Novel Name : Heavenly Farmer

Chapter 91

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Hello everyone!! It’s RA-Sensei. I found that this novel has been dropped for so many months, i actually liked it so i picked it up from the last chap they translated. i will .publish the previous 90 chapters later with the name of the translator and I may edit them a little bit. I hope you enjoy this novel as well.
In Sha Shi, the Institute specialized in plants.
Although Ye Xiaochen saved Fusang tree, thetop botanical experts at home and abroad did not leave.
The living Fusang tree was more attractive tothem.
Especially this Fusang tree was fireproof,which has a significant impact on the world outlook of plant experts.
“Unfortunately, Mr. Ye is not here.Otherwise, we can ask him about it.”
After a lengthy study, even if the wisdom ofmany top botanists was gathered, it was difficult to solve the mystery of thisFusang tree.
They tried to cut off a branch from the Fusangtree. All the procedures were following Ye Xiaochen’s steps. There was nomistake, and the branch was turned into fly ash in a short period.
Even if they spread out the strong primaryroot cultivating liquid, that won't help.
They also carried out in-depth research onFusang tree from other aspects, but they never got the gist, as if the Fusangtree itself contained a mysterious door that blocked all secrets.
They knew that the key to open that gate mighthave been in Ye Xiaochen’s hands.
And this liquid solution, they triedeverything they could, but It was impossible to analyze the ingredients.
All of this made the idea of going and talkedwith Ye Xiaochen was getting stronger and stronger.
Someone suddenly suggested: “Mr. Yang,why don’t we go to Mr. Ye together?"
“Yeah, can we go to his home foradvice?”
“Yes, we are here blindly researching,but it have no essentials, if we ask Mr. Ye, maybe we can make a greatbreakthrough in the field of botany.”
“Many people had come and asked for ourhelp, and now, we want to go to his house and ask for his help.”
“Mr. Yang, you must take the lead.”
The others were also talking about this, eventhose foreign plant experts were extremely interested and reluctant to leave.
Mr. Li Yang thought for a moment and suddenlysaid, “Okay, let’s go to Mr. Ye’s hometown and visit him in person."
His thirst for knowledge was not less thanthose other presents.
When this group of people made the decision,they immediately set off.
Zhang Keqin was also lucky to be involvedbecause he had the most contact with Ye Xiaochen.
After Jiang Ping knew that, he hurriedlyarranged a trip for them.
Li Yang did not want to invigorate the masses.He hoped that Jiang Ping could keep a low profile. Jiang Ping naturally agreed.
Li Yang alone traveling to the followingcounties and cities would get him high-spec reception, even the main leaders ofthe provinces and municipalities should be received him With profound respect.
It's not how powerful Li Yang is, it was akind of respect for a certain professional field.
A botanist at this rank, such as Li Yang, wasregarded as a national treasure, and even the leaders of those countries wouldbe very polite to receive him.
Any industry has reached the top, even if nothigh-ranking officials, also has a fantastic influence.
What’s more, this time, plus Li Yang there aremore than twenty top botanists. Whose status was worse than Academician Yang.
In particular, there were two foreignbotanists, Dr. James, from England, not only a well-known professor ofCambridge University, the Queen of England has personally awarded him the titleof nobility.
The other from India, called Gandhi Tony, wasa national master of botany.
However, the itinerary was the most secretive,how can it be hidden from many eyes?
The gathering of so many top experts in thefield of botany in Shashi City was extremely eye-catching in itself.
In the meantime, it wasn't known how manypeople are going on this trip.
Among them were the agricultural sector staffof the cities of the southern provinces, some staff of schools and researchinstitutes that were related to plant agriculture, and the purpose wasnaturally to invite these top plant experts to visit their corporate schooldepartments or the farms below.
Even if it is a walk, it has amazing benefits.
Think about it, a certain academician who hasinspected this school, leaving photos of the inspection, hanging on the wall,which is a real resume, and advertising.
For this, it can make a man break his head.
It is a pity that experts such as Li Yang andother experts have been eating and living in the Institute of Specialty Plantssince then, and these people can not meet at all.
Now, Academician Yang and others come out ofthe door of the Special Plant Research Institute, those who have been waitingfor a long time, were like a swarm of fishes smelling food.
Academician Yang and others were directlystunned.
Although they were old seniors and had seenmany crazy scenes, now this was the first time that they have seen such a view.
No way! They knew that there was no way forthem to go to Jingxian in a low profile and meet Ye Xiaochen.
Finally, when everyone talked about it. Theygot it and went down in the name of the expedition.
The first stop was Tan City, then TownshipCity, and then Yang Shi City. These winning prefecture-level cities, nature wasexciting unceasingly, spelled the name of publicity, high-spec reception, andthey were afraid that the world would not know.
The expert inspection team has not yetarrived. Welcome banners have been hung all over the counties, towns, mainroads and city streets below.
Governments at all levels have begun to cleanup the whole city and pay close attention to public security traffic.
Overall, it was necessary to give the expertinspection team the best impression, so that the experts stay for a whilelonger.
During this period, the schools and farms inthese counties and cities were working hard, hoping that these experts wouldtravel on their own territory on a once-in-a-lifetime.
Yang Shi City, the Municipal AgriculturalTechnology Extension station, belongs to an important department of theMunicipal Agricultural Bureau.
Although it was a station, it was indeed adeputy department, and its real power was not small.
Since the expert inspection team was coming toYang Shi City, Yang Shi City has been in a tight position. The promotionstation, as an agricultural department, was naturally the department mainlyresponsible for the reception. The municipal government has also sent a standingvice mayor to take charge of the reception.
During this time, the door of the station wasalmost broken and didn't know how many people want to go, hoping to be able toget the visit quota of the expert team.
“Oh, what do you say about these experts?If they come down, is it necessary to be so motivated? But I’m tired enough! Mybrother, I am thin, and now I am lighter than Chi-Chi."
Fang Yuan was calling with Ye Xiaochen, and hesaid that he was suffering.
Because of his great achievements last time,his position in the station was rising, coupled with the operation of the home,has now been transferred to the stationmaster’s office, the solid DeputySection cadre.
This time, naturally, he has to work hard, sobusy that he didn't even have time to breathe.
“Do you say that Li Yang of the Academyof Sciences, as well as some of the top botanists at home and abroad, formed ateam to visit Yang Shi?”
Ye Xiaochen listened to Fang Yuan’s words andfelt very strange. Do these experts seem to be coming towards him?
With the economy of the sheep market in YangShi, it ranked very low in Southern Province, and it was not a big agriculturalcity. It was reasonable to say that this grand prize cannot be won.
“Yes, I told you, these people are thetop powers in the field of botany. Anyone of them is a national treasure. It issaid that the Fusang tree was cured by them. So tell you what, if such a groupof experts stops at your farm and even without doing anything, just saying oneor two good words. Huh, your farm vegetables immediately will be worth soaringand incredibly become popular!"
Fang Yuan said with a smile, “But it’s adream. How can they go to your small farm? Let me tell you, just now, The ownerof the Tianheng Agricultural Department has a great farm in Yang Shi City,visited our stationmaster personally. His Tianheng farm is at least a hundredtimes bigger than your farm. There are hundreds of workers. He has a lot ofrelationships and can’t get this opportunity!”
Ye Xiaochen sighedand immediately shook his head. If Fang Yuan knew that not long ago, he wasstanding in front of this group of experts and the respect that they wereforced to show it. No one knows what kind of expression will he has.
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