Novel Name : Runaway Guide

Chapter 76

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He’d known Klaire in two worlds, and every time he contacted him, he’d reply within seconds. This was the first time that he couldn’t get through even after a long time. Maybe he was busy right now? Xi Wei cut off Egret’s call for the time being, and sent Klaire a message: “Give me a call when you’re free, I need to talk to you about something.”
However, this message, like a stone thrown into the sea, received no response as well.
Klaire had been appointed to planet Rennes as the commander of the Glory Corp’s support troops, so it was expected for him to have a heavy task load. If the Glory Corps happened to be exchanging fire with the Federation at the front lines, when Marshal Rosen needed assistance, Klaire would have to be in position at all times. So if he didn’t get a message for a while, or he couldn’t get a signal, that was normal.
Everything could be explained, but the uneasiness in Xi Wei’s heart grew stronger and stronger. That unpleasant premonition was like a black cloud above his head, pressuring him until he couldn’t breathe. He almost didn’t close his eyes the whole of that night. He waited restlessly for Klaire’s reply, but at dawn, Egret’s communicator still hadn’t lit up.
Xi Wei finally couldn’t sit still anymore, and ran to see his father at once.
When he rushed to the hall of the palace where his father dealt with government affairs, he happened to run into a general who was coming out from inside. It was Klaire’s father, General Byron. This man was famous in the military for being silent and taciturn, and his face was usually expressionless. Today, however, his face seemed to carry a strange sadness and heaviness.
He looked at Xi Wei, and seemed to want to say something, but stopped and restrained himself, turned and left.
Xi Wei stared blankly after him, until His Majesty Trand’s voice came from inside. “Xi Wei, that’s you outside, right? Come in and talk.”
Xi Wei came back to himself and immediately turned, walking into the hall. He asked anxiously, “Father, did something happen to Klaire? How come I can’t reach him on the communicator?”
His Majesty Trand was silent for a moment, then came down from his throne. He said in a low voice, “The marshal’s sent Major General Klaire out on a secret mission. He might not be able to respond to you for a while, his communication’s been cut off. Don’t worry, nothing’s happened to him.”
“...Really?” Xi Wei said, a little unconvinced.
His Majesty Trand smiled and said, “I won’t lie to you. Many military missions have strict requirements of secrecy. Even I don’t know exactly what kind of mission Klaire is carrying out. It was the marshal who told me this news.”
When he heard this, Xi Wei finally felt a little at ease. But when he thought of the grave expression he’d seen on General Byron’s face just then, Xi Wei couldn’t help but say worriedly, “Just now, General Bryon’s expression wasn’t very good. Is Klaire’s mission dangerous?”
Trand was silent for a moment, then said, “Xi Wei, you care this much about him because you love him, right?”
Xi Wei turned his head away a little awkwardly, then said quietly, “Father, tell me the truth.”
Trand said, “It’s just like I told you, he’s gone to carry out a difficult mission. If he’s successful this time, he’ll have enough military merit to be promoted directly to lieutenant general.”
“What if he fails?” Xi Wei looked up and said.
Trand didn’t answer the question, and gently patted Xi Wei’s shoulder instead. “Have faith in him.”
His father’s equivocal answer only made Xi Wei’s mood more tangled. He knew, however, that there was actually nothing his father could do either. The imperial military was an independent system. The military never needed the royal family’s consent to issue missions. Klaire was a soldier, and a soldier’s greatest duty was to obey orders. If his superiors gave him a task, there was no way for him to refuse.
Xi Wei unhappily left his father’s hall.
After he returned to his room, Xi Wei had Egret try again to contact Bluestar. He knew that communications had been cut off and he wouldn’t be able to reach him, but he still faintly expected that blue star to jump out on the screen, twisting around and saying that ridiculous opening remark: “Egret, Egret, I really missed you, have you missed me lately?"
He’d always thought Bluestar was really annoying before, but now he actually kind of missed that dumbass mecha who always wanted to flirt with Egret, as well as...his owner.
“Owner, I still can’t reach him. Bluestary probably doesn’t have a signal over there at all.” Egret said softly, “I searched the internet for any messages from Major General Klaire, and couldn’t find any clues of the slightest use. It looks like what His Majesty said was true, and he’s been sent out by the marshal on a secret mission.”
“...” Xi Wei had to give up the idea of contacting Klaire. He sat on the sofa, frowning.
He could only do as his father said now, and trust that Klaire could come back safely.
Time flew by, and three months passed in the blink of an eye. The mark on the back of Xi Wei’s neck couldn’t be seen anymore, and the scent of Klaire’s pheromones had dispersed as well.
The effect of being temporarily marked by an alpha finally disappeared with the passage of time.
But Xi Wei was surprised to find that he still very much missed him.
For three months, there had been no news about Klaire. It was as if he’d disappeared from the face of the earth. Xi Wei had asked His Majesty Trand, asked Uncle Berg, and even went to Klaire’s house and asked Madam Grace…
But the answer was always the same: “Klaire’s out on his mission, and it’s uncertain when he’ll return.”
No matter how worried Xi Wei was, it wasn’t like he could fly Egret straight to the battlefield to look for him, could he? What’s more, he didn’t have a clue exactly which galaxy Klaire went to, and what task he was carrying out.
—Damn military confidentiality!
Xi Wei really hated that he couldn’t be a soldier due to his identity as an omega, because otherwise he’d be fighting side by side with Klaire!
That day, he finally reached the end of his patience, and ran out of the palace to find his good friend Aiden.
He hoped to get some news from Carlo. After all, he and Klaire had always had a good relationship, and they’d been roommates for four years at military school. What’s more, the Cobra Corps was currently grooming Carlo to be its successor, so maybe he knew something.
But to his regret, Carlo’s answer was the same as all the others: “I don’t know.”
Xi Wei’s expression grew worse and worse to look at. Aiden felt a little sympathetic, and clasped Xi Wei’s hand lightly and said, “Don’t worry too much, he’ll come back.”
Carlo echoed him. “That’s right, don’t worry, he’ll come back.”
Xi Wei felt helpless and could only change the topic. “You two are so harmonious, and you’ve got so much chemistry, are you going to get married soon?”
Carlo suddenly blushed, and awkwardly scratched his head. It was Aiden who smiled with a calm expression and said, “Yeah, we’re preparing to get married on Christmas Day. I want to get the certificate in the morning, and then both of our parents and our closest friends can gather for a meal, and that’ll be enough.”
Xi Wei looked at Carlo, amused. “Didn’t you say you wanted to hold a grand wedding for Aiden and then take him home?”
Carlo waved a hand hastily. “We’ll just do it the way Aiden likes it. He doesn’t like too much noise and excitement, so it’s fine if it’s a bit simpler.”
It was clear that their misunderstanding over the question of the wedding had long since disappeared. Xi Wei thought about it a bit and knew why; as long as Aiden gave a few sentences of explanation in a soft tone, Carlo would be turned around until he didn’t know which way was up. He had finally won Aiden over after a long pursuit, so he couldn’t expect everything to go his way, could he?
Seeing these two childhood friends of his finally properly get together, Xi Wei was happy for them. He patted their shoulders, smiled and said, “After you get married, you’ve got to be good to my Aiden. If you bully him, see if I don’t put you in your place!”
Carlo hurriedly raised a hand and swore, “I absolutely wouldn’t dare!”
Aiden smiled softly. Maybe his decision to be with Carlo had been a bit sudden, and he'd only felt a little affection for him, as well as feeling a little moved.
But he knew that Carlo truly loved him, and he could give him the peaceful, carefree life that Aiden wanted the most.
That was enough. Happiness was actually just that simple.
At Christmas, sure enough, Carlo and Aiden successfully got their certificate. Carlo was as happy as a child, and carried Aiden all the way home.
He remembered when he was little, he carried Aiden for the first time to the hospital. Then, when he was at school, he sneaked off to Ellen Academy and carried his beloved down the mountain. Now, he was bringing his wife back home. Carlo felt he had simply become a winner in life.
Aiden hadn’t really dressed up today, and was still wearing a simple shirt and pants like usual. But to Carlo’s eyes, his wife was completely dazzling! Carlo was itching to push him down on bed and eat him up clean…
But their parents were still waiting for them. Carlo could only restrain the thirst in his heart and take Aiden to the Royal Hotel for a meal, hand in hand.
Carlo had already reserved a private room. He had only invited both of their parents, his grandpa Aston, his uncle Drew, Drew’s wife Berg, and his friend Xi Wei.
Only the people present knew about the matter of Craig being Aiden’s father. As for how Craig and Randy had Aiden that year, Carlo’s elders tactfully didn’t ask.
The meal ended in a warm atmosphere.
General Drew said seriously, “Though there wasn’t a grand wedding, from today onwards, you two young men are officially husband and wife. In the future, you have to respect each other, and if you have a conflict you have to communicate before it's too late. Have a good life together.”
As he spoke, he looked at Berg beside him. Berg just smiled faintly and gave Aiden a bracelet as a gift.
Randy couldn’t feel at ease about his son. He stroked Aiden’s soft hair lightly and said reluctantly, “After you get married, you have to come home often to see me. When you have a baby in the future, if you don’t want to take care of him you can give him to me. It’ll be more lively with a few more children, you know?”
Aiden was helpless toward his dad’s train of thought that leaped all over the place. He nodded and said, “I know.”
Carlo was simply over the moon. He really wanted to kneel down to his father-in-law and say, “You’re so cool." Having a few more children was just what he was thinking!
Craig said with an expressionless face, “Be good to Aiden. If you dare to bully him, see if I don’t break your legs.”
Carlo felt a chill down his back. He smiled hurriedly and said, “Of course I won’t, I’m too busy doting on him.”
Xi Wei also gave his two friends a gift. It was a pair of beautiful pillows. Aiden took them happily.
After attending his friends’ simple wedding party, Xi Wei flew Egret back to the palace. As soon as he got there, Caesar met him excitedly and said, “Brother, let me tell you some good news. I got an acceptance letter from St. Romia Military Academy!”
He had a letter printed on fine paper in his hands, and on it was the crest of the best military school in the empire.
“I got a full score.” Caesar said happily.
Xi Wei patted his little brother’s shoulder, smiled and said, “Not bad, good for you!”
His Majesty held a little party for Caesar in celebration in the queen’s chambers. The family celebrated happily.
Although he was still full from eating with Aiden, when he saw how excited his little brother was, Xi Wei ate some fruit to keep him company.
Caesar had finally grown up. After this New Year passed, he’d go to military school as a cadet and officially begin his studies. Xi Wei believed that the environment of St. Romia Military Academy would be enough to make his little brother complete his transformation.
After they finished eating, Caesar went back first. Xi Wei went to the queen’s room, wanting to talk with her, but was surprised to find her hiding there, secretly wiping away her tears.
“Mother, what’s wrong?” Xi Wei asked in confusion, “You were fine just now, how come you’re suddenly crying?”
Queen Anna hurriedly wiped away her tears, and forcing herself to smile, said, “It’s nothing, Caesar got into military school, I’m...I’m just too happy.”
However, Xi Wei saw with sharp eyes the photo that his mother had just taken out from a drawer—it was of Klaire when he had just gotten into military school, posing with Carlo at the school entrance dressed in military uniform.
For a long time, the media called these two alphas who got into military school at sixteen once-in-a-century child prodigies, and they occupied the headlines of every major newspaper in the empire. But that was many years ago, and that story had long since been drowned out by other news.
Xi Wei looked at the picture of Klaire when he was young and high-spirited, and sorrow suddenly gripped his heart. He couldn’t help but ask, “Mother, just where is Klaire? Do you know something? Please, can you tell me the truth?”
The rims of Queen Anna’s eyes reddened once again. She was silent for a long moment, then hugged Xi Wei tightly, and said, choked-up, “Xi Wei, I’m sorry...I’m really sorry... Klaire, he...he actually went missing three months ago, when he went out on his mission. The military’s been searching for him, but they couldn’t find him… The marshal said that he might already be...already be entombed in the Iswell galaxy… Your father was afraid you’d be upset, so he gave orders for everyone to keep it from you…”
By the time she finished talking, Queen Anna’s face was covered in tears.
Xi Wei listened blankly. At that moment, he suddenly felt as if his head had been smashed in by a heavy hammer. He'd finally experienced the thing called a bolt from the blue, the thing called shocking bad news, personally at this moment.
So it turned out to be like that.
No wonder his father’s replies were always so equivocal, no wonder his uncle always avoided questions about Klaire, no wonder the expression he saw on General Byron’s face that day was so heavy…
He couldn’t get in contact with Bluestar’s communicator for such a long time. He actually should’ve guessed it long ago.
When he thought about how that man might already be entombed in the vast universe, his heart suddenly spasmed convulsively. He clenched his fists so tightly that his fingernails pierced his palms and drew blood, but he didn’t notice.
It was December 24th of the year 798 on the universal calendar, Christmas Eve.
Carlo and Aiden had gotten their marriage certificate and successfully gotten married, and Caesar had received an acceptance letter from St. Romia Military Academy.
Xi Wei had gone to his friends’ wedding party, and he’d gone to his little brother’s celebration party…
And then he’d actually heard news of Klaire meeting with disaster.
In this one night, he’d tasted both the joys and sorrows of life. He thought that once he’d acted out many tragic scripts, and he’d cried bitter, heartrending tears over the family members and friends in the scripts. But when this moment truly came, he found that the heaviest sorrow came with no tears.
Because he couldn’t cry them out anymore.
5 hours and 23 minutes for 2,796 words, or 11.6 minutes for every 100 words. An increase in rate by 1.4 minutes.
This chapter was pretty heavy, huh... Some of you got this exactly right. I, on the other hand, was blindsided. I actually never see plot twists coming 😅😂😭
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