Novel Name : PUBG Online Romance of the Century

Chapter 59 - What position do you want to see, I'll do it for you?

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Chapter 59 - What position do you want to see, I’ll do it for you?

Edited by Noks
Yu Yan picked up two S686s as soon as he landed on the ground. However, even after turning over two houses, he still couldn’t find any other guns. He just gave up and ran directly in the direction of footsteps, which sounded not far away.
Yi Ran and his Ge jumped together. Yi Ran had originally wanted to pick on Yi Chen for being a novice, but Yi Chen managed to search the house faster than he did, seizing the chance to monopolize this unoccupied house.
He hadn’t expected that his Ge, who hadn’t learned much else, was lightning fast in picking up things.
Yi Chen jumped into the house and picked up the gun first, while Yi Ran followed closely… and picked up the bullets.
Yi Ran whined, “Ge……”
Yi Chen didn’t say anything, but his game character suddenly turned around and raised his gun at him.
Although he clearly knew it was unloaded, Yi Ran still felt scared.
Couldn’t provoke, couldn’t provoke.
He dropped the bullets on the ground. “I’ll go, can I go?”
Yi Chen ignored him, picked up the bullets, and loaded them. Yi Ran quickly slipped away during this time, out of fear that his Ge would continue to hold a grudge against him and launch two shots at him with a bang.
Yi Chen had picked up an Uzi, and while he didn’t really know how to use assault rifles, it was still better than nothing. It could also be used as decoration to scare people.
His total game time was less than 50 hours; it was already considered pretty good that he knew how to snipe and take headshots.
Yu Yan carried two sprayers and cleared out the two enemies in the nearby house.
He looted an AKM from them, opened the map, and hesitated for a moment. He didn’t know where to go.
He really wanted to go over to 1, but… he was too embarrassed.
For him, the events of the evening of the classmate reunion were basically a complete blank.
He only knew the result.
Not only did 1 leave early in the morning, but he also concealed the incident afterwards… he hadn’t even wanted the hotel fees returned.
This behavior was very strange. Although he didn’t have much experience in meeting online friends, and if he pondered on it, even if he didn’t know much about them, but one thing was for sure— 1 definitely wasn’t like them.
There was only one possibility—that something had happened that night. But Yu Yan didn’t drink much and had no experience in being drunk, thus he didn’t know what he would be like when he was drunk. Was his drunken state particularly bad, like did he talk carelessly, or kick up a fuss?
The only thing that he could remember was that he had clutched onto the toilet…
When he recalled that memory, he couldn’t help but feel flustered as a sense of shame spread over his face.
…he couldn’t have thrown up on 1?
The more he thought, the more disastrous he felt the situation was, and so Yu Yan’s character ended up standing in the same place for a long time.
He was afraid he would never want to drink again in the future.
[Why are you standing there and not moving, did I freeze? 111]
[111 He’s not moving on my side either.]
[Didn’t freeze, Xiao Yan’s in a daze again…]
Yi Ran ran to the house next door and finally found a handgun. “Ge, do you have any extra guns there ah?”
“No,” Yi Chen replied.
“Then will you give me the Uzi? Anyways, you don’t know how to use an assault rifle,” Yi Ran said, “I’ll trade a handgun with you for it.”
Yi Chen’s tone was light as he replied, “You can trade for it with your life.”
Yi Ran shut up.
A gunshot sounded, which caused Yu Yan to return to his senses. He quickly identified the type of gun and quickly rushed over to the source of the sound without thinking twice.
“Don’t go.” No. 2 was close to his position on the road, and when he saw that he was heading over there, he immediately reported, “There’s a team over there, with four people.”
“There should only be two left, I just killed a few people. It’s fine, I’ll go over and assassinate them, then come back.”
No. 2 had just seen him go up against three people on his own and win, and so had already regarded him as the only hope he had of eating chicken this game. Of course, he couldn’t let him go alone, so followed him decisively.
Yu Yan easily found that the sound had originated from behind the shelter on the roof of a building.
He was just about to go around and bet big when he saw his teammates approach from the opposite side of the road. At the same time, the enemies hiding in the building on the other side of the road also saw the people on the road and immediately stuck their head out to open a scope.
Yu Yan seized the opportunity and raised his gun to shoot.
However, he was too far from them. Ten shots only managed to produce one spurt of green blood, and the enemy immediately shrank back behind the shelter after being shot.
“No. 1, you get to the roof, and I’ll fight him,” said No. 2 as he ran to Yu Yan.
“Alright.” Yu Yan quickly got to the back door of the building and took off his shoes to slightly cover up the sound of his footsteps.
He knew that if he didn’t hurry, the other party’s teammates may arrive at this location. He didn’t have a complete set of gun accessories yet, so if they fought, he might not have the advantage. Yu Yan rushed to the top floor, plastered himself by a window, and waited for the other party to stick their head out again.
The two sides remained in a standoff for half a minute, until the other side finally couldn’t endure anymore. However, he didn’t come out to meet No. 2, but instead turned to run away.
Yu Yan saw a 98K on his back, gleaming in the light.
He frowned, flipped down through the window, and rushed directly into the neighboring house, just in time to hear the footsteps of the other party hurrying downstairs.
His footsteps had already betrayed his position. Yu Yan crouched and was about to go up when he heard the sound of a door opening suddenly. He was stunned and quickly turned around to shoot!
Sure enough, there were also enemy teammates in this house. They had been hiding in the house the whole time, without making any sound at all. By the time he knocked down the person in front of him to him, the enemies who were upstairs and downstairs had started shooting at him.
Yi Ran felt as though he was celebrating the New Year, with the sound of gunfire sounding like firecrackers from far away.
He saw that Yu Yan’s health kept decreasing until there was just a sliver of red left in his health bar, while the sound of gunfire kept continuing. The whole situation made him nervous——
[yanxyan knocked down H3391 with an AKM]
[yanxyan eliminated H3392 with an AKM]
After killing these two people, Yu Yan only had a sliver of health left. He let out a breath and was about to start healing himself when he heard the footsteps of teammate No. 2.
He simply stopped the healing action, instead turning around and running to a box, from which he quickly looted the 98K and a 6x scope.
At this time, the person who had already been eliminated couldn’t help but turn on the open mic and ask him, “Da Ge, I had already run away, and I’ve admitted I’m a wuss, so why did you still fucking come after me? We were two people, couldn’t you have waited for your teammates to come and leave me some face?”
This person had an accent that sounded particularly funny. The corners of Yu Yan’s mouth finally curled a bit, and he tossed out the sentence, “The precious stone lands its innocent possessor in jail.”
That person: “…”
By the time No. 2 arrived, Yu Yan had already looted everything and left.
Yi Chen had already finished searching through the rooms at this time and was about to change directions so as to continue searching when he saw the yellow dot, which indicated No. 1’s position, bobbing and weaving, running towards him.
He raised his eyebrows and stopped.
The two of them met in a small alley between two buildings.
Yu Yan had just been ready to come forward, but stopped after clearly seeing all the equipment 1 carried.
He saw that the other party was holding a SCAR-L in his hands, and that there was a shiny M24 on his back, which was even equipped with a 8x scope.
As soon as Yi Chen was about to come forward, the person in front of him suddenly turned his head to run away.
“You wait.” Yi Chen stopped him.
Yu Yan stopped and went: “…?”
Yi Chen said, “Toss me the 98k.”
Yu Yan was stunned. “Don’t you have an M24?”
M24 used to be a trash shotgun, but was later modified to become one of the best guns in the map. Because of its high hit rate, it had already replaced the 98k from its leading position as the map’s sniper gun.
“I want the one on your back.” Yi Chen paused and asked, “Didn’t you run over here just to give it to me?”
He said it matter-of-factly — the doors here had all been opened, and there were no gunshots in this neighborhood, so there was no other reason for the little anchor to run here.
And the other party’s route clearly showed that he came to find him.
Yu Yan had originally planned to toss the gun down diligently and then leave, but his plans were unexpectedly punctured in such a manner.
“…an M24 is better than a 98K,” he explained, fearing that the other side didn’t understand. “You just use that ba.”
Just as he finished saying that, there was a deng sound, and an M24 appeared in front of him.
Yi Chen dropped his gun and urged him.
“Take it off quickly, give it to me.”
[AHHHH my god, I love this social anchor, I’m about to ascend right now!!!]
[I am unilaterally announcing that this would be the best golden sentence for the sixth chapter of Little Anchor x Big Boss!!]
Yu Yan originally hadn’t had any skewed thoughts, but after seeing these lines in the barrage, his heart started beating against his skin so hard, and he became so nervous that he couldn’t even stutter out a single syllable for a long time.
He quickly tossed the 98K and turned to run.
Yi Chen stared at his back and couldn’t help laughing. “Come back, pick up the M24.”
The person paused, turned around again, picked up the gun, and turned around to run away again.
Yi Chen loaded the 98K and followed him.
He would go wherever the little anchor went.
He followed him for about four houses ba. Yu Yan finally couldn’t help it and asked, “You… What else do you need, I’ll give it to you ba. First aid kit, expansion clip… Do you have a grip?”
Yi Chen replied unhurriedly, “Not lacking those.”
“Then search here.” Yu Yan said, “I’ll go to the end of the city.”
“No, I’ll go with you.” Yi Chen’s tone was teasing, and what he said was, “With all the gunshots just now, I’m a little afraid.”
Yi Ran thought that something was wrong with his ears. He never thought that he would one day hear the word “afraid” come out of his Ge’s mouth.
Yu Yan fell mute and could only say, “…then you follow ba.”
Five minutes later, the map shrank, and they had to outrun the poison circle.
All of a sudden, the stream followers realized that these people, who had fought so hard and rushed to the other side of the map, were now fearful while running from the poison circle.
“We’ll run along the circle ah?” Yi Ran asked, “Directly drive to Georgopol bei?”
Yu Yan said, “There are too many people there.”
He opened the map and picked out a fairly good house located in the wild area. “Go there ba?”
No. 2 suggested, “I think the circle must be at Georgopol, are you three a group? Then those two are novices ba? No. 1, how about we let them hide while we go to Georgopol to kill people?”
Yu Yan had also originally wanted to go to Georgopol, but the person behind him was a man of his word, and he had been following him since they had swapped guns.
He wasn’t that skilled that he could attend to other people while fighting in the semi-final circle.
“Just go to this wild area ba.” Yu Yan said, “Wuss out a little to eat chicken steadily this match.”
Yu Yan was as good as his word and in this match, before the circle shrunk, by relying on the mountain being the highest point, they managed to kill two teams in succession from the shelter of the mountain and successfully ate chicken.
As he played all night, for most of the time, Yu Yan had been followed by a shadow full of a sense of presence.
With great effort, he managed to get tossed about until the end of the stream, so Yu Yan let out a heavy breath when he turned off the livestream.
He sat in his chair, opened his cellphone notes, found the note where he had written down the fees of the hotel, and transferred that amount to 1.
He neither received a reply after a long time nor did he get a transfer confirmation notice. Yu Yan felt that it was very painful to just wait like this, so he simply threw his cell phone to the head of the bed and went to the bathroom to take a bath.
Lukewarm water fell onto his hair and then down to his feet. Yu Yan spent a while washing his hair as wild conjectures and fantasies spun around in his head.
1 probably felt that he was troublesome ba.
Obviously, he couldn’t drink, but he still got drunk. His drunken state must not have been very good either, After he got drunk, he spoke carelessly and went crazy, throwing up everywhere nonstop.
He remembered his drunken appearance and was filled with remorse, along with a sense of frustration that made him regret ever being born.
It was too terrible.
Lying back in bed, he picked up his cellphone and looked at it. 1 still hadn’t replied to him, and the transfer still hadn’t been accepted.
On the other hand, a message from Yi Ran had arrived first.
Yi Ran: Xiao Yan, continue tomorrow?
Yu Yan replied with an “okay,” and Yi Ran’s profile picture suddenly changed into a selfie.
He clicked and looked at it. The young man in the selfie had big eyebrows and big eyes, had carelessly crossed his legs, and appeared especially sunny.
Yu Yan stared at him for a long time, thinking that since 1 and Yi Ran were bros, then would they look like each other?
He had to say that after learning it had been 1 who had helped him at the night of that reunion, he felt that the most difficult thing was that he was already so miserable, but he had also even completely forgotten 1’s appearance.
The more he thought about it, the less satisfied he became.
After a while, Yu Yan took a deep breath.
If he was so fixated on him, he should at least know exactly who he was fixated on.
Yu Yan: Yi Ran, do you have a picture of 1?
Yi Ran was stunned. It’s the middle of the night, why does sister-in-law want his Ge’s picture now….
Oh, fuck, wait——
Long night, separated and apart, what else could he want it for?!
Yi Ran, who was given a start, typed quickly: Yes, yes, yes, you wait.
This interest—he understood, he understood too well.
Yi Ran quickly switched to his Ge’s WeChat and sent him a message directly.
Yi Ran: Ge, do you have any selfies over there ah?
Knowing that if he only asked like this, Yi Chen probably wouldn’t answer, so Yi Ran thought about it and then sent another sentence.
Yi Ran: Sister-in-law asked me for it, he’s probably shy, too embarrassed to ask you yourself [dog head]
Yi Chen, who had just come out of the bath, picked up his cell phone, squinted, and read all the messages he had received.
Yu Yan lay on the bed holding his cellphone, staring at the ceiling as he quietly waited for Yi Ran to send the photo, hoping to recall the details of that night after seeing the photo.
His cellphone vibrated, and he picked it up quickly——
[1 has sent you a video-call request]
This was to let him see the cat ma?
In normal times, Yu Yan would have picked up without even thinking about it, but what he had discovered today had left a huge impact on him, and he still hadn’t figured out how to talk about it.
One minute later, the video call automatically hung up. He had just breathed a sigh of relief when the other party video-called again.
After several times of this back and forth video-calling, Yu Yan knew that he would not be able to hide tonight. He gritted his teeth and when the fifth video-call request came over, clicked to pick it up.
Anyway, he couldn’t hide forever.
The video interface jumped out, and he looked at it, and upon seeing the scene on the screen, immediately forgot the mental draft that he had just hastily typed up——
There were no cats in today’s video.
Only 1.
Just… complete and whole, a 1 with nose and eyes.
The man’s eyebrows and eyes were deep, the contours of his face clear, his nose and lips thin. He looked fiercer than ordinary people. At this time, he was lying on the big chair in a lazy manner, and because he had called just after a bath, he still had some droplets of water on his chin, and from the depths of his eyes emerged an unknowable feeling.
He just gazed at Yu Yan in that way through the screen.
Yu Yan’s face was red, and his heart was pounding. He couldn’t speak for a long time.
It was that man—the one in the black hoodie who had been sitting in the neighboring booth in Ginza.
After a while, he found his voice. He swallowed and said in a hoarse voice, “You… How…”
“What’s the point in looking at a picture?” Yi Chen interrupted him and raised his eyebrows. “What position do you want to see, I’ll do it for you?”

The author has something to say:
Yu Xiao Yan (blushing): I, I want….

Juurensha: Eeeee, Yanyan finally got to see (and remember) 1’s face! And wow Boss Yi, you sound like a camboy hahaha (only for Yanyan we know 😉
Noks: I swear, Yi Ran is the best! And a Yi Chen who teases Yanyan… that one is the absolute best!
Please check out and support the raws if you can!
And you guys can buy the published version here! Shipping was both cheap and fast!
And there’s an audio drama for PUBG that came out! It’s more condensed than the novel, but it’s fun!
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