Novel Name : Glutton Berserker ~The One That Exceeds The Concept Of Levels~

Chapter 171

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Chapter 171: Myne’s World
Chapter 171 Myne’s World
When I opened my eyes once more, I was no longer in the white world, but in a place bustling with people .
I didn’t know where this was, but each one of the people around carried a weapon .
A roaring sound came from the distance, one that sounded inhuman in nature .
[Greed!? Luna!?]
We should’ve entered Myne’s mind through the spiritual world .
However, both Luna and Greed were nowhere to be seen .
It seemed that I got separated from them .
But that aside, what’s going on here? A war?
While I was looking around perplexedly, a flash of white light shone from behind me .
[Uaaaa . ]
I jumped away in reflex, seeing a gigantic creature from which the light originated from .
[The machine angel!?]
This type looked different from Haniel . Its core was covered by a shield, so I couldn’t look at what’s inside .
This is bad…not to mention that I had no weapons in hand at the moment . The situation shifted way too fast .
People’s mind is like a labyrinth, and earlier I had been told that if I got lost in it, I might never be able to come out…
[Not saying that I’m not afraid . ]
There’s no time to complain more .
The machine angel was advancing towards me . The other people around, most likely soldiers, started to shoot their weapons .
But it’s like tossing burning rock into water .
That machine angel…its size was also different from Haniel .
Not only was it one size bigger, it also had six wings .
After another flash of light, a man’s vibrant voice could be heard .
[Get the hell out! You’re in the way!]
It was a man holding a black sword that looked very similar to Greed . His hair was fiery red, and his skin tanned .
Apart from his distinct equipment from the other soldiers, his tall and forged body made him easily noticed .
He headed straight toward the machine angel .
Even against the beam of light, the black sword still easily cut through all in its path .
His swordsmanship was precise and there was no wasteful move . The fighting style reminded me of Aaron . No, he’s on a level much greater than even Aaron .
[I’ll handle the machine angel . All of you press onward!]
Everyone around, presumably his subordinates, obeyed to his command and marched ahead .
He could wield the black sword? Then was he a Mortal Sin skill holder as well?
Perhaps I could dig up some clue about that in this world .
I picked up a long sword that was lying around nearby, intending to assist the man .
I rushed forward
Soon I found that I could move my body just like how I could in the real world . This should do .
I called out to the red haired man ahead .
[I’ll help out as well . ]
[Nn? I haven’t seen you before . Black eyes and black hair…you aren’t a Gallian . ]
[About that…]
[No matter . The more people helping us the merrier . After all, everyone in this world will soon meet their demise . ]
He said as he waved his hand at me, now adjusting his pace to run in parallel to me .
[However, this is my prey . My stomach is hungry . The skill inside me told me so . I need to devour that to sate my hunger . ]
He sped up even more, the black sword flashing .
The machine angel reacted by shooting exploding beams from its wings . However, it’s as if those beams were in standstill as the man easily weaved through them .
A single slash . That’s all it took .
The gigantic machine angel was cut vertically along the core .
[Kuuu~! Grosss~!! This taste, but I can’t afford to stop eating the big thingy!]
There’s no doubt . This man was the holder of Gluttony skill .
It was also the case with me . When I devoured Haniel, I didn’t feel the usual exhilaration just like when I did with other strong enemies . Just like Greed said… It ran in the family .
[Well…that was unpleasant . Then, who in the world are you?]
The red haired man finally turned around and spoke to me, with the machine angel falling over to the ground behind him .
[I’m…Fate . It seems that I got lost…]
My explanation was replied with a loud laugh .
[What? You actually got lost, in the middle of the battlefield no less? You’re an interesting guy alright . But your willingness to help me, and your bravery despite standing before the machine angel, I like that a lot . By the way, I’m Kairos . ]
Kairos was strong . I could tell when he forcibly took and shook my hand .
[Alright, let me take you to our base . Can’t eat in the middle of all this, can we? And I’m still hungry . I can’t certainly eat properly here . ]
[Thank you . Honestly, I felt troubled as well . ]
[I know right? I can tell from your face . You, Fate was it? Let me tell you this . On the battlefield, you should never show your emotions . ]
[I heard that a lot . ]
[Wahahaha . Well, being honest has its merits . Especially in a fucked up world like this . ]
Kairos put his black sword back to its sheath .
With the machine angel defeated, the enemy forces had started to retreat .
[Alright, today’s battle is over . Next time they’ll come back with stronger forces . We should get enough rest before that . ]
Turning my eyes to the black sword on Kairos’ waist, I praised .
[That’s really one hell of a sword . Being able to cut down such a large enemy . ]
[This fellow is called Greed . An unsavory, but still a good guy . ]
[You sure took a beating first before saying that last part, Kairos . ]
[Did I? It’s just so this fellow doesn’t get mad . You see, it’s a talking sword . ]
Kairos said as he stroked the black sword’s handle .
Apparently the current Greed was somewhat different from the one I knew .
For example, the Greed I know could only talk with me via Mind Reading, but here he seemed to be able to talk with others normally .
Which means, Kairos had unlocked Greed’s fifth tier .
The level I hadn’t reached yet .
By the way, are we in Gallia right now?
The place was certainly different from the barren Gallia I knew . The place still has plants I couldn’t identify growing around . Despite having been ravaged by war, the greens were still there .
[No worries . Our base is located north from here . Let’s go . ]
[Alright, Kairos-san . ]
[No need to be so formal with me . Just call me Kairos . Like everyone does . ]
I followed Kairos afterward, heading north .
After a while, a familiar black wall entered my sight .
[Babylon… . . ]
[What do you mean by Babylon?]
[No, nevermind . ]
Apparently the place was not yet known as Babylon .
Kairos tilted his head slightly, as if he was thinking about something .
[I like how that sounds . Babylon! They’ve been telling me to find a good name for the fortress . Thanks for the idea . ]
[Is that… really fine like that?]
[It’s fine . I want to get back at those people who kept forcing me to think up a name for our base anyway . ]
As we got closer, the place was indeed a lot different than the Babylon I knew of .
No, it hadn’t even become Babylon to be more exact .
When I looked around, I found that some of the walls were still in construction .
[We don’t have enough material just yet . Getting Adamantite from our enemies is hella hard . Honestly I think that it’s easier for me to just fight alone . ]
Kairos greeted the construction workers amiably .
I came to notice that this man didn’t show any sign of fatigue despite having just fought a battle .
Moreover, Kairos seemed to be different from me in regards that Gluttony skill didn’t seem to influence him too much . So far, I didn’t see any sign of that .
After a while, Kairos guided me to the dormitories .
[Alright then, it’s meal time . ]
[Errmm…is it really okay, treating a stranger like me so well?]
[I told you, didn’t I? I like people like you . Moreover… . . ]
[You have a very similar smell . You know, just like me . Get it?]
I was lost for words . Should I say that it’s probably because both of us were Gluttony skill holders?
But seeing me unable to give any reply, Kairos simply muttered [Well, doesn’t matter . ]
Then proceeded without showing any sign of being offended .
[A newcomer similar to you joined us recently . ]
[Look, over there . Always brooding in the corner . Fighting prowess might be topnotch, but everything else is meh . What a troublesome fellow . ]
Kairos smiled as he said so . That said, he was pointing at a girl with silver hair and tanned skin .
Other than that, she had a pair of crimson eyes .
She was sitting while hugging her knees, staring up to the sky .
I might’ve said that way too loudly, everyone around us turned their heads towards us instantly .
And as such, Kairos also squinted his eyes at me .
[What is this? So she’s someone you know? In that case, you two should be able to get along well . I’m counting on you, Fate . ]
After saying so, Kairos left, apparently to handle other matters .
Myne’s piercing gaze was now focused on me . Why of course
After all, I spouted her name out loud just now .
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