who was missing.
Katherine couldn't stop the smile forming on her lips, "She's a shy girl," unlike Evan who had turned out to be great in interacting with people, her youngest child Josie was skittish who often escaped from the sight of the guests.
"That's cute," said the wife of the councilman.
Josie who had slipped away from the hall for the second time in the evening, this time instead of going to the garden to spend her time with the plants decided to go up to the clock tower where not many people visited. Just when she reached, the little girl caught sight of a person who was already up there.
Walking around to see the silhouette, she heard the person ask,
"Escaping the guests again I see, kitten," said the boy with the glasses said looking at the girl. He was sitting on the top of the edge of the wall with his legs in the air. The wind blew across the Delcrov mansion, not able to pick anything due to the ground which was wet and holding back everything it could.
"Vincent," Josie said his name, walking near him she saw him sitting up leisurely which made her want to sit too. The boy was twelve years old, his red eyes staring at the girl who was looking at the edge of the wall while trying to stand on her tiptoes.
"You want to sit?"
"I can?"
"Why not?"
"Mama, says not to sit. She says I might fall," answered the girl for the boy to nod his head in agreement.
"True what she says. But I am here, so it is alright," turning himself around, he gave her both his hands where when she placed her hand in his, he pulled her up making her slightly screech, "Better?" he asked her where she happily sat next to him, "Now don't lean to look down. I don't want you dead," hearing this the girl grinned like a child.
A shadowed creature lurked behind them, Vincent's eyes catching hold of the ghoul that usually stayed around him wondered when it appeared here. He had heard about the other ghoul that had been attached to Lady Vivian years ago and maybe even now but he didn't know he would have a ghoul as a pet who always appeared to be brooding.
Josie, who hadn't noticed the ghoul, suddenly remembered about her gift and asked, "Gift!"
The boy hummed, putting his hand in his pocket and fishing for something before he pulled out a delicate looking silver chain which had a small cross on it, "Lean over," he said to have her lean closer, her eyes following the chain which he helped in making her wear around her neck.
"I like it, Vincent!" she exclaimed looking down while lifting the locket up to have a better look.
"It would have been troublesome if you didn't," he murmured. Josie continued to look at the cross which was plain and nothing special yet in her eyes it was special, "Your parents and your brother must be quite used to have you missing during occasions like this. Don't you want to go back?" he asked her, "You should learn to mingle and greet guests."
"But you are here," she said with a small frown.
"You didn't know I would be here."
"I search for you..."
"Did you now," he turned around and hopped back on the ground making her fret, "I am going down. Wanna join," he raised his hand which she immediately took and they went down to join the guests.
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