Novel Name : I’m Not Going to Be Bullied By a Girl

Chapter 204 – Trembling Girl

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I thought that Ai Mi developed rapidly if she can put herself in someone else’s shoes so quickly, and she deserves some rewards (such as patting her head). So I ran to the RV to look for her, but only found the two baguettes left behind to feed the sparrows. I was not sure where the people or cars went.
According to the other personnel, Ai Mi went home to sleep since she finished filming her scenes. But it seems she asked Xiao Qin for my phone number before she left.
How dishonest, she could have asked me if she wanted my phone number! It’s a matter of course, to provide your own sister with your phone number! Also, why did she head home in a hurry? Did she run home in embarrassment because she knew I was coming to praise her?
Was it because you gave me, and especially Su Qiao a role, and did something that was not in accordance with your own personality, so you ran away in embarrassment?
Why are you embarrassed from doing good deeds? Were you educated by Nazis or the KKK or something?
When I returned feeling empty, Auntie Ren told me: Because the director wants me to do an audition tomorrow, I have to stay up late to read the script. At the minimum, I had to know all parts that were related to my role.”
“No problem.” I said with pride, “Isn’t it similar to wuxia? I’ll just pretend I’m reading a wuxia novel!”
Then, I added a line without much confidence: “The script isn’t all in English, right?”
Auntie Ren snorted, “We specially made an electronically translate Chinese version for people like you with no ambition, I’ll print it out for you later.”
I laughed: “No problem, I’ll definitely read it thoroughly when I get home. I won’t bring shame to us Chinese people!”
“Go home?” Auntie Ren’s question carried a lot of ridicule, “For someone like you, who still has a pending role, you cannot bring the script home, so don’t even think about returning home today.”
“Huh? Where would I sleep if I don’t go home?”
“You’ll sleep wherever Xiao Qin and I sleep.” Auntie Ren became aware I misunderstood after she realized I had a strange look on my face.
“Brat, what are you thinking? I meant we would be living in a hotel! Xiao Qin and I live on the fourth floor while you live in a single room on the third floor. Don’t let your imagination run wild, just do your job and memorize the script!”
The reason why she said ‘memorize the script’ and not ‘memorize your lines’ was due to the fact that my role was a ‘deaf and mute evil monk’. I do not even have a single line and I only need to grunt.
Other than being used as a place to shoot movies and TV shows, Dong Shan Film City was a well-known tourist location. There were a variety of facilities including amusement parks, restaurants, hotels, saunas, bowling alleys, night clubs, and more…
I was put in the closest hotel to the filming grounds. It was a silver-gray post-modern building. I did not know if it was a three or four-star hotel. But it is definitely a higher class hotel than the one I went to in Beijing with my dad in the fourth grade which had no fans and no air conditioning.
I sat on a soft bed in a single room on the third floor while holding a printed copy of the script. I could hear Auntie Ren pulling Xiao Qin, who was complaining, back to the fourth floor. I became aware that today was a day worthy to commemorate.
No matter what, today was the first time appearing in front of a camera and I left my shadows on film. Although it was not amazing being sent flying by your own sister, and I did not know if the scene would be cut out, but at least I took the first step towards my childhood dreams.
But I was not as excited as I expected. It does not mean my childhood dream to become a martial arts film star was gone, but it just did not have as much importance any more. The only reason I accepted the role as an antagonist is purely for survival reasons.
It’s not to say that the online store cannot support our life. After this many years of honest business, we should still be fine even if we don’t open the store for a couple of days. The main reason is because I need to make preparation against Ai ShuQiao’s attack and anything would help.
And I still have to return 20,000 back to Ai ShuQiao. I can’t give up halfway since I already told Commissioner Wang.
I first gave my dad a call and told him I would not be returning home tonight. But no one picked up and his cellphone was busy, so I could only leave him a message saying I was staying the night at a night cafe with some friends.
One of the benefits of having a drunkard father is that I will not receive a scolding when I return home.
Man, Americans are really rich and overbearing. They put me in such a nice hotel even when I have not even officially passed the auditions.
The room was decorated very stylishly. It demonstrated a gentle and elegant Western style. The floor-to-ceiling curtains were adorned with nice golden tassels, shaking slightly under the wind from the air conditioner.
The mattress was also extremely comfortable, and the single bed was very wide. Although it would only fit one person if it was someone as large as Peng TouSi, it should be able to fit two if it was me and Xiao Qin.
Not good! How could I imagine such a terrifying scenario? I blame Xiao Qin for yelling before she was pulled away by Auntie Ren:
“I’ll stay behind and help Ye Lin classmate warm his blankets! Mom, don’t worry, I’ll head upstairs right after I warm his blankets!”
Who would believe those lies? Do you think Auntie Ren is a moron! It’s summer right now, summer! Who likes adding another heat source to their blankets! Let’s talk about sharing a bed after you gain the ability to lower the temperature!
I heard someone knock on my door after I read 10 pages of the script.
“Knock knock knock.” After three knocks, it seemed they hesitated a bit before knocking two more times. Then they asked in a quiet voice:
“Mr. Ye, are you there?”
I sighed a long breath of relief, it was great that it was not Xiao Qin.
Isn’t Su Qiao the only nearby girl who calls me ‘Mr. Ye’? It was already past 8pm, why was she looking for me so late?
When I was going to open the door for her, I inadvertently glanced at the table next to the TV. On top of the table were various gadgets that were free to use if you paid. The most eye-grabbing item was Durex condoms.
Hmph, what a rotten hotel! Why would a single person room need this many condoms? I get even angrier when I think about the fact that these condoms were not purchased from our store.
On the left side of the Durex, there were other no-name brands of condoms on the table. The Chinese written on the instructions indicated that they were a free gift.
I secretly decided to take these condoms home, at least I can give them away as gifts to customers to increase popularity!
After I opened the door, the girl with long braids was unmistakably Su Qiao.
She appeared to be even more thin and weak without her armor. Although she was taller than Xiao Qin, she was not as tall as the class leader. Due to her lack of confidence, she seems shorter than her actual height, and she also appears to be younger than her actual age.
She was wearing a pair of white jeans with a thin blue fleece sweater. These sweaters are usually worn during spring, but it was a bit too hot to wear now. I asked her with curiosity:
“Are you really afraid of the cold?”
“No…” Su Qiao pulled down the hems of her sweater, “I didn’t prepare beforehand, so this is my only decent pair of clothes…”
I did not really understand what she meant, since a girl’s train of thought is difficult to understand. However, I still politely invited her in and offered her the bottle of water Auntie Ren gave me.
“Thank… thank you!”
Su Qiao humbly received the bottled water, but she did not open the lid, rather she sat on the edge of the bed in a daze. The script I left near my pillow seemed to have invoked her worries and made her frown.
Huh? Isn’t it good that you finally obtained a permanent role? Why are you not happy?
Since Su Qiao was already on the bed, I sat on the sofa across the bed since we did not know each other well. There was a coffee table in the space between us.
“Did you need me for something?” I went straight to the point and asked.
I did not feel like the words I said was strange or sudden, but Su Qiao shuddered. She had a fearful look in her eyes and it took two or three seconds for her to register what I said.
Ever since the door closed, it seems like she was waiting for me to speak. It seems she would shudder regardless of what I say.
“I’m sorry Mr. Ye, I let my mind wander. Since Mr. Ye helped me a lot, I came to give you my gratitude…”
She spoke with a firm tone of voice, but the bottle of water in her hand trembled slightly —— I thought acrobats could keep steady for long periods of time?
“Hey, it’s already so late, you didn’t have to come all this way!”
I did not feel as if I did anything for Su Qiao. If she wants to show gratitude, then she should show gratitude to the fact that Ai Mi suddenly became generous as if she took the wrong medication.
“If it’s about gratitude, didn’t you already thank me in the forest? Even if you felt it wasn’t sufficient, you could have waited until tomorrow!”
Su Qiao slightly raised her head, it felt like she was forcing a bitter smile in order to pander to me.
“Mr. Ye, I was originally… content with being a minor character. I never expected you would help me get a role with a name, lines, and multiple appearances… I really, feel guilty…”
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