Novel Name : The Perfect Destiny

Chapter 120

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Translator: StormFrost
Pandora's Box [1]
Someone pushed Chen Liguo awake.
It seemed to take them a great effort to push him and upon seeing him wake up, a hint of happiness appeared on their face. The person asked, "Teacher He, are you alright?"
A bout of dizziness hit Chen Liguo as soon as he sat up. He couldn't even see the scene in front of him clearly. He vaguely answered that he was fine.
However, the person saw that Chen Liguo didn't look fine at all and quickly reached out to hold the unsteady man. He then said, "You should sleep for a while. You haven't rested for three days."
Chen Liguo didn't say anything. In fact, he felt like his entire person had been cycled around in a washing machine, stirred here stirred there, so much that he kind of wanted to vomit.
The person saw Chen Liguo purse his lips. His face was pale as paper and his expression was very unsightly. He hurriedly said, "Are you uncomfortable? I'll go call the doctor. Wait for a bit!" After saying this he quickly ran out.
Chen Liguo took advantage of this time to have the system download this world's data for him and asked the system what was wrong with him.
The system said, "It's fine, you're pretty good."
Chen Liguo heard the system say that he was fine and was pretty good and immediately began to wonder if he had cancer.
The person who went to find the doctor came back very quickly. The doctor diagnosed Chen Liguo and said that he was overworked and needed to rest.
The person sighed. "Teacher hasn't rested for three days now. I told him to take a break but he refused."
The doctor indifferently said, "Take a shot I suppose."
The person was a little hesitant but upon seeing Chen Liguo sitting there in silence he knew that his teacher must not have oriented himself yet, so he straightforwardly said, "A needle it is!"
Hearing this the doctor directly took out a syringe and injected it into Chen Liguo's arm.
Chen Liguo felt an ice cold liquid enter his body and was soon unable to even think anymore as his entire person sunk into unconsciousness.
This sleep lasted an entire day. When Chen Liguo opened his eyes again he finally didn't feel like vomiting anymore.
And then the system asked, "Woken up?"
Chen Liguo nodded.
The system said, "I downloaded the data for you and sent it over."
Chen Liguo said okay and with the closing and opening of his eyes he understood the general situation of this world.
This time Chen Liguo was named He Chenyou. He was a researcher at a research institute. However, his research was very unusual as what he studied was the human body. On top of that, they were even involved in the development of medical drugs that could transform the human body.
Of course, in addition to the transformation drugs, they studied some particularly extraordinary things. For example——Abilities. Chen Liguo originally thought that these kinds of abilities only existed in worlds with apocalyptic backgrounds and didn't expect that though this world was so similar to his original world, abilities actually exist here.
Their research institute captured ability users. However, most of them had relatively weak powers. What bend a spoon ah? What move objects in the air ah? In any case, belonging to that kind of work required several sleepless days.
The daughter of fate was one of them. Her ability was lightning. Although it sounded very awesome, right now she was actually just like an AA battery and couldn't even charge a phone…..
Chen Liguo: Abilities that can't charge phones are all spicy chicken.
System: ……
However, this kind of situation was only temporary because the role Chen Liguo played actually developed a powerful drug that would transform the human body. After eating this drug their abilities would greatly rise. Not only could phones be charged but one could even kill people.
Because of this change ability users began to stir.
The end of the story was that these ability users escaped from the institute and stole all the drugs. As a result, normal humans and ability users fought ferociously, destroying half the earth.
Chen Liguo was shocked by the ending. This kind of conclusion made him feel like the screenwriter couldn't continue writing and randomly wrote an ending.
Chen Liguo: "Seriously, why do they want to destroy the world?"
The system said, "Maybe because of loneliness."
Chen Liguo: "……" Bad people do bad things because of loneliness is that right?
This world's daughter of fate did not live until the destruction of the world. This girl was rather miserable. After fleeing she went to find herself a lover. Then she was betrayed by said lover, got encircled by people and died.
Chen Liguo who finished looking at the entire development of the thorough destruction of the world felt an indescribable sadness.
He straightened out his train of thought and then became even sadder. The point of time that he transmigrated over was exactly the time where He Chenyou finally managed to develop the drug.
Chen Liguo: "…… So you had me come here to have me see how the world explodes into fireworks?"
The system coldly said, "You're thinking too much. The original He Chenyou was smashed to death by a ceiling when those people fled."
Chen Liguo fell into a confounding silence.
While Chen Liguo was still his student Qing Jing knocked 'knock knock knock' on the door and asked, "Teacher have you woken up?"
Chen Liguo said he woke up.
Qing Jing said, "Teacher, I've prepared some food for you! Since you've woken up come out and eat."
Chen Liguo agreed.
Hearing so Qing Jing left. In fact, he wanted to go inside and see how his teacher was. However, his teacher did not like others entering his room, so he had to turn and leave after he confirmed that his teacher was still alive.
Chen Liguo climbed out from bed and washed his face in the washroom.
He Chenyou was wearing a pair of black frame glasses. His face was slightly pale and when matched with his snow white lab coat he seemed even colder. Put him in a school and he would look like the kind of teacher who was the most difficult to get along with. Although his looks were pretty good but there would be a lot of failingah.
Chen Liguo finished washing his face and put his glasses back on.
He straightened out his clothes, then came out of his room and ate the food that his student had prepared for him.
The food at the institute didn't taste very good but these research maniacs didn't care. Such as those like He Chenyou who simply itched to say at the institute 24 hours a day and felt that wasting a single minute was blaspheming to life.
Chen Liguo didn't tarry too long either. Just as he stuffed something into his mouth he heard his communicator ring.
He picked it up and perfunctorily answered.
A nervous voice sounded from the communicator. "It's not good! There's something wrong with . Hurry and come see!"
As soon as Chen Liguo heard A1 he quickly put down the things in his hand and ran out.
A1 was the most special experimental subject in their research institute. The drug He Chenyou developed was extracted from him.
Although the experimental subject had a similar shape to a human's, its body indicators were different. It was unknown where this creature came from.
Chen Liguo arrived at the room where A1 was located and saw that everyone's expressions were unusually grave.
In the center of the room was an enormous glass water container. In it was a closed eyed naked A1.
Although there were some informations about A1 in He Chenyou's memory, Chen Liguo was still stunned when he saw it with his own eyes. Of course, the reason behind his shock made the system want to hit him.
Because Chen Liguo this bastard said, "Fuck, how come he's so big ah!?"
The system asked, "Big?"
Chen Liguo secretly measured it with his hand and then said, "It's more than 18….."
System: "……"
Chen Liguo said, "Pretty good pretty good."
The system really wanted to kill Chen Liguo.
Not only was it the best experimental subject, no matter if it was their appearance or figure it was perfectly in line with the aesthetics of earth. Chen Liguo lamented on one hand and began to listen to other people reporting on the situation on the other.
It turned out that A1's physical condition suddenly fluctuated in the evening and they even stopped breathing.
If a problem cropped out with their most precious experimental subject then the person in charge would definitely be out of luck, so said person in charge quickly called Chen Liguo over.
However, when Chen Liguo arrived he didn't find anything unusual.
It could even be said that A1 was in the exact same condition as the last time he left here. Why was it exactly the same? This person's heartbeat per minute, respiratory rate, and brain wave frequencies were all at fixed values——Something which could never happen to a person from earth but was realized with this unidentified organism at hand.
Everyone knew that the man in front of them was in no way a human. He was perfect, just like a machine and his physical body was no more than a leather bag to live in.
"Ai? How come it's fine again?" The person in charge's forehead was covered with sweat. He said, "I thought he was going to die just now!"
Chen Liguo examined the abnormal data from before and could not figure out the reason either.
The person in charge asked, "Is it because the ratio of the medical liquid is wrong? Teacher He, please check it for us."
Chen Liguo said okay.
The liquid was correct. The voltage was correct. The temperature was correct——These low-level mistakes were practically impossible in a precise laboratory. Then what caused the sudden fluctuation in the experimental subject?
Chen Liguo could not find the reason either.
The person in charge said, "I really was scared to death just now."
Chen Liguo thought and said, "Watch a bit more closely the next few days. Do not let any accidents happen."
The person in charge nodded like he was smashing garlic. He said, "Yes yes yes, I will have people watch more closely the next two days." If something actually happened then no one could carry the responsibility.
Before Chen Liguo left he glanced at the water container. He didn't know if it was his misconception but he seemed to have actually made eye contact with the experimental subject in the water container.
The experimental subject's eyes were ice blue. The two locked eyes for only an instant but Chen Liguo felt as if his head was pressed down into cold sea water.
"Teacher He?" The person in charge saw Chen Liguo stop moving suddenly and asked in puzzlement, "Are you okay?"
Only then did Chen Liguo snap out of it. He looked over again and saw that the experimental subject's eyes were still closed. He said, "It's….. Nothing."
"Oh, that's good." The person in charge stuttered and said, "You must not have an accident." He was not boot-licking. He Chenyou entered this laboratory when he was 18 and had been here for 15 years now. He was arguably the most senior researcher in the laboratory and solved a lot of key technical problems.
With hesitation, Chen Liguo spoke up, "Just now did you see……"
The person in charge asked, "What?"
Chen Liguo furrowed his brows and once again said that it was nothing.
It should have been his own misconception because he suddenly remembered that the experimental subject was Asian and had black eyes. He knew him very well, from his height to weight, to the point where he even remembered his every health indicator value.
Could it be that he was too tired? Chen Liguo removed his glasses and kneaded the corners of his eyes.
The person in charge saw that Chen Liguo was tired and said, "Teacher He, are you tired? If you are tired, go rest…… I'm sorry that I called you here." He had already heard about He Chenyou passing out.
Chen Liguo nodded but did not say yes or no.
The person in charge thought that He Chenyou would rest for a while and did not expect that he would head to another laboratory the moment he stepped out.
He couldn't really persuade Chen Liguo or anything, so in the end he only saw him off to the door and after saying a few more words turned and went back.
In truth, Chen Liguo who was used to being lazy really wanted to go back and rest but the issue was He Chenyou's character settings, going back to rest was instantly breaking his character.
Except for researchers and the ability users being studied, the rest of the people in the institute were guards. Because of the particularity of the researched content these guards were not normal bodyguards but specially trained elites.
Chen Liguo walked through a short corridor and saw quite a few people with guns.
Upon opening the door to his research room Chen Liguo heard the sound of crying from inside.
Someone saw Chen Liguo come in and said, "Teacher He, you've cone." Although some people were older than He Chenyou they were still willing to call him teacher.
Chen Liguo nodded lightly, which could be considered as a response.
"Teacher." Chen Liguo's eldest disciple Qin Sheng asked, "Do you feel better?"
Chen Liguo said, "I'm fine."
Qin Sheng said, "We are doing a pressure test. The quality of this experimental subject is a little bad…… The evaluation is not even B."
Chen Liguo turned his head and looked into the glass where a woman was screaming and crying. She tried to break free from the chair while crying but with her strength it was impossible to destroy the shackles.
Chen Liguo asked, "What about strength?"
Qin Sheng said, "It is not even C."
Chen Liguo flipped through the information and in a cold manner, said, "Move her to zone F."
Qin Sheng heard zone F and sighed in his heard. Although he had guessed his teacher's decision he still felt that it was a little cruel to move a girl to zone F. He hesitated for a moment and then asked, "Teacher, this person's ability is telepathy…… Zone F, isn't it a bit of a waste?"
Chen Liguo looked at his student.
A few drops of cold sweat appeared on Qin Sheng's head from being stared at by Chen Liguo. He knew that his teacher was absolutely unwilling to be careless with his research. Although he seemed cruel it was actually because he was cool-headed enough that he could continuously make new progress.
Qin Sheng thought that his suggestion would be ruthlessly vetoed but he didn't expect that his teacher would suddenly lightly spit out an 'okay'.
Then, Chen Liguo asked, "Then which zone do you think is appropriate for her?"
Qin Sheng promisingly asked, "Is zone C alright?"
Chen Liguo said, "Yes."
It was Qin Sheng's first time coming across his teacher being so good natured and was already rejoicing in his heart when he heard his teacher's next sentence. "Since you care about her so much then she will be your next project."
Qin Sheng: "……"
Chen Liguo said, "Do a good job. Do not disgrace me."
The girl in the room had already become dizzy and was beginning to incessantly vomit. However, she was completely cleaned before coming in here and could only spit out a bit of acid.
Chen Liguo looked at the data and said that it was more or less the limit.
The other experimenters were somewhat disappointed and complained that the ability user being sent in wasn't even good enough to be called one. They managed to get a special telepathic ability yser but who knew that their ability couldn't bear much and its strength was not high.
Chen Liguo listened to them complain and thought that it was no wonder that the ability users ultimately destroyed the world in the end……
When the girl on the other end of the glass was carried out she was already delirious and couldn't even cry.
Chen Liguo thought that this was the last experiment but he didn't expect that two minutes later he would see the next one.
This one was a little special. It was actually the daughter of fate.
Her spirit was much better than the previous girl's and as soon as she was brought in she started shouting a torrent of abuse at Chen Liguo and his party. Her words were harsh and her tone wrathful, making Chen Liguo deeply feel her fighting power.
The daughter of fate's name was Wang Yanzi. She was originally an ordinary office worker but one day she discovered she had abilities and her life trajectory was suddenly distorted.
"Fuck you son of a bitch sluts. Your motherfuckin' kids will be born covered with assholes!" This was already a very gentle one but Qin Sheng was not used to it and his complexion was a little ugly.
Wang Yangzi cursed, "Pretending to put on ears but actually do what beasts do——Ahhhhh!!"
The pain interrupted her swearing.
Chen Liguo furrowed his brows and said, "Who let you turn on the switch?"
The researcher in charge of the switch gave a hollow laugh and said, "Teacher He……"
Chen Liguo coldly said, "Leave. My research room does not need people like you."
The researcher froze. It seemed he had no idea that his actions would touch He Chenyou's reverse scale.
Chen Liguo said, "What we are doing is research, not your selfish torture. Just because she cursed at you you can alter the content of the experiment at will?"
The researcher quickly admitted his mistake but Chen Liguo didn't want to say anything more to him and directly had the guards invite him out.
He Chenyou had such power in this laboratory. He could freely choose his own researchers and research content.
When the man was thrown out his entire person was dumbfounded and the big man actually began to cry but Chen Liguo did not waver at all.
For a time, the whole laboratory was silent like cicadas in cold weather.
Chen Liguo flatly said, "If you can't maintain a calm mind then I recommend you all to change your professions early."
Qin Sheng breathed a breath and said, "Teacher….."
"Qin Sheng." Chen Liguo said. "Continue the experiment."
The contents of the experiment this time were actually quite gentle because they were trying to test the limits of the daughter of fate's ability.
Chen Liguo directly told the daughter of fate who was on the other side of the glass, "If you don't want to be electrocuted then be a bit more diligent."
The daughter of fate angrily stared at Chen Liguo, itching to bite off a piece of flesh from him. She knew that this researcher putting on airs was the boss of this entire laboratory and if she didn't listen to him then she would definitely not have good fruit to eat.
So while gritting her teeth, Wang Yangzi still began to release lightning.
However, just like Chen Liguo roasted, her ability was actually very weak——Even charging a phone would be a great difficulty.
Qin Sheng took notes while he reported to Chen Liguo. "It's having an effect……"
Chen Liguo's brows, however, were furrowed.
Qin Sheng thought that this girl would suffer again.
Sure enough, in the next moment Chen Liguo said, "Try C59."
Then a new drug was injected into Wang Yangzi's arm.
However, the medicine had no effect. Instead, Wang Yangzi became a little sleepy.
Chen Liguo asked, "What's going on."
Qin Sheng seemed to remember something and quickly said, "She seems to have always been eating C76 before……"
Chen Liguo interrogated, "Who let her eat it?!"
Qin Sheng said with a dry laugh, "This, this was decided by us by drawing lots……"
Chen Liguo said, "Stop." C59 and C76 mixed together would cause drowsiness. Wang Yangzi's reaction was expected by Chen Liguo.
Now that the subject was asleep they could only leave it at that.
Chen Liguo lowered his head and began to think.
Qin Sheng didn't dare disturb his teacher either and stood behind him until someone told them to eat dinner. He then carefully asked, "Teacher, do you want me to bring you something to eat?"
Chen Liguo shook his head.
Qin Sheng sighed in his heart and thought that he better bring his teacher something back. Otherwise this man could starve himself to death in the laboratory.
Everyone in the lab went to eat dinner and only Chen Liguo was left.
He held a pen and wrote and drew in a book but suddenly felt like he was being stared at by something.
A layer of goosebumps appeared on his back. Chen Liguo turned his head and asked who was there.
No one answered his question in the empty laboratory but the sense of presence became stronger and stronger——Chen Liguo even began to tremble slightly.
"Who are you?" Chen Liguo asked.
No one replied.
Chen Liguo knit his brows. Just when he began to think that perhaps, this was his own delusion, Chen Liguo heard light shattering sounds.
He turned his head and saw a series of cracks on the glass in the lab. They formed into an English word: mine.
'Mine' mine? What did this mean?
Before Chen Liguo could understand it, with a swish, the glass that even bullets couldn't break turned into fine powder and fell to the ground.
Chen Liguo's hair stood on end and he quickly went to find the system for spoilers.
The system looked into it for a while and then said that it couldn't spoil. It didn't know what was going on either.
Chen Liguo cried and said that he was scared of ghosts.
The system profoundly said, "Do you know what is even more terrible than ghosts in the world?"
Chen Liguo said, "A system who is unwilling to give me spoilers."
The system said, "Heeheehee, you got it right."
Chen Liguo: "……"
The Author Has Something To Say:
Weibo: Hotpot girl Xizi Xu
I've begun to recommend some snacks on it again. Seriously, really not going to wave over nutrient solution for the author?
Thank you darlings for the mines, grenades, and rocket.
StormFrost: Wowee, Chen Liguo is a researcher hated by the daughter of fate this world, I wonder how he'll wash himself white, if he will ꉂ (′ ॢꇴ ॢ‵๑))
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