Novel Name : The Transmigrator’s Cultivation

Chapter 142 - Arc 10: The Affairs of Sword Cave | Chapter 142: Reaction

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Chapter 142 - Arc 10: The Affairs of Sword Cave | Chapter 142: Reaction

Translator: Lynn
In the subterranean darkness, the flames conjured by the talisman raged on relentlessly.
Amidst the fiery glow, a striking young man slouched against the wall, his head drooping with a sense of powerlessness. His flushed countenance, eyes half-lidded, lent him an irresistibly alluring aspect. Set against his ebony hair, the effect was remarkably captivating.
Bent legs supported the young man’s form, his grip on a dark wooden sword betraying a tenacious effort. Quivering fingers, clenched white from exertion, conveyed both vigilance and fragility. Bedraggled attire revealed a hint of pallor through the rents, accentuating his pitiable state.
Parting his lips slightly, he breathed softly, encased in an aura of warmth. Beads of sweat adorned his forehead, testimony to a struggle against an invisible force—determined yet vulnerable, a paradox that left one conflicted.
Kneeling before the youth were two figures, blood-red vines spiraling out from the youth’s arms to envelop their lifeless forms. Along the vines coursed their crimson essence, a delicate and eerie beauty. Soon, the vines siphoned every drop of blood, a sudden convulsion flinging the corpses aside before constricting around the young man.
Blood vines, lifeless bodies, and a handsome youth with flushed cheeks intertwined in an enigmatic tableau, a juxtaposition of beauty and morbidity.
As if borne on the wind, Yun Lie navigated countless tunnels and corridors to reach this spot.
However, upon arrival, the sight that met his eyes halted him in his tracks.
For Xu Ziqing, the reasons were elusive.
Moments ago, he had been locked in battle against the sibling duo. Suddenly, an array of inexplicable sensations surged within him, akin to being tossed into a searing cauldron, subject to overwhelming torment.
He had rarely encountered inner turmoil of this nature before, but now a fiery tide surged beneath his navel, igniting a tingling sensation that emanated from his tailbone, seeping upward to numb his scalp and cloud his mind.
Uncharted territory for him, this pervasive heat compelled him to shed his clothing almost immediately.
However, Xu Ziqing possessed a modicum of sensibility. He bent his legs before him, massaging them gently, and pressed himself snugly against the cool embrace of the stone wall—an attempt at comfort, all things considered.
The perils surrounding him remained ever-present, and he now perspired profusely, his constitution barely supporting him amidst the trial. Preparedness had reached its limits—his grip tenuous but tenacious.
Yet, what Xu Ziqing hadn’t anticipated was that, just as his body succumbed to exhaustion, a familiar aura brushed against his senses.
His older brother had arrived in search of him!
Had he been awake, the joy in Xu Ziqing’s heart would have known no bounds. However, the awkward and compromising position he now found himself in, if witnessed by his elder brother…
Such thoughts sent waves of embarrassment and mortification crashing over him. If not for his unwavering resolve, tears might have already blurred his vision.
Unintentionally, Xu Ziqing called out, “Yun, Yun Shixiong…”
Convinced his voice carried, he remained oblivious to its faintness, akin to a whisper on the wind.
But given Yun Lie’s prowess, he captured every syllable.
Observing his delicate and refined junior raises his head, eyes watery and cheeks aflame, clothes bearing more than a dozen tears, unveiling flushed skin—Yun Lie could hardly mistake the implications.
Confronted with such a tableau, Yun Lie’s gaze darkened slightly as he took measured steps forward.
Originally wishing to meld with the floor’s crevices, Xu Ziqing found his brother’s sudden presence startling, stumbling over his words, “Shixiong, y-you shouldn’t have come!”
The words, once spoken, left his face a deeper shade of red. In the brief span of time, the heat coursing through him intensified, fostering an inexplicable sensation further south, resulting in a rather inconvenient hardening.
Flustered, Xu Ziqing, accustomed to modesty and asceticism, was thrown off-kilter by this unexpected reaction. Confusion reigned as he grappled with unfamiliar feelings. With his brother standing before him, the prospect of discovery posed a dilemma.
Between mortification and resentment, Xu Ziqing drew his legs closer and shifted slightly sideways, seeking refuge from his predicament. Embarrassment engulfed him, a conviction of losing composure in his elder brother’s presence driving him to instinctively curl inward. Nervous tremors laced his voice as he implored, “Shixiong, please stay back…”
Yun Lie halted mid-step in response to the plea. Lowering his gaze as it traced Xu Ziqing’s movement, he noted the subtle bulge in the younger man’s attire. Instantly, comprehension dawned.
In the realm of Yun Lie’s ruthless and lethal swordsmanship, emotions and desires were eclipsed by the relentless currents of bloodshed. He surpassed even Xu Ziqing in desirelessness. Nonetheless, his extensive knowledge encompassed various occult practices and heretical methodologies. However, despite their long-standing mentor-student relationship, witnessing his junior brother in such a predicament stirred a hint of distress within Yun Lie’s otherwise impervious demeanor. Offering guidance seemed ill-timed, yet providing solace remained elusive. Thus, he opted for silence, a silent vigil over the turmoil.
Initially, Xu Ziqing brimmed with embarrassment and resentment. Even though his esteemed senior brother refrained from drawing nearer, those unchanging eyes locked onto him, unsettling his equilibrium.
Thus, one stood while the other leaned, the former scrutinizing the latter. Meanwhile, the one reclining averted his gaze, staunchly unwilling to meet the scrutiny.
Such an odd atmosphere enveloped them. For the standing figure, the anomaly escaped notice. Conversely, the reclining form found it inescapable.
With Yun Lie’s gaze seemingly affixed to him, Xu Ziqing grappled with his internal struggle. As time stretched on, his body simmered with heat, his mind growing muddled, and a strange stiffness crept from the depths. Itching sensations crawled along his spine, evoking the urge to alleviate the discomfort, yet he dare not stir.
Finally, Yun Lie deliberated before offering, “Your response wasn’t your doing—it seems someone plotted against you.”
At his mentor’s words, Xu Ziqing battled his overwhelming desire, summoning a response despite his unease. “Shixiong, could you enlighten me? I don’t know the source of this manipulation. Could it be the meat from that creature?” He struggled to articulate his thoughts, striving for coherence. “The animal leg I obtained from Ji Rui—is it possible that it was tampered with?” Amidst his mental haze, fragments of recollection surfaced. The questionable animal leg stood as the most plausible lead, even if Xu Ziqing’s uncertainty was palpable. He hoped his senior brother could shed light on the matter.
Yun Lie’s gaze shifted away as he absorbed the words, momentarily separating from Xu Ziqing’s direction.
Exhaling in relief, Xu Ziqing sensed the shift in attention.
Despite the absence of overt emotions in his senior brother’s gaze, Xu Ziqing found the situation nearly unbearable.
As Yun Lie cast his gaze downward, his eyes fell upon the discarded animal leg. Understanding dawned, and he explained, “This is a leg from the Juyang Red Bull. Due to its highly yang nature, women can consume it without repercussions, while men who partake experience an intensified desire.”
Xu Ziqing instinctively recoiled, his voice trembling as he queried, “I wasn’t aware. During the battle earlier, it was just… just…”
Yun Lie clarified, “Previously, you absorbed the essence of the First Wood—a yang element. The First Wood is governed by yang, while Ethereal Wood is associated with yin. The essence of Ethereal Wood lies dormant within your blood, balancing your inherent yin nature. This is why your initial consumption had no adverse effects.”
Xu Ziqing inquired further, “So why…”
Yun Lie elaborated, “Your cultivation has kept your pure yang energy in check. Although you don’t possess a purely yang constitution, your pure yang energy has been suppressed by the essence of Ethereal Wood. As such, it remains dormant, curbing your desires.” Guiding Xu Ziqing through this aspect of cultivation, Yun Lie continued, “However, when you consumed the Juyang Red Bull, its extreme yang energy stirred your pure yang energy. The essence of Ethereal Wood struggles to maintain its restraint, leading to a more intense response.”
For various reasons, Xu Ziqing’s reaction surpassed that of most individuals who consumed the beef, rendering his speech challenging.
These explanations foreshadowed unsettling revelations, causing Xu Ziqing’s anxiety to mount.
Continuing, Yun Lie warned, “To alleviate this, you need to release your pure yang energy. Failure to do so may result in harm to your meridians.”
Xu Ziqing’s eyes widened, questioning, “So… I can’t endure it?”
Yun Lie, sensing Xu Ziqing’s struggle to comprehend, murmured and then clarified, “There’s no need to be fearful. You can massage your pure yang energy point manually to alleviate the effects.”
Xu Ziqing’s thoughts raced, dumbfounded by his senior brother’s seemingly straightforward instructions. His emotions surged, grappling with a mixture of sentiments he struggled to put into words. Overwhelmed by the unexpected situation, he alternated between laughter and tears.
Observing Xu Ziqing’s inaction, Yun Lie’s expression grew stern. “Time is of the essence, Shidi. If you’re incapable, why not seek my assistance…”
Xu Ziqing recoiled, exclaiming, “There’s no need, I appreciate your concern!” Interrupting Yun Lie for the first time, he hastily added, “It’s just that I don’t wish to inconvenience Shixiong. Please, allow me privacy.”
Noticing his student’s discomfort, Yun Lie nodded, turning away. At that moment, he understood that Xu Ziqing’s reticence to divulge private matters was genuine. Consequently, he chose not to press further and honored his request.
Yun Lie’s earlier remarks played like a haunting melody in Xu Ziqing’s mind. Despite his overwhelming desire, beads of cold sweat adorned his brow. Swift action had spared him the embarrassment of a telltale blush, all thanks to his timely intervention. Otherwise, he would have been engulfed in a mixture of shame and anger due to his own uncontrollable reactions.
As he witnessed Yun Lie’s averted gaze, a wave of relief washed over Xu Ziqing. While still feeling somewhat awkward, he steeled himself, his hand inching downward to attend to his aroused state.
The touch felt unfamiliar, even though it was his own body. Every movement was tinged with nervous anticipation as he tentatively explored. Sensations danced across his senses, and he found himself oscillating between pleasure and discomfort. Suppressing a potential moan, he clenched his teeth and shut his eyes tightly to maintain control.
Aware of Yun Lie’s proximity just a few steps ahead, Xu Ziqing quickened his movements, eager to expedite the process and relieve his pent-up tension. His foremost wish was to hasten through the experience, sparing himself undue embarrassment. Luckily, being a novice at this, his journey was brief. The mounting intensity culminated in an explosive climax that shattered his restraint, drawing from him an involuntary groan as he released.
Unbeknownst to him, despite Yun Lie’s spiritual recitations, he could discern the unfolding behind him.
A while later, Xu Ziqing turned as Yun Lie finally ceased his chants.
In that instance, Xu Ziqing’s hand remained coated in his essence. As his eyes met Yun Lie’s gaze, he hurriedly swiped his hand against his garments. The heat that once consumed him had receded, but the crimson hue of his embarrassment continued to flourish on his cheeks. Expressing gratitude, he stuttered, “Thank you, Shixiong.”
Yun Lie’s response came in measured tones, “You have recovered, well done.”
Echoing with a subdued, “En,” Xu Ziqing found his shame escalating in the face of his senior brother’s words.
Observing his junior closely once again, Yun Lie’s scrutinizing gaze ran from head to toe.
The relentless battles and the recent intimate encounter had left Xu Ziqing’s green shirt in tatters, and his overall appearance was far from pristine.
Recognizing the state of his disheveled clothing, Xu Ziqing understood the need for an explanation. He spoke in a hushed tone, “Shixiong, please forgive me. I’ve exhausted all the robes in my storage ring, which led to my loss of composure…”
Yun Lie’s nod carried a degree of understanding rather than reproach. With a subtle movement of his arm, he removed the black robe he wore and tossed it over, saying, “Such a disheveled appearance is inappropriate. Put this on.”
Xu Ziqing caught the robe with haste. Observing his brother’s plain attire beneath the black robe, he refrained from further comment. Swiftly, he discarded his outer garment and slipped into the provided robe. Given Yun Lie’s taller stature, the robe was naturally slightly loose on Xu Ziqing, but it adequately enveloped him.
The black robe still retained a hint of chilling murderous intent, yet when worn by Xu Ziqing, it seemed to emanate a gentler aura, the martial energy subdued.
Suddenly, Xu Ziqing realized he had remained prostrate and felt the need to rectify his lapse in manners. Attempting to rise, he found his legs betraying him, causing him to topple backward.
Before he hit the ground, a supporting arm intercepted his fall. With a slight jolt, he realized he had collided with a chest and felt his waist being encircled.
Comprehending that Yun Lie had acted to prevent a harsh impact, Xu Ziqing couldn’t help but feel thankful. He leveraged the support to push himself up and said, “Thank you, Shixiong.”
Yun Lie’s voice was calm yet advising, “Even though you’ve managed to suppress the excessive yang energy, it has still caused considerable strain on your body. Your condition is weak now due to energy loss, and forcing yourself will be counterproductive.”
Agreeing with a nod, Xu Ziqing responded, “I appreciate your warning, Shixiong. I acted impulsively.”
A twinge of weakness surfaced as he tried to stand hastily, and he nearly stumbled again. He assessed his condition—his true energy wasn’t flowing smoothly, his qi and blood were depleted. At this rate, not only would his combat prowess be compromised, but even walking might become a challenge.
Upon witnessing the unsteady swaying of Xu Ziqing’s black robe, Yun Lie’s brows furrowed slightly. Without hesitation, he turned around and inclined his body slightly.
Baffled, Xu Ziqing questioned, “Shixiong?”
Yun Lie’s instructions were succinct, “Climb onto my back and regulate your breath.”
Caught off guard, Xu Ziqing responded, “I can manage my breath here. I don’t wish to trouble Shixiong.”
Yun Lie’s tone was firm, “You’re weakened now, and the demons see you as bait. I’ll carry you while maintaining a protective sword intent. Don’t hesitate.”
Though the words carried a cold veneer, Xu Ziqing recognized the underlying concern. Letting go of his reservations, he dispelled his myriad thoughts and complied by clambering onto his brother’s back.
The corners of Xu Ziqing’s lips curved slightly as he settled into his senior brother’s embrace. Yun Lie’s formidable sword intent exuded a solemn presence, yet his strong back radiated warmth and security—a comforting contrast that left a sense of solace in Xu Ziqing’s heart.
Translator’s Notes:
Listen guys, consent is sexy.
Danggg, Yun Lie. Massive respect, I know you love him already(Idk if he realize that tho)
Please let me know if there are typos/mistakes in the chapter.
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