Novel Name : The Spearmaster and the Black Cat

Chapter 249

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Chapter 249
“…Just like 【Green Dragon City Rulexand】, it’s a city that has repeatedly changed hands in the past . It’s inevitable for the local government to have become relentless . However, I’ve said it many times, but I don’t intend to allow the imperial soldiers to head to 【Deep Lake City Luluzack】 . Before that, we will face them at the last castle and stronghold close to the Dragon Cliff in the Southerion Earldom . That area will likely turn into the main battleground in this war . It will be on a small scale, but we will force them into a Hammer and Anvil tactic . Cooperating with the earl of the castle and fortress, we will lead the Empire around by the nose . ”

The Southerion Earldom? Somehow I feel like I’ve heard that name somewhere . Well, I guess I’ll believe in the military power of Galkiv, the refined military commander, here .
Before I realized it, I had started to root for Oseberia’s side .
“…Galkiv-sama, may the fortunes of war be with you . ” I voiced out my true feelings .
“Leave it to me . By the way, umm…”
He put his thick hands together at his chest, and started to act hesitant by repeatedly pressing his index fingers against each other .
A beefy, middle-aged guy who’s a lancer just like me acting like this…
“…What might it be?”
“I’d like you to allow me to touch your familiar!” Galkiv-san suddenly shouted with his face bright red .
For an instant I got startled . Hal’Konk might have let a “Mmhwhee” escape at this .
It looks like he wants to touch Rollo .
“…Rollo, he says he wants to touch you . ”
“N, nyao~”
I don’t know whether Rollo said 『Sure nya〜』 on my shoulder, but after meowing, she jumped as if to show off her underbelly . Then she landed on all four, trotted over to Galkiv, and rubbed his thick shin with her cheek and its white whiskers after bumping her little head against it once .
“――Ooohh . ”
Galkiv got so excited by the cute actions of Rollo that his muscles bulged . He tried to caress Rollo’s head, but Rollo is a contrarian .
Dodging his arm, obviously escaping from him, she moved over to Remrona’s feet .
“――Guuh, she got away . ”
Even after Rollo escaped, Galkiv didn’t get angry at her .
“But, how to say it…her behavior is adorable! Her black fur is magnificent . She gives me a feeling of happiness by just looking at her…” Galkiv said with a smooth, manly voice and a gentle smile as he watched Rollo getting spoiled by Remrona .
Great Knight Galkiv, the cat lover .
He’s an interesting, beefy old guy, but…I like beauties . Therefore I shift my look towards Remrona .
It’s not about the decisive battle ground from just now, but I think I’ll ask her about the war as I’m still curious .
“…Remrona-sama, do the Special Land War Brigade, the Battle Steel Ogre Knight Order, and the unexpected, unknown unit possess powers exceeding those of dragon knights?”
“Yes, they do . Just as I said the other day, a Great Knight was defeated on the battlefield, with his dragon being done in and he himself having suffered heavy injuries . ”
The dragon has died? I wonder what kind of unit the enemy has fielded .
Exactly because I’ve seen big dragons such as Fanfan, Sirjes, and Bigzam, I’m curious about the existence of a powerful, imperial unit routing those…but, if I probe too deeply into this, it’ll instead be interpreted as me being interested . I guess I’ll leave it at giving a safe answer here .
“…It must have been a fierce battle . ”
“Yeah, that’s exactly why . If we can realize what…I recommended the other day, you will be able to give us quite a bit of relief…” Remrona said with a laugh .
It’s the invitation of a beauty, but the matter of me becoming a Great Knight is a big no .
“The answer hasn’t changed . ”
“Fufu, ahaha ―― I had expected you to say so, Shuuya . ” Remrona smiled broadly .
It was a much cuter smile than before .
“For me to hear Remrona laughing in such a way…it’s been quite a while . ”
Galkiv stopped looking at Rollo, and shifted his eyes to Remrona .
“Really? As I was talking with Shuuya, I’ve become strangely uninhibited against my better judgment…”
She averted her eyes as if dodging the issue while tampering with her red hair . I really wanna see that expression of her in bed next to me .
Anyway, it’s time to get down to my real business here, and sell the items .
“…I shall go to His Highness then . ”
“Sure . On another occasion…I will have you allow me to touch black cat-dono once again . ”
Galkiv sent a passionate look in Rollo’s direction, but…Rollo only answered by lightly waving her tail left and right . It looks like she isn’t overly interested in the beefy, old guy .
“…Okay, see you again, Remrona-sama . ”
“Gladly . ”
I bowed my head towards the two Great Knights, and then headed to the entrance door of the prince’s mansion .
Rollo returned on my shoulder, and Viine followed behind me while remaining silent . Passing around the entranceway, where new bluish-white and red-violet flowers had been planted, I pushed the big, massive door open . We passed a room with a red carpet, and went through the audience room, heading towards the area housing the prince’s bedroom and collection room .
The area’s design hadn’t changed .
The prince was in his luxurious bedroom, located beyond the collection room with its various exhibition items . He immediately called for a maid called Liz . The prince explained that the maid would perform Midolga’s Book Appraisal .
And then Liz nonchalantly cut her palm with a knife . She used Midolga’s Book, apparently offering her mana by spilling her blood .
It was a summoning where a dense mana aura was emitted into the surroundings from her while the grimoire’s pages were automatically turned over . A dark red, soft-bodied creature appeared with a wet, squirming sound from one of the pages in the grimoire she held with one hand .
That’s Midolga, eh? I had imagined it as giant or something like that…
Its appearance reminded me of sea monsters or specters appearing as mysterious ocean phenomenons . It startled me . It means she’s not a maid who’s just capable of appraisal .
Once the appraisal came to an end, the prince had become all excited and fidgety . He looked very happy .
Going with the flow, I palmed off the items at a nice pace while answering him as suitable . In the end I got a big amount of platinum coins .
It looks like the prince had a special knack for collecting different kinds of grimoires . I listened to his stories showing his extensive knowledge about grimoires, such as why the church tabooed them and so on .
“I’m curious about the treasure chest that contained taboo grimoires that even the six top clans couldn’t obtain . Did you possibly get them from a rainbow treasure chest, said to surpass golden treasure chests?”
“No, it wasn’t rainbow-colored . ”
“Even items such as these don’t originate from a rainbow-colored treasure chest, huh? However, you can also say that my eyes weren’t wrong . Those are magnificent items, Shuuya Kagari . I fully understand the reason why Remrona recommended you for becoming the eighth-ranked Great Knight . ” The prince said with his eyes sparkling .
As expected, I guess Remrona had already officially proposed this to the prince, even though she said that those were her inner feelings .
“――That’s unthinkable for someone like me . ”
I lowered my head while genuflecting . Viine followed my example .
After lifting my head a bit, looking at the prince, I continued, “…I hold pride as a spearmaster and as an adventurer who entertains His Highness every so often . ”
“Hahaha, you don’t say, spearmaster . ”
“…I’m truly sorry . ”
The prince narrowed his eyes after hearing my words .
“…Spearmaster Shuuya, I have already heard that you rescued Remrona, Great Knight Remrona, out of the hands of a heretic demon . ”
“Yes . ”
“And I also heard some information from our kingdom’s special agent Fran . Having had unusual information concealed from me irritated me, but…based on it, Ney, Al――”
The prince clapped his hands . Upon calling the names Ney and Al, a small maid and a servant came close .
“Shuuya, please wait a moment . ”
“Okay . ”
The maid, who wore a calico apron, and the female attendant carried various items such as a linen cloth and an extravagant attire in their hands .
It looks like the prince is going to change his clothes .
The pretty servant briskly made the prince change his clothes into pants with a beautiful design and a silver belt on top of a haori with beautifully colored feathers with practiced hand movements .
However, is Fran going to be okay? She apparently didn’t pass on the information about me to her boss, or rather, the prince of this country . She has faithfully protected the verbal promise she had given me on the courtyard .
Fran also said that she wanted to thank me privately together with her older sister . I wonder what kind of thanks it’ll be . I’m looking forward to it . I hope it’s going to be something lewd .
…While thinking about such stuff, I waited for the prince to finish changing .
A short time later, the prince wore a luxurious and gorgeous outfit .
That prince…who looked like he was going to announce his orders in an audience hall, said “…I have kept you waiting . ”
“No, don’t mind it . ”
“Very well . Shuuya Kagari, I shall praise and reward you for Remrona’s rescue . That heroic deed was a great contribution to me, Fals Load Oseberia, and likewise a service to the Oseberia Kingdom . This piece of news can’t be published due to certain circumstances, but I shall officially reward this favor of yours . ”
“Prince, I feel very thankful, but…”
In response, the prince put on a stern look, and held out his hand with “Just stay silent . ”
Just like that he continued with a majestic tone, “――Right now and here, in the name of Fals Load Oseberia…”
It reminded me of the scene when he previously gave his order to the Great Knights .
“A written note of gratitude by Oseberia’s royalty and 60 platinum coins shall be presented to Shuuya Kagari . Moreover, I shall award Pelneet’s Dragon Eagle Medal to you . ”
The maid with the calico apron, who stood next to him, brought a medal placed on a hemp cloth to me . Another servant carried a coin bag over and put it down at my feet .
Rollo was about to start meddling with that servant, but I held her back .
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