Novel Name : The Rebirth Of An Ill-Fated Consort

Chapter 39

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I guess everyone liked JR’s choice of red in the last chapter. It definitely suits JR’s bold and confident personality.
By the way, this chapter should be renamed as “Attack of the clothes” as so many varieties of clothes have been mentioned. With 4 young ladies you can imagine how it’s gonna be. It definitely managed to torture our translators with this print jacket, that pattern skirt etc. hehe. Enjoy the chapter. (=⌒▽⌒=)
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Chapter 39: Who is Whose Foil?

* Be a foil to/for somebody/something – to emphasize the good qualities of another person or thing, by being very different from them. In fiction, a foil is a character who contrasts with another character, usually the protagonist, to highlight particular qualities of the other character.

The word foil comes from the old practice of backing gems with foil to make them shine more brightly.
Liu Ru Yi looked at Jiang Ruan somewhat strangely, probably not expecting that she would select the brightest bolt of material. She paused for a moment in thought before smilingly saying, "Eldest Miss Jiang, your fair skin will contrast well against this red."
Jiang Ruan smiled faintly. "Shopkeeper Liu, I think Su niang must have selected the white bolt of fabric."
"Oh, yes, Second Miss Jiang has always favoured quiet and unobtrusive colours." After she said this, Liu Ru Yi had a sudden flash of understanding. When she looked at Jiang Ruan again, her eyes held a different expression. "The people in the capital all say that Second Miss Jiang is quietly elegant, and is matchless in her fairy-like beauty. However, from what I have seen today, Eldest Miss Jiang is even more an object of envy."
Liu Ru Yi sighed inwardly. This Eldest Miss Jiang with her 'seven-aperture heart'[1] . . . Usually, in comparison to Jiang Su Su's simple elegance, fresh and vibrant colours would appear common and vulgar. However, if the colour in question was a fiery red, and if the person wearing the clothes was herself extraordinary in nature, then it would be very difficult to prevent her from taking the limelight. Second Miss Jiang wanted to be the focus of attention. However, without even being slightly aware of it, she was going to be someone else's foil.
[1] Qi qiao ling long xin ( 七窍玲珑心 ) – literally, a heart with seven holes. Figuratively, a person with such a heart is said to be able to communicate with and understand all creatures/ people, and is highly talented e.g. able to adapt quickly to situations, think innovatively, see what others can't. 七窍 = the seven 'holes' in the head i.e. 2 eyes, 2 ears, 2 nostrils, 1 mouth; 玲珑 = clever, nimble. An example of this phrase in Chinese literature is found in 封神榜 (Feng Shen Bang), English title 'Investiture of the Gods'. Have a look at the reference here.
Liu Ru Yi was a very frank and straightforward person. Previously, she had already had a good impression of Jiang Ruan. Now, she added to this a tremendous appreciation of Jiang Ruan. Thus she said, "Eldest Miss, do not fret. I guarantee that the dress from Ruyi Lou will be to your satisfaction. When the time comes for you to make a public appearance, you will be presentable and impressive, and all eyes will be drawn to you."
Jiang Ruan also smiled. "Many thanks, Miss Liu."
Thus, measurements were taken and the dresses were made. Several days later, Ruyi Lou sent the dresses over. Because all of the young ladies of the Jiang household had been measured for the dresses at the same time, all the clothes were sent to the Old Jiang Madame's Gui Lan Yuan. By the time Jiang Ruan and Lian Qiao reached Gui Lan Yuan, Jiang Su Su had already arrived. When she saw Jiang Ruan, she smiled and said, "Is Da Jiejie also here to look at the dresses?"
Jiang Ruan nodded, only to hear Jiang Su Su carry on, "However, it is just a few items of clothing; I don't understand why zumu must always have us gather. It's the same every time, the dresses are more or less the same, there is really nothing to see." She said this with an innocent and indifferent tone, like an ethereal, soaring fairy, who had not an iota of interest in jewellery or clothing, nor the least hint of desire. It seemed as if this kind of girl did not belong to this crude earth. Rather, she should have been hidden right from birth in the palm of one's hand, dearly cherished and taken care of, to live a life of innocence.
In Jiang Ruan's previous life, Jiang Su Su's talents and reputation were well-known throughout the capital, yet she did not seem like the other girls who were greedy for fame and wealth. Everyone praised her highly, and Jiang Ruan had also thought this younger sister had no understanding of such worldly matters. It was only when she reached the final moments of her previous life that she realised it was not that Jiang Su Su had no desires, or that she viewed fame and wealth as nothing better than a discarded shoe; she did want them, and she had always aimed for the highest position in the world. Anything else was beneath her contempt. In this current life, Jiang Su Su was still young, and it was uncertain if, presently, she had that same force of determination.
When the Old Jiang Madame heard what Jiang Su Su said, she laughingly scolded her. "Which girl does not like to dress up and look pretty? You are so 'good', you look like a servant girl dressed in your simple and neat clothes all day long. This is the time of your blossoming youth, yet, you don't like to wear bright colours." Although this was her comment, the Old Jiang Madame had a satisfied expression on her face. It was evident that she considered that Jiang Su Su's unobtrusive clothes expressed refinement, in contrast to the people around her.
Jiang Su Su frowned. "I don't like those types of colors. I heard Da Jiejie wanted red satin, is that really true?"
Jiang Ruan nodded. "Yes, since the timing happens to coincide with the start of the new year, I wanted to wear something more festive." This was an acceptable reason, and Jiang Su Su could not say anything else.
While they had been waiting, Jiang Li and Jiang Dan had arrived one after the other. They bowed to the Old Jiang Madame and stood to one side. Jiang Li was well-behaved in front of Old Jiang Madame, and apart from a hint of arrogance in the way she looked at Jiang Ruan, there was nothing to fault her for. In contrast, Jiang Dan's face bore a timid expression, and she clutched somewhat helplessly at the lower half of her dress, as if she was highly uncomfortable with this situation of having everyone get together.
After a while, the Old Jiang Madame's trusted servant, Cai Que, walked in carrying a small trunk. Smiling, she said, "Miss Liu of Ruyi Lou says, she rushed these four items first. Over the next few days, she will hasten to make the spring clothes, and will ask the young ladies to select material when it's time."
Among the four girls of the Jiang household, Jiang Ruan had the fewest clothes, and they were all the clothes she had brought back from the rural residence. Naturally, the Old Jiang Madame was not going to allow her to go out wearing such clothes. The first thing to do would be to buy some clothes from a ready-made clothes store. When the weather was better, clothes suitable for all four seasons could then be made for her.
Jiang Li's gaze rested on Jiang Ruan for a moment, stabbing her with fierce eyes. The dissatisfaction on her face was obvious, but, since the Old Jiang Madame was present, she said nothing in the end.
Cai Que opened the little trunk. "Young misses, please come and pick your dresses."
The clothes were all neatly stacked in the exquisite wooden trunk specially made for Ruyi Lou. Jiang Su Su shot a glance at Jiang Ruan. "Da Jiejie, please go first."
Jiang Ruan shook her head. "I am the eldest. Dan niang should choose first."
Cai Que said, with a smile, "They are all clothes, it doesn't matter who chooses first."
At this, Jiang Su Su said, with some embarrassment, "Since you put it that way, I'll go first."
Sure enough, what Jiang Su Su first took out of the trunk was a snow white brocade jacket with a pipa jin[2], trimmed with fox fur. Underneath was a pure white skirt made of embroidered brocade, and a silver padded waistcoat as an outer garment. The style was exquisite and unique. Although there were many intricate details, the garment was not encumbered by them, and instead looked extremely grand. Even though Jiang Su Su had affected to be unconcerned about clothes, she could not help smiling faintly on seeing this set of garments made for her.
[2] Pipa jin ( 琵琶襟) refers to an ancient Chinese clothing style for ladies (used for example in waistcoats and dresses) where the left 'flap' of cloth overlaps the right to a large degree (but without reaching to under the armpit), and does not go all the way to the hemline of garment. There is a portion at the bottom of the garment where the two 'halves' meet at the centre. The buttons follow the line of the overlapping flap to the centre. Here, some pictures will help:

Sources: &
After viewing Jiang Su Su's choice, Jiang Li's eyes flashed unexpectedly. In the Jiang fu, more thought had always been given to the clothes of the di daughter over the shu daughter. Yet, Jiang Su Su, despite not being the di daughter, was still the most favoured daughter. Thus, even though Jiang Li could not entirely resign herself to accept this state of affairs, she did not dare to say anything. Jiang Li's clothes wore a light purple, tight-fitting brocade jacket with flat gold discs for buttons, matched with a lotus-green crepe skirt. This set of clothes also looked very attractive.
Jiang Dan's clothes included a camellia-yellow, figure-hugging cotton jacket, and a yellow-green damask[3] skirt lined with cotton. The clothes excellently set off Jiang Dan's shy nature and her desire for approval and love. In reality, Jiang Li and Jiang Dan's clothes were really beautiful. However, they immediately became inferior upon comparison with Jiang Su Su's clothes. If the three of them stood together, the eyes of any outsider would only be drawn to Jiang Su Su's graceful bearing and refined figure. Jiang Li was well aware of this, and thus could not be happy upon seeing the clothing. Surprisingly, Jiang Dan was overjoyed, and this happiness shone from her eyes.

[3] Damask – a figured woven fabric with a pattern visible on both sides/Damask is commonly used to describe an elaborate floral pattern woven into a damask fabric. Details
Jiang Ruan's clothes were right at the bottom of the trunk. Cai Que helped her to retrieve them and shake them out. There was a tight-fitting jacket of crimson satin, patterned with flowers and embellished with gold and white butterflies, a satin skirt sprinkled with jade-green flowers, and a pair of petite red sheepskin boots shot through with gold thread and featuring a cloud pattern**. When everyone had taken a good look at the garments, Jiang Su Su exclaimed, "So bright!"
** T/N Interestingly, Lin Daiyu, one of the principal characters of the Chinese classic novel, Dream of the Red Chamber (红楼梦), is described in one scene as wearing a pair of shoes with exactly the same description.
Although young ladies liked brightly coloured clothes, they were usually willing to wear soft pink or peach-coloured clothes, or anything in a similar shade. Very few would ever try on clothes like this bright red colour. For one, such a colour was most appropriately worn by girls who by nature were passionate and fiery. If a gentle girl were to don such clothes, there would definitely be something lacking. Moreover, in the Jiang fu, Jiang Su Su loved white clothes, so standing next to her in such bright red clothes would present a sharp contrast. Jiang Li and Jiang Dan were not as pretty as Jiang Su Su; to choose to wear such a colour and stand next to her would be a huge mistake.
And, Jiang Ruan had deliberately chosen this starkly fiery red.

Translated by : shl
Edited by : Anks & Ely

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