Novel Name : Prestigious Family Marriage: Uncle vs Young Wife

Chapter 301

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Less than an hour, Cheng Ru Yu looks at his watch and says: “I still have matter to do this afternoon, I’ll leave first.”
“Today you are not having a shift, what matter do you have?” Yu Geng Xin says.
“My Nai Nai forced me to attend blind date. You also know about it. Today Bo Yuan’s unborn kids are boys. I cannot spend my life easily in few moment. This afternoon I have a reunion. I want to see if I can meet those unmarried woman.”
Cheng Ru Yu is half-joking and half-serious.
Jing Suo Suo is startled when she hears it. She looks like she is strike by the lightning.
Ye Qing Xin looks at Jing Suo Suo’s pale face. She considers for a while, she thinks of a way to make Cheng Ru Yu stays.
It’s just before she said anything, Cheng Ru Yu’s phone vibrates.
He takes out and his expression turns serious. “What is it?”
He listens to the caller and says: “There’s an injured man from a car crash, he is in critical situation. I need to go to the hospital.”
He goes to take his coat.
“Ahyoo!” Jing Suo Suo suddenly covers her stomach and screams in pain.
“What is it Suo Suo?” Ye Qing Xin asks with care.
“My, I have a stomachache.” Jing Suo Suo says in pain. She looks at Ye Qing Xin.
Ye Qing Xin understands what Jing Suo Suo wants to do. She follows her acting: “Did you eat something wrong? You should go to hospital to check up yourself.” She turns her head and sees Cheng Ru Yu pauses his action. She says to Cheng Ru Yu: “Cheng Yi Sheng, you are also on your way to the hospital, It would be better to bring Suo Suo too there. You guys are on the same way.”
Ye Qing Xin holds Jing Suo Suo and takes her to the front of Cheng Ru Yu. She pushes Jing Suo Suo to Cheng Ru Yu’s embrace. “Please take a good care of our Suo Suo, Cheng Yi Sheng.”
Cheng Ru Yu says nothing, he holds Jing Suo Suo and leaves.
Jing Bo Yuan is sitting there and watching how both women work together.
Ye Qing Xin turns her head and looks at Jing Bo Yuan’s eyes. He seems to know what she is doing. She is startled and feels somehow guilty.
He should know that Jing Suo Suo is acting. If not he will not be quiet, Jing Suo Suo is his Tang Mei.
Ye Qing Xin just smiles at him.
Jing Bo Yuan looks at her and stands up: “We will go home first. Xin Xin cannot sit down for too long.”
He Ji Fan looks at Ye Qing Xin’s big belly and says: “Marriage is troublesome. Luckily I don’t plan to marry.”
Ye Qing Xin looks at He Ji Fan.
She remembers words that Dou Weir said to her, the reason she breaks up with He Ji Fan.
He Ji Fan just likes to play and doesn’t want to marry Dou Weir.
Jing Bo Yuan hugs Ye Qing Xin and leaves.
Perhaps Dou Weir is right.
After two of them leave, He Ji Fan calls someone over.
After thirty minutes, Ye Qing Xin and Jing Bo Yuan returns back to Jing family residence.
Every member of Jing family is present, Wen Ren Xi is also there.
Wen Ren Xi has a light make up on, she is wearing a bright color dress.
Love can really change someone.
“Er Shen.” She comes over and calls after her sweetly.
Wen Ren Xi’s cheek is red, she looks shy.
On the dining table.
Jing Yi performs very well, he keeps on picking food for Wen Ren Xi, handing her napkin. He looks like a great husband-to-be.
Ye Qing Xin sits on the opposite of Wen Ren Xi. She notice that Wen Ren Xi is very happy.
After the meal.
Jing Bo Yuan takes Ye Qing Xin upstair back to their room to rest.
Ye Qing Xin just finishes her shower and Jing Bo Yuan just sits on his table in front of the laptop. There’s a man voice coming out of the laptop. The man sounds worried like something bad is happened.
Jing Bo Yuan doesn’t respond. He just says the solution firmly.
The table is facing the bed.
Ye Qing Xin doesn’t get on the bed, she sits on the sofa.
The video call doesn’t last long. Jing Bo Yuan solves the matter quickly and hangs up.
He looks at Ye Qing Xin, who is looking at a material while laying down.
Today though it’s a bit warm, but at night it’s a bit cold too.
Jing Bo Yuan takes a blanket from a bed then he covers her naked leg and stomach.
“I’m not cold.” She says.
Jing Bo Yuan kisses her forehead: “The night is cold. It’s good to be more careful.”
Ye Qing Xin smiles, she pulls the blanket to cover her chest.
Her phone suddenly rings.
“My phone.”
Jing Bo Yuan helps her to pick it up.
It’s a call from Ye Qing Guo.
She answers it. “Xiao Guo.” Ye Qing Xin says happily.
Jing Bo Yuan looks at her. He turns his back and goes to the dressing room, he takes his clothes and goes to take a shower.
When he is done, he comes out and notices that Ye Qing Xin is scratching the skin of her stomach.
“It’s itchy again?”
Ye Qing Xin takes out her hand out and smiles at him: “I don’t scratch it, I just rub it.”
Jing Bo Yuan says nothing, he returns to the bathroom and takes a bottle of olive oil. He lifts up her nightgown and pours a bit of oil. He rubs it on her belly and says: “Every time after you have a shower, you should apply it a bit. It’s troublesome if you have bruise because of this.”
Ye Qing Xin nods.
Jing Bo Yuan looks at him: “You are nodding very quick.”
It means that he knows that she doesn’t remember it.
Ye Qing Xin smiles: “I can forget…”
“The time you are itchy, you also cannot remember it?”
“…. Next time I’ll definitely remember it.”
Jing Bo Yuan’s action is tender and soft like he is afraid to hurt her. Ye Qing Xin then remembers the image of her belly on the mirror. Her belly is not really good-looking now.
There’re lots of red purple wrinkles on her belly.
“Bo Yuan.”
He sits down beside her.
“Does my belly look very bad?”
It’s a silence for a while and Jing Bo Yuan says “Em.”.
Ye Qing Xin is startled, she didn’t expect him to be that honest. Shouldn’t he comfort her about it?”
“Oh.” She closes her eyes and pouts. “Now it’s just five months, later on it’ll be even worst….”
Then suddenly she feels something soft falls on her belly.
Ye Qing Xin is surprised again.
She looks over and watches that Jing Bo Yuan is kissing her belly.
Ye Qing Xin: “You still can kiss it, you shouldn’t think it is too bad.”
Jing Bo Yuan strokes her hair and says seriously: “It’s ugly, right it’s ugly a bit, but I don’t dislike it.”
Ye Qing Xin smiles and hugs her neck.
Jing Bo Yuan kisses her and they kiss for a while.
The next two days, life is peaceful and smooth for her. \
It’s just during her time in the university, a lot of people are watching her with their strange gaze.
She also hears several different rumors about her. Everyone is talking badly about her.
Ye Qing Xin doesn’t want to fight with it. Because she doesn’t want her bad mood to influence her kids and harm them.
Dou Weir has fought for her several times. But it’s useless, the rumor starts spread out so quick.
At night after the class, Dou Weir keeps on talking for Ye Qing Xin.
“Those people are university students but they don’t have ability to judge which one is right or not. I said that you are married but they don’t believe me. They said that I am the same as you. They are too strange. How can they enter college with this kind of attitude!”
Dou Weir raises up Ye Qing Xin’s right hand. “Isn’t this look like a wedding ring? Are they blind? I also think that you should announce that you are Bo Wei’s big boss’ wife. I really want to see their expression.”
“Okay, you are too emotional now.” Ye Qing Xin pats Dou Weir’s head and says: “Even though I say it now, everyone will not believe it. Why should I waste my energy. I don’t care what they are saying to me.”
“Why do you think that way? They are planning to talk to the teacher? Don’t you feel afraid that the teacher will look for you to talk?”
“If they want to tell, they will tell from the start. The teacher also doesn’t look for me.” Ye Qing Xin says: “If the teacher looks for me to talk, I’ll tell him the truth. There’s nothing major about it.”
“The teacher will believe you?” Dou Weir rolls her eyes.
“This is a good idea. If he doesn’t believe it, I’ll call Bo Yuan.”
“Okay, just let it go. It’s my wrong to worry about you.” Dou Weir doesn’t want to talk anymore.
Ye Qing smiles and shifts the conversation. “Didn’t you plan to join modeling competition, have you registered your name? What about the primary competition.”
Dou Weir says: “In the past my manager is really a petty-minded one. I scolded her and she remembered it. She wanted to lay me aside and didn’t want to let me go. She said if I wanted to leave, I should compensate her for five million. She thought that I was poor, I would just let it go. So I just went to the back and took my five million in cash. I really wanted to smash it to her face directly.
“But the time I entered the company, I just suddenly remembered about the contract. We just need to compensate a million for breaking the contract. Why should I compensate five millions, so I just called lawyer to sue her.”
“Then?” Ye Qing Xin asks.
“The time she heard about the court, she was surprised and apologized. That day I finally freed. I just paid the amount that is stated in the contract.” Dou Weir smiles. “She was wrong too. If not she will not admit her wrong easily.”
“Yesterday I registered to join the competition. There’ll be training first then competition.” Dou Weir says: “I remember that you also joined a competition, the award ceremony will be tomorrow right? I know the models that are invited, how is the result?”
Ye Qing Xin answers honestly: “First place.”
“Great, you are really great. In the future I think I need to line up to look for you to design the clothes?”
Ye Qing Xin smiles: “Stop bluffing.”
The award ceremony is tomorrow afternoon at 02:00 p.m.
Ye Qing Xin asks for a day off with her homeroom teacher. Her homeroom teacher is happy for her that she wins the competition. An half hour later, the news of winning is printed in the poster and sticked on the announcement board of the art department.
The news spreads quickly. It also makes the rumor about her becomes worse. The rumor says that she wins because she depends on a rich business man. She can get first place because she did business behind the back.
Ye Qing Xin laughs when she hears about it.
The award ceremony is held at Intercontinental hotel.
Ye Qing Xin wears the dress that she designed by herself. She comes an half hour early. Jing Bo Yuan has something to do so he will come a bit late.
Besides the designers, the judges, the hosts, and the investors, also there are also several fashion reporters and bloggers.
Ye Qing Xin is arranged to sit beside Gu Qiao.
“Xin Xin.” Gu Qiao greets Ye Qing Xin with a smile.
Ye Qing Xin smiles and replies: “Gu Xiao Jie.”
She calls her in cold and estranged way.
Gu Qiao doesn’t mind, she just smiles.
Ye Qing Xin sits down silently and looks at the stage. Then she looks around. There’re five minutes left before the ceremony starts. Jing Bo Yuan just comes inside.
Ye Qing Xin hears someone sighs and says: “Who is that? He is so handsome!”
Jing Bo Yuan looks around the hall and finally finds Ye Qing Xin.
The guide takes him to sit down on the investor side.
There are four original investors for the competition, they come from designer companies. Ye Qing Xi doesn’t know that Bo Wei takes part in investing. The time she looks at the investors list, she notices that Bo Wei is the first one.
She didn’t notice it.
“So Bo Wei takes part in this competition, no wonder..” Gu Qiao said lightly.
Because she doesn’t finish her words, Ye Qing Xin knows that Gu Qiao is implying about something.
Ye Qing Xin glances at Gu Qiao and smiles, she says nothing.
“Ye Qing Xin, my Sao Zi passes away. Do you know about it?” The silent Wen Ze Hui says, “My young nephew also died prematurely. Sao Zi didn’t know about it, the son suffered the same illness as her. After they pass away, he leaves everyone and goes to the Da Li, now he is working at a hotel near Cang Shan county in Lin Yi.
It’s not a good news.
Ye Qing Xin closes her eyes and says nothing.
Wen Ze Hui says: “I don’t want anything by telling you this. In the past, I said a lot of bad words toward you. I’m very sorry. That time I needed money. My Sao Zi said that I helped you to be together with my Ge. She would give me money. Then she passed away, her son also. Those money, my Ge doesn’t want to take it, he gives it all to me. I thought I will be happy. Who knows I kept on dreaming about her. I dreamt about her looking for me to want my money. I dreamt about her asking me why I take away her son’s money.”
“I just suddenly understand that if it’s not mine, I’ll not take it.”
She says nothing else.
Ye Qing Xin is distracted, she seems to remembers the time she is watching movie together with Wen Ze Yan in the cinema. She said to him: “If I can stay there, it’ll be great.”
She remembers that time Wen Ze Yan says softly to her: “In the future wait till Ze Yan Ge Ge has money, I’ll take Xin Xin to stay over there okay?”
That time she doesn’t understand what is promise, she doesn’t know that promise cannot be trusted. She just replies happily. “Okay!”
The time just passes by. Ye Qing Xin has forgotten it.
Ye Qing Xin maintain her calmness then looks at Jing Bo Yuan.
Jing Bo Yuan is chatting with other investors. All other investors are talking with him with respect.
The award ceremony starts and the host gets on the stage. The host gets on stage, first he thanks the investor company first. Then he says opening remarks first. Then he displays the award-wining works.
The first one comes out is Ye Qing Xin’s work.
Then it’s the work of Gu Qiao. Wen Ze Hui will the sixth one.
After the display of the work is done, the designers go to the stage with their own party dress design. Everyone starts to vote for their favorite party dress.
Probably because of Ye Qing Xin’s big belly is too eye-catching, or perhaps she is most beautiful, or because the dress, she gets the highest vote.
After the voting is done, then it starts a ceremony to confer an award.
The host passes Ye Qing Xin’s award to her and says: “For the first winner, except the trophy cup and money, there is a secret big present….” The host pauses and looks around until he is certain that everyone is looking at her. “The first winner will get a chance to show case her design in Paris Fashion week!”
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Prestigious Family Marriage: Uncle vs Young Wife Lastest Chapters