Novel Name : Dating the Strongest Boss

Chapter 100 - Old Spirit Manor

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Chapter 100 - Old Spirit Manor

With the old woman’s guidance, Du Chonghua continued to lead the team, occasionally looking at the map on his phone.
Because of the bumpy mountain road and the various sized mud pits on the ground, it was practically impossible to drive. The group had walked for over an hour now.
They were originally all pampered internet celebrities, the kind who have never suffered much. After only walking a bit, they were already panting, utterly miserable.
Finally, the luscious golden waved Annie couldn’t bear it anymore, and complained, “Let’s take a break! My legs hurt so much!”
The girl with long, straight black hair beside her also nodded, took a deep breath, and echoed, “I’m tired too.”
Du Chonghua could be considered as the captain of this team, the core figure of the whole squad; Basically, everyone obeyed his arrangements, so they all glanced at him at this moment.
Du Chonghua frowned, feeling unhappy in his heart, especially when he felt like it was getting dark, and the trip was still reaching far into the indefinite future, making him feel an increased amount of dissatisfaction.
However, he was donning the persona of a caring older brother, so in order not to collapse his character, Du Chonghua suppressed his temper and said in a muffled and cold voice, “Then let’s take a ten-minute break first.”
As soon as his voice fell, Annie, the straight black haired girl named Su Lele, and Wang Xueke who was dressed in a JK uniform, all immediately held their phones and started excitedly snapping photos of themselves with the background scenery.
Together, they posed in various ways, interacting with their audience in a frail and contrived manner, displaying just how difficult it’s been for them.
“Xiao Chen,” Du Chonghua called towards the back of the group, “give me a bottle of water.”
This assistant was hired by him, mainly because they had too much luggage for the trip, and needed someone to carry them. They also needed someone to do the physical labor, and be the first to charge in dangerous situations.
In the end, he was just a tool man.
Du Chonghua had never seen Xiao Chen’s face without the mask. When he applied for the job, Xiao Chen claimed that he had disfigured his face and that taking it off would scare people. In order not to affect the live broadcast and scare away his fans, Du Chonghua let him wear the mask all the time, without a second of it off, so he has never seen Xiao Chen’s real appearance.
When Xiao Chen heard his words, his phoenix eyes twitched, and he smiled behind the mask without saying a word.
He put down the bags in his hands, then took off the backpack he was carrying to place it on a generally clean area of land beside him. Taking out a few bottles of water inside, he distributed each bottle to everyone one by one.
When all was said and done, he was aware that his role in the team was to be a tool man.
Although Xiao Chen endured many hardships and worked very hard, not even making a peep in the process, maybe because of the initial impressions engraved in their hearts, but in the eyes of the girls of the group, Xiao Chen was just a country bumpkin, a poor ghost, an ugly monster. It wasn’t worth mentioning how much they disdained him, coldly treated him; They weren’t even on the same level.
As soon as they saw him coming to deliver water, the disdain in their eyes deepened, as if they were afraid of touching him and getting their hands dirty.
Especially Annie, who had a princess complex; When she saw Xiao Chen approaching, she started screeching, her voice piercing and sharp. She took a few steps back and shouted loudly, “You hideous monster! Stay away from me.”
The voice wasn’t polite in the slightest, very blunt and hostile.
Xiao Chen’s hand that reached out with the water paused, his phoenix eyes dangerously narrowing.
Then he let out a sneer that the people around him couldn’t see.
At the same time, the live broadcast room brilliantly exploded.
[Do You Want Medicine: Is this still our Fairy Annie? Treating the little assistant with this kind of attitude?
Little Cutie Please Praise Me: Hehe, it’s really like Fairy Annie, to treat people so differently.
Peppa Pig: If you don’t accept that, let’s fight. Our Annie is a sheltered noble lady, she’s bound to be a little more sensitive than others. If you don’t like to see it, you can get out. I have no words.
Mirror Mirror: Wow, I took a screenshot when she screamed just now, her expression really was too ferocious, just like a mouse.]
Annie saw that Xiao Chen didn’t leave because of her dislike, but instead stood where he was. Already very uncomfortable, she once again glanced over the comments, and her anger burst through the roof. Originally squatting on the ground to rest, she shot up to stand with a ‘bang’, as if having an urge to violently throw hands with Xiao Chen.
Maybe in her heart she felt that it was impossible for a person like Xiao Chen to fight back against her.
Du Chonghua’s brows skipped, internally thinking &#k2018;not good’, and planned to intervene, but before he could make any moves, he froze on the spot.
It was unknown what was going on, but as Annie stood up straight and was about to take a step, she suddenly staggered, as if her shoulders were being crushed by something. With a very hard push, she slammed face first into the ground like a dog eating sh*t, directly into a mud pit, splashing muddy water all over the place.
Not just her face and hair, her clothes were also covered with mud. She even tripped onto a small sharp stone which half-embedded into the flesh of her knee, causing her to bleed.
She hugged her leg and groaned in pain, disregarding how sorry of a figure her beautiful girl image seemed now. Her carefully maintained expressions very clearly disappeared off her face, and the agonizing pain almost caused her to faint.
Although this scene did make people feel a little worried, Annie’s falling posture was way too funny. The rest of the groups’ live broadcast rooms happened to record this scene, thus another round of discussion was sparked.
[Strawberry Jam: Hahahaha, although it looks very distressing, the way she fell is really funny!
Martin Boots: Damn, really ugly, also looks so dirty.
Big Red Gown Lala: Hurry up and take a screenshot! Let us record this beautiful moment, now there’s another piece of blackmail material for the future.
Teddy Bear: To be honest, I really don’t like Annie. She doesn’t treat people politely at all, and always has an arrogant look.
Spongebob Squarepants: Did I see wrong…is Annie’s nose crooked?
Maple Leaf’s Red: A plastic surgery operation has been confirmed!
Black Cat White Cat: What! Is it not just tripping onto a small stone? Is it necessary to be pained to this point?]
“Ahhhhh, it hurts so much! Ah ah ah—-” Annie didn’t care about the muddy floor and started rolling about, seeming to be in a miserable state.
Everyone else at the scene showed impatience, thinking Annie was being way too hypocritical.
How could it be that painful?
In actuality, it really was that painful.
With Xiao Chen’s face covered by the mask, the corners of his mouth silently curled up, eyes filled with coldness and indifference.
Annie’s pain sensitivity was magnified at least twenty times, so this kind of pain would make her feel like her bones were shattered, similar to being fractured.
But in the eyes of others, Annie just nicked her knee and she still screamed; definitely had a princess complex, throwing a hissy fit like this.
In order to show the friendship between group members, Su Lele stepped forward.
Suppressing her disdain, she planned to help Annie get up.
When Annie saw her walking over with her phone in hand, camera pointed directly at her face, she was instantly filled with anger, feeling like the other was just coming over to humiliate her.
The next second, she grabbed onto Su Lele’s ankle, and Su Lele was directly pulled into the mud pit.
Luckily, Su Lele reacted relatively quickly, using her hands to support herself, and didn’t fall too tragically.
But her clothes still got dirty, and her phone was smashed to the point where the entire screen was cracked, the screen edges looking like lace.
Su Lele’s face turned black in an instant. After all, she was not a fuel-efficient lamp. She didn’t care whether or not she was live broadcasting anymore, she exacted her revenge and expressed her anger by directly kicking Annie hard several times before stomping on her face.
Annie’s originally damaged face was destroyed even more after Su Lele’s torment; now not only was her nose crooked, but her eyelids also collapsed.
Coupled with how dirty she looked, she seemed exactly like a putrid smelling rat found in the underground tunnels.
Su Lele sneered, stood up, and patted off the mud on her body. Without turning her head, she walked to the back of the camera to tidy up her clothes.
[Flamingo: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Little Zhao Little Zhao: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha.
Champagne Rose: Hahahahaha, although it’s not very kind, I still laughed.
My Idol Is Number One In The World: It feels inexplicably invigorating watching those stomps!
Witch Nana: Hahahaha, don’t stop, please keep going. She did what I always wanted to do.]
For a moment, the scene was extremely chaotic.
In the end, it was Du Chonghua who stood up and smoothed things over, strongly enduring his discomfort to help Annie up and calming down everyones’ emotions.
During the whole process, no one’s attention fell on Xiao Chen, practically everyone forgot that the beginning of the entire incident was because Annie wanted to throw hands with Xiao Chen.
Xiao Chen silently stood in the corner, fingers gently stroking the pendant around his neck.
The corners of his mouth curled up, but his eyes still appeared gentle and kind.
Annie was so dirty that she couldn’t wash off all the mud even after using several bottles of mineral water. In order to preserve water, just in case there might be something else that had to be washed later, Du Chonghua ordered her to stop washing. Annie broke down again and quarreled with him.
Roaring at Du Chonghua while weeping, it really was embarrassing.
This was the biggest failure she had experienced since live broadcasting for so long, and she didn’t have the nerves to read the comments of her fans on her phone.
Thinking of this, she glared viciously at the expressionless Su Lele and the silent Xiao Chen, her murderous intent tangible even on the audience’s side of the broadcasting screen.
Go to hell!
Annie looked fiercely at the surrounding people who just stood by spectating, gritting her teeth.
It’s all your guys’ fault!!
Why did they record her in such a miserable state?
They’re all looking at her as if she’s a joke, damn it!
It was only when Annie picked up her phone and closed the live broadcast that she saw her face clearly.
The nose was sunken, the eyelids were drooping, and the shape of her mouth was crooked!
“AHHHHHHHH!” Annie crazily smashed her phone into the ground, completely unable to accept reality.
The whole world knows!
Everyone saw it!
Ah ah ah ah ah!
[Blue: I’m gonna puke! You look like this, yet still have the face to call others an ugly monster! A hideous appearance with a vicious heart!
Ball Race: The fans turned black, and Laozi’s leaving. Let’s just treat the money I spent before as a pile of nothing.
The Towel Family: Can’t take it anymore, it hurts my eyes just to take another glance.]
At last, it was still Du Chonghua who couldn’t bear it, and asked Xiao Chen for a new mask before handing it to Annie.
Annie put on the mask while clenching her jaw.
The things she has suffered today will definitely be returned by a hundred, no, a thousand times!
The farce finally came to an end, and the sky soon darkened.
Fortunately they’ve done some preparation beforehand; the food, water, and tents for camping were all brought along, so that they wouldn’t be left out in the wilderness.
After the live broadcasts closed, all the faces of the people who were smiling and participating enthusiastically before immediately shutted down, expressions crumbling. They didn’t bother pretending to be in a good mood.
What little death squad, what teammate friendships? It was all bullsh*t, in essence it was just mutual benefits and reciprocity, brushing up from each others’ hype, and gaining more fans.
Du Chonghua, who had been holding back his rage all this time, was close to slapping Annie’s face after closing the live broadcast.Not competent to succeed but still had enough competence to fail.
All things considered, Annie was now isolated and ignored by everyone.
Her face was ruined, yet she still dreamed of counter-attacking?
As soon as this trip was over, the woman would be kicked out of the team.
Just wait for her popularity to diminish first.
Everyone harbored ulterior motives.
As soon as Xiao Chen stepped into his one-person tent, without even having the time to lie down and rest, someone grabbed his waist from behind. Taking advantage of his unpreparedness, that certain someone bound him tightly to himself, almost crushing him to death.
The man buried his face and rubbed his chin on the side of Xiao Chen’s neck, movements gentle and lingering, with a hint of teasing, and said dotingly, “Baby, miss me?”
Xiao Chen paused, then used his elbow to jab at the man and loosen his grip. He turned around in the man’s arms, and silently looked at the gray eyes in the darkness.
The man smiled, and stretched out his hand to take off the mask that covered Xiao Chen’s face. Looking at the soft and delicate facial features, the man licked his lips, then without a word took the initiative to move close, nibbling and biting.
Xiao Chen stretched out his hand, hooked the man’s neck, and catered to him.
They’re an old couple, with flirting and the like, they weren’t shy at all.
It was unknown how long the kiss lasted before the man reluctantly ended the kiss. The distance between each others’ faces was only two centimeters, and they looked at each other quietly.
Xiao Chen snorted coldly, “Now you’ve finally decided to come look for me. I came to this world so early, what were you doing?”
Ding Hezhi kissed the youth’s eyebrows, rubbing his hands dishonestly against Xiao Chen’s lower waist, “I was wrong, forgive me, en?”
Xiao Chen was amused by this man’s expression, before slapping him across the face. “Where have you learned to be cute, it’s shameful to be this cute.”
A big fat 100 with two large goose egg zeros hehehe, glad the efforts of all us translators combined could reach this milestone!
How’s your day been? Have another cookie
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