Novel Name : I'm in Hollywood

Chapter 222: Drew's Ambition

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Chapter 222: Drew's Ambition

Drew heard the term "little daddy" and realized that Julia was referring to Eric. In fact, she seemed to feel envious of Drew due to her being pampered by Eric. To her, it seemed like Drew had him wrapped around her finger, but Drew, herself, was the only one who truly understood Eric's personality. He wasn't someone who could be manipulated by others.
Still, she kept her thoughts to herself. She then asked, "Why do you want to buy a script from Eric?"
Julia didn't hide anything as she readily informed Drew about Elisabeth's plan.
Drew's eyes flashed and she asked, "Why didn't you look for me?"
Julia frowned and asked, "Look for you? What does this have to do with you?"
Drew smirked and proudly replied, "Let me tell you, Eric likes to brainstorm in his study, so there are many scripts in his study that he thinks are good."
Julia opened her mouth in amazement and asked, "You're not planning on stealing them, are you?"
"How is that poss-," Drew subconsciously refuted before she stopped herself and said, "In fact, if I just take an outline, Eric will never know."
Julia immediately shook her head and refused, "No, even if Eric doesn't find out right away, he will definitely find out after the film is released in the future."
"That's true," Drew indifferently shrugged her shoulders.
She didn't believe that Julia wouldn't be tempted, so she leaned back in her seat and stared outside the window, pretending to look bored while she waited for Julia to speak again.
Sure enough, the car continued down the road for a few minutes before Julia finally couldn't help but hesitantly ask, "Drew, you mean that Eric has a lot of spare... script outlines?"
"Yea," Drew nonchalantly lightly replied as she continued to stare out the window, a smile slowly started spreading on her face.
Julia slowly asked, "Eric pampers you so much, so can't you ask him to sell us one? Anyways, he... he has so many."
During the call, Elisabeth had been so focused on the kiss that she forgot to mention the reason why Eric had refused to sell them a script. As a result, Julia thought that maybe she could ask Drew to persuade him. However, Drew directly broke Julia's illusions.
She said, "Since Eric has rejected Miss Murdoch, he must have a good reason. Even if I try to persuade him, he won't change his mind."
Julia became silent again. It wasn't that she didn't want Drew to steal Eric's script, but that she really didn't dare. Even though she wasn't sure how Eric would react after he found out, it certainly wouldn't be a laughing matter.
After gauging Julia's thoughts, Drew said, "In fact, Eric is not the only person in this world who can write scripts."
Julia stopped the car at the red light and asked, "What do you mean?"
"I mean, we can find a script ourselves, and then I can have Eric read it and see if it has any potential." Drew quickly replied, unaware that her ideas coincided with those of Elisabeth.
Julia was keenly listening to Drew, so she grasped a word and asked, "You just said… we?"
"Yeah," Drew didn't conceal her purpose and said, "Julia, you see, since Elisabeth Murdoch wants to set up a film company, why don't we all take some equity and work together? You'll be the female lead, I'll be in charge of the script and production, and Elisabeth will be in charge of distribution. How about it?"
After hearing Drew's offer, Julia looked surprised. She looked at the young girl sitting beside her who looked 17 or 18, but was actually just 14 years old in a daze. Among the few women who were close to Eric, Julia had the least contact with Drew, so she had been unaware of Drew's precociousness.
Hearing the horn of the car behind her, Julia snapped out of her daze and noticed that the light had turned green. She quickly stepped on the gas pedal and asked, "Will Eric even allow you to do this?"
Drew quickly replied, "We don't need to tell him."
"Then... uh… what about the money? Where will you get the money to buy the company's equity?"
Drew immediately took out a VIP card from her purse and waved it in front of Julia as she said, "There's more than $10 million in this card."
Julia was not aware that Eric had given the credit card to Drew to acquire scripts, so when Drew told her about the balance on the credit card, Julia once again fell into a daze. She even felt that Eric's favor towards Drew seemed unreasonably high since he even gave a young girl like her so much money.
Even though Julia has become one of the top actresses in Hollywood thanks to the outstanding success of Pretty Woman, due to her career having just started, she has a net worth of less than $10 million.
Drew realized that her purpose of greatly surprising Julia had been achieved so she put the credit card back in her purse and said, "I don't want too much equity. Just give me 30%. The two of you can discuss how to divide the remaining 60% yourself. Don't think too much, you won't find a better deal than this anywhere.
Just the fact that I can let Eric choose the script for us is well worth 30%. After all, if the script you choose is bad, it means that you're doomed to fail. No matter how hard you tried, you would be doomed to accomplish nothing.
Moreover, even though Elisabeth Murdoch's family owns 20th Century Fox which will solve the issue of distribution, during filming, you will definitely encounter a lot of problems. At that time, if Eric knows that I have a stake in the company, he won't be able to just stand by and watch right?"
Seeing that Julia nodded her head again and again, Drew, who was talking nonstop, realized that this venture was likely dominated by Elisabeth, and Julia likely only joined in due to their friendship.
Realizing this, Drew no longer wasted her breath and suggested, "Julia, why don't you call Elisabeth Murdoch to come over and discuss this matter?"
Julia looked at her watch and asked, "Isn't it too late now?"
"Hey, girl, time is money," Drew said, picking up Julia's mobile phone from the dash and asking, "Tell me her number; I will call her."
Julia reluctantly pointed at her bag and said, "The address book is in there."
Drew found the address book and began to look through it.
After more than an hour, Elisabeth arrived at Julia's apartment. One thought about going behind Eric's back while the other thought about giving Eric a big surprise. After talking for a few minutes, Elisabeth and Drew hit it off.
The ambitious young woman began to discuss her big plans for the film company with the ambitious young girl while they sat next to the small coffee table in the living room of Julia's apartment. As for Julia, she had gone back to her struggling days as a waitress.
Eric was oblivious to the plans of the three women. He waited for the two security guards to bring the first aid kit who helped put the bandage on his foot. After resting for a while, he carefully returned to the party.
The pain in his leg made it tough for Eric to stand and he quickly wanted to return home. Thankfully, Friends was still in the process of intense production, so many people had already begun to leave in order not to delay the next day's work. Eric began looking for Jennifer, intending to return to Beverly Hills together.
"I am going with Nicole," said Jennifer while holding the arm of the taller girl beside her. "Also, I don't want to bother my father, so I plan to move out of his house tomorrow. Nicole was also looking for a housemate with whom she could share the rent."
Eric was left stunned. He looked at Jennifer before he looked at Nicole, feeling confused as to how these two got along so well.
Due to the popularity of Friends, Jennifer had once again become the object of the paparazzi's pursuit, so she could no longer live in the small Burbank apartment. Due to her pride, she was not willing to move in with Eric, so she had temporarily moved to her father's house while looking for a safer place to rent.
"What about me?" Eric asked, helplessly.
Jennifer hesitated for a few moments upon hearing his words, but she soon raised her chin and said, "I can't control what you do. I have to shoot tomorrow, so I'm going with Nicole. You can return back to Beverly Hills by yourself."
It wasn't until Jennifer pulled Nicole away and left that Eric began shaking his head while smiling wryly. He had only made Nicole socialize with Jennifer to prevent the latter from fighting with Drew, but he never expected that this would be the outcome. He didn't think that Nicole had done this intentionally since it didn't benefit her.
After a while, he finally understood the cause of the unexpected friendship between the two women. It can only be said that this happened because the status of Jennifer and Nicole are too far apart. Nicole, who wants to retain her role as the female lead in Eric's new film, did her best to keep Jennifer happy by showering her with compliments.
As a result, Jennifer's strong defense against beautiful young women was easily destroyed and she quickly became very close with Nicole due to having few close friends. Eric decided that since Nicole had no plans to harm Jennifer, he would just let the two of them alone.
After experiencing so many things in one night, Eric felt a little tired. He didn't even have the strength to drive all the way to Beverly Hills, so he went straight to Virginia's tiny villa nearby for the night.
The next morning, Julia got up while feeling slightly groggy, scratched her hair and went into the bathroom to brush her teeth. As she looked at the foamy brush in her mouth, she suddenly realized that there were two more people in her apartment. After quickly freshening up, Julia walked into the living room.
The living room had turned into a mess. The bundle of A4 paper she had bought was scattered everywhere with a lot of messy things written and drawn on them. Elizabeth and Drew were still eagerly discussing something with great interest.
Julia picked up an A4 paper and looked at it. She didn't understand what was drawn on it. She casually asked, "Did you two get any sleep last night?"
Her voice finally caused the two girls to notice her presence as Drew looked up and said in amazement, "Oh, wow, the sky is bright."
Julia rolled her eyes and thought, 'I guess that answers my question.'
Drew deeply yawned and said to Elisabeth, "Liz, this is enough for now. I am going to sleep."
After that, she unceremoniously walked into Julia's bedroom, planning to sleep in Julia's large bed. Julia didn't mind, but she recalled something else and asked, "Drew, Eric told me that you had to go to school."
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A few sounds came from within the bedroom, seemingly Drew covered her head with a pillow.
Julia looked confused and asked Elisabeth, "What did she say?"
Elisabeth quickly wrote something on a piece of paper before she casually replied, "She said she has already taken the day off."
Julia looked at the direction of the bedroom before she looked back at Elisabeth and said, surprised, "Wow, that's amazing. How did you hear her?"
"I didn't; I just guessed."
While Julia stood there speechless, Elisabeth picked up a piece of paper and asked, "Julia, look, how about this for the name of our film company?"
"This is... what does it mean?" Julia looked at the two letters on the paper and asked, "T.G. Films?"
"T.G; it means Three Girls," Elisabeth replied.
"You... didn't sleep all night just to come up with this name?"
Elisabeth asked, "Of course not, we discussed a lot of things. Drew will take 30% equity, you will also take 30%, and I will take the remaining 40%. Is that fine?"
It's been less than a year since Julia became famous, so her mind was still on acting, not production, so she didn't have any opposition to Elisabeth's offer as she readily nodded before she asked, "Well, do you want breakfast?"
"No, I'm going to sleep," Elisabeth replied as she stood up and swayed into the bedroom. Julia followed her into the bedroom and saw Elisabeth and Drew sleeping on opposite sides of the bed. She pulled the curtains and covered the two with blankets before she returned to the living room and began to clean up the mess.
On this early morning, in this small apartment, the famous T.G. Films was born.
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