Novel Name : Cold Feet

Chapter 40

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The day of our wedding has arrived. I survived Christine’s anger after the Viola incident. This is the day.
Looking back it seems like it’s been really hard work and I’m looking forward to getting this over with.

I wonder if that’s how I should be feeling. Maybe not but then I guess most guys don’t have the
incidents leading up to their wedding that I’ve had.

I’ve stayed away from Viola. I’m afraid that Christine will ask for my phone to see what messages I’ve
been sending. If she finds that I’ve been in touch with Viola it won’t bode well for us. Christine’s told me
that Viola’s been fired and I wonder where she is now. I wonder if she’s leaving Los Angeles again or if
she’s going to bite the bullet and stay until she finds a new job. I wish her all the best.

I wake up on my own this morning as we agreed that Christine and I would spend the night apart. She
has to get ready for the wedding with her dress and make up as is custom. I’m glad that I have these
few hours alone. I get dressed and head to the church early. I want to get this over with. I know getting
there early isn’t going to make this go any quicker but I don’t want to be waiting at home alone until the
time is more appropriate to leave.

Lewis is my best man and I’ve agreed to meet him at the church.

He arrives closer to the time of the ceremony and finds me pacing in the front of the church. I greet
familiar faces as they arrive.

Lara is there checking a last few things. She seems strangely distant and I guess that she’s got a lot on
her mind. She’s there alone and has left the children at home with her husband. She wishes me all the
best and I can’t help but feel that it’s not sincere but more sympathetic.

I tell myself that I’m imagining things and that I’m just being nervous. I check that Lewis has got the
rings and he pretends he hasn’t. He really has me going before he finally smiles and admits he’s pulling
my leg.

As I wait my eyes scan the room for Viola. In a way I hoped she would be here but then I ask myself
why I think she would be so stupid as to turn up here.

The time for the ceremony to start draws nearer and I realize that Christine is late. I begin to worry that
she’s decided not to go through with the wedding.

As if sensing my worry, Lara approaches me and tells me Christine is on the way. I thank her and
watch as she returns to her seat. I find it strange that she’s not sitting near the front of the church but
almost at the back. It’s a minor detail and I forget about it as the organ begins to play.

Christine has arrived. I look to the back of the church and I see Christine enter. Her brother who I’ve
only met once is walking beside her. He’ll be doing the honor of giving her away. Christine looks
beautiful in her white dress. It has a long train and two flowergirls provided by Lara make sure it doesn’t
get caught as she approaches.

Christine is wearing a veil and I struggle to see Christine’s face behind it but I think I can make out a
smile. Then, as she approaches my eyes are drawn to the church doors behind her. They open and I
see Viola enter. My eyes follow her and I see her take a seat near the back. Then, just before Christine
reaches me, I see the door enter again and a man enters. I don’t know who he is and I think nothing of
it. My gaze returns to Christine. She reaches the front of the church and hooks her arm through mine.

The organ music ends the minister begins the ceremony…

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