Novel Name : One Piece: The Soul Purchasing Pirate

Chapter 164

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After he gave the order, he flashed anddisappeared.
Meanwhile, No.6 began to move. As he moves,the ground was shaking hard.
When he heard the order, Rogen was veryangry.
He moved forward to block this big guy, andnaturally, he couldn’t put his opponent very close to him.
After roaring, he stepped forward onceagain toward No.6.
After three steps, the two-behemothcollided again.
They punched together, which shocked theair.
Subsequently, No.6 took the axe with hisother hand and tried to attack Rogen who was very close to him, and he made aroar.
Seeing the ax on the other side hand,Rogen's eyes flashed, and then he rose his left hand and grabbed No.6's wrist.At the same time, he jumped and became in the back of the giant agent.
His body was thin, he was made up ofspecial molecules, he wasn't flesh and blood, so he was much more flexible thanthe other side.
During this movement, there was a slightstagnation in the movement of No. 6, which didn’t keep up with Rogen.
This whole action happened in a shortmoment, he grabbed the wrist of No.6, roll over and clung him tightly.
With a roar, Rogen leaned forward with bothhands and launched a back-fall.
The wind blew, and No.6's expressionchanged, his whole body was controlled by Rogen, and after a moment, he waspushed down to the ground.
A large piece of flowers directly crushedby his big body and got smashed under him. After he falls, the ground vibratedas if there was a small earthquake.
Fortunately, this place was a remote areaof the country, there weren't many people around, otherwise, the battle betweenthese two giants would inevitably cause panic among the civilians.
After that, Rogen decided to jump, and thenhe kneeled on both legs and jumped in front of No.6.
Then, he looked up at the sky and roared.In a while, several punches fell on No.6 body like rain.
"Boom, Boom, Boom…"
After falling, Rogen didn't show him mercywith several punches on his face and his whole body.
In an instant, No.3 came to his side.
"Damn it, Rankyaku!"
At this moment, he shouted and used one ofthe Rokushiki.
Unlike before, this blow went directly intothe body of the Titan.
Rogen needs to concentrate to defendhimself from this attack, but this time, all his attention was on No.6, and itwas hard to defend himself from it.
This was a special kind of giant fromAttack On Titan. Its body structure is very mysterious, and it wasn't pureflesh and blood. They were physically light, but they have a strong destructivepower. At the same time, they have strong armored skin, capable of shieldingthe titan from a significant amount of damage. They are as hard as diamonds.It's incredible. Moreover, their bodies have a strong ability to recover.
When the Rankyaku was launched, RogenRoared and his expression changed.
With the Titan possession, Rogen's spiritseems to become crazy.
After more than a dozen punches, No.6 facewas covered with blood, his nose was smashed, his eyes were swollen, and hisjaw was broken. The poor giant was screaming with pain.
But even then, Rogen didn’t cut off hisdomineering.
He roared and his anger was completelyreleased at that moment.
Blood, only blood can relieve hisdepression and anger before.
"Boom, Boom, Boom…"
He kept punching him at this moment.
At this moment, because of the huge powerof the punches, there was a deep pit under No.6's head.
Behind him, No.3 kept hitting him with hisRankyaku, Rogen almost endured 15 hard blows. The bloodstains were horrifying,but they recovered quickly in the white fog.
The ability of the mutated giant gives hisbody much more resilience than the original owner.
This also makes Rogen understand why thisis not a powerful giant in his eyes, he will hardly enter the ranks of the greensoul, and he will need billions of coins to exchange.
“Even though the peak species of theoriginal world are not so powerful as the world itself, are they likely tomutate to produce more power, skills, and effect?”
Of course, this is just a guess about thesystem’s capabilities. In fact, for Rogen, there are still a lot of things thathe's not clear about this system.
He was clear about the power of the system,but it's very hard for him to know exactly how powerful was it and what are theother levels in it.
Clenching his fists, Rogen moved his kneesand stood up slowly.
No.6 still had some resistance, but hecouldn't move any part of his body.
In close combat, make only one mistake andyou’ll face the storm of power.
It has to be said that although Annie’sclose combat skills are rough, the effect is surprisingly good.
As he clenched his fists, Rogen stared atNo.6's head and then he punched it again.
With this punch, he put more effort intoit, and the huge head of No.6 was blasted directly into the ground in aninstant.
The blood on his face flowed out like asmall river into the ground as fertilizer for the flowers.
In just one minute, No.6 was completelydefeated.
When he finished him, Rogen roared, andthen he stood up again.
Seeing this horrible Titan, No.3 waspanicked.
He launched his Rankyaku again, but thistime, Rogen raised his hand and waved it. As always, the air blade was crushedand failed again, but his hand harmed a little bit.
“Now, it’s your turn!”
In the back of the Titan's neck, Rogen'sexpression became very serious, and the three Tomoes in his eyes began torotate quickly.
The white fog appeared again, and theTitan's hand recovered quickly.
Seeing this strange scene, No.3 gotshocked.
After recovering, Rogen clenched his fistand punched into the air.
No.3 disappeared, he was stepping in theair as if he was on the ground, appearing and disappearing at a very highspeed, and Rogen, who was hidden in the back of the Titan was looking at himcarefully using his Sharingan with the three Tomoes that were rotating veryfast.
At this time, No.3 launched the Rankyakuagain.
Rogen turned his head and blocked the blow.
The tomoes rotated, and the trick wascopied once again in its memory.
Rogen kept punching the air trying to hitNo.3, the latter kept moving in the moving in the air trying to avoid him.
This scene was parsed and copied by hisSharingan again.
It was like copy and paste something in acomputer, all No.3's actions were copied in the Sharingan.
the Rokushiki displayed by No.3 was like ademonstration for Rogen, he Copied it in his memory and became ready to displayit.
A minute later, a cold light appeared inRogen's eyes.
“That’s the end of your role!”
"Shine!" (Die!)
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